View Full Version : You know what really grinds my gears!

02-27-09, 08:39
Getting a well lubed case stuck in my resizing die. :mad: What a way to shit in my cereal!


02-27-09, 08:46
HOV Lanes. One cop on a 5-mile stretch of road can bring traffic to a near halt for hours, reversing any supposed "environmental good" done because of the thousands of cars idling in the middle of town for hours on end.

02-27-09, 08:55
People: People grind my gears. All shapes, sizes, sexes, colors,
religions, creeds, national origins and expecially liberal ones.

02-27-09, 09:10

I don't care if you want to smoke the sig, just don't throw it on the ground. I got real tired of picking that crap up and still hate having my Soldiers do it.

02-27-09, 09:35
stuck behind a person at a stop sign, while they get their meal unwrapped, answer a phone call, and generally delay the rest of us, while they try to get their s*$t together.:mad:

02-27-09, 12:45

I don't care if you want to smoke the sig, just don't throw it on the ground. I got real tired of picking that crap up and still hate having my Soldiers do it.

God, I hate smokers just for that. No, it's NOT OK to throw your butts out of our car either! Man, I used to exercise the powers of my rank on lower ranking Marines for that and it felt good.

baffle Stack
02-27-09, 23:29
Family Guy:confused:

02-28-09, 07:11
I teach high school students and the word "like" really like gets on my like nerves, like know what i mean? ;)

02-28-09, 12:12
on Maui I used to see tourist cars at a stop throw a cig on the ground lit I would run out pick it up and say you dropped this and flick it into their back seat :)
plus say dont litter are island !!!!!!

lots of fires are caused by cigs being thrown out !!!!

I wont do that here though :)

lots of things get me going the way people drive is a big one !!!! way to many IDIOTS these days on the road

02-28-09, 13:23
Dippers or chewers that keep their nasty spit cups or bottles everywhere. It's freaking disgusting!!!

02-28-09, 13:42
other peoples' kids' parents. funny way to word it?

those of you with young kids- as in, kids under the age of about 7 or 8- do you notice how kids cant just go run and be free at the playground like when we were kids? what's up with ALL the parents getting all up in their kids' business at the playground?

when i was a kid, the parents all sat at tables and benches and talked to each other and told their kids to go off and play. NOWADAYS, the parents spend the ENTIRE time at the playground watching their kids, telling their kids how to play, standing by the swing while their kids swing, dictating who was "first" at the top of the slide.... these kids are ****ed. how are they ever going to figure out how to socially interact on their own?

when my kids go to the park, i keep my damn mouth shut until some other parent decides he wants to give my boys lessons on proper playground ettiquet. kids need to figure out how to deal with other kids on their own. they need to fall off the equipment and get the wind knocked out of them. they need to push and shove when two people get to the top of the slide at the same time. that's where you learn how to be tough and assert yourself.

02-28-09, 13:46
other peoples' kids' parents. funny way to word it?

those of you with young kids- as in, kids under the age of about 7 or 8- do you notice how kids cant just go run and be free at the playground like when we were kids? what's up with ALL the parents getting all up in their kids' business at the playground?

when i was a kid, the parents all sat at tables and benches and talked to each other and told their kids to go off and play. NOWADAYS, the parents spend the ENTIRE time at the playground watching their kids, telling their kids how to play, standing by the swing while their kids swing, dictating who was "first" at the top of the slide.... these kids are ****ed. how are they ever going to figure out how to socially interact on their own?

when my kids go to the park, i keep my damn mouth shut until some other parent decides he wants to give my boys lessons on proper playground ettiquet. kids need to figure out how to deal with other kids on their own. they need to fall off the equipment and get the wind knocked out of them. they need to push and shove when two people get to the top of the slide at the same time. that's where you learn how to be tough and assert yourself.

I like that one.

The panic grinds my gears. We should not worry and fret over our liberties.

02-28-09, 14:06
People who park in the fire lane at the front of the building. Especially when there is only a couple cars in the whole parking lot.

In Arkansas the police have a reflective sticker they put on their personal vehicles. (Above the law sticker?) It has 3 horizontal bars 2 black with a blue one in the center. On black Friday I was down at my dads place, he is a county deputy. Anyway I was at china-mart looking for a space, I got stuck sitting behind a suburban that was sitting in the fire lane. Once I realized that he was "Parked" I went around him, That is when I noticed the Police sticker on his bumper. I walked right up to him and snapped a photo on my cell phone of his face, then one of his license plate and police sticker and proceeded in to shop. I told my 12 year old son..."I bet you $20 that cop parks comes in the store looking for me to see what I was doing" Sure as $%^& here he comes with his wife and kids and a half full shopping cart. He never said anything to me but boy did he try ripping me apart with his dirty looks. I never intended on doing anything with the photo's. It was only meant as an integrity check and it worked. Like I said before my dad is a Garland county deputy I have no intention's of making trouble for him.

Flame suit on....I know some of the LEO's here are gonna bash me...."He was probably on official business" But he wasn't his wife was shopping for dinner, him and his kids were waiting in the vehicle parked in the fire lane.

ETA: He also made sure to move his jacket aside so I could see his badge on his belt while in the store.

02-28-09, 14:16

I don't care if you want to smoke the sig, just don't throw it on the ground. I got real tired of picking that crap up and still hate having my Soldiers do it.

When I was a "Joe", I made sure to put all my butts in my pocket. Every time we got police call I would whip out a pocket full of butts and got out of Policing cigarette butts every time. :D

02-28-09, 14:24
other peoples' kids' parents. funny way to word it?

those of you with young kids- as in, kids under the age of about 7 or 8- do you notice how kids cant just go run and be free at the playground like when we were kids? what's up with ALL the parents getting all up in their kids' business at the playground?

when i was a kid, the parents all sat at tables and benches and talked to each other and told their kids to go off and play. NOWADAYS, the parents spend the ENTIRE time at the playground watching their kids, telling their kids how to play, standing by the swing while their kids swing, dictating who was "first" at the top of the slide.... these kids are ****ed. how are they ever going to figure out how to socially interact on their own?

when my kids go to the park, i keep my damn mouth shut until some other parent decides he wants to give my boys lessons on proper playground ettiquet. kids need to figure out how to deal with other kids on their own. they need to fall off the equipment and get the wind knocked out of them. they need to push and shove when two people get to the top of the slide at the same time. that's where you learn how to be tough and assert yourself.

the other issue is many parents dont discipline their kids !

I watch mine like a hawk with kidnappings and stuff going on !!!!
I interact sometimes as its fun to :)
also have seen a few parents here yell at other kids or the parent pushes the kids away so their kids can play !!!
sorry but you lay a hand on my kid as a adult you are going to have some problems on your hand !!!!!
their are some screwed up parents these days !!!
like the 5 year old with the giant can of Monster drink the other day !!!
or the one who let their kid wack at other kids with a plastic golf club and just laugh about it !! I just leave the playground usually to avoid things
watched another kid pick up a handful of gravel and throw it at another kid parents did nothing !!!!!
that is the time to tell your kids what is OK and what is NOT !!!!

the other thing many kids these days have no discipline so they have no boundries and rules or wont take turns etc..
kids are not like they were in the old days so I think the rules have had to change a bit
or at least I notice this

and the other side is these days many parents are not parents but kids themselves !!

working in the tourism industry for years on Maui you see lots of parents take no interest in their kids at the beach etc..
or on the boats the kids seem to do anything they want you tell them NO dont touch the bulkhead doors and they want to anyway !

I think most kids in my age bracket used to have respect and very few kids these days have any !!!!