View Full Version : What do you always have with you?

02-25-09, 10:23
What are the things that you never leave home without? The normal things you carry all the time, not your bug out bag or your AR, the things you always have on your hip or in your pockets.

Here is my list:

Kimber Pro Carry II
2- Wilson 47D
17 – 45ACP 230gr Hydra Shoks
Surefire 6P
Leatherman Tool
Rolex Submariner
My cell phone/PDA
And of course my Benchmade


02-25-09, 10:26
Glock 19, multi tool or knife, and phone/camera. I've given it a lot of thought and in today's litigious society, a camera of some sort (like on my iPhone) is an extremely valuable piece of gear that could save your ass in the courtroom.

02-25-09, 10:42

(except for the holster; my EDC holster is a CCC Looper AIWB)

Also since SHOT I haven't stepped out the front door without my Surefire pen.

02-25-09, 10:47
Situational Awareness.

It's saved my butt more times than any tool could have.
It's easier to stay out of trouble, than it is to get out of trouble.

02-25-09, 10:48
lol things i always carry with me:

high sense of paranoia, if it can happen, eventually it will happen to me
survival drive-I will make it home every night
common sense-you can loose a fight and still win the war.
-know when to fight and when not to.
shit happens-be prepared
mental frame of mind-death is like an ex-lover; not anxious to be with her again but I will not be afraid to walk with her.

on a more serious note:
cell phone, with clearly identified ICE list
sturdy pocket knife
memorized cc # and banking #'s (helped me out several times)

Gutshot John
02-25-09, 10:52
Glock 17, spare mag, CRKT folder, Iphone, zippo (no I don't smoke).

I always carry a knife even if I can't always carry a gun.

02-25-09, 10:56
I tried using a Zippo (I don't smoke either) and got sick and tired of the thing being out of fuel whenever I needed it. Pretty but useless for me. Now it's Bics :D

02-25-09, 11:16
Notice several of you carry lighters that do not smoke, how often is that a handy thing for yall to have on hand?

02-25-09, 11:44

Gun, extra mag, Kershaw, E1B, Mini Bic, Pen, Wallet, Phone, Watch, Keys, Cigs and badge if I'm going to work.

Swap the M&P and mag for a G19 w/ mag and that's every day for me. I've started carrying an LCP, but that's not an every day thing yet.

Gutshot John
02-25-09, 12:02
Notice several of you carry lighters that do not smoke, how often is that a handy thing for yall to have on hand?

Bout as handy as always having a knife. You find uses all the time along the way. The zippo was my grandfathers. I use it a lot more often than the flashlight I keep in my backpack.

I was just taught by my dad/grandads to always have a knife and fire, that and a little knowledge will get you out of most trouble you're likely to encounter except for a gunfight.

02-25-09, 12:05
Bout as handy as always having a knife. You find uses all the time along the way. The zippo was my grandfathers. I use it a lot more often than the flashlight I keep in my backpack.

I was just taught by my dad/grandads to always have a knife and fire, that and a little knowledge will get you out of just about anything except a gunfight.

And sometimes even a gunfight. It is all about tactics.

Gutshot John
02-25-09, 12:11
And sometimes even a gunfight. It is all about tactics.

I'd argue that while your average Army Ranger MIGHT be ok in bringing a knife to a gunfight, most people armed only with a knife would find themselves at a significant disadvantage no matter how good their tactics. That said "tactics" would probably fall under the heading of "knowledge".

My knife is primarily for GP use and as a last ditch backup or when I can't carry a gun on campus.

02-25-09, 12:47
Since I can't carry/bring my weapon on Post, I have to stick with the knife. But is some cases the pen is more effective.

And the Change of Command doesn't get as bent out of shape when you gain control of a situation with a pen.

02-25-09, 12:55
telecustom, I work on an Army base (Fort Belvoir VA) and I had the MPs clarify the carry policy in graphic detail:

-you may not carry on base (of course!) so the weapon cannot leave your vehicle and in order to have any weapon in your vehicle, you must have a CCW

-when coming on base, the weapon must be unloaded and not within arm's reach of
the ammo

02-25-09, 13:00
Unfortunatly, that is not the case here at FT Campbell. You are only allowed to have a firearm on base if:

1. You are transporting it to your home (and live on base) and the weapon is in the condition you discribed.

2. You are taking it to the POW range. (only open on weekends)

And of course, the weapon must be registered with the PM.

Some Posts are different than others. Here they can be a real pain in the ass.

