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12-09-06, 09:30
Derek_Connor Offline
Member Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 102

I personally think there is nothing to be proud of, and immature that you are happy about being banned for not being able to control your emotions on an internet gun forum. If you cannot control you emotions on an internet forum, what about in the real deal game of life where a mistake like that can burn you up?

but, everyone has their own agenda....

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#15 Today, 11:10 AM
KevinB Online
STAFF Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Iraq
Posts: 451

You got it Derek...

Welcome aboard IHL -- keep it professional and I think you'll like it here.

This thread is done

Good God man, this place is worse. So you guys put the boot down on your General Forum in 13 posts flat. Second thought, i dont think i will be coming back to this site. The jack boot fag looks to rule this place as well.

So long.

And to call me names off the bat derek is not going to win you any friends in my camp. You tell everyone to control emotions, how about start with yourself and keep your mouth shut on an open thread in a "general" forum.

12-09-06, 09:53

IHL -- I locked the thread to stop it being a piss on an AR15.com thread.
The tone of your thread intially was not condusive.

I welcomed you aboard - with the comment keep it professional.

Quite frankly I have better things to do with my spare time than monitor peoples childish comments on the internet. You want to rant about something - don't come crying to me or expect any sympathy.

My guess is you got locked off ARF for comments in the kiddy pool (General Discussion) -- GD in M4 is NOT the GD of AR15.com - We have a code of conduct and enforce it.

The GD here is for forum members to kick back, relax and get to know each other better -- but the prime role of this site is passing information and skills on firearms -- specifically the fighting carbine.

If your simply coming here for the GD the I can pretty much gurantee you that M4Carbine is not for you.

12-09-06, 09:54
IceHandLuke - We're geared more towards shooting here and less on the politics and useless banter. If you want to discuss firearms, shooting, training and equipment please feel free to stick around and contribute. If you just want to rant and rave and go off on tangents this isn't the place for you.

12-09-06, 11:55
IHL, my Q6 Brother, dont go off the deep end. Step back, relax, take a couple breaths and Observe whats going on here before you mistakenly report that the entire russian army is comming thru the Gap.

12-09-06, 11:59
then dont have a "general" tab on your site. Any site with its salt will let the users stop posting in a General forum when the topic gets old. I came in and just let people know this site was going to be my new home and in less than 15 hours I had one guy call me names and then it was locked. Come on. Lets be fair, I posted in a general forum. "General Discussion Current Events, News, Politics, etc." is the header.

If you dont want General talk in a General forum then dont have one. You will find I talk more about guns and shooting than anything else. But some times its good to have some place to talk with other people in the same AO like a one stop shop and not have to worry about one guy thinking its done so lock it. Just let people talk and if the subject gets old the people who use the site will stop posting to it and it will filter to the bottom of the tank. Its simple stuff. Silencertest.com never locked a thread in the 3 years I have been using that site. Shit gets old or no one wants to reply it just goes down the list and dies. Simple.

12-09-06, 12:41
I think you will find this place has a lot of knowledgeable people with a lot of technical information to share. However, the majority of the people here take internet forums way too seriously and it translates into the stuffy style of "professional" on-topic-only types of posts. I'm sure they're not really like that in real life but you'd never know it by the way board is run.

12-09-06, 14:00
Good God man, this place is worse. So you guys put the boot down on your General Forum in 13 posts flat. Second thought, i dont think i will be coming back to this site. The jack boot fag looks to rule this place as well.

So long.

And to call me names off the bat derek is not going to win you any friends in my camp. You tell everyone to control emotions, how about start with yourself and keep your mouth shut on an open thread in a "general" forum. [/B]

I am sorry if you took offense to my post. I was merely offering my opinion on the situation, and how it relates to firearms and the decisions you would make as the average joe and/or trigger puller.

I wasn't necessarily calling you names, simply labeling the situation of someone ranting about being banned and how proud they are of it, immature.

Once again, I apologize. Hope you stick around, lots of info around here..

baffle Stack
12-09-06, 15:51
Biting your tongue and acting your age is a small price to pay for such a great site. It’s quite refreshing to not have to read though 20 pages fluff just to fish out a small bit of useful information. I have learned much here and there’s always someone willing to try and answer a question in an adult- like manner.

12-09-06, 19:24
Easy, dude, this site only has room for one asshole - and the position's already filled.

12-09-06, 20:17
Easy, dude, this site only has room for one asshole - and the position's already filled.

Yes but you'd need 2 promotions to be an asshole:D

12-09-06, 20:23
Easy, dude, this site only has room for one asshole - and the position's already filled.


I don't think I want to know who the one asshole is...:p

12-09-06, 21:13
I try to seperate my gun forums, and my "just hanging out" forums for the most part. I don't know why, but talking about "what kind of toilet paper" I use just never mixed really well with "what ammo should I use in this barrel".

For a better example, most members here probably consider my preferred general board a scum pit. On the flip side of the coin, some people may think this is a tactical elitist board. However, I prefer free speech for a general board, but I prefer firearm discussions be as professional and as straight forward as possible. So long as there is a common interest, I have no problem relying on different sources for different content.

The point being that everyone wants a board that is tailored to their exact needs, and unless you have your own, it probably won't happen.

12-10-06, 08:29
I am not sure what the big deal is about the other thread getting locked. The M4C GD isn't a place to discuss whatever you want. We prefer people use it to discuss Politics, World Events, History, etc. Opening up a thread about getting banned from another forum is not a lot of use to folks.

Most people that come to M4C, are looking for a troll free forum with helpful, knowledgeable members. This is what we provide. Is it more restrictive than other forums? Sure is and that is just fine with us and the majority of the members on here.