View Full Version : The Obama Forum: You guys gotta check it out...

02-26-09, 09:24
Hands down the funniest shit I've seen in years. You gotta give these guys credit, because that's some genuine effort they're putting in there. And if you look carefully enough, a lot of morons are actually falling for it.

Check out the "gun" forums, for a good example.


Between that, the reparations threads and the general screennames...I haven't laughed like that in a long, long time.

02-26-09, 09:35
Funny......but some of the most racist sh*t I've seen in awhile!

Does anyone else recognize that those aren't real "Black" people on that forum?????

02-26-09, 09:53
That is some scary stuff.

02-26-09, 10:19
...and they take themselves seriously. There are a lot of racist comments from ALL sides. There doesn't seem to be an overriding point or goal to the forum, but it sure does bring them out of the woodwork, doesn't it?


Army Chief
02-26-09, 13:28
We've made sport of this particular repository of morons before.

It was beneath us then, and it is still beneath us now.


02-26-09, 16:34
I gotta say, when I saw the usernames like "Da Cracka Smacka" and "Son of Sambo" I laughed so hard I almost shit myself. It doesn't get any better than that.

Seriously, some of the imposters on that board deserve awards for what they write. Comic genius.

02-27-09, 01:12
Talk about mentally unhinged! I can't believe these idiots know how to operate a keyboard, much less find the internet.

02-27-09, 01:42
I followed your advice and took a peek at The Obama Forum.....I wish I hadn't....now I feel all dirty and seem inclined to have my computer fumigated and/or disinfected with Lysol.

Not much information over there, but resembles a combination of backwoods Roadhouse and Whorehouse run by syphlitic, inbred, bucktooth, drooling crackers. A sad experience, indeed.


02-27-09, 08:20
personally i get a big kick out of those "suckas" that think (bad usage of a word for those idiots) they would be exempt from any bans..., but..., OTH does anyone here think any of them would obey a ban ??

i do not, i would bet, my last AR-15 that those "bruthas" have more illegal weapons stashed away in "da hood" than anyone would believe or imagine !

Jay Cunningham
02-27-09, 08:34
Read this Before You Post About Obama and/or a Federal AWB or Gun Control. (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=25110)

02-27-09, 12:07


02-27-09, 15:07
I don't think the boss would appreciate you surfing the web on his time....;)

02-27-09, 15:11
a friend of mine showed me that garbage site, and i havent laughed/ gotten irritated by what i was reading like that in a long time

02-27-09, 19:34
So sad, and funny.

02-27-09, 22:28
Just proves my theory that 60% of Americans (+ or - who voted for that Moron) are beyond help, reason, or salvation. Just waiting for the libtards to come begging for guns when the shite hits the fan and they are at the mercy of those criminals they pamper.

02-28-09, 18:37
i posted (trolled):D over there for a while, 350 posts to my name before i wore out my welcome, they deleted all but a few of my posts. they couldnt handle the truth. at least 80% of the members are trollls from other forums. lots of arfcommers, and 4chan(whatever the hell that is):confused:

02-28-09, 19:59
Check out that guy named Hotep?

03-01-09, 00:00
OMG that was fun!! hahahaha

everyone should go there and f#$% with the libs.

03-01-09, 01:28

oh snap, as they say. :p

03-01-09, 20:02
OK, where to start? I had planned on not replying, but as my 'HH6' always says, " I just can't help myself ( besides, I have a half hour before the new episode of Jesse Stone).

I grew up where you judge a man by the color of his heart, not his skin. If he (or she) believes in conservative values, A2 etc. they are 'my friends'. No exceptions.

Do I think our President, and those that support him, are a total cluster **** (and racist), 'you betcha'. I'm just not going down that road, because I know that if I'm going to get into a no win... one of my brothers is not my color, and I promise you, WE WILL CAUSE PAIN.

That sight has a lot of 'funny', It just seems to be drifting. There are a lot of good warriors.


Sorry, I think the site is truly funny, it just seems to push the color thing too hard. IMHO

03-01-09, 22:59
I followed your advice and took a peek at The Obama Forum.....I wish I hadn't....now I feel all dirty and seem inclined to have my computer fumigated and/or disinfected with Lysol.

Not much information over there, but resembles a combination of backwoods Roadhouse and Whorehouse run by syphlitic, inbred, bucktooth, drooling crackers. A sad experience, indeed.


crackers huh? im a little confused. could you elaborate?

03-02-09, 00:27
crackers huh? im a little confused. could you elaborate?

No........But if you insist.

I went on a boat ride with my brother in law on the Calcasieu River north of Lake Charles, Louisiana some years back. As we were cruising along, we got flagged down by a bunch of folks having a party at their camp this particular Sunday Afternoon. They knew my brother in law's boat since he had a camp up river a short distance. He told me to keep my mouth shut and just be nice. Turns out it was a KKK Barbeque with around 40 people or so, including kids. No white sheets, but they did have the KKK flags (with the little red flame in the middle). Most worthless bunch of folks I had ever met; worse than White Trash, and Cracker could also be tossed into the description.

Now, in all my years in the Army, I served with Patriots of all color, and yes I am White. That Hell Hole called The Obama Forum is a sorry dung heap of a website. I don't care for the new President, but it has nothing to do with the color of his skin; it has everything to do with his Socialist, borderline Marxist agenda.