02-25-09, 14:28

Is that a wrist shot as your phone background? :D

02-25-09, 14:36
sig p230 extra mag
CRKT Le m16 folder or Kershaw

02-25-09, 14:41
Well for me, first order of business is clothes. I find that when I leave the house au natural that my friends and neighbors break out into fits of self righteous indignation. Plus it makes concealed carry a lot easier. So I have on me:

Beretta PX4 in .40 + 2 spare magazines (155gr Hydra Shoks) carried in a COMP-TAC minotaur IWB tuckable holster
A Leatherman
Casio G-Shock
Cell phone/PDA
mini swiss army knife

In my truck will be the Mini Maglight & ASP baton and all sorts of other stuff (1st aid kit, BOB, etc..)

02-25-09, 15:21
Is that a wrist shot as your phone background? :D

I decided to try and be clever and put a wrist shot from my gallery up for that pic. My actual background is an Adama 08 picture that's a take on the Obama campaign poster.

02-25-09, 15:26
My actual background is an Adama 08 picture that's a take on the Obama campaign poster.

I'd tell you how totally nerdy and ghey that is, but mine is:

02-25-09, 16:09
What are the things that you never leave home without? The normal things you carry all the time, not your bug out bag or your AR, the things you always have on your hip or in your pockets.

2, often 3, handguns. 2 blades, 2 lights. Sometimes more of each. No exceptions.

02-25-09, 16:48
well, lemme take a quick inventory...

glock 17
extra mag
surefire G2
exta batteries for G2
gerber EVO folding knife
contact lens rewetting drops
small notepad and pen
emergency poncho
bic lighter
petroleum jelly impregnated dryer lint
12-hour candle
water purification tablets
lock pick set
plastic garbage bag
small first aid kit:
-assorted size band-aids
-couple 3x3 guaze pads
-4x4 square of cellophane
-couple neosporin packets
-couiple alcohol wipes
-non-latex medical gloves
-packet of celox
-mole skin
-cloth tape
-ibuprofen tablets
-antihistamine tablets

what can i say...i'm a dork.

believe it or not, though, most of this stuff has come in handy at one point or another. and, though it may sound like a lot, it all (except the gun and mag, wallet and keys, knife, leatherman, and flashlight) fits very nicely into two little waterproof pouches. each of those, in turn, fits quite nicely into a cargo pocket...with room to spare.

02-25-09, 17:02
Phone, keys, EDC knife, wallet, a thumb drive (for work), a handful of change, Surefire, etc...

02-25-09, 17:06
what do you carry this in ??

your pockets or a murse ?

well, lemme take a quick inventory...

glock 17
extra mag
surefire G2
exta batteries for G2
gerber EVO folding knife
contact lens rewetting drops
small notepad and pen
emergency poncho
bic lighter
petroleum jelly impregnated dryer lint
12-hour candle
water purification tablets
lock pick set
plastic garbage bag
small first aid kit:
-assorted size band-aids
-couple 3x3 guaze pads
-4x4 square of cellophane
-couple neosporin packets
-couiple alcohol wipes
-non-latex medical gloves
-packet of celox
-mole skin
-cloth tape
-ibuprofen tablets
-antihistamine tablets

what can i say...i'm a dork.

believe it or not, though, most of this stuff has come in handy at one point or another. and, though it may sound like a lot, it all (except the gun and mag, wallet and keys, knife, leatherman, and flashlight) fits very nicely into two little waterproof pouches. each of those, in turn, fits quite nicely into a cargo pocket...with room to spare.

02-25-09, 17:12
-HK USPc .45
-Ruger LCP .380 (sometimes)
-Flat badge/LE ID
-Arnette shades:cool:

02-25-09, 17:19
what do you carry this in ??

your pockets or a murse ?

LOL...i don't carry a murse...though i am tempted sometimes. :o

seriously, though...i know the list looks long, but it all fits into two cargo pockets (with a good bit of room to spare). and having it organized into two pouches (except the stuff i routinely use and want separated) makes it very quick and easy to just throw it all in my pockets.

people do make fun of me for carrying all that crap...which is fine with me--heck, looking at the list makes me laugh, too.

but, i do have one rule...anyone who asks to borrow/use any of it is not allowed to make fun of me for 1 week thereafter (and that rule gets invoked fairly often) :D

(and, franky, the look on your friend's face when you pick the lock on his door to let him into his house he locked himself out of is worth carrying all that stuff for your whole life...;))

of course, on the rare occasions i go somewhere where i cannot wear cargo shorts/pants, i feel naked...

