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The Dumb Gun Collector
02-21-09, 17:52
Here is a good one from today...

Gun shop owner: " This here is a Auschwitz rifle."

Me: "Uh, yes, those ANSCHUTZ rifles are very nice.

"No AUSHWITZ, its German.

"Uh, I am pretty sure that was the name of a concentration camp.

"Yeah, it's named after it."


02-21-09, 18:06
Last shotgun I bought the guy asks me if I have any questions about functioning that I need to ask. I said no. Then he said "Did you know that you can't load the tube unless there is a shell chambered first right?"

Gutshot John
02-21-09, 18:17
Actually I'm pretty sure there were lots of German rifles manufactured at Concentration Camps, especially for the SS. The quality control regimen was very intense since they were worried about sabotage, so they are actually of very high quality.

Couldn't tell you where I ran across the information, but I'm pretty sure it's good though I'm not sure Auschwitz-Birkenau was a manufacturing site.

This of course presumes the owner wasn't actually pointing to an Anschutz rifle at the time.

02-21-09, 18:20
German rifles manufactured at Concentration Camps, especially for the SS.

That's correct.

02-21-09, 18:33
"Rock River is the best AR you can buy. Why do you think the DEA, CIA, FBI and everyone else uses them?"

I heard that as I was taking one apart. I was sure to point out the piss poor carrier key staking while I had the BCG in my hand.

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-21-09, 18:34
Not unless Anschutz .22 target rifles are being manufactured at Auchwitz.

02-21-09, 19:04
"Rock River is the best AR you can buy. Why do you think the DEA, CIA, FBI and everyone else uses them?"

Sounds familiar.

Guy was asking about a Colt-"You dont want a Colt,you're just paying for the name.DPMS is top of the line,thats what all the SpecOp types are using".

I dont own a Colt(dont plan to)but...:rolleyes:

Im pretty sure if it had been a Bushmaster,RRA,etc on the wall he would have said the same about it.

Maybe the dumbest though,was during the "AWB"...

I was standing at the counter when another customer a few feet away made some comment about the ban on "hi-cap" mags.The owner working behind the counter says "I dont think anyone should have more than 10 rounds anyway".I gave him a funny look and glance to my right to see two other guys giving him a similiar look.We all immediately walked out...i doubt the others ever returned either.

I tried to look the place up to see if it was still arround for an "anti-gun gunshops" thread awhile back.I found what i thought may be the same guy,but in a different location(same town,Milan OH),but i couldnt be sure.

They may have went out of business.::p

02-21-09, 19:32
This wasn't at a gun store... it was in the squad room back in the days when I wore a tin star & chased bad guys:

Officer 1: "Well the thing about a forty-five is that even if you him 'em in the hand, you're going to knock 'em down!"

Me.. and Isaac Newton: :confused::rolleyes:

02-21-09, 20:13
I hate to pick on these guys but they give us such a bad name.....

At a recent gun store visit:

".....and the best part about a 12 gauge is that you don't even have to aim it. You can even skip buckshot off the drywall toward the bad guy." :eek:

At a trip to the shooting range last year:

Guy next to me says "The Keltec PLR-16 is the best gun for when the SHTF" I asked why and his answer was "Because it has a folding stock" I didn't ask him about his nunchaku skills.

02-21-09, 21:16
This wasn't at a gun store... it was in the squad room back in the days when I wore a tin star & chased bad guys:

Officer 1: "Well the thing about a forty-five is that even if you him 'em in the hand, you're going to knock 'em down!"

Me.. and Isaac Newton: :confused::rolleyes:

I've only ran into one guy so far since I was shot with a .45 that I got to flatten verbally about that nonsense.

02-21-09, 21:31
Dumbest thing I heard at a gunshop was "You wanna call the police?"
As I was slowing down to turn into his parking lot I got rear-ended, totaling my CRX and the guy that hit me took off like a bat out of hell; hit and run.
So, yeah, I kind of wanted to call the police.
Sorry, not a cool as some of yours but still the dumbest thing I've heard in a gun shop.

Outlander Systems
02-21-09, 21:47
Me: Ahhh, yeah do you think you could stake my carrier keys.

Gunsmith: You don't need to do that.

Me: I don't??

Gunsmith: Nah, you've got steel on aluminum. You'll wear out your receiver before the keys come loose.

Me: Ohhhhhh, okay. (I either need a MOACKS or to find a real 'smith)

02-21-09, 21:47
While he was handling a Eagle Mid-length AR, the person looking at it, said "This is milspec." When I asked you sure, he said "Of course."

02-21-09, 23:22
When I held a DMPS complete barreled upper and asked the shop "who made this " and the owner said"I don't know,it's mil spec

02-21-09, 23:33
No, it's not loaded.

02-21-09, 23:45
My wife and I were in looking to buy a handgun. The guy behind the counter kept pressing her on getting a revolver because "When the bad guy sees those hollow points in the cylinder, he will know you mean business and get scared"


02-21-09, 23:51
When I asked about a.22lr conversion kit for my Sig 228, the dealer handed me a Sig Mosquito.

After I traded a shotgun to a dealer for a pistol, he told me I was a dope to let the shotgun go for what I did. I see the same dealer 3 times ayear or more at local gun shows, I guess I would be a "dope" to deal with him again.

02-22-09, 00:03
PMC .223 ammo at the local shop. $17.00 a box :eek: Guy behind the counter said I would not be able to find any at a better price, it's all going to Iraq !! I promptly ordered 400 rds of privi from wideners....:D

David Thomas
02-22-09, 00:28
I heard this last week at one of the area store fronts that I rarely go into because of the idiots behind the counter:

Store guy: "yeah the XD is better than the glock, because you can bump fire it faster. With the XD, for every 4 shots fired you only hear one shot go off. With the Glock, you hear each shot."

dumb punk kid: "wow, really! Can I see one?"

02-22-09, 00:30
Years ago in a pawnshop.

Lady customer: "Do it shoot buh-wets?"

Me: "Nope, water."

No, I didn't work there.

02-22-09, 01:44
"One in seven? Nah, man, the military went to one in nine barrels, like, 10 years ago!"


"The only reason anybody ever stakes the gas key is so that you're forced to purchase a whole new carrier when it blows, instead of just replacing the key."

Dave L.
02-22-09, 02:05
Gun Store guy- "If you hit 'em in the chest with .223, the billet tumbles and can come out their ass, the Military designed it that way".

Same guy- "You should buy the gun that feels best in your hand, that one will be the most accurate (as he is handing the guy a Taurus Millennium)".

Same guy- "If I went to Iraq, I would take that right there (As he points to a bone stock Springfield SOCOM II)".

...I really hate how, in a gun store, Gravity and twist rate have no effect on a bullet.
It's as if when you break the plane of the door, the laws of Physics do not apply anymore.

Oh, and AR's are not reliable, and AK's are not accurate....

02-22-09, 05:20
Gun store guy - "Yeah I can't come off that (brand new Colt Commander) 'cuz Colt isn't gonna offer guns to the civilian market next year!"

Sure you can't and sure they won't. :rolleyes:

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-22-09, 12:48
After shooting my M4gery I go back into the gunshop ( this was at an indoor range that lets me shoot my M4 with .22 conversion indoors).

Gunshop imbecile "Hey dude, you need to put your rear sight when you shoot." He was referring to my habit of leaving my BUIS up while shooting with my Aimpoint.

"Meh, I don't mind."

"Well, you ain't gonna hit anything or be able to focus on the dot." Mind you, I have seen this guy shoot. He is mediocre with a rifle and abysmal with a pistol.

"Nah, it's fine. I usually like fixed buis, but I got these because I have a magnifier. But you don't have to put em' down unless you want to."

Then, in a gold-plated example of a logical fallacy, he says...

"Well, you haven't been to Iraq.":rolleyes:

"Nope, haven't been there."

02-22-09, 15:36
Back '94, my (now-) wife and I went to a gunshop in Rockville, MD to buy my first handgun. I'd narrowed down my choices to a P7 or 92FS ... don't ask why.

The first sin the gun store commando committed, he convinced my to buy a Taurus instead so I could carry it cocked and locked.

The second sin the gun store commando committed, he convinced me to buy the adjustable sight version (it went back to Taurus three times because the sight kept coming off, a known problem at the time).

The third sin the gun store commando committed, when I asked him what to use for home defense ammo he whipped out his loaded Glock, waving it all over the store as he wrestled the magazine out of the gun. Then he showed us how he'd dremeled the hollow points of some common JHPs and expoxied primers into the bullet nose so they would, and I quote, "explode inside a guy like a grenade." But he could only sell us Hydrashoks.

Jay Cunningham
02-22-09, 15:45
I was watching gun store employee teen expert with tattoos explaining to someone how Glocks are drop-safe. "Here, watch!" He draws his loaded Glock from his holster and slams it onto the floor. A for theory, D- for practice.

02-22-09, 15:47
The third sin the gun store commando committed, when I asked him what to use for home defense ammo he whipped out his loaded Glock, waving it all over the store as he wrestled the magazine out of the gun. Then he showed us how he'd dremeled the hollow points of some common JHPs and expoxied primers into the bullet nose so they would, and I quote, "explode inside a guy like a grenade." But he could only sell us Hydrashoks.

I don't think that one's going to be topped. Wow.

Jay Cunningham
02-22-09, 15:48
Then he showed us how he'd dremeled the hollow points of some common JHPs and expoxied primers into the bullet nose so they would, and I quote, "explode inside a guy like a grenade."

I wonder what would actually happen?

02-22-09, 15:57
Less than an unmolested hollowpoint would do, methinks.

02-22-09, 15:58
A "well respected" gun store owner recently told me that I don't need a chrome barrel in an AR. We only needed them in Vietnam cause of the wet environment. They're a waste of money.
Also according to him all AR manufacturers are the same and have the same quality.

02-22-09, 16:15
At SGC (Scottsdale Gun Club) one day...

SGC employee- "the coolest thing about the AR15 is you can take off the buttstock, change the upper and make a pistol"..."then put it back to a rifle when you want".
Customer- "I thought once configured, you had to leave it (as a rifle) or you'd be making an NFA item".
SGC employee- "nah, who'd know"...

02-22-09, 16:25
I wonder what would actually happen?
I was thinking the same thing.

Who is up for the challenge? :D

02-22-09, 19:01
The best I heard was all in one sentance

Customer: Do you have any Colt AR's

Employee: Nope, we dont stock Colt because they are junk! If you want an AR get a Bushmaster, they make all the military rifles now. Besides you dont want an AR, with the smallest spec of dirt they jam. You have to clean them every 100 rounds. You want an AK (pointing to a Romy with a price tag of $750) you never have to clean it. I have five of em and have never cleaned them since i bought em.


02-22-09, 19:21
I told a friend of mine who is new to ARs about P-Mags and suggested that he give them a try. He called me a few days later and said that he had went to our local gun store and asked if they carried them. He said their response was "We don't carry Magpul stuff anymore. We bought a case of the P-Mags and had to return almost all of them because they would not feed the ammo." :rolleyes:

The worst part of this is that I have went to that store since they opened and they have never carried Magpul products. (I wish someone around here did though, I love 'em and hate to order..... but I will :D )

02-22-09, 20:10
A "well respected" gun store owner recently told me that I don't need a chrome barrel in an AR. We only needed them in Vietnam cause of the wet environment. They're a waste of money.
Also according to him all AR manufacturers are the same and have the same quality.

Heard the same. Also from the same owner: (turning to an employee) "Ever hear of Bravo Company?" Employee: "um, yeah, I think." Owner: "Never heard of them. Their stuff any good?" Employee: "It's okay, I guess."

From the same store selling 6920s for $2099, and Doublestar complete uppers for $750.

02-22-09, 20:31
"This here is what ya call a get 'em off ya gun."

02-22-09, 21:22
Hell, I'm not sure where to start. I just tune it out most of the time, now. The range I visit does have a couple guys who seriously know their stuff.


02-22-09, 21:23
"Smith and Wesson has a junk warranty. Go with Sig and their lifetime Warranty."

Cold Zero
02-22-09, 21:40
" Stag, D.P.M.S., Bushmaster, Rock River, etc., are all made of the same parts, from the same couple of manufacturers, who make the parts for Colt, they are all Mil Spec guns and just as good as Colt "

" Colt, you are just paying for the name. "

02-22-09, 21:44
Oh My God

i was standing with my dad at the local gun shop talking to him about a RR he was about to buy. i pulled the BCG out and the guy stopped me and said "please dont break the gun down anymore. I'm sure you can break it down but i'm not sure i can put it back together" i looked at him and all i said was "we are here to look at a potential purchase, i will examine it until i'm satisfied" he wasnt happy with that remark.

02-22-09, 21:59
Hornady Critical Defense ammunition "goes so fast that it needs the little plastic insert in the tip to help it expand." This was in reference to the .380 ammo when I was helping my wife shop for a pistol. I just said "Oh, really" and left the store.


02-22-09, 22:01
Count me as one of the guys who shops at VA Arms so I have a pleasant shopping experience and don't have to put up with this sort of crap.

02-22-09, 23:09
All those WTF!? moments from prior experiences make being a patron of theirs all that much more appealing.

