View Full Version : How do things go on?

02-16-09, 18:03
The other day I was talking to a person I know, and he brought up the topic that he thought that society was about to descend into a mass chaos. He then proceeded to tell me that since he thought that this was going to happen , he was stocking up on food,toilet paper, and ammo. He also said, that once everything collapses, no one was going to come near his house. I asked him if that included his neighbors and friends. He said " yes if they have been smart then they are well stocked, then they will be defending their home, and if they did not then tough, they are not getting any of my TP" This has made me think, if something did happen how do we connect. As I told my friend, NO ONE will be so prepared as to have EVERYTHING. Even if someone spent millions, they will eventually run out of something and or realize that they forgot something. So I guess my question is, would everyone plan to kill any who come near, or are some going to be willing to trade and barter?
Not a tin foil hat kind of guy, I don't really think that it is going to happen nationwide, but I do think that in some sort of disaster when a breakdown has happened I am curious as to what people expect.

02-16-09, 18:16
I am betting on a barter system. Like minded neighbors getting together for mutual support and defense.

02-16-09, 18:22
I think the likelihood of a SHTF / Revolutionary environment is remote. However if one were preparing for it, even if they had the money to outfit themselves in totality for a 5 year time frame, they would be foolish to not invest in extra items for barter. fostering good will among your neighbors and gaining allies would be absolutely critical to your survival because to be honest, you can only hold out for so long against an angry mob who wants what you have. Now if it were me, Id be stocking up on tampons and midol for barter.

Gutshot John
02-16-09, 18:33
You gotta sleep sometime.

Lone wolves don't last long.

02-16-09, 18:42
I think the likelihood of a SHTF / Revolutionary environment is remote.

I've been hearing this "getting ready for the revolution" crap since the '70s. There was a guy around 1980 who always bought twice the amount of ammo and reloading supplies he needed and stored half. He had food and supplies for years plus gold and silver. I remember him buying silver when the Hunt brothers had driven the price through the roof. I wonder what he's doing now.

Short of an outbreak of the rage virus, a huge meteor strike, a super volcano eruption or some other world-wide natural disaster, I think the US government will continue it's slide toward socialism unimpeded.

The big threat is Islam. As long as we continue to fight them in their yard, your home will be as safe as it is now.

02-16-09, 18:46
The other day I was talking to a person I know, and he brought up the topic that he thought that society was about to descend into a mass chaos. He then proceeded to tell me that since he thought that this was going to happen , he was stocking up on food,toilet paper, and ammo. He also said, that once everything collapses, no one was going to come near his house. I asked him if that included his neighbors and friends. He said " yes if they have been smart then they are well stocked, then they will be defending their home, and if they did not then tough, they are not getting any of my TP"....snip
Did you roll your eyes and say "Lighten up, Francis"?

02-16-09, 19:02
Did you roll your eyes and say "Lighten up, Francis"?

I laughed and said that he was ridiculous. But I have to admit that it did make me wonder if everyone felt that way. I always figured if something happened I hoped to trade.

02-16-09, 19:30
I think you nailed him with the 'tin foil hat' analogy;)
You must mean alot to him if he'd attempt to kill you over toilet paper:rolleyes:
I remember when everyone in the early 80's were stocking up and building nuclear fallout shelters for the impending nuclear holocaust ....Nuclear winter was the buzzword ...
That said, the old saying "Si vis pacem, para bellum" rings as true today as it did in Vegetius' day 1650 years ago and it doesn't hurt to have a contingeny and immediate action plan.
I have the Colt 6920, 12 30-rd mags and 500 rds XM193 and a three sidearms with a couple hundred rounds of ammo for them, arktis assault vest and survival gear. Alot less than many but in the remote instance we do descend into anarchy it's more than enough for me to be able to go get some more or dissuade anyone from malicious intent.
Must admit I never thought about stockpiling food. May need to pick up a few cases of delicious MRE's..You know you should tell your friend that you can live 2-3 days with out water, up to 3 weeks without food and even longer than that without TP:D

02-16-09, 19:39
You gotta sleep sometime.

Lone wolves don't last long.


02-16-09, 21:54
I think they have pills now for that kind of paranoid thinking.:D