View Full Version : Stock up Now!!!

02-27-09, 12:45

Am I going to have to put toilet paper next to my ammo and incandescent bulbs in my basement stockpile!

02-27-09, 12:50
That's funny, I never see the good stuff in public restrooms. Screw those fuzzy little foreigners (let's see who catches that) Lebowski says as he jumps into to his 17MPG V8 pickup :D

02-27-09, 13:23
You must have gotten the small V8, tsk, tsk.

Been skinny-skiing or watching bull fights on acid lately?

02-27-09, 14:05
Good catch :D Have a check for $60K.

02-27-09, 14:43
The sad part is I rarely say "foreigner" with out 'Fuzzy little' as a modifier.

02-27-09, 14:53
What incredible pricks these people are. They never mention the fact that there are more trees now than there were fifty years ago(much less polar bears.) And the use of "virgin forests," is misleading as well. Virgin trees, would be more accurate, but an ever increasing portion of our lumber and pulp comes from tree farms.

I feel inspired to read 'State of Fear' again...or maybe watch Penn & Teller's Bullshit episode on recycling.

02-27-09, 23:39
I’m getting so tired of this environmental BS crammed down my throat. Now I can’t wipe me ass with out guilt.

02-28-09, 01:19
I will wipe my okole with anything I want !!

I dont want to squat over some toilet thing and spray my bum with it !!!!
to me that will do more damage to the water supply ? and waste water !!!

I know lets quit wiping all together :) cant wait for that fat X VP guy (gorp man) who is the green guy who has the private jet tell us we are going to have to tax your squashes :)

new toilets will weigh your waste and decide the amount of wiping you are allowed and tax you appropriately !!!!! I can see that coming soon

02-28-09, 17:15
This thread is clearly headed straight for the toilet.

02-28-09, 17:32
I don't know in what regard you guys hold your hoops, but I consider mine to be worth generations of environmental devastation.

02-28-09, 17:35
Now I can’t wipe me ass with out guilt.

Shit, I sure as hell can. :D

03-01-09, 11:48
Even though this topic is seemingly without much import, I can tell you, as someone that grew up in communist Eastern Europe, where we had toilet paper slightly less abrasive then a cheese grater, that when the "intelligentsia", "do gooder elites", and members of the "party of the people" start wanting to regulate what type of paper one wipes his bum with, well, that's when at least one alarm bell ought to ring. I suppose we should just use a garden hose, but then the members of the People's Birkenstock Action Party would want to penalize us for water wastage. They won't be happy until we all become smelly hippies that wipe on a piece of tree bark...but only if the tree bark has not been molested off and away from the tree. :rolleyes:

03-01-09, 14:32
No toilet paper anymore? Fine with me, I'll just crap on a hippies face and make her lick me clean.

03-01-09, 14:38

03-01-09, 16:44
I used to work for Inetnational Paper and have a good bit of experience in the timber/paper industry. You would have to be a complete fool to use "virgin timber" to make toilet paper or any paper for that matter. It has way too much value as veneer or boards to be chipped for paper pulp.

As stated by another member, most paper wood comes from tree farms or forrests that have already been harvested two or three times and even then its just the junk trees that are too small or crooked to be used for anything else.

It drives me nuts when the media plays on peoples ignorance to sensationalize their story. I guess that's the norm these days.

03-01-09, 18:09
I'll stop using soft, double ply TP (or whatever I want) about the time Barbara Streisand starts hanging her clothes out to dry.

Bunch a wackos!

03-02-09, 08:18
Watch out, they might get P.E.T.A. involved !! Cause they might say that trees are living creatures too. I can see them outside of a lowes or home depot throwing blood on someone buying a sheet of plywood :eek: I think that P.E.T.A. should be listed as a terrorist group !!

Hey littlelebowski, did you keep that cute hospital dress you were wearing in the pics ?? It looked good on you !! lol