02-23-09, 03:37
A friend of mine bought his first handgun, awhile back. I took him to the range to help him out, give some pointers on shooting handguns, etc. One of the dudes working the counter must have overheard us talking while we were in the shop area and I guess he picked up on my friend being new to guns. Well long story short this dude tried so incredibly hard to push the RBCD trash ammo on my friend for self defense. The best part is when he referred to my Corbon DPX's and Pow'RBalls as being "hydrashoks" that never expand, will go right through all the walls of my house and kill my neighbors. Oh, the best part was when he quoted that BS RBCD claim about that "nytrillium" (think that's what they called it, just plastic basically) core spinning so fast and reaching critical mass to the point that on impact it would instantly cause some sort of chemical reaction causing the CNS to shut down and the attacker to drop like a sack of bricks instantaneously. Oh, and he even mentioned the "blended metal technology" claim about how the temperature of the human body was enough to "replicate the manufacturing process" and cause the bullet to come apart instantly, reducing penetration. I basically told the dude he failed highschool physics, and then we left.

02-23-09, 07:38
Dumbest thing?

"Y'all Hiring?"

Gutshot John
02-23-09, 08:20
Many many times.

"I want ___ gun because ___ used it in ___ movie/tv/musical."

Less frequent variation on the theme

"Where do I get those exploding bullets that I saw in ___ movie"

02-23-09, 08:21
A couple years back, when I decided to begin learning about personal defense and shooting, I did a TON of research before ever even holding a gun, just so I knew which guns to avoid automatically.

So, after deciding that the Glock 19 seemed like exactly what I needed, I went to a shop with an indoor range and asked to see a Glock 19. The clerk, some older dood from Argentina or Venezuela tells me:

If this is your first gun, you don't want a Glock. Those things have no safety and can go off anytime without a cause. What you want is something like this: (points to a 1911 on his hip). Then he proceeded to tell me about a time back in Argentina when he was riding his horse while carrying his gun. The horse took a jump and somehow, the safety on his gun disengaged and the gun fired, sending the bullet through his thigh.

Yeh...and I shouldn't buy a Glock because they don't have safeties. :rolleyes:

02-23-09, 08:39
This wasn't at a gun store... it was in the squad room back in the days when I wore a tin star & chased bad guys:

Officer 1: "Well the thing about a forty-five is that even if you him 'em in the hand, you're going to knock 'em down!"

Me.. and Isaac Newton: :confused::rolleyes:

Heard that one about the .44, .45. and .308 (guy had a M1A instock, I was asking about ARs)

02-23-09, 08:51
At a store stocking Oly's...

"Most people that trash talk Olympic have never owned one. They're good to go!"

Ah, yeah - never owned a Yugo, either.

02-23-09, 09:17
How 'bout one from the selling side of the counter? Yesterday, I handed a Springfield XDM to a customer, who pulled out the (bright, shiny metal) mag and pronounced "that looks just like a Glock mag!" :confused:

02-23-09, 09:56
When buying my M&P9 the gun store clerk tried to convince me to buy the .40 because "the 9mm is going the way of the do-do bird". According to him, in a couple of years you wouldn't even be able to find any reloading components for 9mm. I smiled, thanked him for his help, and left.

02-23-09, 09:58
I don't think that one's going to be topped. Wow.


Unfortunately, we run into people with that intellect almost every day :eek:

02-23-09, 10:04
Went to a local gun range that has good people yesterday. Overheard a young guy looking at a ****ing huge pimp gun [ tiger stripe desert eagle .50 cal ] he asks the store owner if has a concealable holster in stock ?? I almost spewed mountain dew all over the counter !!! I had to go to the bathroom to keep from laughing in his face. He might have duanes self defense vids you know ;)

02-23-09, 10:10
My personal fave? AT a gun show whilst shopping for a 1911, being offered the pearly pink gripped .25auto, just 'cause, ya know, you're (me) a woman... :rolleyes:

02-23-09, 13:15
Some guy holding a box of Sierra .355 115-grain FMJ bullets: "This box of 9mm bullets you guys sold me keep falling out of the magazine!!" :eek:

02-23-09, 13:19
Some guy holding a box of Sierra .355 115-grain FMJ bullets: "This box of 9mm bullets you guys sold me keep falling out of the clip!!" :eek:

Fixed that for ya, right? :D

02-23-09, 13:54
Overheard a young guy looking at a ****ing huge pimp gun [ tiger stripe desert eagle .50 cal ] he asks the store owner if has a concealable holster in stock ??

During the class to get my permit, a kid I went to High school with (we were all 20 or 21 at the time of the class) kept asking the instructor if it was legal to carry the S&W 500 concealed!(at the time of the class they only made the 500 in the long bbl) He must have asked this about five times and finally the instructor flipped and literally told the kid to SHTFU and not say another word or he would not give him his cert for the permit.


02-23-09, 14:07
" Stag, D.P.M.S., Bushmaster, Rock River, etc., are all made of the same parts, from the same couple of manufacturers, who make the parts for Colt, they are all Mil Spec guns and just as good as Colt "

" Colt, you are just paying for the name. "

To a point some of that is true. Not all firearm makers produce all their parts in-house. Some smaller parts (springs/pins/screws/ect...) maybe from other compaines that sell to the other gun makers as well.

But not to hi-jack this.

I almost hate going to gun stores for just this kind of stupid crap. When I do go I try not to ask any questions. Just get what I need and leave.
The last time I was in the local range/shop I asked about getting a Kel-Tec and was told we don't carry them and we don't order them....:confused:


02-23-09, 14:54
Just goes to show the brand bias out there. It's as rampant on the internet as it is on the streets.
You hear a lot of Kimber bashing on the web, but the store owner I bought mine from has next to zero come back for warranty problems and mine runs 100%. I know he's not lying cause a good friend of mine has worked for him for close to 20 years and says the same thing.
As for Kel-tec, I've had my P11 for over 10 years and while I don't shoot thousands of rounds through it (that would hurt)it as well runs 100%. Matter of fact every time I break it out at the range someone comments on the accuracy of this thing (albeit out to 10 yards max)

02-23-09, 15:01
I took my father in law to the range today. He had just bought a used Lorcin??
in .380 That piece of shit hung up the slide with empty brass every 2-3 shots !! Had several FTF also.
At 15 yds I had trouble just keeping it on the paper and it was not much better at 10yds. I told him to throw it at the bad guys and while they try to use it run like hell :D

02-23-09, 19:21
Many many times.

"I want ___ gun because ___ used it in ___ movie/tv/musical."

When I worked for Beretta, our marketing department hired some outside firm to survey Beretta handgun owners asking why they'd chosen a Beretta. Might have been for their first gun, not sure. Anyway, some huge percentage either said "Lethal Weapon" or "Die Hard."

Laugh all you want, between those two movies Beretta probably made $10M.

Some guy holding a box of Sierra .355 115-grain FMJ bullets: "This box of 9mm bullets you guys sold me keep falling out of the magazine!!" :eek:

That is without question the dumbest thing ever heard at any gun shop, ever.

You hear a lot of Kimber bashing on the web, but the store owner I bought mine from has next to zero come back for warranty problems and mine runs 100%.

Respectfully, your logic is faulty. First, your personal sample size is one. My Dad drove a Ford Pinto for years, too. Doesn't make them good cars.

Second, your local store's sample size is tiny compared to the number of 1911 owners you have access to on a board like M4C. How many Kimbers has he sold? Five? Fifty? Five hundred?

Third, just because the gun shop doesn't get a return is no proof the gun is running well. Many people contact the manufacturer. Some try to fix it themselves or send it to a gunsmith (especially with a 1911). Some just live with it ... I've known many people who don't think it's a problem to have a CCW or home defense gun that malfunctions every few magazines. Some people will just sell it to another unsuspecting fool. And finally, an awful lot of those guns won't ever get fired enough to wring out the problems that might exist.

There is a great big leap between "I like my Kimber" and "Kimbers are good."

02-23-09, 19:27
In Academy while buying a box of clays two weeks after the election. Some guy was looking for an AR I told him good luck...he said, "It's not Obama, it's these Mexicans that come up and buy them for the cartels...dozens at a time. They do it all over town and I can't find a rifle."

My favorite though was in the infamously overpriced(albeit usually well stocked,) Collector's Firearms, a cop was buying an AR and the know it all behind the counter was telling him about "reliability upgrades."

"The first things I would do to that rifle is add a titanium firing pin and polish the trigger. Then I STRONGLY suggest that you throw out the USGI mag that comes with it, NEVER use them...they are awful. The PMAGS we have for $30 are okay, but I'd never trust them for duty. What you really need are these HK mags at $75, they're expensive, but they'll never fail you."

I thought about waiting around and saying something to the cop about the BS when he came out of the store, but I did not.

02-23-09, 19:46
When I worked for Beretta, our marketing department hired some outside firm to survey Beretta handgun owners asking why they'd chosen a Beretta. Might have been for their first gun, not sure. Anyway, some huge percentage either said "Lethal Weapon" or "Die Hard."

Laugh all you want, between those two movies Beretta probably made $10M.

That is without question the dumbest thing ever heard at any gun shop, ever.

Respectfully, your logic is faulty. First, your personal sample size is one. My Dad drove a Ford Pinto for years, too. Doesn't make them good cars.

Second, your local store's sample size is tiny compared to the number of 1911 owners you have access to on a board like M4C. How many Kimbers has he sold? Five? Fifty? Five hundred?

Third, just because the gun shop doesn't get a return is no proof the gun is running well. Many people contact the manufacturer. Some try to fix it themselves or send it to a gunsmith (especially with a 1911). Some just live with it ... I've known many people who don't think it's a problem to have a CCW or home defense gun that malfunctions every few magazines. Some people will just sell it to another unsuspecting fool. And finally, an awful lot of those guns won't ever get fired enough to wring out the problems that might exist.

There is a great big leap between "I like my Kimber" and "Kimbers are good."

Good post. Specifically the last part. I sold my Kimber very soon after a class during which I had multiple failures. And that was after months of research into mags, and JMB's controlled feed principle. I was so frustrated I asked the instructor what he suggested. His curt response was, "Get a Glock."

Of course, my "one gun sample size" shouldn't mean much to any thinking man, but it was enough for me to migrate to combat Tupperware...despite all the kudos I was seeing Kimber get.

Each man has to figure out what works for him, however it burns me up when I hear some ig'nant gun store clerk tell a noob that Kimber is the end-all be-all, and then talks him into buying 4 47d's at 35.99 a pop they're the BEST on the market (despite the fact that they hail-Mary the round into the chamber, versus utilizing a dimpled follower which maintains control of the round the whole way in.)

02-23-09, 19:56
When I worked for Beretta, our marketing department hired some outside firm to survey Beretta handgun owners asking why they'd chosen a Beretta. Might have been for their first gun, not sure. Anyway, some huge percentage either said "Lethal Weapon" or "Die Hard."

Ill own up(see bold).:D

Left Sig
02-23-09, 20:36
Dumbest thing I heard recently was that you simply could not get Rock River AR's at all anymore.

I responded by suggesting it was due to backorders from all the panic buying after the election.

The gun store guy said it was because the government contracts were taking everything Rock River could make.

Yeah, right.

I've seen a ton of first time buyers coming in to buy a gun "before Obama bans them all", and they often end up with a revolver which is the least likely handgun to be affected by any future legislation.

02-23-09, 20:56
Me: "I'm looking for price and availability on a Browning Hi Power Practical"
Owner: "Browning doesn't make Hi Powers anymore, only FM"
Me: "FN?"
Owner: "No, FN's are garbage, FM is the only one worth having, and none of them can run like a 1911."

02-23-09, 21:12
Owner: "Browning doesn't make Hi Powers anymore, only FM"

I'd recommend AM. They don't sound as good but they have much greater range.

02-23-09, 21:19
Many many times.

"I want ___ gun because ___ used it in ___ movie/tv/musical."

there was this pair of horrible HK pistols in a local shop. it sat in the case for ages. ugly as sin, overpriced, and ergonomic as a 2X4. i told the shop owner that he'd never sell them.

he got lucky. she sold them for him:


Jay Cunningham
02-23-09, 21:24
Me: "I'm looking for price and availability on a Browning Hi Power Practical"
Owner: "Browning doesn't make Hi Powers anymore, only FM"
Me: "FN?"
Owner: "No, FN's are garbage, FM is the only one worth having, and none of them can run like a 1911."

Anyone I know?

02-23-09, 21:30
#1: Customer (with his 11 yo son): My son wants to shoot groundhogs in our backyard. What do you think is best? Something like a 9mm or maybe a .410?

Old salesman guy: Um, a .410 is a shotgun...

Customer: Oh, well, I don't really know anything about guns...

Old guy: You need something like a 22-250, a 223 might be ok too, but doesn't have as much power because the bullet is so small.

I had to leave.

#2: In a suburb of Cleveland, way back when Woolworth's sold guns at the mall, several teen aged kids were ooing and aahing over the selection. One looked at the guy behind the counter and asked "which one do you think would hurt more?"

02-23-09, 21:37
Anyone I know?

Lothar's buddy Bob in Fallston.

02-23-09, 21:38
I'd recommend AM. They don't sound as good but they have much greater range.

You made me spit cheap beer on my computer.

02-23-09, 22:22
PMC .223 ammo at the local shop. $17.00 a box :eek: Guy behind the counter said I would not be able to find any at a better price, it's all going to Iraq !! I promptly ordered 400 rds of privi from wideners....:D

If that was for a "box" of 20, that guy shouldn't be behind a counter. He should be behind bars.

02-23-09, 22:33
Oh My God

i was standing with my dad at the local gun shop talking to him about a RR he was about to buy. i pulled the BCG out and the guy stopped me and said "please dont break the gun down anymore. I'm sure you can break it down but i'm not sure i can put it back together" i looked at him and all i said was "we are here to look at a potential purchase, i will examine it until i'm satisfied" he wasnt happy with that remark.

