View Full Version : Well, isn't this nice?

02-18-09, 12:25

“What happened in Liberty City is just another tragic example of the sheer bloodshed these weapons create,” said Commissioner Jordan. “Semiautomatic assault weapons are designed for military purposes and have no legitimate application for hunting or civilian use. Our police officers and residents don’t stand a chance if we allow criminals to get their hands on such powerful firearms.”

Yep, those guns created the bloodshed. Couldn't possibly be the drug and gang problem in that area.

02-18-09, 12:47
Yep, those guns created the bloodshed. Couldn't possibly be the drug and gang problem in that area

Like that shithole liberty city is the outstanding place to live and raise children. Nope, must be all those evil guns causing all the problems. :mad:

02-18-09, 13:30
"Semiautomatic assault weapons are designed for military purposes and have no legitimate application for hunting or civilian use."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Damn when did the military start using semi auto M4's??? LOL

02-18-09, 14:05
Email Address in case anyone wants to tell her how much of a fool she is.


District 1 Commissioner Barbara Jordan.

02-18-09, 17:02
Email Address in case anyone wants to tell her how much of a fool she is.


District 1 Commissioner Barbara Jordan.

Thanks. Just fired one off to her.

02-18-09, 17:15
Now that's a man I'd hate to fight.


02-18-09, 19:37
Let's see..... Mexico has banned assault style rifle's and full auto weapons. I don't think that has worked out well for them. Just saying...

02-18-09, 19:48
The standard knee jerk emotional responce w/o the benefit of thought. Arhhhhhh

02-18-09, 19:59
I sent a nice note to Commissioner Jordan. in summary i reminded her that it is not guns that kill people, it is the person behind the trigger. i suggested that instead of additional regulations for law abiding citizens that they should focus their resources on creating stable families and educating the younger folks.

it is sad that we have been over the point so many times. it all starts in the home. the lawmakers chose not to address the root causality of the issue, only attempt to throw a band aid on a gaping wound.

02-18-09, 20:35
Email Address in case anyone wants to tell her how much of a fool she is.


District 1 Commissioner Barbara Jordan.

telling Jordan her views on firearms won't change anything, and in all likelihood she will just toss it in the electronic trash.

sending and email to the Chair of the County Commission, with a copy to jordan, not only gets your message to her, but also to another person. Nothing rabid, but politely point out that restricting firearms will only take them away from the legal owners. Perhaps when they find the individuals who shoot those people, they will determine whether they purchased the firearm legally......or just stole it.

Chair@miamidade.gov edit.....link not working. i'll try and fix.
Dennis C Moss

If the chair gets enough emails, he might start thinking about putting a muzzle on Jordan until she has an opinion based on logic and facts, instead of emotion and publicity.

02-19-09, 09:57
The link itself worked but the email address is not valid:

Delivery to the following recipients failed.
