View Full Version : Obama's Congressional Address

02-24-09, 20:03
Hold on to your hat's ladies and gentleman, I fear he will announce himself king shortly.

02-24-09, 20:14
He's so awesome. We are so blessed to have him save us. We are not worthy of his love and mercy.

Oh sorry. I thought I was on The Obama Forum for a minute. Actuall, he makes my skin crawl. No offense.

02-24-09, 20:52
I'm sure chris matthews is having tingling sensation up and down his leg as he listen to the socialist speak. I refuse to listen or watch that one.

Meanwhile, I'm online with Brownells ordering more Vickers sling and more Pmags.

02-24-09, 20:55
At least PBO didn't preempt Man Caves...

02-24-09, 21:27
Ya gotta luv Barry The Kenyan...

02-24-09, 22:24
I think I'm gonna be sick.

"Because of this plan, 95 percent of working households in America will receive a tax cut, a tax cut that you will see in your paychecks beginning on April 1."

You mean handout?

"Third, we will act with the full force of the federal government to ensure that the major banks that Americans depend on have enough confidence and enough money to lend even in more difficult times. And when we learn that a major bank has serious problems, we will hold accountable those responsible, force the necessary adjustments, provide the support to clean up their balance sheets, and assure the continuity of a strong, viable institution that can serve our people and our economy."

Force the banks? Force? Private sector what? Huh?

02-24-09, 22:55
Force the banks? Force? Private sector what? Huh?

The banks came for TARP money. Tax payers now own parts of those banks until we divest. Until then we can't have them sitting on that cash. It was meant to be loaned, it needs to be loaned. The banks held a lot of it to use for other things like acquisitions of smaller banks that couldn't survive.

02-24-09, 23:03
What concerned me most was that he called for a stop to criticism of the recent bailout bill and other efforts on behalf of the economy and he did this more than once in his speech. I do worry that we may see an attack on the first amendment shortly.

I notice that in the all the coverage of Hugo Chavez in the U.S., including the recent election, there is no mention of the fact that criticism of the government there is illegal. This was done to ensure that the government can better serve the people (Hugo's words more or less). People are jailed there for criticizing the government. A member of the Spanish embassy was immediately expelled when he questioned keeping the polls open longer because it might lead to voting fraud. So when Hugo wins an election, I can't believe that people are surprised. The opposition really can't print anything or speak out in public without potentially going to jail. Is this the type of socialism we are heading for?

02-24-09, 23:04
What about banks that didn't take tarp funds?

02-24-09, 23:12
I miss W!!!........... Already!!!!!!!!!!

02-24-09, 23:25
Hold on to your hat's ladies and gentleman, I fear he will announce himself king shortly.

I would 2nd this idea for he shall have a special title and kingdom, "King Sh.t of Turd Island"

02-25-09, 00:22
The only part I caught was the lecture of how we have to be "fiscally responsible" now!!! WTF Why didn't he feel this way 2 weeks ago, before he began looting the country! He's not only stealing from us, but our children and grandchildren and he calls it "fiscally responsible"!!!! Stimulus? Blueberries and crickets! Oh my! Someone check the calender, is it 1984 yet? The Newspeak is here. Kenya is conquering the US! This is wierd! We were invaded and looted without a shot fired. D-day with no Garands or Mausers. WTF? I mean really WTF?

02-25-09, 00:25
Isn't this about the same speech that Bill Clinton gave circa 1992?

02-25-09, 05:00
Yesterday afternoon Ben Bernanke spoke and the stock markets shot up, the first time in weeks. After the messiah's speech last night, is the market going to take another dive?

02-25-09, 07:01
I can feel the winds of change. Oh wait, sorry - someone just passed gas. False alarm!

02-25-09, 07:10
What about banks that didn't take tarp funds?

They aren't "required" to do anything then.

02-25-09, 08:36
He's so awesome. We are so blessed to have him save us. We are not worthy of his love and mercy.

Oh sorry. I thought I was on The Obama Forum for a minute. Actuall, he makes my skin crawl. No offense.

The Obama Forum is one F***ed up forum, i have received 4 or 5 "infractions" in two days, i have no idea what that word means in their lingo, it is one of the most racist sites on the I-net, if you TRY to be decent and present FACTS in your posts you will be attacked unmercifully by every black poster on the forum.

02-25-09, 09:07
Ya know when I was a kid I feared that I wouldn't grow up to have kids of my own. Now when I see what is happening I think of the hell I have brought them into.

02-25-09, 20:44
I think the Jindal speech was piss poor and a failed attempt on behalf of the GOP. Attempting to give America a conservative minority: Behold an Indian. Although I enjoyed his speech far more than the Messiah's it wasn't much of an improvement. I'm loosing faith, and the worst part is I don't trust ANYBODY in Washington. I want back the Republic our forefathers bled for. Sigh...

02-25-09, 20:46
I'm sure chris matthews is having tingling sensation up and down his leg as he listen to the socialist speak. I refuse to listen or watch that one.

Meanwhile, I'm online with Brownells ordering more Vickers sling and more Pmags.

Thats funny I have the sensation of something running down my leg when I hear him speak.