View Full Version : Which gear bag is better?

02-11-09, 14:03
I was looking into getting either the molle soft case or the voodoo tactical bag, which one is better and what is the difference between the two? Can anyone help?

02-11-09, 14:43
Not to intentionally be a dick, but...time for a little Forum Questions 101:

I'm assuming a "voodoo tactical bag" is a specific item, but "MOLLE soft case" is a pretty generic description. This is kind of like asking "I was going to buy a car or a Toyota Camry -- could you tell me which one is best?"

If you could provide some links or at least more detailed manufacturer info I'm sure somebody here has dealt with either one or both of the bags you're looking at and can help steer you in the right direction.

You should also go into some detail explaining your intended usage of the bag. One may be great for carrying a disassembled rifile but that might not do you any good if if you want to carry your laptop computer, or vice versa.

Give us all some more detail and I'm sure everyone will be more than willing to help out with good answers. Just trying to help :)

Dave L.
02-11-09, 15:30
Yup- maybe size of bag, use, how many pockets you want....that type of stuff.