View Full Version : Mom of Killed U.S.S. Cole Sailor Has Misgivings About Voting For Obama

30 cal slut
02-10-09, 11:33


Obama Rebuked By Terror Victim's Mother
Cole Sailor’s Mom Said Was Mistake To Vote For President
By Michael P. Tremoglie, The Bulletin
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

President Barack Obama is taking flak from the mother of a USS Cole sailor for his decision to suspend the trial of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. Her son perished with 16 other sailors on Oct. 12, 2000 after an al-Qaida suicide attack crippled the American destroyer.

Mr. al-Nashiri stood charged with planning and organizing the attack.

During a Feb. 6 interview, on the FOX News Channel, Diane McDaniels, the mother of Navy seaman James McDaniels, said she declined an invitation to meet with the president earlier that day. She said she, as well as her daughters, and “everyone else” was “totally upset” with Mr. Obama for dropping the charges against Mr. al-Nashiri.

“I voted for him. Now I think I made the wrong decision,” Mrs. McDaniels told FOX News. “There’s nothing he can say to make me feel differently. He may be the president but he’s wrong.

“My son was blown up along with 16 others. I buried body parts for three years,” she said. “I’m still suffering and now he’s withdrawn the charges?”

She also said the invitation to go to the White House was given to her only the night before it was scheduled. She was going to go at first, and then, she changed her mind after thinking about it. She had become disillusioned with the president.

“He is only been in office a month,” she said. “[Is] this is what he’s doing?”

She told Fox News that it also not matter to her that Mr. al-Nashiri might be tried at a later date. She said she does not think there is any legitimate reason to delay the trial.

Mrs. McDaniels said one of her daughters commented that Mr. Obama should be impeached.

Her sentiments are shared by the family of another Cole crew member.

Gary Swenchonis, whose son, Gary Jr., was also killed in the Cole bombing, also turned down an invitation from the White House to meet with Mr. Obama just as Mrs. McDaniels did.

Mr. Swenchonis posted an entry to the blog, terrorismpoliticians, on Feb.6, to explain his reasons for declining to meet with Mr. Obama.

He described the circumstances surrounding his learning of the dropping of the charges against Mr. al-Nashiri. At the time, he had been returning from getting a passport on Feb. 5, so his daughter could attend the al-Nashiri court session at Guantanamo. He then received a call from a presidential aide asking him to attend a meeting at the White House the next day so Mr. Obama would explain his actions.

He told the aide, “It was on a short notice and that we would not be attending.”

“The trials of our son’s killers have become a political weapon that the liberals are using to get back at the past Bush administration, and the Republican Party,” he said. “While the victims murders go unanswered, and the feelings of their families are taken on an emotional roller coaster ride.

“Myself and a good majority of Americans are wondering how can the Military Commissions Tribunals which were approved by congresscan be overturned a by a President who does not agree with them. That’s not a democracy. That’s more like how President Saleh in Yemen acted after our son’s killers were tried in their courts. Saleh intervened for the killers and al-Qaida and then reduced their sentences, and pardoned others.”

Mr. Obama’s order froze all Guantanamo detainee legal cases pending a three-month review as the Obama administration decides if and where to prosecute the suspects who are held there. Mr. Swenchonis said he wrote a letter to Mr. Obama the previous week after learning of the order “pleading with him to change his mind.”

He ended his blog posting with, “I just read where the White House speaker for Obama stated “‘The president is interested in swift justice.’ Eight friking long years to bring one of the terrorists to trial to only have the charges dismissed on the terrorist! And that’s Obama’s idea of swift justice? Oh please!”

The McDaniels and Swenchonis families are not the only ones angered by Mr. Obama’s hastily issued executive order.

When the order was issued Jan. 22, relatives and friends of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and families of those killed in action in Iraq were outraged.

Debbie Lee whose son, Marc Allen Lee, was killed in action in Iraq issued a written statement in which she said, This is a dangerous plan that makes the anti-military Code Pink crowd happy and maybe even some of our weak-kneed European allies, but it is at the cost of Americans’ safety and national security. Not to mention, it demoralizes our troops who are risking their lives capturing these murderous killers.”

Joe Holland, whose son was killed Sept. 11, 2001 said, “We demand that this camp stay open and that the (military commission trials) continue. Right here, right now, this is a good process; they are getting a fair trial.”

