View Full Version : video games

02-17-09, 21:08
i know it really isnt related to this site but are there any gamers in here. this winter being stuck in the home i have gotten into the game CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE. my wife hates it, but it passes the time. just wounderin if anyone else likes it.

02-18-09, 06:49
My son and I like it ... it's fun to spend 20 or 30 minutes online every now and then and blow some folks up.

What frustrates me is that there are some people who spend WAY too much time on that game and are way too good - it makes it less fun for casual players.

02-18-09, 06:59
I have been playing it off and on since it came out in 07. By far the most accurate game for weapons out there, the M4 is pretty right on and the M16 in the game has what looks like magpul XT rails covers on it.

02-18-09, 08:22
I am absolutely addicted to counterstrike !! My 11 year old son plays online with me also. The guns are not exactly correct--the ak47 is one of the most accurate :confused::confused: but it is so much fun to play if you find a good server with cool people. :cool: We play cs source on my computer almost every day. I have to kick him off when I want to come to m4c to read/post lol


02-18-09, 09:46
The single player of Modern Warfare is exquisite, but I think that the multi-player is too heavily geared towards tweaked out kids from the Ritalin-generation.

Call of Duty 3's multi-player on the other hand is much more easy going and reasonably paced.
(And you can probably pick up a copy for $20 or less nowadays.)

02-18-09, 10:12
I play my 360 every night.....I know, sad.

I play online with Call of Duty Modern Warfare, but lately been trying other games.

I know it offers no real help as far as shooting and is only melting my brain, but it as my wife says, there is so many things that I could be doing that are far worse for me.

I could go to happy hour after a hard day at work, but would much rather just escape in the game instead.

I started playing a game this week called F.E.A.R. 2. Now that game is freaky and actually gives you goosebumps.....at least it did for me.

02-18-09, 10:16
I am absolutely addicted to counterstrike !! My 11 year old son plays online with me also. The guns are not exactly correct--the ak47 is one of the most accurate :confused::confused: but it is so much fun to play if you find a good server with cool people. :cool: We play cs source on my computer almost every day. I have to kick him off when I want to come to m4c to read/post lol


I've had to correct some of my son's assumptions of various weapons in real life as he was basing them off of the game's stats. I tried to explain to him that the stats of the weapons in the game are "tweaked" to enhance playability and to keep the game balanced.

My favorite combos:

M-16, ACOG, Claymores, UAV Jammer, Deep Impact


MP5, Red Dot, Three Frag granades, stopping power, stead aim

The M-60 with the "grip" and "double tap" is pretty effective as well.

02-18-09, 11:55
My clan assigns kits to squad members...I'm the heavy weapons guy in my squad :)

M249 w/Red dot
M4 w/Red dot
RPG x2
Silent Footsteps

I can snipe people with 2 shots using the M249 from one end of Crossfire to the other :D

02-18-09, 15:45
My clan assigns kits to squad members...I'm the heavy weapons guy in my squad :)

M249 w/Red dot
M4 w/Red dot
RPG x2
Silent Footsteps

I can snipe people with 2 shots using the M249 from one end of Crossfire to the other :D

I don't believe you, without stopping power the SAW won't kill anyone with two shots unless they are both to the head....to do that from across Crossfire with only a red dot... impossible.

I'm just jerking you around though... I love COD4!

02-18-09, 15:52
I always perform headshots:D

This was in an impromptu match, my clan versus a couple clans allied against us...

02-18-09, 16:31
love the maps of WAW but the guns are not realistic !!!!
I still play COD4 a lot

I am on PS3 platform if anyone wants to ad me to your buddy list ?

just make sure you put in the underscore :)

I like the games as it takes my mind off reality for a short bit which is fun and heck its a game :) like reading a book or other forms of entertainment I guess :)

02-18-09, 16:52
I play Call of Duty 4 online on the XBOX 360 often - Hardcore modes almost exclusively... If you've been noob-tubed from across the map it was probably me :p

02-18-09, 17:58
All of this talk is making me want to play COD 4 tonight. After the kids go to bed, I will be on there playing on line. I do not play hardcore matches though

02-18-09, 18:05
I try a lot of the COD games but I keep coming back to Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on the 360.

02-18-09, 18:31
COD4 is unbelievable. Best FPS game I've ever played.

Hardcore is all kinds of awesome.

I enjoy the other game modes, but most of the time there is either no communication, or nobody listens to directions, in order to effectively capture the objective. Domination, Headquarters, Sabotage, etc.

02-18-09, 19:22
Team Fortress 2, its a simple fun, team based game. Counter Strike and COD 4/5 players take the game way too seriously for me, and I don't care for the children.