02-25-09, 17:34
I'd tell you how totally nerdy and ghey that is, but mine is:
You win! How I hate the bastards that used to be in control of that empire (AT&T, not Palpatine)

02-25-09, 17:55
My Glock 26.Huntin' knife on belt.Cell phone

02-25-09, 18:02
Some of you guys must clank when you walk.

02-25-09, 18:10
Be careful not to fall in water over your head.

02-25-09, 19:02
Two knives and two guns?

02-25-09, 19:07
Two is one and one is none?

02-25-09, 19:25
Either my duty pistol or my G19 and a spare mag
My 10/96 UDT Micro Tech auto
Surefire E2e
Crack Berry


02-25-09, 21:13
lttleredtoyota :) I hear ya about size I guess when you think of it thats not to much ??
but man I hate just my phone and keys and wallet !!!!!

I bought a murse the other day :) mainly for short hikes and shopping days with my little one as I hate having to much stuff on my person !!!!!

I used to carry a messenger bag almost every day I went out shopping as I used to live in nylon surf trunks and they have one pocket !

02-25-09, 21:25
wallet, phone, gun, knife- everything else is in the truck. havent you guys ever heard of a glove compartment?

02-25-09, 21:38
I couldn't help but laugh one night when I sat down with another Magpul employee and we both unloaded our pockets and bags on the table. I wouldn't call this our every day carry, but save for the .50, it's about right:


ETA: I also carry a 3.5" Emerson folder, an iPhone, Surefire pen, wallet, chap stick, and keys. Two spare Glock mags go in my messenger bag, two spare Glock mags in my center console, along with a Glock 26.

02-25-09, 22:52
Kershaw Blur
Boker mini Auto (sometimes)
CRKT K.I.S.S Money clip
Soft leather gloves
Kel-Tec P-32
Surefire 6P
and a Mini pocket sized "survivor pack"
(Not shown "Write in the Rain" mini note pad with a G2 Ballpoint.)
(Not shown Motorola "World Edition" Phone with Camera..)

(Not shown either a Commander sized 1911 in BD Leather, with 3- WC 47D's, or a Full sized CZ-75 BD Police in Ross leather with 2 mags carried loose..)


02-25-09, 23:02
I always check to make sure I have - Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet and Watch! :D

02-25-09, 23:54


02-25-09, 23:58
Glock 19, spare mag for a Glock 17, ZT 0400 folder on my strong side, Lone Wolf Harsey T2 folder on my weak side, Surefire E1B, Maxpedition Velcro wallet that all my co-workers make fun of me for, keys, iPhone. Thought about starting to carry this little Taurus semiauto pocket .22 for a BUG that I acquired in a trade for some AR parts, but I haven't really put it through the paces yet.

02-26-09, 00:06
I couldn't help but laugh one night when I sat down with another Magpul employee and we both unloaded our pockets and bags on the table. I wouldn't call this our every day carry, but save for the .50, it's about right:


ETA: I also carry a 3.5" Emerson folder, an iPhone, Surefire pen, wallet, chap stick, and keys. Two spare Glock mags go in my messenger bag, two spare Glock mags in my center console, along with a Glock 26.

About the right computer as well...

02-26-09, 00:09
About the right computer as well...

About? That's an actual photo of my kitchen table! ;) I'll pull out my other two Apple laptops for the next photo if you'd like.

02-26-09, 00:46
So Magpul does their work on Macs? Good taste.

02-26-09, 06:04
^ They are in CO. Its like a law or something.

02-26-09, 11:41
About? That's an actual photo of my kitchen table! ;) I'll pull out my other two Apple laptops for the next photo if you'd like.

Nice mats. They suit you.

02-26-09, 11:55
So Magpul does their work on Macs? Good taste.


02-26-09, 13:27
A Mil-Tac folding knife, M4, 30 rounds of 5.56, and my ID.

02-26-09, 15:09
About? That's an actual photo of my kitchen table! ;) I'll pull out my other two Apple laptops for the next photo if you'd like.

You'll beat me. I have 1 Macbook (traded a NIB DD upper and some other items for it), a last generation Macbook Pro, 2 mac minis, a Mac Pro dual quadcore, a G-5 that crashes randomly )some sort of HW fault after 4+ years), a Powerbook G4, and an iBook... (and an original Bondi Blue iMac from 1998.) I never get rid of functioning HW no matter how old...

I usually take the Macbook with me in a bag (which also has a USP 9mm and extra mag), and carry a P229 on my body. Leatherman and extra bit set and sometimes a folding knife (if I have not lost or misplaced it), wallet, keys, iPhone.