Funny if you left the shop with parts all over the counter. Nah, you just should have told him you would put it back together.

02-24-09, 01:28
Funny if you left the shop with parts all over the counter. Nah, you just should have told him you would put it back together.

I think it was pmc bronze ?? not sure though.
Yeah, case price shakes out to like $850 !!! They have a huge selection of weapons on the wall and in the case if you have a truckload of money. They had S/W m+p 15 for $2000 and AK'S for $500-$600 I like to go there and check out stuff then buy at another shop that has far better prices and people working there that actually know what they are doing.

Crap, my bad. I quoted the wrong post.

02-24-09, 03:21
I was at a local gun store a month or two ago and got into a disagreement with one of the employees. I mentioned that I was looking into buying 1500-2000 rounds of 5.56 so that I could take a carbine course, like one from Vickers/Viking/etc. He said that would be a waste of money and that I would be better off by taking that ammo to the range and shooting paper targets on my own

02-24-09, 04:02
At a store stocking Oly's...

"Most people that trash talk Olympic have never owned one. They're good to go!"

Ah, yeah - never owned a Yugo, either.

Have YOU owned one, Spurholder? I did, mid to late 80's. I put several thousand rounds through it. No problems. None. Didn't really clean it, except to oil the outside and some internal parts. I was young, and thought it was a "military arm" and therefore, "good to go". It was! I miss that Oly! I swam ponds with it, got it muddy, bloody and everything else.
I loved my Oly. It was my first AR. Then I had a Colt. No problems there, either. About the same amount of rounds fired.
I am a Veteran (Army). I now own a Bushmaster. I have "tweaked" it. It has done me right. Colt rocks, but so do some others. Current Oly's, I don't know. But my old one sure kicked ass!


Oh, back on topic...

I heard another guy tell his girl, "The 8mm pistol killed alot of Germans in WWI." WTF?!?!? Nambu?!?!? Yeah, right...


02-24-09, 07:54
This wasn't at a gun store... it was in the squad room back in the days when I wore a tin star & chased bad guys:

Officer 1: "Well the thing about a forty-five is that even if you him 'em in the hand, you're going to knock 'em down!"

Me.. and Isaac Newton: :confused::rolleyes:

I have to relate to that one. I was "guarding" an overpass where the two main highways cross in Salisbury Maryland. This was during a "civil disturbance." I was posted there with a Maryland Stae Trooper. He had all his normal issued equipment and a 45. He used those exact words about hitting them in the hand.

02-24-09, 08:37
Have YOU owned one, Spurholder?

I bought mine from markm!:D

02-24-09, 09:54
Originally Posted by Spurholder
At a store stocking Oly's...

"Most people that trash talk Olympic have never owned one. They're good to go!"

Ah, yeah - never owned a Yugo, either.

Have YOU owned one, Spurholder? I did, mid to late 80's. I put several thousand rounds through it. No problems. None.


I agree, the best use of a Yugo is to put a couple of thousand rounds thru it.

02-24-09, 16:22
I agree, the best use of a Yugo is to put a couple of thousand rounds thru it.

I second the motion.

R Moran
02-24-09, 19:40
In most shops these days, the dumbest thing I hear is...."Can I help you".

The only thing I ask is "How much".


Seth Harness
02-24-09, 20:27
Two things, two different times...

Two little boys came into a gun shop with their dad, both looking at the wall of semi-auto AR's and other black guns. In Illinois mind you...

-One of the little boys- "Are those machine guns???"
-Doofus behind the counter- "Yep, they sure are..."

Now, I understand they're just kids, but dont start the confusion early in life.

In a gun shop near Chicago.

-Customer- "What does A-R stand for anyway???"
-Another doofus behind a counter- "Assault Rifle..."

Just for the record, If I didnt know, I'd say "I dont know" or "Hang on, let me find out..." instead of pulling stupidity out of my ass... I guess that would be a sign of weakness or something, I dont know. There are alot of doofuses out there in the wrong places, thank god for knowledgable people on M4C... :D

02-25-09, 12:36
My little brother bought an AR and was told by the folks at the gun shop that a DPMS was the top of the line AR's. This is the same gun shop that told me " we dont carry PMAG's. They are pieces of shit. They would not feed the ammo right, so we sent them all back, and wont ever sell them again". Funny thing is, they have never had them in stock at all........

2 weeks ago, the same shithead that told my little brother about DPMS being the top of the line told me I oughta buy a RRA, since the millitary had awarded them the contract for all their new AR's...:confused:... I researched that, and was laughing my ass off:D

02-25-09, 16:31
So many stories, so little time. One of my more recent eyerolls: I stopped in to visit a gunshop and range, and visited with the owner about NRA and CCW training offered there. While discussing his COF, he pointed out...repeatedly...that there was no need to shoot beyond 15yds because shootings beyond that distance weren't self defense anymore.

After contemplating aloud various distances within the store in excess of that, I got only a blank stare.

Nice shop, though. Clean, well stocked, reasonable prices for regulars.

02-25-09, 23:23
I've been part timing at a local shop (when I'm stateside) for almost two years. If I had been smart enough to keep notes from the beginning, I believe I would be on volume 3 or 4 by now.

Most recently: "I'll take this one instead," having just put down a Smith 638 and picked up . . . wait for it . . . a Sigma.

This had been shortly preceded by "Those Hi Point pistols, is there anything wrong with them"

I could go on for days.

02-26-09, 07:09
Gun store clerk to AR customer, "yeah, the .223 and 5.56 chambers are the same".

02-26-09, 09:38
I'd recommend AM. They don't sound as good but they have much greater range.



02-26-09, 09:54
I've got one...

We were trying to find a nice, clean used .357 revolver with a 4" barrel for open carry in the woods and use as a car gun and such...

"You don't need a revolver that has a barrel longer than a snubby because any distance beyond 20 yards is not self defense"

I was like :confused:

I haven't been back there....I argued a little bit, then left.

These were the same group of people that thought a .45 1911 was too much for a woman to handle. They were mainly interested in selling a .38 snubby revolver with pink grips to my mom. Which was NOT what she wanted.

02-26-09, 11:33
this is a great thread.

there is a shop in columbus that isn't in the best part of town that i hit up from time to time. decent prices, ammo is *almost* always cheaper than at shows, and i know a few of the employees from years past.

i should also have taken down notes over the years, but here it's mainly from the gangbanger type customers. more than once i've seen the staff refuse to sell ammo to these types. the question i've heard more than once:

"let me see them glock machine-guns" or something similar pointing to hi-point or kel-tecs folders.

02-26-09, 15:48
A friend of mine went to work in a local gunstore about 10 years ago and I was there visiting him one afternoon when an anemic looking bag of bones, with 4 people in tow, each carrying clear plastic bags, walked up to the counter and they all set their bags of used .22 caliber brass on top. 10 bags mind you with 500 rounds in each bag.

He says to my buddy " My good man....would you be so good as to reload these and we'll be back in an hour to pick them up??" My buddy says " Sure Sargent Major, same as last time??" The guy says "Yes, but with a bit more punch this time, if you please" My buddy says " Gonna cost ya more" he says "nothing is too good for my trainees"....... I couldn't help myself so I asked " What are you training them for??" He looked at me with this look of secrecy and said "Well thats classified, Level Alpha Omega, and to tell ya I'll have to kill ya". I said "Its ok, Sargent Major, you can tell me I am a higher rank and have Bravo Zulu Clearance". He says "oh", salutes me, as do the others and says "Sorry Sir, I am training them for Counter Terrorist Activities, Sir!! I asked what weapons they were training with. He told me Marlin Semi Auto Rifles using plastic soda water bottle silencers...... Al I could say was " Carry on Sargent Major".
When he left my buddy dumped the contents of the bags in the trash and sat 10 bricks of Yellow Jacket 22's on the counter. He then dumped the rounds into the bags and tied them up. I came back about an hour later and John showed back up with ducklings in tow and was telling them about the special high speed reloading machine they have especially for his ammo. He paid my buddy, saluted me and out the door they went. I laughed so hard I got a stomach cramp.

murphy j
02-26-09, 16:41
This one sounds almost unreal, but is the hands down winner for me so far. Keep 'em coming guys, this thread is Great!

A friend of mine went to work in a local gunstore about 10 years ago and I was there visiting him one afternoon when an anemic looking bag of bones, with 4 people in tow, each carrying clear plastic bags, walked up to the counter and they all set their bags of used .22 caliber brass on top. 10 bags mind you with 500 rounds in each bag.

He says to my buddy " My good man....would you be so good as to reload these and we'll be back in an hour to pick them up??" My buddy says " Sure Sargent Major, same as last time??" The guy says "Yes, but with a bit more punch this time, if you please" My buddy says " Gonna cost ya more" he says "nothing is too good for my trainees"....... I couldn't help myself so I asked " What are you training them for??" He looked at me with this look of secrecy and said "Well thats classified, Level Alpha Omega, and to tell ya I'll have to kill ya". I said "Its ok, Sargent Major, you can tell me I am a higher rank and have Bravo Zulu Clearance". He says "oh", salutes me, as do the others and says "Sorry Sir, I am training them for Counter Terrorist Activities, Sir!! I asked what weapons they were training with. He told me Marlin Semi Auto Rifles using plastic soda water bottle silencers...... Al I could say was " Carry on Sargent Major".
When he left my buddy dumped the contents of the bags in the trash and sat 10 bricks of Yellow Jacket 22's on the counter. He then dumped the rounds into the bags and tied them up. I came back about an hour later and John showed back up with ducklings in tow and was telling them about the special high speed reloading machine they have especially for his ammo. He paid my buddy, saluted me and out the door they went. I laughed so hard I got a stomach cramp.

02-26-09, 16:42
"When he left my buddy dumped the contents of the bags in the trash and sat 10 bricks of Yellow Jacket 22's on the counter. He then dumped the rounds into the bags and tied them up. I came back about an hour later and John showed back up with ducklings in tow and was telling them about the special high speed reloading machine they have especially for his ammo. He paid my buddy, saluted me and out the door they went. I laughed so hard I got a stomach cramp.

Haha, that's hilarious. ;)

02-27-09, 03:18
I've been part timing at a local shop (when I'm stateside) for almost two years. If I had been smart enough to keep notes from the beginning, I believe I would be on volume 3 or 4 by now.

Most recently: "I'll take this one instead," having just put down a Smith 638 and picked up . . . wait for it . . . a Sigma.

This had been shortly preceded by "Those Hi Point pistols, is there anything wrong with them"

I could go on for days.

Having owned both a Sigma and a Hi Point, I can tell you they shoot just as well as your Glock or Sig Sauer...Sigma's major problem is the trigger pull, but that can be fixed with a dremel.

Hi Point's major problem is its looks, but fashion is the last thing you should be concerned about when pulling a gun on somebody....

Stupidest thing I've heard at a gun shop?

"That Hi Point will shoot the slide right off the body and into your eye if you arent careful when you shoot that thing!"

02-27-09, 05:50
Having owned both a Sigma and a Hi Point, I can tell you they shoot just as well as your Glock or Sig Sauer

That is one of the funniest things I've heard on a gun forum. :rolleyes:

02-27-09, 06:30
A friend of mine went to work in a local gunstore about 10 years ago and I was there visiting him one afternoon when an anemic looking bag of bones, with 4 people in tow, each carrying clear plastic bags, walked up to the counter and they all set their bags of used .22 caliber brass on top. 10 bags mind you with 500 rounds in each bag.

He says to my buddy " My good man....would you be so good as to reload these and we'll be back in an hour to pick them up??" My buddy says " Sure Sargent Major, same as last time??" The guy says "Yes, but with a bit more punch this time, if you please" My buddy says " Gonna cost ya more" he says "nothing is too good for my trainees"....... I couldn't help myself so I asked " What are you training them for??" He looked at me with this look of secrecy and said "Well thats classified, Level Alpha Omega, and to tell ya I'll have to kill ya". I said "Its ok, Sargent Major, you can tell me I am a higher rank and have Bravo Zulu Clearance". He says "oh", salutes me, as do the others and says "Sorry Sir, I am training them for Counter Terrorist Activities, Sir!! I asked what weapons they were training with. He told me Marlin Semi Auto Rifles using plastic soda water bottle silencers...... Al I could say was " Carry on Sargent Major".
When he left my buddy dumped the contents of the bags in the trash and sat 10 bricks of Yellow Jacket 22's on the counter. He then dumped the rounds into the bags and tied them up. I came back about an hour later and John showed back up with ducklings in tow and was telling them about the special high speed reloading machine they have especially for his ammo. He paid my buddy, saluted me and out the door they went. I laughed so hard I got a stomach cramp.

That has to be the funniest thing I've read in a while.

02-27-09, 06:52
This one sounds almost unreal, but is the hands down winner for me so far. Keep 'em coming guys, this thread is Great!

Oh the fun doesn't stop there with this guy. About 6 months later the guy walks in and buys a Ruger Single Six and a cheap holster. My buddy asks the guy if this gun was going to be added to his training program.......the guy said no it was for his personal protection as he was now a government employee. My buddy asked what he was doing for the government an he said I am a gold bar courier. In other words he carried gold bars in the hidden compartments of the bed of his '67 Chevy 1/2 ton truck with a flatbed and a 6 cylinder engine. He has to stay incognito you see!!!

02-27-09, 08:09
A friend of mine went to work in a local gunstore about 10 years ago and I was there visiting him one afternoon when an anemic looking bag of bones, with 4 people in tow, each carrying clear plastic bags, walked up to the counter and they all set their bags of used .22 caliber brass on top. 10 bags mind you with 500 rounds in each bag.