02-18-09, 19:47
Counter Strike and COD 4/5 players take the game way too seriously for me

I have the oppsite problem. I hate it when people don't take the game seriously.

There's nothing more unethical in a video game than to purposely make your team lose and kill your own team mates for the hell of it.:mad:

02-18-09, 20:05
Hardcore is all kinds of awesome.

Hardcore is the ONLY way to play. I dislike the fact that the game tracks how many hours of my life have been dedicated to the game though. I don't really want to know....

02-18-09, 20:07
I have the oppsite problem. I hate it when people don't take the game seriously.

There's nothing more unethical in a video game than to purposely make your team lose and kill your own team mates for the hell of it.:mad:

Amen - I don't belong to any clans, and getting anyone to work together is a real PITA. I die alot because I always feel like I'm out there all by my damn self and someone always shoots me in the back.

If you're going to play with other people, try and take the game a little seriously to not ruin other people's fun.

02-18-09, 20:10
i like it when you have a group of good people playin an do like shotgun only or sniper rifle only those games can get pretty fun. i play xb360 and i am pretty new and don't really know alot of people online post some screen names and i'll ad you. my screen name is bosstravis

02-18-09, 20:16
I was in the top 20 players for the COD4 beta on 360 for detahmatch, and top 10 for Hardcore Beta for COD5.

Gamertag: KaosX2133, though I mostly only play COD WaW now.

Best feats of "woah"

HC-TDM 52 kills, 6 deaths (Cod WAW)
HC-TDM 41 Kills 3 deaths (Cod4)

I think my hardcore KDR in WaW is around 2 now, and my regular TDM kdr is like 2.4

02-18-09, 20:35
My screen name on 360 is "copboy"

Anyone want to add, just go ahead.

I bought WaW, but then sold it after 2 weeks. I am still stuck on COD4 and just couldnt get into WaW. I will be on COD4 in about an hour or so if anyone is on there.

02-18-09, 20:40
If you havent heard, the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 comes out in june :-), World at war is pretty fun online as well, same type of game play and interface just some small tweaks with weapons but basically the same as 4 when it comes to gameplay

02-18-09, 21:06
I have the oppsite problem. I hate it when people don't take the game seriously.

There's nothing more unethical in a video game than to purposely make your team lose and kill your own team mates for the hell of it.:mad:

Yeah I agree with being anti-social and working against the team is lame, but I'm talking about the people who yell and scream when they lose or the 13 year olds or the "E-Sports cyberathletes" who treat the game like its a job.

02-19-09, 00:39
I have the oppsite problem. I hate it when people don't take the game seriously.

There's nothing more unethical in a video game than to purposely make your team lose and kill your own team mates for the hell of it.:mad:

I love being in Search and Destroy and my teammate launches an RPG into his feet as soon as the game starts, wiping out the whole team for the match save for a player or two who are lucky...

02-19-09, 02:06
Hardcore is the ONLY way to play.

it's also the most frustrating game type. :D

it's aggravating to be put into a going game and get killed as soon as you spawn. You come back, and you get killed again!......and again!!! These bad luck streaks are ridiculous.

I'm talking about the people who yell and scream when they lose or the 13 year olds or the "E-Sports cyberathletes" who treat the game like its a job

I hate idiots like that. If I can't stand them, I leave or mute them. It's good that most players are decent folk though.

I love being in Search and Destroy and my teammate launches an RPG into his feet as soon as the game starts, wiping out the whole team for the match save for a player or two who are lucky...

how about the idiot that decides to team kill, then becomes a good boy for the rest of the game. I swear I don't understand some people.:confused:

You know since we are talking about cod4, how far have some of you prestiged?

I hear 10th prestige earns you the "No Life" Award. :D

02-19-09, 05:44
I'm mmike87 online too.

02-19-09, 08:10
"No life award" recipient right here....lol. Told you I was hooked on this game.

I have the 55 gold cross and am currently working on getting my golden guns. But I have played the game since it came out November of 2007.

Hey Lwoper...sorry we didnt get to hook up on there last night. Everytime I tried joining your game, it was full. We will have to try again next time.

02-19-09, 14:02
I have the 55 gold cross and am currently working on getting my golden guns. But I have played the game since it came out November of 2007.

I've only been playing the game online for a month and a half. I'm level 10 3rd prestige, with the green emerald. I decided to prestige yesterday because I didn't like the 2nd prestige symbol. Hehehe..:D I might as well just try and go for the gold cross too.

02-19-09, 14:33
I've only been playing the game online for a month and a half. I'm level 10 3rd prestige, with the green emerald. I decided to prestige yesterday because I didn't like the 2nd prestige symbol. Hehehe..:D I might as well just try and go for the gold cross too.

