View Full Version : selector rotates to auto

02-11-09, 02:35
I noticed today that one of my selectors will rotate to the auto position. its a manufacturer original ambi selector on a complete tier 1 lower. it doesn't fire in this position, its basically just another "safe." im not too concerned about it- I have enough disciplin and muscle memory to not rotate it all the way over in the heat of the moment- just wondering what other implications there might be? I've got about 3500 rounds on this weapon, but I have no idea if this has always been this way or not.


02-11-09, 02:53
A few questions.

1. What is a Tier 1 lower?

2. What type of lower parts kit do you have installed?

3. Is the selector lever a semi one or an auto one? There is a difference.

I aks for a specific reason. If you have a full-auto parts kit installed even though there is no sear you run the risk of the weapon firing more than one round at a time. Think David Olofson. If it were me I would fix so that it works correctly lest we read about you in the newspaper one day.

02-11-09, 03:23
My LMT ambi (factory installed in factory lmt lower) does this but it takes more force than the other positions and will not in any way allow the trigger to be pulled.

02-11-09, 03:39
A few questions.

1. What is a Tier 1 lower?

2. What type of lower parts kit do you have installed?

3. Is the selector lever a semi one or an auto one? There is a difference.

I aks for a specific reason. If you have a full-auto parts kit installed even though there is no sear you run the risk of the weapon firing more than one round at a time. Think David Olofson. If it were me I would fix so that it works correctly lest we read about you in the newspaper one day.

im leaving out the manufacturer's name to avoid getting hit with the "contact the manufacturer first" infraction. when I say tier 1 I mean its a DoD contracted manufacturer- I haven't called because I already know what they'll say- send it back. id rather fix it myself.

the FCG is factory original single stage, and they all look semi. the selector snaps into safe, snaps into semi (fire) but doesn't into auto- rotates all the way over and bottoms out on the stop. rolls easily back toward semi and snaps in. my thinking is either the selector detend stop or the detent is somehow failing.. it would click into auto if it was an auto selector, right?

02-11-09, 03:47
My LMT ambi (factory installed in factory lmt lower) does this but it takes more force than the other positions and will not in any way allow the trigger to be pulled.

well its not supposed to. it does require more force, but not that much more.

02-11-09, 03:54

Fair enough. The differences between an auto selector and semi are fairly obvious. Unfortunately I don't have a pic to show you, but an auto-selector has extra grooves in it to allow the tail of the disconnector and rear part of the trigger to dip down. If it was just the selector detent it would spin freely, but that isn't what stops the selector from going into the semi or auto position, it's the actual lever itself. The only other thing that comes to mind is that one of those parts is defective. I would disassmble the LPK and check everything. If you haven't done it before it is pretty easy. If you can post a pic of the parts that would be great as well.

im leaving out the manufacturer's name to avoid getting hit with the "contact the manufacturer first" infraction. when I say tier 1 I mean its a DoD contracted manufacturer- I haven't called because I already know what they'll say- send it back. id rather fix it myself.

the FCG is factory original single stage, and they all look semi. the selector snaps into safe, snaps into semi (fire) but doesn't into auto- rotates all the way over and bottoms out on the stop. rolls easily back toward semi and snaps in. my thinking is either the selector detend stop or the detent is somehow failing.. it would click into auto if it was an auto selector, right?

02-11-09, 04:08

Fair enough. The differences between an auto selector and semi are fairly obvious. Unfortunately I don't have a pic to show you, but an auto-selector has extra grooves in it to allow the tail of the disconnector and rear part of the trigger to dip down. If it was just the selector detent it would spin freely, but that isn't what stops the selector from going into the semi or auto position, it's the actual lever itself. The only other thing that comes to mind is that one of those parts is defective. I would disassmble the LPK and check everything. If you haven't done it before it is pretty easy. If you can post a pic of the parts that would be great as well.

pretty sure its semi- just plain flat on the trigger side, no extra grooves. ill yank the FCG tomorrow and post pics

02-11-09, 05:31

http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/8251/immagine1lp5.th.png (http://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image=immagine1lp5.png)


02-11-09, 06:36
I have an LMT lower that will allow the selector lever to rotate to where "auto" would be if were a full auto weapon. Functionally, I think that the indentation in the selector that would allow the detent to slide up and hold it in place in the "Fire" position is too shallow.

It won't fire when not in the "fire" position so it isn't a huge issue. I bought a new selector lever but I haven't gotten around to actually replacing it.

02-11-09, 06:37
Excellent comparo Frens!

02-11-09, 06:47
Well you learn something new everyday. I just grabbed a semi-auto Bushy off the rack and removed the pistol grip, and selector lever detent spring. I was then able to rotate the selector lever too the auto position though I could not pull the trigger. So my guess is that the spring is possibly to short, damaged or that the detent is not sitting right when it engages the selector lever.

02-11-09, 09:47
My thought is that the selector detent in the selector lever may be too shallow, the detent pin may be sticky, the selector detent pin spring may be weak, and/or the grip screw is loose enough to allow the grip fail to provide sufficient support for the spring/pin/detent combination. It is also possible that a FA selector was thrown into a SA gun or that for some reason a SA selector had the additional detent milled into it for some reason and installed.

It's really hard to determine without being able to examine the parts, and even harder without pics.

02-11-09, 09:52
Guys on TOS would pay big bucks for this feature.

I can remember goofballs over there wanting a selector that would rotate to the auto position and do nothing else.....

I'm not joking. :rolleyes:

02-11-09, 09:55
I remember that too :p

02-11-09, 10:58
What's even sadder is that one of those assclowns would probably engrave AUTO on the lower as well and then cry when some nosy cop or agent arrests them for being in possession of an unregistered machine gun.

Guys on TOS would pay big bucks for this feature.

I can remember goofballs over there wanting a selector that would rotate to the auto position and do nothing else.....

I'm not joking. :rolleyes:

02-11-09, 11:02
What's even sadder is that one of those assclowns would probably engrave AUTO on the lower as well and then cry when some nosy cop or agent arrests them for being in possession of an unregistered machine gun.

There were guys wanting the "auto" marking on non auto lowers too.

02-12-09, 12:58
Well you learn something new everyday. I just grabbed a semi-auto Bushy off the rack and removed the pistol grip, and selector lever detent spring. I was then able to rotate the selector lever too the auto position though I could not pull the trigger. So my guess is that the spring is possibly to short, damaged or that the detent is not sitting right when it engages the selector lever.

Beat me to it. I've had this happen when I replaced the original pistol grip with an after market one (can't remember which make). It seems the hole in the replacement pistol grip was deeper than the factory. The result is there isn't as much pressure on the Safety lever detent allow it to pop out of the groove it rides on.

A longer spring or placing another detent (or something similar) inside the pistol grip's detent spring hole should take care of the issue. Good luck!!

02-13-09, 22:21
i've been away for a few days and havent had an opportunity to disassemble and show pics- seems like the consensus is that this is not really an issue and i can fix at my leisure, so i won't bother unless someone has just been sitting on the edge of their seating impatiently awaiting the arrival of photos.

thanks, gentlemen.