View Full Version : Harry Reid: Volunteer tax

02-22-09, 15:38


02-22-09, 16:11
Another elected lawyer doing double talk. And now we have two lawyers running the country. Great.

02-22-09, 19:24
Stop talking, just stop talking.

I wonder if Orwell just had a time machine and used quotes from now in his books?

First and last interview with this guy. Is the interviewer wearing a Rush Limabaugh tie?

Some of the comments are great. I guess they are voluntary, you don't have to work.

02-22-09, 22:41
Shouldn't he just resign after he said the war in Iraq is lost? What the hell is wrong with those people in Nevada? They need to send that asshole packing. Dennis Miller pretty much summed up my feelings on this douchebag here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmGO_bTgIf4)

02-23-09, 03:55
Shouldn't he just resign after he said the war in Iraq is lost? What the hell is wrong with those people in Nevada? They need to send that asshole packing. Dennis Miller pretty much summed up my feelings on this douchebag here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmGO_bTgIf4)

We'll send him packing right after you send your RINO McPain Packing! :eek: What's with you sheeple in Arizona? :mad:

02-23-09, 05:56
God, I despise the word sheeple. Reid is infinitely worse than McCain.

02-23-09, 07:40
If the fed would tax bullshit, Reid alone could pay off the national debt, porkulous included.

Gutshot John
02-23-09, 07:49
When I worked in DC I would often go to Reid's office to discuss transportation/manufacturing issues with he and his staff. He could usually be relied on to avoid the partisan nonsense that interfered with the business of business.

There was a time that Reid was a decent, honorable and moderate Democrat that genuinely wanted what was best for his country and often thumbed his nose at the left-wing of the party.

Then political ambition got in the way and he drank the Kool-Aid. It's actually been sad to watch a man that used to be considered one of the best senators on Capitol Hill, become a caricature.

This is just goofy.

02-23-09, 09:55
As much as I despise that rat-bastard, I guess he's technically correct. Virtually everything is voluntary; willingness to pay consequences is the issue.


02-23-09, 10:37
Wasn't he a boxer or something? Too many shots to the head?

Gutshot John
02-23-09, 10:40
His point should have been clearly stated that taxation is voluntary because you elect representatives that tax you.

While technically correct (the best kind of correct if you're a politician or bureaucrat, see Futurama) it also ignores the underlying point.