I lost interest in 4 once I got a few gold guns after I got the gold cross...Im not even doing prestige on world at war.

02-19-09, 20:07
lucky you didn't get into the game they were a bunch of punks just sat in one spot and waited for u to walk by i hate games like that

02-19-09, 20:30
lucky you didn't get into the game they were a bunch of punks just sat in one spot and waited for u to walk by i hate games like that

Campers? Sorry man that's a legitimate tactic. Campers aren't even a problem for me anymore. I know all the spots and flush them with grenades and such if I'm to pass through that area.

02-19-09, 20:36
not really a prob for me i won the game just had to find there spots and like u said flush them out

02-19-09, 21:22
It's generally better to move all the time for me, or use the areas that people avoid to my advantage.

As something funny we were playing castle today and I used the spot I normally snipe from to get 3 kills with one shot within 10 seconds of the match starting...Kar98k scoped :)

Heavy Metal
02-19-09, 22:49
I like Armed Assault. It is less scripted and more realistic that COD4.

Plus, the weapons models in COD4 are fvck$d up.

02-19-09, 23:33
Plus, the weapons models in COD4 are fvck$d up.

To some degree yes. For example, some of the weapons iron sights are all wrong. But some of them are correct, which leads me to believe they may have been added in the game on purpose as a balancing act between each other, and the red dot sights.

Also the ak74u is based on an airsoft gun. Why couldn't they use a real AKS74U? I don't know. On top of that, the "ak74u" uses 5.45mm in the game, but the magazine is a 7.62x39mm bakelite. wtf.

Heavy Metal
02-19-09, 23:59
And real M-4's have ejection ports and 14.5 and not 16 inch barrels too.

Also, the Russkies are 90+ percent using 5.45 AK's.

02-20-09, 06:55
Campers? Sorry man that's a legitimate tactic. Campers aren't even a problem for me anymore. I know all the spots and flush them with grenades and such if I'm to pass through that area.

COD4 really had such good level design that campers are not really an issue. With previous multiplayer games, there were often certain sports where you could campe and be pretty much invunerable - just sit there with a rocket launcher and rack up kills.

There are not too many places in COD 4 where you are safe - every good sniper spot is still visible from a couple of other vantage points, so you really have to snipe and move, snip and move.

I just wonder how some of these guys aim so damn fast - I was use to mouse and keyboard play and still can't get 100% use to the little joysticks to aim.

I play a level and get 12 or 13 kills and some guy has 40 or 50 kills and I feel like an idiot. I re-assume myself that I have more of a life than he does ...

02-20-09, 08:10
lucky you didn't get into the game they were a bunch of punks just sat in one spot and waited for u to walk by i hate games like that

Yeah, there are only a couple of maps that I will camp for just a minute or two. The majority of the time I am on the move and usually sprinting. I sprint till I see something and then stop, fire, and sprint again. My main goal in most of the games is to run through the opponent or run around and come from behind. I didnt even get much of a chance to play last night because I have my son this weekend and he was on it for a while.

02-20-09, 11:39
I will be on counter strike source today if any one wants to join in. Look for the I.S.P. server, username MEAT POPSICLE [ RICKY ]
Lots of good people there.

02-20-09, 12:05
Does anybody play Socom Confrontation for PS3? I found a used copy the other day and it seems like a good game.

02-20-09, 12:57
cod 4 is king of the first person shooters. i easily play it everyday, online and off. anyone with a ps3, be on the lookout for killzone 2. it comes out at the end of the month and is pretty impressive. oh yeah, i can even speak a little russian now. how bout that. :)

02-27-09, 15:12
Double EXP this weekend on COD4, just a heads up

K.L. Davis
02-27-09, 15:49
If you've been noob-tubed from across the map it was probably me :p

I don't even know what the means... d00d

02-27-09, 16:13
i know it really isnt related to this site but are there any gamers in here. this winter being stuck in the home i have gotten into the game CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE. my wife hates it, but it passes the time. just wounderin if anyone else likes it.

My favorite game hands down. I used to play Counter Strike religiously years ago until cheating became rampant. I'm about to pick up Kill Zone 2. Another favorite.

02-27-09, 18:53
I don't even know what the means... d00d

Dont know if you are serious or not, but will answer you anyway. :p

Noob-tubed is what they call it when someone uses the grenade launcher attached to their M16. It is a cheap kill on the game and wayyyy to easy to kill someone with it.


02-27-09, 19:29
is your computer strong enough to play games? there are many many different types, including several that you can play interactive. there are several older style space games that offer you a huge playing style where you don't have to follow a specific game "path".

