View Full Version : This, with a homemade Slingshot? WOW

02-12-09, 17:12
This old boy is downright good with his slingshot. I wish I was that good with a rifle! Nail a bug off a leaf and not hurt the leaf: with good old rocks from the drive way!

Lets see Duane do this one, OH YEAH, Duane.


02-12-09, 17:32
That was absolutely amazing. Does make me wonder how good he can shoot a pistol or rifle.

02-12-09, 17:46
salt of the earth.

Seth Harness
02-12-09, 20:09
Thats bad-ass, what I wouldnt have given to be that good with my wrist rocket when I was 10 years old.
Very cool...
Thats the equivalent of tom knapp shooting from the hip.

02-12-09, 20:19
That's truly incredible. The old timers developed skills that don't exist anymore. Reminds me of the old book series FoxFire.

That's what YouTube should be all about...that and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLnmvseCseI&feature=related

Q:What's as fast as you?
A:The speed of light.

02-12-09, 20:19
Anyone else watch World Champion Slingshotist (the girl with the red hair)? Pretty funny mostly cause of her mouth.


Seth Harness
02-12-09, 20:34
Anyone else watch World Champion Slingshotist (the girl with the red hair)? Pretty funny mostly cause of her mouth.


Uh, yeah... She sucks, Funny though. :D

02-12-09, 20:34
I bet he could nail Duane 10 out 10 times !!!
Better check his " CERTIFIED SLINGSHOT EXPERT " certificate...:D
He is a badass with it though.

02-12-09, 20:43
I bet he could nail Duane 10 out 10 times !!!
Better check his " CERTIFIED SLINGSHOT EXPERT " certificate...:D
He is a badass with it though.

bet he can hit a a target at a 1000 yards too

02-12-09, 20:55
Ran across an afghani kid once that could give this guy a run for his money, friggin amazing.