View Full Version : legend of the ammo tax

02-22-09, 14:20
Ok, at work everyone was spreading the rumor that this new 5 cent per bullet
ammo tax had been passed in Tennessee along with micro stamping the bullet. I
think someone heard it through the good-ol-boy network (gunstore perhaps) and
just new it had to be true. I try to explain that it did not pass in Tennessee and
only a couple of states were looking at that like Cali, Maryland... insert liberal
state here. Then it becomes "no, no its a federal tax, it was part of the stimulus
bill" and I even heard one guy say how reloading kits are going to be illegal in 6
months. I had to set the record staight because guys were freakin' out.

It amazes me how one or two people can get stuff like this started. When you ask them where they heard it it's always "ah, this guy was talking about it in Wal-Mart" or something like that.

Anyone else having this problem?

murphy j
02-22-09, 14:32
I keep hearing they snuck a handgun ban provision into the stimulus bill.

02-22-09, 14:40
A bill was passed & from what I understand nobody really knows what's in it. This alone is cause for concern.

murphy j
02-22-09, 14:45
A bill was passed & from what I understand nobody really knows what's in it. This alone is cause for concern.

That's correct, but there's still no need to spread unsubstantiated rumours.

02-22-09, 14:54
We are in agreement.

02-22-09, 15:07
Either tell them that shotgun shells will be taxed per shot pellet or "correct" them and tell them that it is actually a primer tax and that some people you know are working on electronic ignition conversions for semi-autos.

02-22-09, 15:39
I called my congressman the other day just to confirm that something about a ammo/firearms tax/ban didn't slip by me. According to them there is nothing in the stimulus bill or anything else that has been passed. The only thing I could find is that the stimulus bill gives the BATF money to help enforce a current law concerning "gunrunning" or something to that effect.

02-22-09, 16:27
The NRA has even issued at least one rumour control statement.
The statement that I saw specifically covers the tin foil BS ( hidden gun control) around the stimulus bill.

The last time I checked SAF had not raised an alarm about the bill as passed.
SAF is very aggressive but also very reality based.

Edit to add:

02-22-09, 17:52
I called my congressman the other day just to confirm that something about a ammo/firearms tax/ban didn't slip by me. According to them there is nothing in the stimulus bill or anything else that has been passed. The only thing I could find is that the stimulus bill gives the BATF money to help enforce a current law concerning "gunrunning" or something to that effect.

the scary part is that not 1 congressman that voted for the bill had completely read it b4 voting for it.

02-22-09, 19:19
Quantum Legislation

Anything can exist in legislation until someone actually looks.

What a senator needs to do is come forward and say that he killed it ;)

Gutshot John
02-22-09, 19:24
Quantum Legislation

Anything can exist in legislation until someone actually looks.

That was one of the most insightful things I've ever read online. I wished that more people understood how true that actually is inside the beltway.

Now what did Schrödinger do with that damn cat?

02-22-09, 22:55
I was under the impression that this bill was alteast 1000 pages long. Who has time to read all that???

02-22-09, 23:15
I was under the impression that this bill was alteast 1000 pages long. Who has time to read all that???

1128 pages i believe but not positive:eek:

Gutshot John
02-22-09, 23:27
I was under the impression that this bill was alteast 1000 pages long. Who has time to read all that???

1000 hill rats got one page each. ;)

02-23-09, 13:39
I was under the impression that this bill was alteast 1000 pages long. Who has time to read all that???

That's a good point. I guess it would be easy to slip something in there and have it go unnoticed for awhile.

02-23-09, 15:11
That's a good point. I guess it would be easy to slip something in there and have it go unnoticed for awhile.

Yup, wasnt it passed at like midnight the night before it was signed or whatnot.

02-23-09, 15:25
And then sat for three days before it was signed. Real time crunch. Hope the Pope Pope-slapped her around a bit.

Heavy Metal
02-23-09, 15:47
I was under the impression that this bill was alteast 1000 pages long. Who has time to read all that???

How long does it take to search a 1000 page Microsoft Word document for the words 'firearm', 'gun', 'semi-auto' or 'ammunition'?

Not very. I search large documents at work all the time.

You don't have to read the whole damn thing to make sure something isn't in there.

02-23-09, 15:51
How long does it take to search a 1000 page Microsoft Word document for the words 'firearm', 'gun', 'semi-auto' or 'ammunition'?

Not very. I search large documents at work all the time.

You don't have to read the whole damn thing to make sure something isn't in there.

Good call if it was in Word or PDF format Ctrl + F would be your friend ;)

Heavy Metal
02-23-09, 15:58
Good call if it was in Word or PDF format Ctrl + F would be your friend ;)

If it ain't in word format, copy and paste will make it word format real quick.

02-23-09, 16:04
I dropped buy a gunstore during the lunch hour to check out some .22 rifles and heard the "handgun ban" one today.

Reminded me why I stay out of the gun stores that are geared mainly to hunting.


02-23-09, 18:15
How long does it take to search a 1000 page Microsoft Word document for the words 'firearm', 'gun', 'semi-auto' or 'ammunition'?

Not very. I search large documents at work all the time.

You don't have to read the whole damn thing to make sure something isn't in there.

Im no expert. But as I said before, im pretty sure it was introduced the midnight before it passed with 5 hard copies to congress and 5 to one of the other government big wigs. I did not get my copy at all to scan for anything. I guess I, as well as you and all the other forum members, wasnt important enough.

02-23-09, 20:13
Didn't they send it in a form that couldn't be searched easily?

Heavy Metal
02-23-09, 20:54
If it was hardcopy, it came from a printer.

Nobody hand-types things like that anymore.

02-23-09, 21:10
There are electronic copies of the full Stimulus Bill easily found and searchable on the 'net. Though I suppose if you can't understand how to Google, you wouldn't understand how to search through a text document, either.

A quick search showed the word "firearm" used once, related to Salaries & Expenses of the ATF. A search for the letters "amm" (as used in ammo or ammunition) returned only "reprogramming" and "programming" used multiple times.

Every time you complain about the price of ARs and ammo going up, remember it is because of the fear-mongering being put out by folks telling you there was some kind of boogeyman in the Stimulus Bill.

It's a horrible enough law as it is, why do you feel the need to make up more shit about it?

02-23-09, 22:52
I keep hearing they snuck a handgun ban provision into the stimulus bill.

Considering that the bill was 1,700 pages long and our "leaders" only had less than 8 hours to review it before voting. Anything is possible but I hope this isn't one of them.