View Full Version : This guy got lucky

02-10-09, 16:29

02-10-09, 17:17

Don't pull it if you ain't gonna use it. He beat Darwin, this time. Hard to believe he lived through Iraq with the amount of hesitation he displayed in that situation.

02-10-09, 20:57
The guy charged him and cleared the distance before he could fire? I do not understand that part of the story.

02-11-09, 01:16
I won't even begin to say how many ways this whole incident is FUBAR. He is extremely lucky that he wasn't killed. I only hope that he learned his lesson that "displaying" a firearm is not always enought to diffuse a situation and you must be prepared to pull the trigger.

I hope that one of his ROTC instructors pulls him aside, slaps the shit out of him and tell him next time be prepared to use force.

02-11-09, 08:03
The guy charged him and cleared the distance before he could fire? I do not understand that part of the story.

Familiar with the Tueller drill?

02-11-09, 10:40
Familiar with the Tueller drill?

Sorry, I have not heard of that.

02-11-09, 10:41
I hope that one of his ROTC instructors pulls him aside, slaps the shit out of him and tell him next time be prepared to use force.

I doubt it. I go to the school that this paper belongs to and all ROTC instructors I have come across, Air force and Navy, haven't impressed me in the least. Hes probably getting drinks and good jobs.

02-11-09, 10:53
I can't say I would have grabbed an AK first and I probably wouldn't have stood in the doorway but at least he decided to get involved and help that young lady.

I'm sure the anti-gun people will be slamming him and calling him names but after what happened at Virginia Tech last month at least he had the balls to put himself in danger to help others. Unlike the nine cowards that ran away and hide at the VT campus.

All in all I give him a B+

02-11-09, 10:57
Sorry, I have not heard of that.

Tueller Drill shows how fast some one with a knife can close the distanse (7 yds in the drill) on you before you can draw & fire.


02-11-09, 11:04
Stop, or I won't shoot!

That's why God invented Bayonets ;)

That article seems to get a little too much in his head. Was he actually in Iraq in the past? If he had closed the door, how would the guy had known where the girl was? Middle of the night, siting around in your boxers for alone time has internet porn written allll over it.

If he got the pistol, would he have not used that too?

Cheers for him for doing some, lucky he didn't get hurt. Bet the chick is back with the perp already.

02-11-09, 11:44
He's a cadet, not an active soldier from what I read. So he's probably never been anywhere outside of CONUS.

02-11-09, 11:53
Tueller Drill shows how fast some one with a knife can close the distanse (7 yds in the drill) on you before you can draw & fire.


Reminds me of something I once read from an old book written by an FBI agent on terror. I am sorry as I forget the name of the book and the author, but it dealt with terrorist and their weapons. The book was from the 80s, and it has been a long time since I read it.

In the book the author mentions KGB assassination tactics. The KGB said if subject is within reach use a knife. If the subject is outside of reach use a handgun. If the subject is outside handgun ranges, use a subgun. If the subject is out of subgun range, use a rifle.

The reason for the close range idea of using a knife is that the KGB felt a defender would be more likely to reach for their gun then a knife, according to that author.

Off topic:

The only other thing I remember from the book was when Carlos the Jackal shot that one guy, but that guy's teeth saved his life by stopping the round.

On Topic:

As for the guy with the AK rifle. I guess his problem was this:

"A defender with a gun has a dilemma. If he shoots too early, he risks being charged with murder. If he waits until the attacker is definitely within striking range so there is no question about motives, he risks injury and even death. The Tueller experiments quantified a “danger zone” where an attacker presented a clear threat."

taken from the link on Tueller Drill: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tueller_Drill

02-11-09, 11:56

I absolutely applaud him for helping. But, his tactics sucked and they could have both been killed because he tried a little too hard. Especially someone who appears has had zero real life training.

02-11-09, 13:22
As they used to say to me when I was in OCS: "Good initiative, bad judgment!!" :rolleyes:

He should have kept that door closed and as many obstacles between himself and the door. I also can't believe that he let the BG get close enough to be able to close the distance (yes, I am familiar with Officer Dennis Tueller and his drill).

Huge Kudos for choosing to take action though. He may have screwed up the execution, but at least did do something.