02-26-09, 15:13
Just got a 6 month old MacBook Pro 2.6 with 4 gigs of RAM for $900 :cool: That includes Office and Parallels.

02-26-09, 15:22
Just got a 6 month old MacBook Pro 2.6 with 4 gigs of RAM for $900 :cool: That includes Office and Parallels.

Cool. The one right before the unibody ones came out, right? I gave up on Parallels but get great use of vmware. How does Parallels work for you? My VM stopped booting and they were no help so I just went to vmware. I had one game that worked better under Parallels but otherwise am not looking back

I want to install OS X on one of those new Dell Mini 9 netbooks...


02-26-09, 15:52
Well this thread took a turn....


C :D

02-26-09, 16:45
Taurus 24/7 .45 in belly band.
638 in ankle holster.
Cold Steel Voyager and or Benchmade Folder.
2 cell phones.
speedloader for 638.
can of snuff. :D

02-26-09, 16:50
Whenever I'm on foot, I always have my best weapon with me.


02-26-09, 17:00
That will definitely keep the bad guys away!

02-26-09, 17:07
Cool. The one right before the unibody ones came out, right? I gave up on Parallels but get great use of vmware. How does Parallels work for you? My VM stopped booting and they were no help so I just went to vmware. I had one game that worked better under Parallels but otherwise am not looking back

Last of the last generation and therefore (I hope, at least). Parallels worked well for me in a production environment but I didn't use it for gaming.

David Thomas
02-27-09, 23:21
wallet, watch and phone are not pictured, but this is what I carry everyday:


02-27-09, 23:44
I don't carry as many things. Don't want to get pretty bulky in a dress pants. :D


Bat Guano
02-28-09, 01:20
The "always" package: Victorinox (Swiss Army) Explorer knife; cell phone/camera; S&W 442; 6 rds extra ammo in flat MTM "wallet", and dorky little 1-AAA mini-mag flashlight on keychain that always seems to be around when I need it.

Sometimes supplemented for casual use, an old police trade-in S&W M&P 4" in a nylon belt slide with flat 6 round ammo carrier. Light (29 ozs.), expendable, reliable, and smooth as an old bar of soap. :p

When going to the big city (5000 population) the Ruger Security Six in the Sparks rig is primary.

02-28-09, 10:28
well, lemme take a quick inventory...

glock 17
extra mag
surefire G2
exta batteries for G2
gerber EVO folding knife
contact lens rewetting drops
small notepad and pen
emergency poncho
bic lighter
petroleum jelly impregnated dryer lint
12-hour candle
water purification tablets
lock pick set
plastic garbage bag
small first aid kit:
-assorted size band-aids
-couple 3x3 guaze pads
-4x4 square of cellophane
-couple neosporin packets
-couiple alcohol wipes
-non-latex medical gloves
-packet of celox
-mole skin
-cloth tape
-ibuprofen tablets
-antihistamine tablets

what can i say...i'm a dork.

believe it or not, though, most of this stuff has come in handy at one point or another. and, though it may sound like a lot, it all (except the gun and mag, wallet and keys, knife, leatherman, and flashlight) fits very nicely into two little waterproof pouches. each of those, in turn, fits quite nicely into a cargo pocket...with room to spare.

All I can say is......wow. I think.

Here in N.J., one is best to make sure they have their keys on them, and wallet of course. That's about it, as anything else could generate unwanted charges. :(

Being prepared to fight with your hands is the way to go here, good or bad.

02-28-09, 15:20
LOL, I was thinking about a Mini 9 as well until I went to the desktop guys to check one out...very small and light and the keyboard was ok with some training of the keys but i could not deal with the screen. Way too small, i would like a Mini 12 but we use the wrong chipset to load OSx86. If you are still thinking of a Mini 9 check out Sam's Club, they have 16gb SSD (minimum size if you want to run OS X) for $349 with shipping. They also have a 8gb with the same 1GB memory for $245 shipped. You can find 32GB SSD for about $79 (I haven't looked at specs so check before you buy). Memory is also easy to upgrade and if i remember correctly they support 2GB sticks.

I'm probably going to stick to my D820 that I've had running for a couple of months as well as a desktop Asus MB based box. Great little systems especially with VMware to run the corperate image for work. :)


Cool. The one right before the unibody ones came out, right? I gave up on Parallels but get great use of vmware. How does Parallels work for you? My VM stopped booting and they were no help so I just went to vmware. I had one game that worked better under Parallels but otherwise am not looking back

I want to install OS X on one of those new Dell Mini 9 netbooks...