X2 The Threat
Edge of Chaos

if you want to kick in a bit of money, there are some games that offer increased game play and interactivity with countless other players; much too my wife's dismay, I and World of Warcraft addict.

careful though, gaming can be as addictive as chasing the perfect Black Rifle.

02-27-09, 19:56
Left 4 Dead...best game I have played in awhile.

It is also the only game I have ever played that finally was able to make teamwork truly the only way to survive. lots of games claim no team work you die, but fall short of the claim in reality.

You can not fight alone in this game and live. you lone wolf it, you die and die quick.

team play is where it's at in this game, but even single play is fun. Valve managed to make the best AI on the market. when they say no two rounds of the same level are the same, they managed to make that claim about 80% truth. quite an accomplishment.

baffle Stack
02-27-09, 23:05
I must second L4D. The best 1st person shooter I have ever played online. Not only is the AI and the teamwork fantastic, bit of all things the shadows are great on it. Usually shadows look poor on games, but this one make me feel like I am actually in a dark house with a light epuiped M16. The muzzle flash looks so good in it too. It actually adds to the frightening aspect of the game because it looks so good. Nothing quite like L4D with the 5.1 cranked. It makes for a truly frightening and interactive experience.

02-28-09, 00:24
Double EXP this weekend on COD4, just a heads up

Yeah it started on thursday around 4pm-6pm but it was supposed to be firday the 27th. Plus HARDCODE HEADQUARTERS! :eek: :D

double xp gives BIG scores. I'm racking about 1500-2000 a game (hardcore headquarters specifically)

On thursday i was 3rd prestige lvl48. Spent the night playing and got to 55.

Today I thought "gee, I wonder how fast I can complete a prestige by sunday?" So I jumped into 4th prestige and as of right now, in about 5 hours of playing, I went from lvl1 to lvl26. Gonna hit 30 before sleep. I'll have saturday and sunday to go from 30-55. That's going to be the hardest part.

02-28-09, 01:07
anybody remember Operation Flashpoint? i'm by far no expert on video games- my gaming days ended years ago- but it was the best REALISTIC combat simulator in it's time. i'm willing to bet it still is.

weapons are (basically) accurate, you can't shoot for shit while you're running, 1 hit can kill you, if you get wounded your aim starts to suck and you get tired or can only crawl, you're a member of a squad that fights with you and your contribution to the fight can make or break the battle... great game. frustrating in it's realness, but good for that.

only thing that really pissed me off about it is you can't walk or run while reloading- i've reloaded while running a hundred times in real life. its a pain in the ass, but you can certainly do it.

02-28-09, 05:50
COD4 is my current favorite. Can't wait til the next modern warfare title comes out. In august? :confused:

Gutshot John
02-28-09, 10:57
I'm not into online arenas...too many douchebags. MMPORPG like D&D I find far more interesting, but doesn't anyone just play the storyline game?

I have COD4 but I don't like it as much as their other titles. World at War is fantastic, though COD2 remains my favorite.

I guess I prefer historical or fantastic/sci-fi shooters. Bioshock was excellent. Far Cry was another one, and I've got Far Cry 2 now.

I felt odd playing the COD4 story...like I'm playing at what is a deadly reality for a lot of men.

I don't know why WWII settings bother me less.

Heavy Metal
02-28-09, 11:00
anybody remember Operation Flashpoint? i'm by far no expert on video games- my gaming days ended years ago- but it was the best REALISTIC combat simulator in it's time. i'm willing to bet it still is.

weapons are (basically) accurate, you can't shoot for shit while you're running, 1 hit can kill you, if you get wounded your aim starts to suck and you get tired or can only crawl, you're a member of a squad that fights with you and your contribution to the fight can make or break the battle... great game. frustrating in it's realness, but good for that.

only thing that really pissed me off about it is you can't walk or run while reloading- i've reloaded while running a hundred times in real life. its a pain in the ass, but you can certainly do it.

Armed Assault is the follow-on.

02-28-09, 12:43
I'm not into online arenas...too many douchebags. MMPORPG like D&D I find far more interesting, but doesn't anyone just play the storyline game?

I have COD4 but I don't like it as much as their other titles. World at War is fantastic, though COD2 remains my favorite.

I guess I prefer historical or fantastic/sci-fi shooters. Bioshock was excellent. Far Cry was another one, and I've got Far Cry 2 now.

I felt odd playing the COD4 story...like I'm playing at what is a deadly reality for a lot of men.

I don't know why WWII settings bother me less.

I know what ya mean Gutshot. I have often been playing and thought about the fact that there are guys and gals over there doing this kinda stuff for real and risking their lives for us. Hard to imagine some times.

And I dont like the WW2 games as much because they just seem slower then the modern warfare games. The people seem slower and the guns are definitely slower.
~D...aka "Copboy"