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View Full Version : An undeserving nation

02-24-09, 09:35
When I see or hear about the death of our soldiers, I want to cry. These fine Americans are dying for a ungrateful nation of fools and cowards. Yes their are Americans that care but we are so few and far between.
Here is a picture I took last week in Boynton Beach.

02-24-09, 09:43
There are always people around who have blinders on.

Gutshot John
02-24-09, 09:45
My grandfather was very fond of saying that a people will get the government they deserve.

It's one thing to go through life with blinders on, it's another thing to engage in willful self-deception.

02-24-09, 13:38
When I see or hear about the death of our soldiers, I want to cry. These fine Americans are dying for a ungrateful nation of fools and cowards. Yes their are Americans that care but we are so few and far between.
Here is a picture I took last week in Boynton Beach.

Hey I know that store, it's a Publix !! I am a manager at one in orlando. What freak show that one is in the pic:eek: We see all the human refuse coming through the stores everyday.

02-24-09, 13:42
My grandfather was very fond of saying that a people will get the government they deserve.

Your grandfather was right.

D. Christopher
02-24-09, 13:56
Wow! Is that guy pre-op? :eek:

02-24-09, 20:49
Wow! Is that guy pre-op? :eek:

I think its Nancy Pelosi.

02-24-09, 20:58
My grandfather was very fond of saying that a people will get the government they deserve.

“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Alexis de Tocqueville

02-25-09, 00:36
And may GOD help the rest of us.

02-25-09, 05:38
When I see or hear about the death of our soldiers, I want to cry. These fine Americans are dying for a ungrateful nation of fools and cowards. Yes their are Americans that care but we are so few and far between.
Here is a picture I took last week in Boynton Beach.

Actually, what really makes me mad is watching the media and left pretend to care about their deaths. I don't know if it is repressed guilt over Nam, or if they realized just how ****ed up they behaved and how they look in the eyes of history, but every time I see one of these ****s shed crocodile tears, I want to smash their ****ing faces in.

Where were they back in 1999, when my buddies National Guard helicopter crashed, killing everyone on board? Buried in a news blurb back on page 17 that could have been printed on a business card. Why? Because there was no political hay to be made out of it, that's why.

02-25-09, 08:08
.... These fine Americans are dying for a ungrateful nation of fools and cowards. Yes their are Americans that care but we are so few and far between.....

Is this what you think about your country?
There has never been a more false statement printed on the internet.

Don't judge this great country and her great people by the actions of just
a few losers.

I just can't seem to "attach" that picture to Americans dying for their country?

02-25-09, 09:09
I'm confused as to what the picture means, other than it looks like an Obama hat.

02-25-09, 09:27
I'm confused as to what the picture means, other than it looks like an Obama hat.

I'm confused too? Are all of us seeing the same picture?

I too think it's about the Obama hat.
That person has the right to vote for whoever they wish.
Our brave servicemen and women fought and died for that right.

It's a damn shame that some people would use that as an opportunity
to condemn this great country just because their side lost an election.

If you don't love this country, friggin leave it.

I spent 21 years in the service of this country and I don't appreciate
some internet commando who probably did a year hiding in the reserves,
condemning my country by saying we are a ungrateful nation of fools and cowards.

That's my 2 cents.

02-25-09, 11:22
What do you mean hiding in the reserves?The reserves and guard are doing alot of the fighting in this war.

02-25-09, 14:06
When I see or hear about the death of our soldiers, I want to cry. These fine Americans are dying for a ungrateful nation of fools and cowards. Yes their are Americans that care but we are so few and far between...

Dude!! Give us a warning before you post a skank photo!! I actually threw up in my mouth a little. :eek:

Not to start an argument, but I have to beg to differ. I meet far more Americans who thank me for my service whenever I am in uniform than not. A lot of them may just give me a smile, a nod, or a thumbs up but there are more than people think.

The problem is they are not as vocal or as flamboyant as the ones on the other side nor do they get the same press coverage. Last year I requested a transfer back from the USAR to the IRR. But every time I attend Battle Assembly I always have second thoughts about it primarily because of the people I serve with. But also because of the handshakes, thumbs up, pats in the back, free meals, and the very subtle nods and smiles of approval and appreciation I get when I am in uniform.

They are out there and there are more of them than people realize. YMMV.

02-25-09, 14:18
...I spent 21 years in the service of this country and I don't appreciate some internet commando who probably did a year hiding in the reserves,
condemning my country by saying we are a ungrateful nation of fools and cowards.

That's my 2 cents.

And IMHO it's not even worth that!! :rolleyes:

I have a Soldier who just ETS'd from the Army Reserves after serving honorably and unselfishly beyond his original enlistment. This includes mandatory extensions and four deployments over the last six years. While his classmates completed their education and have been in the workforce for the past couple of years, he's having to pick up where he left off.

As someone who has served in just about every possible category in this man's Army except for Retired and Medically Discharged; I can tell you that without a doubt that most National Guardsmen and Reservists have more dedication than they are given credit for.

I still have soldiers who have done multiple tours in various sandboxes and despite the fact that each tour has caused some serious disruptions with their family life, professional careers, and education; they still continue to Voluntarily Serve (anonymously). They truly believe in what they are doing and not one of them are doing anything to avoid further deployments or the performance of their duties. Gone are the days when serving in a ARNG or USAR unit is easy duty.

Don't be clumping those who choose to serve on a part-time basis to those who are looking to skate out of the hard jobs. I can say that without a doubt that most of the National Guardsmen and Reservists I have ever served with are better Soldiers and complain less than most of the full-timers I have also served with. JM2CW.

02-25-09, 15:49
My statement has nothing to do with the reserves or the war.
Don't get sidetracked.

It's about someone using the loss of an election as an opportunity
to condemn his own country as a nation of ungrateful fools and cowards.

American's are NOT fools and cowards.

What does that picture have to do with soldiers dying?

That burns me up. That kind of talk is all over the internet.

If I learned one thing in 21yrs in the USAF it's that,
You Never Ever call in an airstrike on your own position.

America is the greatest country on Earth and people have the
right to vote how they choose.

02-26-09, 21:20
I'm still waiting for the OP to explain the picture.