View Full Version : Pros & Cons of the Moly Coated .223/5.56 Bullets.

Bob Reed
02-15-09, 12:25

What are the Pros & Cons of the Moly Coated .223/5.56 Bullets?

FWIW: The ammo will be specifically used in The M16/M4 Platform.

Thanks for your replies.

02-15-09, 17:02
Moly specificly Moly disulfied. the stuff they coat bullets with is a friction reducer. unfortunatly it is far from perfect. if you use the bullets it will leave moly in the barrel. this is usually a good thing but the coating is uneven at best. secondly Moly is hygroscopic. it attracts water or rather moisture in the air. not good unless you have come plated bore. it is also difficult to get out of the barrel with cleaning methods. i have shot thousands upon thousands of moly coated bullets but no longer. there are MUCH better ways to skin the cat now adays.

Bob Reed
02-16-09, 04:26
Hello & Thanks for the info.


User Name
03-14-09, 18:11
I've got some moly coated Black Hills 75gr. 100 rounds that I got for free. I thought about using it to test the function of my LMT 10.5" new upper. Should I use something like simple green to clean the barrel? What is the best way to get rid of the moly?

03-19-09, 15:04
You don't want to remove all the moly or you will likely experience a POI shift. Just clean as usual but do clean it. When I first used them, it was touted as allowing more rounds between cleanings. Guess I overdid it a bit. Short version is that I nor anyone I know is still using molyed bullets.