He says to my buddy " My good man....would you be so good as to reload these and we'll be back in an hour to pick them up??" My buddy says " Sure Sargent Major, same as last time??" The guy says "Yes, but with a bit more punch this time, if you please" My buddy says " Gonna cost ya more" he says "nothing is too good for my trainees"....... I couldn't help myself so I asked " What are you training them for??" He looked at me with this look of secrecy and said "Well thats classified, Level Alpha Omega, and to tell ya I'll have to kill ya". I said "Its ok, Sargent Major, you can tell me I am a higher rank and have Bravo Zulu Clearance". He says "oh", salutes me, as do the others and says "Sorry Sir, I am training them for Counter Terrorist Activities, Sir!! I asked what weapons they were training with. He told me Marlin Semi Auto Rifles using plastic soda water bottle silencers...... Al I could say was " Carry on Sargent Major".
When he left my buddy dumped the contents of the bags in the trash and sat 10 bricks of Yellow Jacket 22's on the counter. He then dumped the rounds into the bags and tied them up. I came back about an hour later and John showed back up with ducklings in tow and was telling them about the special high speed reloading machine they have especially for his ammo. He paid my buddy, saluted me and out the door they went. I laughed so hard I got a stomach cramp.

Why am I inclined to think you're a good fiction writer? Come, on!

02-27-09, 08:15
No, I would have no reason to do such a thing. No benefit for me whatsoever.


02-27-09, 08:18
No, I would have no reason to do such a thing. No benefit for me whatsoever.


This guy would be one of the people that the Brady law was passed to ensure he didn't get a firearm. Being removed from reality and possessing firearms isn't something I'm inclined to get warm and fuzzy over.:(

02-27-09, 08:23
I am inclined to agree!!!

02-27-09, 08:25
I am inclined to agree!!!

Funny story just the same.:)

02-27-09, 10:49
I was working behind the counter of a local gun shop when this older gentleman walked up with his 10-12 year old Grandson. He began extolling tales of his glory days hunting in the mountains with his trusty old never miss 'em lever action rifle.

Promising to take the boy hunting that fall it was only an after thought that he remembered he was out of ammo and should go ahead and pick some up while he was there.
He turned to me and and asked if I could sell to him since he was from out of state.
"Yes Sir"...I assured him that there were no issues with my selling him ammo for his rifle. "What caliber is your rifle?" I asked. "I don't know." he said. Holding out his hand he stretched his thumb and forefinger wide apart and stated.
"There about this big."

02-27-09, 11:24
Me: "I'm looking for price and availability on a Browning Hi Power Practical"
Owner: "Browning doesn't make Hi Powers anymore, only FM"
Me: "FN?"
Owner: "No, FN's are garbage, FM is the only one worth having, and none of them can run like a 1911."

I have an FM Hi-Power and it's a piece of crap!! I'll take the other versions any day.

02-27-09, 12:10
That is one of the funniest things I've heard on a gun forum. :rolleyes:

My Hi Point target from 30 yards...50-60rds from double taps and rapid fire the whole time in there somewhere.

http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4004/targeth.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

They may be ugly as sin, but they are affordable, shoot as straight as anything else, and have an unbeatable warranty...

02-27-09, 12:56
My Hi Point target from 30 yards...50-60rds from double taps and rapid fire the whole time in there somewhere.

http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4004/targeth.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

They may be ugly as sin, but they are affordable, shoot as straight as anything else, and have an unbeatable warranty...

Did it come wif a Sham-Wow?:D

02-27-09, 12:57
Did it come wif a Sham-Wow?:D


02-27-09, 13:09

You know, a sham-wow !! Ask vince, he will sell you a slap-chop too :D

P.S. You will love his nuts with the slap chop :D:D

02-27-09, 13:13

02-27-09, 14:59


Back on track.

"A 1911 is a great carry pistol for a first time pistol owner" My response to that got me asked to either be quiet or leave the shop.

02-27-09, 15:03
I don't know what it is, but I get tongue tied sometimes when I'm at the gun shop, and I don't know why. Not so much dumb stuff, but knuckle-dragging, English-as-a-third language stuff.

02-27-09, 15:06
The local shop is usually full of high and mighty jerkoffs behind the counter...they've hired a couple new guys recently, though, and they are quite friendly and willing to answer even the dumbest question (like "what does this lever on the handguard of this break action shotgun do?") without making you sound like a total idiot...

02-27-09, 15:20
was at scottsdale gun club
and some guys were looking at the fun wall of toys which they have pretty good selection now :)
and the one guy said something to the effect of those guns that shoot the .223 when a suppressor is on them become subsonic and are worthless and just like a 22 then ? which cant tumble like they were designed to do :)

02-27-09, 15:32
Having owned both a Sigma and a Hi Point, I can tell you they shoot just as well as your Glock or Sig Sauer...Sigma's major problem is the trigger pull, but that can be fixed with a dremel.

Hi Point's major problem is its looks, but fashion is the last thing you should be concerned about when pulling a gun on somebody....

Stupidest thing I've heard at a gun shop?

"That Hi Point will shoot the slide right off the body and into your eye if you arent careful when you shoot that thing!"

Bruddah, you are a glutton for punishment!

02-27-09, 15:37
The local shop is usually full of high and mighty jerkoffs behind the counter...they've hired a couple new guys recently, though, and they are quite friendly and willing to answer even the dumbest question (like "what does this lever on the handguard of this break action shotgun do?") without making you sound like a total idiot...

The Firing Line?

02-27-09, 15:39
Bruddah, you are a glutton for punishment!

Perhaps I am, but so far everything has worked out well for me, whether it be my Hi Point, or my NcStar scope...would I take either into a combat zone? Not if I had something else readily available, but they do in a pinch, and that is all that I really matter about.

BTW, Im buying a Sigma 9mm this weekend from a friend :)

02-27-09, 15:40
The Firing Line?

Haha you know it!

Zane Zackerly
02-27-09, 16:42
"If you reload .223 brass with pistol primers you can make an AR15 go full auto."


Gun shop clerk to a shopper who was obviously into movies, etc. The clerk handed him a HiPoint Carbine. "And this is the Planet of the Apes gun." That was LONG before you heard that terminology on the internet.


Gun shop customer: "Yeah, the Russians designed their AK's so they could chamber our ammo but we couldn't chamber theirs." I still don't know WTF he was talking about.


A gunsmith told me this story.

A customer had brought a gun in to be reblued, and the gunsmith had done his best to duplicate the factory finish.

The customer came back two or three days later complaining that the gun had rusted.

The gunsmith dutifully reblued the gun again and apologized to the customer.

AGAIN, the customer brought the gun back complaining that it had rusted.

The gunsmith, exasperated, said he'd try it one more time but he couldn't imagine what was wrong. He named off the chemicals used, the bluing method being nearly foolproof, etc. Finally, he asked the customer, "What kind of oil are you putting on this?"

The customer looked at him kind of funny and said, "Uh...............oil?"


I also knew these guys who worked at a gun shop on Sundays during the Christmas season. Of course, the boss never checked up on them. I went into the shop on a Sunday, and these two guys were proudly laughing their heads off about how many bullet holes they had put in the walls due to their AD's from playing with the guns while the boss wasn't around. They moved a poster here, and a plaque there, to show me the holes. "Yeah," said one, "we had to move some of the posters around to cover the holes."

I never went back into that shop on a Sunday.

One of the two clerks eventually went to prison for murdering his girlfriend. True story. He's still in the pen as far as I know.

One of the other clerks at that store ended up on NCIC as a wanted fugitive for selling handguns under the counter with no paperwork. When the police started investigating he simply left town.

That gun store eventually went out of business. Wonder why.

02-27-09, 16:52
The local shop is usually full of high and mighty jerkoffs behind the counter...they've hired a couple new guys recently, though, and they are quite friendly and willing to answer even the dumbest question (like "what does this lever on the handguard of this break action shotgun do?") without making you sound like a total idiot...

Could you PM me which shop that is you're referring to?

ETA: I knew it, The Firing Line. Yeah, another place that likes to treat repeat customers like crap. I won't go in there again.

02-27-09, 17:34
Haha you know it!

lol, I go there sometimes. Some of them did come off as snobs. Don't know why, they don't even have good AR's (last time I checked).

One of them also wanted to pay me $1,200 for a slightly used Springfield PRO. They had one later for like $2,200+ new! :mad:

02-27-09, 17:44
I watched a guy buy a S&W AR-15 an Aimpoint, 500 rounds of ammo and a sling. He stated that he wanted one because HALO was so cool.

02-27-09, 18:17
Remember, the counter has two sides. We had a couple guys come in a while ago, the first thing asked was "You guys have any Desert Eagles?" Upon seeing the Savage Model 10FCP on the wall, Gun Expert #1 proceeded to say "Bolt action rifle, huh? Scopes are for pussies. I can hit an oxygen bottle at a thousand yards, first time every time, with my Kar98 Mauser." When his buddy said "Wow, that's pretty cool. What kind of sights do you have on that rifle?" Gun Expert #1 says, and I quote.....

wait for it....

"Leaf spring".

today, a nice young lady came in looking for a pistol. The guy she had "helping" her gave us some new pearls of wisdom that hadn't been heard in here before. She decided she wanted a Glock 23 (he wanted her to buy the Kel-Tec) such as "She wants two boxes of ammo, one box of ball ammo, and one box of .40 Parabellum...you know, the hollow tips". His reasoning for wanting the .40 Parabellum? Because they had "more death power". Yeah, you read that right. They were "gonna go out tomorrow and whack some rounds out".

Ya can't make this stuff up. We have enough to fill a book. A really big book.

02-27-09, 18:26
The third sin the gun store commando committed, when I asked him what to use for home defense ammo he whipped out his loaded Glock, waving it all over the store as he wrestled the magazine out of the gun. Then he showed us how he'd dremeled the hollow points of some common JHPs and expoxied primers into the bullet nose so they would, and I quote, "explode inside a guy like a grenade." But he could only sell us Hydrashoks.

Apparently, this is a popular thing to do. I went into my local shop to ask the resident reloading expert about a problem I was having. He removes the magazine from his gun so we can compare some dimensions. Each bullet in the mag had a primer in the mouth of the hollow point with "just a touch of Bullseye underneath".:eek:

To his credit, he was correct in the advise he gave me.

02-27-09, 18:55
Could you PM me which shop that is you're referring to?

ETA: I knew it, The Firing Line. Yeah, another place that likes to treat repeat customers like crap. I won't go in there again.

Ridge-runner and Decodeddiesel-

There are a couple of regulars at Firing Line that are pretty good. I was there a month ago and there was kid behind the counter talking about suppressors, and since I've been looking into it recently, I think he was all wrong about everything.

I did sell a Bushmaster :D I had when I moved here thru them. It was there for about 6 months and I hadn't heard from them. I stopped in and it wasn't on the rack. I asked if it had sold, and they said yes, just yesterday and they were going to call me :mad:. sure.

Besides Jensen's, any good gunstores in Denver that won't give me a story to tell on this thread :D

02-27-09, 22:33
Latest one. Moron GI (Chuck) was in Shooter's in Fayett-nam stating. "My 14.5" M-4 barrel isn't pinned I just JB Welded the flah suppressor on." Mind you the local ATF agents were in there 5 minutes prior!:rolleyes:

02-28-09, 01:27
One of the dumbest things I've heard was a gunstore clerk telling some customers and other clerks that failure to clean a new firearm before shooting it will result in reducing the gun's lifespan by half. He was amazingly precise about the effect of not cleaning a new gun.

One of the funniest things I've ever heard was told to me be a firearms instructor who used to work at a gun shop. One day a customer came in with nothing more than a rifle scope, put it on the counter, and asked to get it sighted in.

I make a distinction between ignorance and stupidity. Some people just don't know about firearms, and a smart, helpful clerk may be able to educate a customer. But it's different when stupid people spout-off as though they are an expert, and such people can be found on BOTH sides of the gun counter.

02-28-09, 02:26
All from the two trips, about three years apart, at the same gun store in Portland called The Gun Room:

"We don't carry HK or Glock SHIT here. they're total junk. worthless. they're plastic and fall apart within a few thousand rounds. in fact, they were originally designed to be disposable- use them for a few magazines and throw them away."


After I comment on how the well-used 20 "post ban" bushmaster HBAR in my hands was not worth $2250, Dickhead replies: Well see if you can do better than that. There's no quality AR in any configuration new or used for less than that.

Me: Uh, 6920s generally go for less than $1200 (keep in mind this is pre-obamanaton... remember those days? wow).

Dickhead snickers: I said "quality" AR.

Me: Colt IS a quality AR. but whatever, I just had some time and wanted to see what y'all had in stock. I build my own anyway.

Dickhead: Don't build your own, that's the absolutely worst way to get a gun- you'll spend three times as much as this Bushmaster for an inferior gun that'll jam up every time you shoot it.

Me: Uh, I DO build my own, and I've always been able to do it for around $1,200 and have a better weapon than any box gun and it's the way I want it the first time."

Dickhead: No, trust me. It can't be done. I've seen people try a thousand times, it cant be done. Trust me, I was a machinegun dealer for 30 years.

Me: I just said I DO, HAVE, and will continue to build my own.

