View Full Version : A Great Loss to this Nation

02-23-09, 07:23
As some members of the community know this Great Nation lost a True Patriot last week, My Wife and I lost a great friend, my kids lost thier God parent and more importantly, his Wife lost her husband and Thier boy lost his Dad.

Tim Davis was killed in Afganistan by an IED last week along with some other brothers. Timmy was one of those unique people we all were way better off for have known. He believed in his job and what we were doing over there. He will be missed by all. Please include Meagan (his wife) and TJ (thier boy) in your prayers.

For some who are able to help out, please look into the special Operations Warrior Foundation here is a link http://www.specialops.org/


May you Rest In Peace Brother and know your Family is taken care of....

02-23-09, 08:00
Another warrior called to guard the gates of Heaven. RIP. :(

Prayers out for is family.

02-23-09, 09:26
May he RIP. I am thankful for his courage and his sacrifice that we may all be free.

Prayers have been sent from my cubicle this morning.


02-23-09, 09:41
A glass will be raised tonight.

02-23-09, 09:44
Thank You for your service and sacrifice... Rest in Peace and know your familiy is in our prayers.

Gutshot John
02-23-09, 09:54
My most profound condolences on the loss of your friend and brother. I am ever humbled, often to the point of tears, by the sacrifice of so many good men for this Nation's liberty.

My prayers will be with both he and his family as well as yours for your deeply personal loss.

02-23-09, 10:16
RIP Warrior.

Valhalla awaits you...

Cold Zero
02-23-09, 11:47
RIP, folowing seas, prayers out to the family.

02-23-09, 12:19
Thank you, sir, for your sacrifice. Your service will never be forgotten.

02-23-09, 12:34
Thank you for your service, may you RIP. God bless America and God bless our troops. Their sacrifices are not in vein.

02-23-09, 12:57
I'm very sorry for your loss. My prayers to the hero and his loved ones. May he RIP. :(

02-23-09, 13:03
It amazes me everyday that we have such contrasts in Our Great Country, Some Give all they have! While some Take all they'll ever have!? Tim, May you Rest In Peace! and know in your heart, there are those of us, that Truly appreciate your Ultimate Sacrifice! God Bless you and Your Family!

02-23-09, 13:04
prayer sent for your friend and to the family of this great man .

02-23-09, 13:11
I'm sorry for his family's loss and your's. I know it's never easy and the pain won't go away, but please take comfort in knowing others are praying for you.

02-23-09, 15:22
prayers sent

02-23-09, 15:32
May you RIP. Thanks for fighting for us, and prayers to your family.

Heavy Metal
02-23-09, 15:42
Thank you noble warrior. May you find peace in Gods eternal presence.

02-23-09, 16:34
Thank you for your service.


02-23-09, 16:37
Prayers sent for the fallen warrior, his family, and his teammates. May the Lord grant them peace and strength during this difficult time.

murphy j
02-23-09, 16:53
RIP Brother. A toast will be raised in your honor and prayers said for your family.

02-23-09, 18:27
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
-Laurence Binyon

Lest we forget.

02-23-09, 18:33
He Walked the Walk and gave us an example of a true American Patriot.

I hope his family receives the support and recognition they have paid so dearly for.

I raise a glass to another fallen Warrior. Shai Dorsai!

02-23-09, 20:22
A picture on every page seems right.

For some who are able to help out, please look into the special Operations Warrior Foundation here is a link http://www.specialops.org/


May you Rest In Peace Brother and know your Family is taken care of....
Rest in Peace .

Prayers sent.

Eric Kozowski
02-23-09, 22:25
RIP Brother.

02-24-09, 07:53
Fear not, nothing can harm him where he is at now. Godspeed...


02-24-09, 08:55
condolences to his family, friends, amd unit members. It is a sad day when a good man passes away.

02-24-09, 09:52
May he rest in peace.

02-24-09, 10:05
RIP brother.

02-24-09, 11:02
The loss of a great warrior is a constant reminder that freedom is not free. Thank you for your service. May god be with you and your family.


02-24-09, 12:39
A great loss. My prayers are with him and his loved ones.

02-24-09, 15:50
RIP. My condolences for his family and loved ones. My thanks to him.

02-24-09, 16:02
To fallen comrades....Go with God.

02-24-09, 16:27
Correct me if I am wrong, but he was a Combat Controller? I will keep his family in my prayers and I will do my best to make him and all fallen CCT proud when I start CCT orientation and ATC in May.

02-24-09, 16:32
Correct me if I am wrong, but he was a Combat Controller? I will keep his family in my prayers and I will do my best to make him and all fallen CCT proud when I start CCT orientation and ATC in May.

He was. I found out about it through the Combat Control Association network.

02-24-09, 17:33
Requiescat in pace.

02-24-09, 18:56
From the We Were Soldiers Soundtrack

"The Mansions of the Lord"
Words by Randall Wallace

To fallen soldiers let us sing
where no rockets fly nor bullets wing
Our broken brothers let us bring
to the mansions of the Lord

No more bleeding no more fight
No prayers pleading through the night
just divine embrace, eternal light
in the mansions of the Lord

Where no mothers cry and no children weep
We will stand and guard tho the angels sleep
All through the ages safely keep the mansions of the Lord

I pray for this soldiers family and friends and vow to try and live a life worthy of the sacrifices of the many warriors who have fought and died for our freedoms.

02-24-09, 21:01

02-24-09, 21:15
I am saddened to learn that another blue-suiter, an American warrior and hero, has made the ultimate sacrifice. My condolences to his wife, son, and friends. Vaya con Dios.

02-24-09, 21:21
May he rest in Peace....His wife and son are in my prayers and thoughts


02-24-09, 21:55
Rest in peace Brother. You fought the good fight. Prayers sent to your wife and family. May your team mates stay safe while carrying the fight to the enemy. God Bless you and to all my brothers in arms, still in harm's way.

02-25-09, 05:30
RIP and condolences to the family.

02-25-09, 14:17
Godspeed Brother.