To read the entire Swenchonis’ blog post go to http://terrorismpolitician.blogspot.com/2009/02/why-we-chose-not-to-meet-with-president.html

Michael P. Tremoglie can be contacted at mtremoglie@thebulletin.us

02-10-09, 11:41

02-10-09, 11:54
Ya think?

02-10-09, 12:34
Many that voted for him will be disappointed. :(

02-10-09, 13:00

02-10-09, 13:07
“I voted for him. Now I think I made the wrong decision,” Mrs. McDaniels told FOX News.

I'm sorry for her loss and the loss of other family members. But don't tell the other 57 million of us that you didn't see this coming from "THAT ONE".

02-10-09, 13:10
Don't blame me...I voted for content of character.

02-10-09, 13:14
Don't blame me...I voted for content of character.

Amen brother.

02-10-09, 13:20
“I voted for him. Now I think I made the wrong decision,” Mrs. McDaniels told FOX News.

Sorry, I just can't find any sympathy for this. Certainly I am sorry and righteously furious that her son was murdered by cowardly zealots. But she made her choice and now she gets to live with the justice (or lack thereof) she has brought to her son's memory.

At least she's willing to admit her mistake. Millions of others will simply spend the next four years looking for a new target for their blame.

02-10-09, 13:53
Sorry, I just can't find any sympathy for this. Certainly I am sorry and righteously furious that her son was murdered by cowardly zealots. But she made her choice and now she gets to live with the justice (or lack thereof) she has brought to her son's memory.

At least she's willing to admit her mistake. Millions of others will simply spend the next four years looking for a new target for their blame.

Bravo on the sympathy, murdered and COWARDLY parts.
Her vote wasted her Son dead. She sounds like a first time Voter.
Her SON enlisted to make his mind true and made a decision for which I know he has praise, respect and rememberence.
She should have mentioned that instead of it being about her.
Pre-Law Suit set up IMO, watch it Unc' here comes another.


02-10-09, 13:58
"And here's your sign.." :rolleyes:

RIP to the young Sailor and his buddies who were murdered in that blast.

02-10-09, 14:01
...At least she's willing to admit her mistake. Millions of others will simply spend the next four years looking for a new target for their blame.

They've already got somebody in mind. I've been hearing the argument "Well, Bush did..." a lot lately. It's the typical liberal misdirection argument that makes them somehow believe that they or their MESSiah have no culpability.

Hang on folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride!!

02-10-09, 14:35
I voted for the GILF!!!

02-10-09, 17:02
“He is only been in office a month,” she said. “[Is] this is what he’s doing?”

No, he is concerned about the people that cannot get their RV loans.

-If you watched his press conference last night then you know what I am talking about. He makes Bush look like a genius.

02-10-09, 17:07
Sorry, I just can't find any sympathy for this. Certainly I am sorry and righteously furious that her son was murdered by cowardly zealots. But she made her choice and now she gets to live with the justice (or lack thereof) she has brought to her son's memory.

At least she's willing to admit her mistake. Millions of others will simply spend the next four years looking for a new target for their blame.

I agree. I'm saddened by the loss of those 17 sailors, but even if she can admit her mistake, she drank the Obama kool-aid and bought the hype. Now she is going to pay for it in the form of no justice for her son.

02-10-09, 17:59
I agree. I'm saddened by the loss of those 17 sailors, but even if she can admit her mistake, she drank the Obama kool-aid and bought the hype. Now she is going to pay for it in the form of no justice for her son.

It's like that Cindy Sheehan character. She really needs to get over the fact that her son died while doing the job he VOLUNTEERED for. I told my Mom if she had ever done something like that I would have haunted her relentlessly.

02-10-09, 19:25
I'm sorry for her loss. We all have to live in the consequences of our decisions and actions. She will now have to live without justice for her son's sacrifice because of the POS Bo for whom she voted.

Heavy Metal
02-10-09, 21:00
Don't blame me...I voted for content of character.

Worthy of a bumper sticker.

02-10-09, 21:33
Worthy of a bumper sticker.

I blatantly stole it from a bumper sticker. :D It's on cafepress.com amongst the 2200+ anti-Obama pages.

02-11-09, 11:39
Now we just need 10,000,000 more folks to admit THEIR mistake in 2012.