By this point we're the center of attention in the shop. Our words are growing louder and less kind, and customers as well as other shop employees are watching. I proceed to list parts, their sources, and their prices and add up a fantastic gun with rails AND aimpoint for a little under $1,500. I tally up for him, as he stands there watching me, on my PDA calculator, every part from muzzle device to buttplate. When I finish and show him the total on my screen he says:

"See, I told you you couldn't do it."

I felt my face scrunch up and looked at him like he'd just sprouted vines out his big floppy ears and left without saying another word.

The Gun Room.

02-28-09, 02:29
Wow...would've taken all my self control to not grab him by the ears and feed him a mouth full of countertop:eek:

02-28-09, 02:29
Latest one. Moron GI (Chuck) was in Shooter's in Fayett-nam stating. "My 14.5" M-4 barrel isn't pinned I just JB Welded the flah suppressor on." Mind you the local ATF agents were in there 5 minutes prior!:rolleyes:

hmm.. can we get an NFA expert opinion on JBWeld as a perm attach option? if you can solder it on, I would imagine JB would certainly work too.

02-28-09, 05:43
After I comment on how the well-used 20 "post ban" bushmaster HBAR in my hands was not worth $2250, Dickhead replies: Well see if you can do better than that. There's no quality AR in any configuration new or used for less than that.

Me: Uh, 6920s generally go for less than $1200 (keep in mind this is pre-obamanaton... remember those days? wow).

Dickhead snickers: I said "quality" AR.

Me: Colt IS a quality AR. but whatever, I just had some time and wanted to see what y'all had in stock. I build my own anyway.

Dickhead: Don't build your own, that's the absolutely worst way to get a gun- you'll spend three times as much as this Bushmaster for an inferior gun that'll jam up every time you shoot it.

Me: Uh, I DO build my own, and I've always been able to do it for around $1,200 and have a better weapon than any box gun and it's the way I want it the first time."

Dickhead: No, trust me. It can't be done. I've seen people try a thousand times, it cant be done. Trust me, I was a machinegun dealer for 30 years.

Me: I just said I DO, HAVE, and will continue to build my own.

By this point we're the center of attention in the shop. Our words are growing louder and less kind, and customers as well as other shop employees are watching. I proceed to list parts, their sources, and their prices and add up a fantastic gun with rails AND aimpoint for a little under $1,500. I tally up for him, as he stands there watching me, on my PDA calculator, every part from muzzle device to buttplate. When I finish and show him the total on my screen he says:

"See, I told you you couldn't do it."

I felt my face scrunch up and looked at him like he'd just sprouted vines out his big floppy ears and left without saying another word.

The Gun Room.

Geeze, ass-wads like that DESERVE crappy guns.

Be glad. :cool:

02-28-09, 09:24
Here is a good one from today...

Gun shop owner: " This here is a Auschwitz rifle."

Me: "Uh, yes, those ANSCHUTZ rifles are very nice.

"No AUSHWITZ, its German.

"Uh, I am pretty sure that was the name of a concentration camp.

"Yeah, it's named after it."


Yeah AUSHWITZ is where they killed the majority of the people. Pretty sure the guns that they had was the same that the other troops had. Sounds like a ploy to try to sell a gun. Ah if you can't sell it with truth and specs, lets try lieing.

Let me guess they also have the "Oppenheimer" gun.

Left Sig
02-28-09, 09:27
When was buying my first Sig/Hammerli Trailside, the guy kept calling it a Hammerelli. Reminded me of how Brits say aluminium instead of aluminum.

02-28-09, 16:23
Ridge-runner and Decodeddiesel-

There are a couple of regulars at Firing Line that are pretty good. I was there a month ago and there was kid behind the counter talking about suppressors, and since I've been looking into it recently, I think he was all wrong about everything.

I did sell a Bushmaster :D I had when I moved here thru them. It was there for about 6 months and I hadn't heard from them. I stopped in and it wasn't on the rack. I asked if it had sold, and they said yes, just yesterday and they were going to call me :mad:. sure.

Besides Jensen's, any good gunstores in Denver that won't give me a story to tell on this thread :D

Another place to avoid is the Silver Bullet Shooting Range in Wheatridge. A couple of years ago I used them for a transfer since if was close to my house. The day I went to pick up the pistol, they tacked on an additional $25 fee for the transfer which they neglected to tell me about before the entire process began. The nail in the coffin was the way the attendant carried her pistol. She was wearing an Uncle Mike's paddle holster on her right front pocket. In it was a Beretta M9 with the safety disenganged and the hammer cocked. I proceded to inform her that the safety was disengaged and she laughed and said the pistol would not work with the safety engaged. I took my property and have not set foot in that place since.

02-28-09, 17:08
proceded to inform her that the safety was disengaged and she laughed and said the pistol would not work with the safety engaged. I took my property and have not set foot in that place since.

"THIS is MY safety."

02-28-09, 17:15
Stage: Room full of customers at my shop. Two of them are cops that work for the State Attorney General.

Guy comes in and is looking at my SF cans. He ask's what the price is. I tell him and also advise that there is a $200 dollar tax stamp. Anothe guy comes up and says; "Ya know you can just make your own and you do not have to pay anything right?"

I immediately look over at the two cops and see if they are listening (they were). I advised the guy that what he wanted to do was illegal and gave him the STFU look. :)


02-28-09, 17:16
A friend of mine went to work in a local gunstore about 10 years ago and I was there visiting him one afternoon when an anemic looking bag of bones, with 4 people in tow, each carrying clear plastic bags, walked up to the counter and they all set their bags of used .22 caliber brass on top. 10 bags mind you with 500 rounds in each bag.

He says to my buddy " My good man....would you be so good as to reload these and we'll be back in an hour to pick them up??" My buddy says " Sure Sargent Major, same as last time??" The guy says "Yes, but with a bit more punch this time, if you please" My buddy says " Gonna cost ya more" he says "nothing is too good for my trainees"....... I couldn't help myself so I asked " What are you training them for??" He looked at me with this look of secrecy and said "Well thats classified, Level Alpha Omega, and to tell ya I'll have to kill ya". I said "Its ok, Sargent Major, you can tell me I am a higher rank and have Bravo Zulu Clearance". He says "oh", salutes me, as do the others and says "Sorry Sir, I am training them for Counter Terrorist Activities, Sir!! I asked what weapons they were training with. He told me Marlin Semi Auto Rifles using plastic soda water bottle silencers...... Al I could say was " Carry on Sargent Major".
When he left my buddy dumped the contents of the bags in the trash and sat 10 bricks of Yellow Jacket 22's on the counter. He then dumped the rounds into the bags and tied them up. I came back about an hour later and John showed back up with ducklings in tow and was telling them about the special high speed reloading machine they have especially for his ammo. He paid my buddy, saluted me and out the door they went. I laughed so hard I got a stomach cramp.

The worst part: Those folks are eligible to vote.

02-28-09, 18:46
Another place to avoid is the Silver Bullet Shooting Range in Wheatridge.

That place is still in business? I have some nice oak cabinets that they tossed when they remodeled. There was a good group of guys that ran the place when I moved there in 2000. Some guy took the place over and fired all the staff. I guess they had too much gun knowledge because I didn't see a decent person behind the counter after that. :rolleyes:

They had one guy that was a "trainer" until he accidentally blew his finger tip off clearing a jam.

I use to visit Gunsmoke once in a while. Rich Wyatt can be a bit arrogant at times but he had a good gunsmith that really knew 1911's and they were serious about the right to carry, even before the new laws passed making it easier.

BigJim #1-8
02-28-09, 19:14

The third sin the gun store commando committed, when I asked him what to use for home defense ammo he whipped out his loaded Glock, waving it all over the store as he wrestled the magazine out of the gun. Then he showed us how he'd dremeled the hollow points of some common JHPs and expoxied primers into the bullet nose so they would, and I quote, "explode inside a guy like a grenade." But he could only sell us Hydrashoks.[/QUOTE]

These are from the early 80's.Someone was a ninja back then.
These were really marketed by Squires-Bingham.

02-28-09, 19:22
Stage: Room full of customers at my shop. Two of them are cops that work for the State Attorney General.

Guy comes in and is looking at my SF cans. He ask's what the price is. I tell him and also advise that there is a $200 dollar tax stamp. Anothe guy comes up and says; "Ya know you can just make your own and you do not have to pay anything right?"

I immediately look over at the two cops and see if they are listening (they were). I advised the guy that what he wanted to do was illegal and gave him the STFU look. :)


I almost drove down today. Wish I had, just to see that :p

02-28-09, 21:07
a salesman at a gander mountain telling a customer that glock forges their frames. i looked at him and i said you mean the slide? he pointed to the plastic grip and said no, the frame. i said, how the hell do you forge plastic? and he said i dont know, its a secret.. no one else can do that because glock patented the process. at that point i left, forgetting what i went there to get entirely, and concerned his ****tardness might be contagious:rolleyes:

02-28-09, 21:19
The worst part: Those folks are eligible to vote.

I am not sure what is scarier - that fact, or that most of them breed as well. :eek:

02-28-09, 22:15
My buddy is an assistant chief here in the little town that I live in. We got to be pretty good buddies since the EMS station is connected to the PD. He decides he wants an AR since our county is getting a SWAT team started. He asked me to check into finding him an AR that is better than a RRA. I called a store that usually stocks AR's. They told me they had a Colt AR that they "could only sell to law enforcement cause it has an attachment point for a grenade launcher". I told him I was calling for my buddy, and he gave me the 5th degree. I told him I was hangin up, and would look elsewhere. He was nice then. My buddy walked out the door with it for $1400, and all he had to do was show his badge!!!!!! The guy at the gun store was tryin to sell him an Olympic Arms!!!!! Luckily for him, he had seen the specs on the knowledge base threads, and told the gun owner he was full of shit.

02-28-09, 22:57
I'd recommend AM. They don't sound as good but they have much greater range.

Laughed so hard I almost woke my wife up, back to reading the rest of the thread...great stuff!

02-28-09, 23:05
"could only sell to law enforcement cause it has an attachment point for a grenade launcher".


03-02-09, 08:36
That's the damage that people can do by talking in gun shops. If either the counter man or the customer doesn't know the facts of the subject in question-how Glock frames are made, for instance-having someone sound like they know what they're talking about is enough to perpetuate misinformation...or comedy. The person hearing it doesn't know any better, and for whatever reason, the information resonates with them, so they repeat it. Sometimes it's no harm, no foul, but other times it means heinous, criminal, idiotic misinformation is being spread, because that person didn't go find the truth themselves. And that's how a thread like this gets to be 8 pages long, and probably won't stop till at least 10. I'm sure I have a couple more that can be added.

Here's one that happened to my buddy Mike back in California back in the day. Ol' Mike lived in East County, worked in North County, and used to shoot a lot of IPSC matches in Escondido. He was in El Cajon Gun Exchange picking up some bullets to reload, when he hears "that guy" behind the counter (we called him Fat Boy, and everyone who'd ever been in the store knew exactly who we were talking about) telling a customer that he really didn't want to get a gun that he could shoot IPSC with, because IPSC would cause him to develop "bad habits". After ranting about IPSC for a little bit, Mike stands up from behind the shelf he was behind (the bullets were all stacked on the bottom shelf) and looks directly at Fat Boy. FB notices that he's being stared at, and asks Mike "You need some help there?" Mike says "No, I just wanted to hear what you have to say about IPSC shooters before I buy this box of bullets." FB shut up because he didn't know what else to do, customer left, and Mike bought his last box of bullets from ECGE.

03-02-09, 09:50

IT has a bayonet lug on the carbine..... That is why the gun shop "could only sell to law enforcement"... What a dumbass

03-02-09, 10:17
This guy would be one of the people that the Brady law was passed to ensure he didn't get a firearm. Being removed from reality and possessing firearms isn't something I'm inclined to get warm and fuzzy over.:(

I was thinking the same thing.

03-02-09, 12:29
There are a few gun shops that I go to, all are fairly close to home. The one closest, is the one I go to for gun powder, and primers, because his prices are pretty good. The guys that work there, are decent enough, but the owner is a jerk. My only beef with him is the "Know it all" attitude. If he doesn't stock it, you don't need it. Three weeks ago I went in for some Accurate 2230. I was running low, and wanted another 4lbs. I asked for it, and he looks at me like I'm a moron. (which I am, but he don't know that) "What are you using it for" he asks. I resisted giving him a smart-ass answer, and explained that the load I have been using lately (with pretty good results) for my M-4, consists of 24 grs. of 2230, win. small rifle primers, and 55 gr. Sierra spire points. He says "since you're new to reloading (I'm not), I'm gonna help you out." "You should be using Reloader 10x". "Your gun has a 14 1/2" barrel and you will get better velocity with a faster powder." I just said "oh, okay" turned around and walked out. I agree with his claim that a faster burning powder will give better velocity, but the difference would be marginal, my gun shoots the load I've been using well, I didn't ask for his opinion, and the way he said it pissed me off. I doubt I will be back there any time soon.

03-02-09, 12:47
There are a few gun shops that I go to, all are fairly close to home. The one closest, is the one I go to for gun powder, and primers, because his prices are pretty good. The guys that work there, are decent enough, but the owner is a jerk. My only beef with him is the "Know it all" attitude. If he doesn't stock it, you don't need it. Three weeks ago I went in for some Accurate 2230. I was running low, and wanted another 4lbs. I asked for it, and he looks at me like I'm a moron. (which I am, but he don't know that) "What are you using it for" he asks. I resisted giving him a smart-ass answer, and explained that the load I have been using lately (with pretty good results) for my M-4, consists of 24 grs. of 2230, win. small rifle primers, and 55 gr. Sierra spire points. He says "since you're new to reloading (I'm not), I'm gonna help you out." "You should be using Reloader 10x". "Your gun has a 14 1/2" barrel and you will get better velocity with a faster powder." I just said "oh, okay" turned around and walked out. I agree with his claim that a faster burning powder will give better velocity, but the difference would be marginal, my gun shoots the load I've been using well, I didn't ask for his opinion, and the way he said it pissed me off. I doubt I will be back there any time soon.

