View Full Version : WW2 Pics. excellent job.

02-27-09, 13:04
someone linked me to these and i thought others here might find them interesting also. For those that know their history, there are some early photos here, taken before the Night of the Long Knives.


02-27-09, 15:11
The biggest thing I remember from looking at my grandfather's photos from WWII were just the utter devastation. He had pics of German cities completely gutted from bombings.

You would have to see them to understand. Building after building reduced to half skeletons.

02-27-09, 15:49
The Oberleutnant towards the end appears to be a heavy hitter, even if he didn't have the Knight's Cross, he had to be in some serious action for the Close Combat Clasp. While quite a few were awarded the Iron Cross, the others were not awarded lightly...