03-02-09, 02:36
my xd9 svc, a surefire 6PLED, a spare mag or two, leatherman, nextel phone.

03-02-09, 03:00
A plan.

03-02-09, 14:20


My wife asked me why I have a picture of a pistol I don't own as my background and I told her that it was a carrot to remind a mule "me" to keep my eye on the goal (the Talon II) so I don't spend my money on other crap.

Plus it's just a cool picture.

03-02-09, 16:20
springfield 1911 or g22
surefire z2 w/malkoff bulb
benchmade stryker knife
extra magazine
cell phone wallet
an appetite:D

03-02-09, 16:50

BB 8330 Curve so I can call the "man" when I get in trouble.


03-02-09, 17:12
OK, I also carry some $ and a card, wrapped in a rubber band.

I travel light. w/o tray:D


eta: Sorry it took a minute to figure out the pics.

03-02-09, 19:18

Was the original thread about what do we take everyday...like going to work or running errands or what do those of us take if we were going into a post apocolyptic netherworld.?..
Some of the stuff seems a little 'tin foil hat' territory for carrying on one's person everyday.. I'm a firm believer in being prepared but can't really envision needing some of that stuff like petroleum jelly soaked cotton balls between home and work. Society hasn't deteriorated to that stage yet IMHO...
I also wear a suit M-F not 6-pocket craghoppers so not much room to hide a John T. Rambo survival knife ...
Now my 4x4 SUV has some line 2 and line 3 type gear ...
Multitool, first aid kit...1 MRE...snatch hooks/straps/jumper cables/entrenching tool/flashlight/Dash mounted (removable) GPS/Blanket/towel etc ..

03-02-09, 21:52
My AMEX card...sounds cliche to say i dont leave home without it but...

chapstick and my blackberry are also constantly within arms reach

03-03-09, 05:20
(2) "rite in the rain" pens
"rite in the rain" notebook in shoulder pocket ("prepare to copy")
leatherman surge ti
5.11 watch
Oakley M-frames
patrol cap in cargo pocket

03-03-09, 08:46
My AMEX card...sounds cliche to say i dont leave home without it but...

chapstick and my blackberry are also constantly within arms reach

If I remember correctly, the AMEX does NOT do well in Central and South America (FYI). Might want to also carry a Visa.

Then again, I have been to some parts of Europe that would not accept Visa/MC and only AMEX.

So carry both. :D


03-03-09, 16:13
I'm a firm believer in being prepared but can't really envision needing some of that stuff like petroleum jelly soaked cotton balls between home and work.

those i have never actually used (outside of backpacking trips), and probably never will. (i did once, however, have a vehicle issue in the middle of the night in the middle of winter in the middle of nowhere west virginia, and i was quite happy to be able to easily start a fire and just wait it out until the next morning and fix the issue myself instead of having to call someone else to come rescue me...though i had all my camping gear with me then anyway. so did not need the stuff i carry daily in that instance.)

at any rate, they take up all of a cubic half inch and weigh a gram or something, so, i figure why not...

some of the other stuff you would think would never come in hand actually has in normal everyday life, though.

plus, the tin foil hat hides my bald spot...;)

I also wear a suit M-F not 6-pocket craghoppers

if i had to wear a suit to work, i wouldn't carry all that stuff either. for me, though, i can generally wear cargo pants/shorts just about all the time...and i find them more comfortable than jeans, so...why not.

is it a bit silly...probably. but, other than that, i see no downside. and, if "that will never happen" happens...

Now my 4x4 SUV has some line 2 and line 3 type gear ...Multitool, first aid kit...1 MRE...snatch hooks/straps/jumper cables/entrenching tool/flashlight/Dash mounted (removable) GPS/Blanket/towel etc ..

you don't even want to know what lives in the back of my truck...:o

03-03-09, 16:41

Can you tell us a little more about that knife? Beautiful piece of work, that is...

Oh, here's my contribution laid out on my desk.



03-03-09, 18:10
Wow... Was the original thread about what do we take everyday...like going to work or running errands or what do those of us take if we were going into a post apocolyptic netherworld.?..
Some of the stuff seems a little 'tin foil hat' territory for carrying on one's person everyday.. I'm a firm believer in being prepared but can't really envision needing some of that stuff like petroleum jelly soaked cotton balls between home and work. Society hasn't deteriorated to that stage yet

I carry the same stuff, in approximately the came configurations, whether I'm at work, play, running errands, or mowing the lawn. Once you commit to it, it's hard NOT to do.

Here's food for thought for you: If you suddenly had to stand up, leave where you are, travel a distance, without any opportunity to prepare, pack, or consider your options, what would you have on you? What would it do for you? How would you sustain it? How could it be resupplied in unfamiliar territory?

03-14-09, 13:09

Small folding wallet in left front pocket
cash in titanium money clip in front right change pocket
crackberry and pager carried at 9:00 on belt
Emerson waved Mini CQC-7 in left front pocket
Gat (usually a 642 with Tyler T-grip and Barami Hip Grip in Mika pocket holster) in right front pocket,
spare ammo (usually Gold Dots in speed strip) in left rear pocket.
Keys stay in hand or in my backpack.

Backpack carries lots of things. Pair of laptops, tools, batteries, lights, Fox OC, trauma kit, PSK, network cables, collection of USB keys, OS CD/DVDs, etc.

03-14-09, 13:22

Here's food for thought for you: If you suddenly had to stand up, leave where you are, travel a distance, without any opportunity to prepare, pack, or consider your options, what would you have on you? What would it do for you? How would you sustain it? How could it be resupplied in unfamiliar territory?

Okay, ready for the tin foil comments? ;)

I keep things packed and loaded. I would rather grab something and scoot when necessary..

In the closet by the front door, is a bag that I can grab and live out of for 72 hours. I can snag it at a dead run and keep running.

The truck has a "get-home bag" that will last me 48 hours, and get me back to the house. I can make it home on foot in 24 minutes from the time I leave my desk, to my front door.

There is a bag locked in a secure-access area at work, inside a safe. It has another backpack that can get me home. There is a seasonal change of clothes in a duffel bag in a locker next to the safe.

The corporation I work for has a co-location disaster recovery site 46 miles from our office. I have another large duffel bag there, in a locked, secured area. We practice bugging out to that hot site, and performing a recovery twice a year. We have supplies for our crew for ten days there - food, water, cots, etc. Armed guards protect that site.

As far as re-supply, I keep cash and tools in all four of those bags.

03-14-09, 14:47
Where I live is so safe the power's that be have declared it unnecessary to issue CCWs.... :rolleyes:

12-29-09, 21:34
I don't carry as many things. Don't want to get pretty bulky in a dress pants. :D


love that P2D. I keep mine on my keyring...

12-30-09, 12:54
St. Christopher/St. George medal's soldered together (back to back) on chain around my neck (constant companions for 22yrs)

Wedding ring

G27 w/ G22 spare mag
Small single blade pocket knife
Black Berry
Money Clip with $ DL & Credit Cards
Flat Badge & PD ID in Wallet
Handkerchief used several times as a bandage or to clean up my kids!

Kubaton with truck keys, house key, cuff key and mini led keychain light

@ night Surefire Led L1LumaMax
When I’m away from home/truck/work a leatherman on my belt

My truck has extra an extra G22 mag or two, a speed loader for the days I carry my 3040PD instead of my G22, a pair of cuffs, several flashlights, leatherman, tools, Pepper Spray and a collapsible PR24

12-30-09, 18:14
Front right pocket:
Either a Benchmade Mini Griptilian or Mini Barrage
Leatherman Juice S3
Fisher space pen
iPod Touch

Front left pocket:
Surefire E1B
Bic lighter
Altoids gum tin containing things like Benadryl, Tylenol, a pair of tweezers, safety pins, etc
Cell phone

Back left pocket:
Wallet. In addition to the usual stuff, I have some band aids and a few feet of duct tape wrapped around an old credit card in my wallet

Depending on the situation and my attire, either a G26 or G19 on my right hip, or a Kel Tec P3AT in my back right pocket

12-30-09, 19:03
All of you seem to be carrying some pretty good "tactical" items. One thing you might consider adding is a soft nylon cuff...pack of 5 is about $3. You can put one in your pocket and forget about it. If you ever need to actually restrain a guy, they are invaluable. As well...looks good if/when you ever end up in court. It shows that you actually thought about something less than deadly force-potentially huge during a civil lawsuit!

12-30-09, 19:44
Or a zip strip cuff makes you look like you have a rape kit or think you are the police, running around looking for BG's to cuff and save the day...

My EDC stuff is:
Benchmade Osborne
Cold steel Voyager
Zippo(Ug need fire)
spare mag
keys Cell
Flash light

I really do take my BOB with me cause its also my travel bag and I travel every day for work.