Gotta admit: I'm pretty impressed by all the stories I've read on here where people just turn around and walk out. We all understand and submit to the "Never argue with fools," maxim...however wouldn't it be fun, just once, to let the idiot (whomever he/she is) have it real good, with a smile on our face, and THEN walk out?

I know, I know...better to leave them to their idiocy.

But still...:D

03-02-09, 16:50
. The nail in the coffin was the way the attendant carried her pistol. She was wearing an Uncle Mike's paddle holster on her right front pocket. In it was a Beretta M9 with the safety disenganged and the hammer cocked.

I live on the MA/CT border and frequent a lot of CT shops. I went to one of the larger ones that had recently relocated and added a range. One of the guys behind the counter displayed the worst way to carry. He had some small semi-auto pistol tucked in his waistband. To add icing to the cake his jeans were baggy almost hanging around his ass and his t-shirt was two sizes too big. He looked like your stereotypical wanna be ghetto white boy with the shaved head and chin strap beard and all.

It just screamed unprofessional,(not to mention unsafe) and as far as I am concerned I will never go to that shop again.


03-02-09, 17:27
a salesman at a gander mountain telling a customer that glock forges their frames. i looked at him and i said you mean the slide? he pointed to the plastic grip and said no, the frame. i said, how the hell do you forge plastic? and he said i dont know, its a secret.. no one else can do that because glock patented the process. at that point i left, forgetting what i went there to get entirely, and concerned his ****tardness might be contagious:rolleyes:
Since it was Gander Mountain, I'm sure they wanted at least $999.95 for the Glock.

Way back to the OP and "Auschwitz" rifles, did the guy even know that Auschwitz was in Poland?? Also I'm not so sure about weapons ever being made there--could be getting mixed up with Nordhausen, where prisoners made V-2 rockets.

03-02-09, 17:31
Since it was Gander Mountain, I'm sure they wanted at least $999.95 for the Glock.

Way back to the OP and "Auschwitz" rifles, did the guy even know that Auschwitz was in Poland?? Also I'm not so sure about weapons ever being made there--could be getting mixed up with Nordhausen, where prisoners made V-2 rockets.

Or he could just be an idiot who refuses to admit he was wrong...

03-03-09, 01:58
Gotta admit: I'm pretty impressed by all the stories I've read on here where people just turn around and walk out. We all understand and submit to the "Never argue with fools," maxim...however wouldn't it be fun, just once, to let the idiot (whomever he/she is) have it real good, with a smile on our face, and THEN walk out?

I know, I know...better to leave them to their idiocy.

But still...:D

its all of us that turn around and walk out that give these idiots the satisfaction of having just "showed" somebody. so really, we shouldn't let them get away with it.

the problem is, as you say, "never argue with fools," should really be "you CANT argue with fools." all of us have tried it- it just doesn't work. so what you end up with is being all worked up getting into a pissing match with someone who will not, ever, admit they're wrong and will continue to argue their wrong point unto death. God forbit they have to tell you to leave- and you'll have to, 'cause it's their store.

it's lose/lose arguing with stupid. case in point- my own post. i could have just left, but i argued with him. in the end, i just left anyway... and to this day i still want to bust 1 or 2 of his teeth when i think about it.

03-03-09, 02:09
the problem is, as you say, "never argue with fools," should really be "you CANT argue with fools." all of us have tried it- it just doesn't work. so what you end up with is being all worked up getting into a pissing match with someone who will not, ever, admit they're wrong and will continue to argue their wrong point unto death. God forbit they have to tell you to leave- and you'll have to, 'cause it's their store.

it's lose/lose arguing with stupid.

Exactly. Witness the nonsense regarding the Oly Arms forum in another thread.

Few people can admit they are wrong. Even fewer can do it after showing their ass.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-03-09, 02:12
Or he could just be an idiot who refuses to admit he was wrong...

Bingo. The rifle was an Anschutz. The guy is just a know it all who knows nearly nothing. I have heard him make various absurd claims and terrible recommendations.

03-03-09, 23:20
its all of us that turn around and walk out that give these idiots the satisfaction of having just "showed" somebody. so really, we shouldn't let them get away with it.

the problem is, as you say, "never argue with fools," should really be "you CANT argue with fools." all of us have tried it- it just doesn't work. so what you end up with is being all worked up getting into a pissing match with someone who will not, ever, admit they're wrong and will continue to argue their wrong point unto death. God forbit they have to tell you to leave- and you'll have to, 'cause it's their store.

it's lose/lose arguing with stupid. case in point- my own post. i could have just left, but i argued with him. in the end, i just left anyway... and to this day i still want to bust 1 or 2 of his teeth when i think about it.
exactly. and no matter what, the guy behind the counter will always have the last word, even if that word comes out their ass.

03-04-09, 05:02
its all of us that turn around and walk out that give these idiots the satisfaction of having just "showed" somebody. so really, we shouldn't let them get away with it.

This is the part that bothers me more than anything. Most of these people, when we walk away, feel a sense of pride for having "informed" us, when the truth is that they just lost a customer for proving themselves to be idiots.

What's even worse than gun-store talk is gun SHOW talk. Oh my god...it's like everyone piled out of the Timmy Bus and walked straight into the show...vendors and customers alike. I swear some of the big vendors just hire people off the street in order to have enough bodies. Ask a question, get a blank look, and hope someone comes over to prod the statue frozen in front of you into moving along to the next person with a question that'll leave him just as petrified.

Am I clowning on gun-store people? Maybe a little...but the truth is that they are a big part of why the industry is perceived the way it is. If we don't even have educated, informed, studious, trained people selling the products, how can we expect to have an educated, informed, studious, and trained gun-owning society?

03-04-09, 05:57
It was not at a gun store but it still fits the thread. " If you shoot to the west your bullet will go farther faster and hit harder, because of the rotation of the earth". :rolleyes: I responded with "no it wont"

03-04-09, 08:23
marginally dumb, but extremely funny.

Was working behind the gun counter and trying to bring new person up to speed. He had bad case of "know it all". We got talking about gun safety, safe methods to drop the hammer when a round is in the chamber. I was raised with older style pistols that didn't have transfer bars and the revolvers had the firing pin on the hammer. I was showing him how to decock using the thumb, when he grabs a revolver out of the case and tells me he knows a safer way, and proceeds to use the "web" between his thumb and index finger as a buffer between the hammer and transfer bar. Gives me a grin and drops the hammer. I laughed so hard i nearly pissed my pants. He had grabbed an older smith with the firing pin on the hammer, and that pin was now inside that tender area on his hand. A couple customers had been listening and watching, and they made no effort to hide their laughs. It took me about 10 seconds before i could stop laughing enough to help him disengage the hammer from his hand. Still brings a laugh when i remember the look on his face.:D

03-04-09, 08:48
FYI, there is a Hi Power clone made by FM in Argentina.


Remember the cheap HPs with the full length sight rail on the top?


03-04-09, 10:42
FYI, there is a Hi Power clone made by FM in Argentina.


Remember the cheap HPs with the full length sight rail on the top?

"F.M." makes me think of that "famous maker" brand of cheap scope mounts and lasers sold at gun shows:D

03-04-09, 11:36
It was not at a gun store but it still fits the thread. " If you shoot to the west your bullet will go farther faster and hit harder, because of the rotation of the earth". :rolleyes: I responded with "no it wont"

Oh for crying out loud...That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time...

03-04-09, 11:53
" If you shoot to the west your bullet will go farther faster and hit harder, because of the rotation of the earth".

You should have asked him how the relativistic effect of time dilation played a role in the bullet's trajectory, too.

03-04-09, 12:02
It was not at a gun store but it still fits the thread. " If you shoot to the west your bullet will go farther faster and hit harder, because of the rotation of the earth". :rolleyes: I responded with "no it wont"

even better. recommend that he test that theory at the north or south pole, because due to the curvature of the earth, the rotational speeds would be faster, the closer you are to the "hub". That would allow the bullet to travel further, then if it was fired at the equator.

we can only hope his condition can be treated with drugs, and isn't genetic.

03-04-09, 12:13
even better. recommend that he test that theory at the north or south pole, because due to the curvature of the earth, the rotational speeds would be faster, the closer you are to the "hub". That would allow the bullet to travel further, then if it was fired at the equator.
Actually, that concept is not without merit. The European Space Agency and some independant space wannabes have launch sites near the equator for exactly that reason.
Of course, the goal there is to attain a given speed relative to the earth itself, not to some arbitrary point on earth.

03-04-09, 12:28
even better. recommend that he test that theory at the north or south pole, because due to the curvature of the earth, the rotational speeds would be faster, the closer you are to the "hub".

In extreme long range shooting (1500+ Yards), folks do attempt to compensate for gyroscopic (spin) drift and the Coriolis effect. Most folks ignore spin drift inside of 1K yards, because it's difficult to measure and a small change in the wind value can have a larger impact on the bullet. It's essentially lost in the noise for shooting inside of 1K.

FWIW: Bryan Litz is a pretty smart guy and well respected in the ballistics community.

03-04-09, 13:12
If your shooting artillery rounds the data computations take into account the rotation of the earth in relation ship to distance, charge, projo weight, etc.

03-04-09, 14:55
So I am at gun store today picking up some primers. The place was a little crazy with three employees waiting on people and about a dozen people in the store.

One guy walks over to the black rifle area and starts gazing. An employee asked him if he knew what he wanted. The guy answered "Not sure......definitely something black........and short.................and tactical."

03-04-09, 16:13
So I am at gun store today picking up some primers. The place was a little crazy with three employees waiting on people and about a dozen people in the store.

One guy walks over to the black rifle area and starts gazing. An employee asked him if he knew what he wanted. The guy answered "Not sure......definitely something black........and short.................and tactical."

Surely that deserves to be someone's signature...

03-04-09, 16:18
One guy walks over to the black rifle area and starts gazing. An employee asked him if he knew what he wanted. The guy answered "Not sure......definitely something black........and short.................and tactical."

There's no way I would have been able to maintain any sense of bearing, overhearing that. I would completely lose my shit. Guaranteed.

If you managed to keep it limited to a lopsided smirk, you're a man of considerable restraint.

03-04-09, 17:39
There's no way I would have been able to maintain any sense of bearing, overhearing that. I would completely lose my shit. Guaranteed.

If you managed to keep it limited to a lopsided smirk, you're a man of considerable restraint.

It was probably someone in OCS....... :D

(ducking quickly to avoid a hurled brick....)

03-05-09, 08:06
It was probably someone in OCS....... :D

(ducking quickly to avoid a hurled brick....)

:D Nice

03-05-09, 21:35
even better. recommend that he test that theory at the north or south pole, because due to the curvature of the earth, the rotational speeds would be faster, the closer you are to the "hub". That would allow the bullet to travel further, then if it was fired at the equator.

we can only hope his condition can be treated with drugs, and isn't genetic.

Also tell him being at the pole, he should also move after firing because the bullet would circle back and he could get hit in the back.....

03-07-09, 00:03
I heard this on Thursday at Carters Country in Houston TX, $499 for a case of PMC Bronze .223.................All I could say was WOW............
Just got in the Jeep and home and ordered another 1000 rounds of PPU 5.56 from Widners for $370...............


03-07-09, 00:22
At wal-mart last night the cashier chick at the ammo desk. After I made a remark about buying some 5.56 at a gunshow this weekend, she felt the need to warn me that buying ammo at shows is dangerous because you could be buying reloads. I told her I'd be buying American eagle or PMC. She then went on to say that since those arent "good" quality ammo like winchester or remington, that they might blow up in my gun and destroy it :eek:

03-07-09, 00:38
At wal-mart last night the cashier chick at the ammo desk. After I made a remark about buying some 5.56 at a gunshow this weekend, she felt the need to warn me that buying ammo at shows is dangerous because you could be buying reloads. I told her I'd be buying American eagle or PMC. She then went on to say that since those arent "good" quality ammo like winchester or remington, that they might blow up in my gun and destroy it :eek:

its sure a good thing we have the fine wallmart experts to keep us safe.

03-07-09, 11:49
its sure a good thing we have the fine wallmart experts to keep us safe.

You gotta love it. She's probably never even shot a gun, let alone a reload. Man sometimes you think they look for these dumbasses and then hire them. Here we'll put you in a department that has people come in and don't know what they are talking about so you can stear them straight. And we are also going to call you a expert.............:rolleyes:

Left Sig
03-07-09, 13:44
You gotta love it. She's probably never even shot a gun, let alone a reload. Man sometimes you think they look for these dumbasses and then hire them. Here we'll put you in a department that has people come in and don't know what they are talking about so you can stear them straight. And we are also going to call you a expert.............:rolleyes:

The fact that they are working at Wal-Mart in the first place is an indication that they weren't sharp enough to get a better job...

03-07-09, 13:56
Went to the local shop yesterday and overheard someone asking if they had pmags. Guy laughed at him then told him next week. When customer asks about the price, guy behind counter says I don't know, it depends on the market ???
I am glad I had my back turned cause the look on my face was priceless :D
So I guess the standard price is whatever we feel like paying next week:confused:


03-07-09, 17:01
was in one of the local shops i frequent this week, looking at safes actually, and saw and interesting BM to say the least. check out the link (http://www.vancesshooterssupplies.com/flyer/flyer.pdf) to their online flyer, page three, midway down on the left....i love the name myself. there were people in line just to get their hands on it.

