View Full Version : Taking Chance

02-21-09, 18:37
Planning to watch this tonight.
I am man enough to admit that things like this can get me pretty choked up.
Not sure what to expect.


02-21-09, 19:51
I read the author's account of the trip, a few years ago.

you will choke, you may even have troubles with your allergies.

and the next time you see a Marine in the airport, you'll shake their hand and thank um.

02-21-09, 21:04
Man, that was hard.

02-21-09, 21:56
I don't have HBO, so I will have to wait, and hope it comes out on DVD. I just did a web search, and found it on the HBO Movies website. It has a few of the trailers for the movie, and a couple of interviews with Kevin Bacon, and the Marine he portrayed in the Movie, Lt. Col. Michael Strobl. I got choked up just watching them! This movie should be required viewing for all Americans!

02-23-09, 23:04
Very well done. Learned something about the protocol followed by the escorts. Unexpected "plot twist" was the Arny Sgt. escorting his brother "home."

02-24-09, 15:17
'Taking Chance' had my wife all choked up 'her allergies' me I was just plain ashamed to have to be an aging man who won't have as much in the end as this brave Marine did.
May I say 'Semper Fi' ?

Thank YOU to all that have served our great nation despite ...
our current administration.


02-24-09, 17:08
Very well done. Learned something about the protocol followed by the escorts. Unexpected "plot twist" was the Arny Sgt. escorting his brother "home."

There were many points in the movie where I had tears well up. When the sergeant said that he was escorting his brother, I just lost it.

I can't think of another movie that filled me with as much sorrow and as much pride (all at the same time) as Taking Chance did.

02-24-09, 17:34
Is there anything innapropriate in it, or could I watch this with my son?

02-24-09, 17:44
Words fail me in trying to describe my reaction to seeing this movie. This is a movie of honor and code like few I have seen before. Kevin Bacon's work with veterans has done him honor. This move does him honor as well.

02-24-09, 17:47
It is appropriate for older children, some kids that are younger may ask some tough questions.

02-24-09, 17:55
I don't have HBO but I did just add it to my Netflix Queue so when it comes out it'll ship automatically. Just a heads up in case anyone else wants to go that route.

02-24-09, 18:12
I don't have HBO but I did just add it to my Netflix Queue so when it comes out it'll ship automatically. Just a heads up in case anyone else wants to go that route.

Your patience will be rewarded.

02-24-09, 18:23
My wife and i just watched it and there wasnt a dry eye in the house.

02-24-09, 21:11
One great movie, it made me miss the uniform.
It was one of the hardest movies that i have ever watched, I had a knot in my throat the whole time and heavy allergies.
God bless our troops, Semper Fi.

02-24-09, 21:26
Saw it on, watched a few minutes and decided to wait till the house quiets down to watch it.

Kevin Bacon is now one degree separated from the Angels and God in Heaven.

02-25-09, 05:57
this movie really touched me. Im not a rich man im on a fixed income from socail security. Obama is sending me 250 bucks as hes is every social security person. He says he wants us to spend this money to stimulate the economy. Well i just wrote a check for 250 to this foundation. they are using the money to buy needy marines flax jackets, binoculars and other things they are in desperated need for. I cant imagine a better way for my money to stimulate the economy. I did some searching and found this address.
The Chance Phelps Foundation
c/o Jeff and Gretchen Mack
PO Box 186
Riverton, Wyoming 82501

Please consider sending a small contribution yourself.

02-25-09, 13:43
I saw it last night. Really moving. Love the scene with the TSA agent, the only real disrespect. Absolutely beautifully shot, and as much content from what is seen and said as from what is concealed and silent. I wasn't expecting the inner struggle Strobel was having about combat and the honor shown to him on the journey.

Looks like they had help from the military in shooting it?
No shoes on in the coffin?

Didn't really think about it, Bacon played a marine in 'A Few Good Men'.