03-07-09, 17:18
was in one of the local shops i frequent this week, looking at safes actually, and saw and interesting BM to say the least. check out the link (http://www.vancesshooterssupplies.com/flyer/flyer.pdf) to their online flyer, page three, midway down on the left....i love the name myself. there were people in line just to get their hands on it.

You mean the Tacti-cool Mini-14s or the Bushmaster Urban Interdiction Rifle on the right hand side? $2600 Bushmaster, wow.
Edit- Please tell me it isn't the HighPoint

03-07-09, 20:05
You mean the Tacti-cool Mini-14s or the Bushmaster Urban Interdiction Rifle on the right hand side? $2600 Bushmaster, wow.
Edit- Please tell me it isn't the HighPoint

I'm sure he's referring to the "Urban Interdiction Rifle". When I first saw the ad, I read that as "Urban InterAction Rifle", and was thinking, "Wow, that's a great name!".

03-07-09, 23:30
The fact that they are working at Wal-Mart in the first place is an indication that they weren't sharp enough to get a better job...

Working for Walmart ain't that bad of a deal...

But it would be nice if the sporting goods cashiers were either knowledgeable or would keep their mouth shut.

The Walmart that I shop at has competent clerks at the gun counter. I guess not so much for others...

03-08-09, 17:08
All from the two trips, about three years apart, at the same gun store in Portland called The Gun Room:

"We don't carry HK or Glock SHIT here. they're total junk. worthless. they're plastic and fall apart within a few thousand rounds. in fact, they were originally designed to be disposable- use them for a few magazines and throw them away."


After I comment on how the well-used 20 "post ban" bushmaster HBAR in my hands was not worth $2250, Dickhead replies: Well see if you can do better than that. There's no quality AR in any configuration new or used for less than that.

Me: Uh, 6920s generally go for less than $1200 (keep in mind this is pre-obamanaton... remember those days? wow).

Dickhead snickers: I said "quality" AR.

Me: Colt IS a quality AR. but whatever, I just had some time and wanted to see what y'all had in stock. I build my own anyway.

Dickhead: Don't build your own, that's the absolutely worst way to get a gun- you'll spend three times as much as this Bushmaster for an inferior gun that'll jam up every time you shoot it.

Me: Uh, I DO build my own, and I've always been able to do it for around $1,200 and have a better weapon than any box gun and it's the way I want it the first time."

Dickhead: No, trust me. It can't be done. I've seen people try a thousand times, it cant be done. Trust me, I was a machinegun dealer for 30 years.

Me: I just said I DO, HAVE, and will continue to build my own.

By this point we're the center of attention in the shop. Our words are growing louder and less kind, and customers as well as other shop employees are watching. I proceed to list parts, their sources, and their prices and add up a fantastic gun with rails AND aimpoint for a little under $1,500. I tally up for him, as he stands there watching me, on my PDA calculator, every part from muzzle device to buttplate. When I finish and show him the total on my screen he says:

"See, I told you you couldn't do it."

I felt my face scrunch up and looked at him like he'd just sprouted vines out his big floppy ears and left without saying another word.

The Gun Room.

One could probably overload the M4C server with all the drivel that is audible at that store.

03-08-09, 17:32
My Hi Point target from 30 yards...50-60rds from double taps and rapid fire the whole time in there somewhere.

http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4004/targeth.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

They may be ugly as sin, but they are affordable, shoot as straight as anything else, and have an unbeatable warranty...

You have the same target posted on ARFCOM stating it is at a distance of 40 ft.

Which is it?

About half way down page on link below


03-08-09, 17:52
my buddy's got a hipoint 380.. i actually really like the way it shoots... i can basically dump the magazine into a 6" group at 5m.

the only drawback is the fact that the magazine is known to fall out of the bottom and explode rounds everywhere, it stovepipes at least every other mag, sometimes doesn't even extract the cartridge from the chamber, light strikes from time to time... i've never seen a gun with as many different kinds of malfunctions as that thing. complete piece of shit. it's our get-a-laugh gun.

03-08-09, 18:02
You have the same target posted on ARFCOM stating it is at a distance of 40 ft.

Which is it?


03-08-09, 18:13
Someone gonna get burned...

I have heard some dumb stuff at shops, on both sides of the counter

Someone just tried to sell me a Ruger Tactical Mini-14, which goes for like 700 or so, for a grand and told me how great of a deal it is

A while back A guy said he could build me a flattop Ar w/ a freefloat and an ACOG for the low price of 4300 bucks

An Ar is like 1K, a free float is say 300, an ACOG is (way on the outside 1200), so that like 3500 on the outside of prices

03-09-09, 10:12
Same shop, same guy behind counter today. Looking at an aimpoint for my m4 he has one for $1100 ?? Also tried to sell me a rifle today. Not sure of the spelling, a golani ? by century arms ?? for $1299 Said it was as good as any ar but reliable like an ak47 :confused: Looked like a piece of crap to me. I hated how it felt when I held it also. It's too bad because they have a big shop with tons of rifles and pistol plus acc. Just the prices suck !!


03-09-09, 13:05
I buddy on the same deer lease I hunt went in to buy some ammo for his 7x57 remmy 700...they were out and the guy behind the counter told him 7mm-08 was the same round:confused::confused:

This was at Academy.

03-09-09, 13:23
Same shop, same guy behind counter today. Looking at an aimpoint for my m4 he has one for $1100 ?? Also tried to sell me a rifle today. Not sure of the spelling, a golani ? by century arms ?? for $1299 Said it was as good as any ar but reliable like an ak47 :confused: Looked like a piece of crap to me. I hated how it felt when I held it also. It's too bad because they have a big shop with tons of rifles and pistol plus acc. Just the prices suck !!


That's ridiculous for a Century Galil.

03-09-09, 13:24
Same shop, same guy behind counter today. Looking at an aimpoint for my m4 he has one for $1100 ?? Also tried to sell me a rifle today. Not sure of the spelling, a golani ? by century arms ?? for $1299 Said it was as good as any ar but reliable like an ak47 :confused: Looked like a piece of crap to me. I hated how it felt when I held it also. It's too bad because they have a big shop with tons of rifles and pistol plus acc. Just the prices suck !!


The Golani by Century is a total POS and he's selling it for about twice as what you can buy one for...not that you would want one, though.

03-09-09, 16:14
was in one of the local shops i frequent this week, looking at safes actually, and saw and interesting BM to say the least. check out the link (http://www.vancesshooterssupplies.com/flyer/flyer.pdf) to their online flyer, page three, midway down on the left....i love the name myself. there were people in line just to get their hands on it.
fools and their money...that SIG looked cheap by comparison. the PTR-91 price seems reasonable...the ruger mini14"CF"...Complete Foolishness? completely f^cktarded?:rolleyes:

03-09-09, 16:44
"The Swiss Army knife is the sharpest knife ever made. I won't even open one up because I cut myself every time I do."-- Lady working the counter at a local surplus store.

03-09-09, 18:31
"The Swiss Army knife is the sharpest knife ever made. I won't even open one up because I cut myself every time I do."-- Lady working the counter at a local surplus store.

OK I like this one. Obviously she's never seen my SOG.:D

03-09-09, 22:12
was in one of the local shops i frequent this week, looking at safes actually, and saw and interesting BM to say the least. check out the link (http://www.vancesshooterssupplies.com/flyer/flyer.pdf) to their online flyer, page three, midway down on the left....i love the name myself. there were people in line just to get their hands on it.

yeah that should read RIGHT side...the bushy was the one.

03-09-09, 22:24
yeah that should read RIGHT side...the bushy was the one.
I'm sure that's standard issue to all the Paul Blarts of the world... :D

03-09-09, 23:50
Here's one,

I was pricing out AR's in the Hudson Valley, and I was in a shop that borders Manhattan and that I am pretty sure survives off of selling cheap guns to city folk.

There were two guys looking to buy a handgun to defend a pizza shop/deli. They were obviously ignorant about all things involving firearms. It was the owner, and his coworker.

At one point the owner asks: "O.K., I get what your saying, it's easy to use, but how do I site it, how do I aim, will you show me how the sites work?"

Dealer: "You don't need sites! The best competitive pistol shooters, the professionals, they don't use sites at all, they don't need em. You just point, and shoot, nothing to it."

I was glad to know that this shop in no way contributed to any firearms accidents in the Big Apple or adjacent area.:rolleyes:

03-10-09, 00:59
Dealer: "You don't need sites! The best competitive pistol shooters, the professionals, they don't use sites at all, they don't need em. You just point, and shoot, nothing to it."

even if this was true, that's absolutely no reason to recommend a technique to some pizza parlor owner and his zit-faced employee.

i can feel the muscles in my jaw tighten every time i hear a gun store guy tell somebody what "all the special forces guys" or "all the best competition shooters" are doing or using. has zero ****ing bearing on Mr. Smith's needs.

03-10-09, 01:06
"So, uh, you got any AR uppers in stock?"
I could hear the entire staff laughing into the phone.

And yeah, it was me asking.

03-10-09, 01:15
A few days ago at Gander Mountain:

Guy: "Hey, is this Federal XM193 good ammo or not? I just bought this new Bushnell AR-15 and need some bullets."

Us: "....."

Guy: "....."

Us: "A Bushnell?"

Guy: "Yeah, my new Bushnell has an adjustable stock and holds 30 rounds. Got it on sale for $1,600.00"

Us: "....."

Us: "Yes, it's good ammo."

03-10-09, 07:28
When I called to transfer a N4 light...
"Noveske AR-15? Ain't never heard of that brand."

03-10-09, 10:47
Me after caling a few gunstores to see who can remove the castle nut to install Magpuls ASAP. All gunstores reffered me to one local gunsmith.

Me: ring, ring, ring
GunSmith: "Yeah"
Me:Hi, I was reffered by a few gunstores to you guys. Do you do work on AR15s?
GunSmith:Yes we do.
Me:great, can I get quote how much it would be to install an Ambidextrous Sling Attachment Plate?
Me:A sling attachment plate. The plate on the lower receiver behind the castle nut.
GunSmith:"Umm, so you want a sling attached to your AR15?
Me:No I just need the plate installed cause I don't have the wrench to remove the castle nut.
GunSmith:I'll have to look at it, to see what you want done.
Me:Okay, Thank you for your time

Got online and ordered the wrench. This just motivates me more to learn everything about the AR15 system. I dunno how good the gunsmith is. But his lack of knowledge on terminolgy turned me off.

03-10-09, 15:58
"So, uh, you got any AR uppers in stock?"
I could hear the entire staff laughing into the phone.

And yeah, it was me asking.

"You got any 14.5 AR barrels and long flashhiders?"

The entire staff fell down laughing in front of me. This was last week.

Now I don't feel so bad. Thanks!

03-10-09, 16:11
"You got any 14.5 AR barrels and long flashhiders?"

The entire staff fell down laughing in front of me. This was last week.

Now I don't feel so bad. Thanks!

...or even dumber yet..selling my SP1 shorty / long hider and pre-ban h-bar.

03-11-09, 15:58
"The Swiss Army knife is the sharpest knife ever made. I won't even open one up because I cut myself every time I do."-- Lady working the counter at a local surplus store.
I dunno about sharpest ever, as Bill Harsey made the scapel he had surgery done with, but the first really nasty cut I got in my time selling knives was with a Victorinox Super Tinker. Dropped that main blade right into the middle of my thumb. It was deep, but it healed fast because the cut was so clean. Maybe she's just clumsy. Or dumb. Or both. Or any combination thereof.

03-11-09, 16:04
Winchester Black Talon is still illegal to possess according to the counter clerk at Academy on 75/Spring Creek in Plano, Texas last week.

03-11-09, 16:35
A store I went in to yesterday, the guy behind the counter:"You dont need to worry about who makes AR's, because anybody who makes AR's or AR parts makes them mill spec"
Me: um, no that is not true at all.
We argued for a little bit then I left, he did not care what I said or what I could prove.

Ed L.
03-12-09, 03:02
Gun store clerk: "Glaser Safety Slugs are so lethal that you really gotta worry about shooting someone by mistake."

M: "So I guess with regular ammo, it's okay to shoot someone by mistake."

03-12-09, 04:02
I was told Federal Hydra-Shok was HST ammo by an employee. Dead serious too. I told him no it's not and thanks for making me drive down there for no reason.

03-12-09, 07:59
I was told Federal Hydra-Shok was HST ammo by an employee. Dead serious too. I told him no it's not and thanks for making me drive down there for no reason.

This was here in town? Which shop?

03-12-09, 08:36
In a gun store in Washington while visiting my sister....

Standing there and she sees a J-frame Smith and says (out loud) "hey that is just like the one in your pocket"! and pats me on the right front pocket :(

You could of heard a pin drop.

03-12-09, 09:00
In a gun store in Washington while visiting my sister....

Standing there and she sees a J-frame Smith and says (out loud) "hey that is just like the one in your pocket"! and pats me on the right front pocket :(

You could of heard a pin drop.

Did you look at her and say " ah that's not a gun........". hehehe:D

03-12-09, 09:44
Yesterday at Cabela's:

AA guy in a delivery uniform standing at the counter fondling a high polish chrome 1911 style pistol. Looks at the counter guy and says "can you polish this up I'd like to see it shine." Counter guy say "sure" and grabs a silicone cloth to wipe it down. I wanted sooo much to say something but I just walked off. Way too much bling for me! :rolleyes:


03-12-09, 11:04
Did you look at her and say " ah that's not a gun........". hehehe:D

No, because she was my sister, but, we did have a little talk when we left the store......

03-12-09, 11:27
Well as much as I hate going to the gun stores I stuffed some cash in my pocket this morning and set out across town to see what I could find..... the answer to that was not much!

At my last stop(sportsman's warehouse) they had a .50 bolt gun up on the counter; some guy (another customer) was telling his firends about the guy called "God" that worked security at a Nuke plant and used that same gun but with a special scope...

I'm sure that was from a move.:(


03-12-09, 11:35
This was here in town? Which shop?

This was at Discount Firearms unfortunately. I like that store and it's usually the first place I go to buy locally. I think it was a "isolated" incident. Most of the employees know their stuff.

03-12-09, 11:36
Well as much as I hate going to the gun stores I stuffed some cash in my pocket this morning and set out across town to see what I could find..... the answer to that was not much!

At my last stop(sportsman's warehouse) they had a .50 bolt gun up on the counter; some guy (another customer) was telling his firends about the guy called "God" that worked security at a Nuke plant and used that same gun but with a special scope...

I'm sure that was from a move.:(


I think he watched navy seals too many times. :D


03-12-09, 12:41
This was at Discount Firearms unfortunately. I like that store and it's usually the first place I go to buy locally. I think it was a "isolated" incident. Most of the employees know their stuff.

I've been there twice, the last time being right after SHOT 2008. I spoke to a distributor who said Discount had one of their firearms available to try on their range, so I called Discount the day after SHOT, confirmed this, and went in the next day. When I asked about trying the particular weapon on the range, I was looked at, and treated like, the biggest idiot who ever walked into their shop. I told them I spoke to someone on the phone the day before, I was told they had no idea why anyone would tell me that and if I was sure I had the right shop. The guy behind the counter spoke to me in such a tone that he may as well have just come right out and called me a ****ing idiot and got it out of the way. His tone, and the fact that he was carrying his personal pistol in a Safariland 6004 :rolleyes:, made me want to come across the counter and slap him silly. I'll never go in that shop again, even if they're selling 6920s for $1000.

I have a guy I work with now who has his FFL, so I pretty much just go through him. He charges me $20 to bring an out of state/internet purchase in for me, and he doesn't try to scam me with this myth that you have to pay local sales tax on a weapon you bought out of state. If you want his contact info, PM me.

03-12-09, 12:54
Had a guy in a gun shop try to tell me that hollow points expand as soon as they leave the barrel! Needless to say it was difficult to reason with such an asinine person. He kept telling me that he was right because he is a "hunter"

03-12-09, 13:18
god i love this thread.....:D

03-12-09, 15:42
Sometimes I hear things that are half-right and then sound so assinine I don't know what to think. Just got back from a ammo forage, two walmarts, a bass pro and a gun shop, all for naught.

The kid at the gun store was talking about SCAR and ACR. Now, I really don't pay attention to those rifles, and he started off fine and then it got weird.

"The Bushmaster ACR is way better than the SCAR (ok), the SCAR won only for SOCOM (right), but only the SCAR-H not the SCAR-L will be bought (?). The guys will probably just use their old M14s anyway since you can tweak those up to be super accurate. The ACR is going to win the Big Army contract, and when they do they'll win the next army handgun competition. If not that, they should use the XD, since it is made here in America."

"Uh, thanks, see you later."

Is he talking about the FMG-9??? Did we annex Croatia when I wasn't looking?

This after they were practicing how do disarm someone carrying a Berreta 92 buy grabbing the gun and pulling the slide off.


03-12-09, 15:43
Had a guy in a gun shop try to tell me that hollow points expand as soon as they leave the barrel! Needless to say it was difficult to reason with such an asinine person. He kept telling me that he was right because he is a "hunter"

No, he'd be prey.

03-12-09, 16:17
I'll never go in that shop again, even if they're selling 6920s for $1000.

Sir, I salute you for your integrity and general up-standingness.

Having never been to the shop myself, though, if they do happen to start selling genuine 6920's for $1,000 each could you shoot me a quick PM? I'd like to buy 50.

This after they were practicing how do disarm someone carrying a Berreta 92 buy grabbing the gun and pulling the slide off.

I'm jealous. None of the shops around here have idiots like that. I was at my local FFL for half an hour today picking up my new M&P and not once did anyone in the shop say anything stupid (except possibly me). The store manager spent the whole time very rationally and professionally explaining to a new DC resident customer the differences between revolvers and semiauto pistols, how they're loaded & unloaded, and the pros & cons of each. I was genuinely impressed.

03-12-09, 16:27
[QUOTE][One of the funniest things I've ever heard was told to me be a firearms instructor who used to work at a gun shop. One day a customer came in with nothing more than a rifle scope, put it on the counter, and asked to get it sighted in.

That's great!
If I ever get the courage, I may go into a gun shop and do that just to see how they'd react!

03-12-09, 19:17
Gotta +1 for the gun shop owner who says "Noveske? Never heard of 'em. I don't know why anyone would want anything other than a Bushmaster!" "What'd you pay for it, $750?", me- "no, they're around $2000", "WHY would you want one of those when you could have TWO Bushmasters for THAT PRICE!"
He then proceeded to tell me how there were only a few things you can do to an AR-15 to accurize it, one of which is to put a wedge between the upper and lower. I said "ok, well, I'll check back with you later". I was looking at some xm193 he had, $12.99 a box, no thanks. THAT will be my last visit in that shop.

03-13-09, 13:23
Had a guy in a gun shop try to tell me that hollow points expand as soon as they leave the barrel!

Wow :eek:

03-13-09, 14:04
double post

03-13-09, 14:23
Palm Guy, either you have short-term memory problems or the site is having issues again? I couldn't get on last night.

03-13-09, 14:30
Palm Guy, either you have short-term memory problems or the site is having issues again? I couldn't get on last night.

It is Friday so my brain is fried but in this case, the site is giving me problems still.

03-13-09, 19:34
Heard last night:

"People in other countries can't own guns legally. Only people in the US can."

06-18-09, 02:00
I was handling a Kimber TLE, I wanted to try out the trigger, so I politely asked the guy behind the counter if I could dry fire it once. He said you should not dry fire a gun it will break the firing pin.

06-18-09, 03:39
Said to me behind the counter the other day...

The customer was standing beside a rack of ak's.

"Do these all work? Are they real?"

Robb Jensen
06-18-09, 06:55
Said to me behind the counter the other day...

The customer was standing beside a rack of ak's.

"Do these all work? Are they real?"

I'd be really tempted but wouldn't likely say "No, these are fake. We're in the business of selling fake guns. Did the sign out front read Bernies house of fake guns?"

"Here's your sign".

06-18-09, 08:08
It's been done.

Same with suppressors.

"Those are illegal!!!"

"Yessir I know, I have ATF agents in the back room waiting with handcuffs..."


06-18-09, 08:34
My favorite was when we were looking for a pistol for my wife, a counter jockey pulled out a .32ACP and said something like "the .32 has a 1-stop shot percentage of 63%. All you gotta do is shoot the bad guy twice."

06-18-09, 10:47
Well, that is just dumb. Any fool knows that you can't stop someone 126%. You can only 100% stop them. Now, if the guy behind the counter had said that you need to shoot the bad guy 1.59 times, he would have been correct.

06-18-09, 10:51
I'm not even sure you could stick a .32 up somebody's nose and stop him 63% of the time with that round.:D

I think what he meant to say was that he .32 is so powerful, if you shoot the bad guy twice, the first round will stop him and the second round will stop roughly a quarter of his partner in crime. The FBI has done quite a lot of study on gun fighting algebra. ;)

06-18-09, 16:23
I hate to say it, but I did overhear one of guys behind the counter at Knob Creek (during the Machine Gun Shoot)-repeat the "If you hit the guy in the hand with a .45 you will probably knock him down, not so with a 9mm"

Me {rubs forehead-smiles and walks away}:rolleyes:

06-18-09, 16:31
I was handling a Kimber TLE, I wanted to try out the trigger, so I politely asked the guy behind the counter if I could dry fire it once. He said you should not dry fire a gun it will break the firing pin.

Here in town? Where?

06-18-09, 16:36
Sir, I salute you for your integrity and general up-standingness.

Having never been to the shop myself, though, if they do happen to start selling genuine 6920's for $1,000 each could you shoot me a quick PM? I'd like to buy 50.

Haha, I missed this when you posted it. On a similar note, a table at last weekend's gun show at the Tropicana Casino actually had 6920s for $1380 and 6940s for $1580. I was so impressed with his lack of price gouging, I almost bought one. Then some idiot walked up and said "$1400? I can get a DPMS for $900!" :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, the idiot was the GM at my job.

And 2 tables down they had a 6940 for $2500.

06-18-09, 16:39
I hate to say it, but I did overhear one of guys behind the counter at Knob Creek (during the Machine Gun Shoot)-repeat the "If you hit the guy in the hand with a .45 you will probably knock him down, not so with a 9mm"

Me {rubs forehead-smiles and walks away}:rolleyes:

I actually just saw something like that on the show "Warriors" on the History Channel. The Martini-Henry rifle "expert" agreed with the show's host when he stated that the Martini-Henry's .45 cal cartridge would take a man's arm "clean off".

06-18-09, 16:54
There is some great stuff in here, thnx :D

06-18-09, 16:59
I was at my local store with my fiance yesterday to pick up her Remy 700 SPS Tactical and she mentioned to the guy behind the counter how the flimsy Hogue stock it comes with would have to get replaced soon. There was another customer there and he chimed in to let her know that flexible stocks are actually a benefit because they soak up the recoil. She promptly told the guy he was wrong, and explained why he was wrong. I was proud.

Left Sig
06-18-09, 17:04
The last dumb thing I ran into at a gun shop wasn't something technical about firearms, just stupid sales behavior.

There's a store that I bought a Glock 17L from (actually traded another gun). A little while later, I went back and saw one of those molded factory Glock belt holsters. I asked to look at it, and asked if I could take it out of the package to see it more closely, check the retention tension, and see if it would work left-handed.

Since I don't have a Glock other than the 17L, I don't need a carry holster right now, but when I eventually buy a Glock 19 (they were out of stock) I will want a holster.

Anyway, after I was done, I thanked him and told him I was done looking at the holster. He said something like "After making me go through all that, you're not going to buy it? You're just like my wife, can't make up your mind."

Wow, what a positively stupid thing to say to a customer! Last time I checked, insults were not a good way to sell product.

This particular guy is the father-in-law of the owner, and I think he's just helping get the store going. But they need to keep him away from customers. The other guys in the store are fine.

06-18-09, 17:37
This one made me give a great deal of thought to weather or not I'd ever go back to this store....

On display on a counter, a Barrett .50 rifle.

Two displays over. A loose bin of .50 Cal ammo with sign stating $X.xx/each. (can't remember how much they were, it was a few years back)

As I watched from about 30 feet away, two idiots were fondling the Barrett, and as if I were psychic I told the sales clerk to watch them. Sure as shit, one walks over and grabs a round and proceeds to walk back to put it in the rifle. I've never seen an elderly overweight man (salesman) fly over a counter and across the room with such precision and speed. When asked what the hell they were thinking, they responded with "I just wanted to see if it fit".

Needless to say, there wasn't any more "loose ammo" for sale there and actions started getting zip tied closed. They'd cut them off for you if you wanted to look one over but man... that was scary, and stupid!

06-18-09, 18:13
Wow, what a positively stupid thing to say to a customer! Last time I checked, insults were not a good way to sell product.
I was looking at a Hamilton watch a few weeks ago at a jewelry store. I have always liked Hamiltons, but watch enthusiasts seem to believe they're not very good watches compared to what they used to be. I just thought they were interesting, and since most were automatics, I was having fun looking...until the chick behind the counter said "They're a whole lot better watches than Seikos". I made sure I got my watch hand into her line of sight as we left. She must have been new; anybody who sells stuff like watches or knives will know to look at what the person they're talking to is carrying to be sure they don't stick their foot in their mouth.

Thomas M-4
06-18-09, 18:30
3 years ago I first went looking for an AR-15 and I was wanting a striped receiver I went to the only class3 dealer I know of in Bham and asked if I could order a receiver and was told its against the law for a dealer to buy firearms from anybody but there distributor:confused::rolleyes: I have not been in that dealer since then and I refuse to buy anything from there until that snob nosed employee is gone.

In years past I have bought numerous firearms from that dealer but not anymore.

06-18-09, 20:11
Just witnessed a store owner (here in Denver) removing windowed FDE P-Mags from big box and labeling them $29.95. :rolleyes:

06-18-09, 21:33
I have always liked Hamiltons, but watch enthusiasts seem to believe they're not very good watches compared to what they used to be.

Watch enthusiasts are right ...

I made sure I got my watch hand into her line of sight as we left. She must have been new; anybody who sells stuff like watches or knives will know to look at what the person they're talking to is carrying to be sure they don't stick their foot in their mouth.

I went watch browsing today, myself. Was wearing my Sinn UX on a rubber strap, which usually gets zero recognition and zero respect from folks at jewelry stores who only know Rolex, Omega, Tag, Breitling, and B&M. As I was looking at some Omegas, one of the sales guys came over, commented on my watch and knew quite a bit about it. If they'd had black & orange 45.5 PO Chrono I would have bought it on the spot just because the guy was cool. :cool: