View Full Version : More disturbing news from the border!

03-01-09, 16:48
The US better start making some significant moves on the Southern Border before it's too late!

03-01-09, 17:33
Here is the part that we need to be concerned about. This is the same line of crap that the AG is using as well. Make no mistake they are going to use any instance like this to infringe on the 2A.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano -- a former Arizona governor -- told a Congressional hearing last week she was focused on curbing the southbound traffic in guns that are being used to arm the violent cartels.

In a measure of that commitment, a Phoenix gun dealer goes on trial next week on charges he sold hundreds of weapons, including AK-47 assault rifles, to smugglers knowing they would send them to a powerful cartel in Sinaloa state on Mexico's Pacific coast.

03-01-09, 17:50
Here is the part that we need to be concerned about. This is the same line of crap that the AG is using as well. Make no mistake they are going to use any instance like this to infringe on the 2A.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano -- a former Arizona governor -- told a Congressional hearing last week she was focused on curbing the southbound traffic in guns that are being used to arm the violent cartels.

In a measure of that commitment, a Phoenix gun dealer goes on trial next week on charges he sold hundreds of weapons, including AK-47 assault rifles, to smugglers knowing they would send them to a powerful cartel in Sinaloa state on Mexico's Pacific coast.

What a steaming load of crap. Out government arms the Mexican Miltary quite well. Those weapons, HUMVEE's etc are used to protect/transport the drugs. Forcing me to buy an AR with a comp instead of a flash hider wont do anything to change this. Build the fence...please

03-01-09, 17:54
Holder, Napolitano and their minions should actually take a few hours and learn something. This should be required reading:


03-01-09, 18:10
"Washington has stepped up support for Calderon, pledging to give Mexico helicopters, surveillance aircraft, inspection equipment and police training under a $1.4 billion plan to beat the cartels in Mexico and Central America. "

I think for $1.4 Billion we could build one hell of a wall .I think this should be considered a terrorist attack on America.I guess it will take a all out attack on our citizens before Obama even addresses this:mad:

03-01-09, 18:20
"Washington has stepped up support for Calderon, pledging to give Mexico helicopters, surveillance aircraft, inspection equipment and police training under a $1.4 billion plan to beat the cartels in Mexico and Central America. "
I think for $1.4 Billion we could build one hell of a wall .I think this should be considered a terrorist attack on America.I guess it will take a all out attack on our citizens before Obama even addresses this:mad:
I have serious doubts that he would even then.

03-01-09, 18:31
I have serious doubts that he would even then.
very true

Bat Guano
03-01-09, 21:16
As a retired INS agent, I long ago gave up believing that our great and glorious government would EVER have the huevos to do anything serious about illegal immigration. So far they have bent over backwards to prove me right. :mad:

On my first day on the job my mentor (a real dinosaur but an honest man) told me, "Son, it ain't for real."

It wasn't. :rolleyes:

03-01-09, 21:39
I wish the Governor of Texas would say go close it citizens. I would mount up in a second.

03-02-09, 11:16
As a retired INS agent, I long ago gave up believing that our great and glorious government would EVER have the huevos to do anything serious about illegal immigration. So far they have bent over backwards to prove me right. :mad:

On my first day on the job my mentor (a real dinosaur but an honest man) told me, "Son, it ain't for real."

It wasn't. :rolleyes:

BG, what was he referring to-- the whole 'we're protecting the border' idea? Or something else?

03-02-09, 11:30
They need to send out sniper teams...

03-02-09, 11:34
Here is the part that we need to be concerned about. This is the same line of crap that the AG is using as well. Make no mistake they are going to use any instance like this to infringe on the 2A.

You got it! This is the media talking point that is getting run out at every turn...no longer about "the children"...now it's about "homeland security"... absolutely disgusting! Baaa...frighten the sheep... :rolleyes:

We have to ban all those guns with the shoulder thing that goes up...they are being used in the Mexican drug traffic wars…baaa...and they don’t give me that tingly feeling running up and down my leg when I see them...baaa

All part of our brave new world change we can believe in is to play nice with our neighbors...right...baaa :rolleyes: <insert msnbc news clip with belt-fed machine guns here> Who uses these to hunt...baaa... :rolleyes:

03-02-09, 12:15
"Washington has stepped up support for Calderon, pledging to give Mexico helicopters, surveillance aircraft, inspection equipment and police training under a $1.4 billion plan to beat the cartels in Mexico and Central America. "

I think for $1.4 Billion we could build one hell of a wall .I think this should be considered a terrorist attack on America.I guess it will take a all out attack on our citizens before Obama even addresses this:mad:

Our border gaurds are already being attacked. It's become ridiculous, but we are supporting the cartels with all our drug usage. Generations below me are increasing their drug consumption and their feelings of entitlement. The majority of family values are shot these days with many parents simply not giving a f*ck. It's ludacris

As far as protecting the borders. I've lost so much faith in our government to do what is right lately. I hardly trust them to protect our borders. I believe WE THE PEOPLE should be empowered to do so, but we can't even protect our homes without threat of lawsuit and jail time.

Obama and his minions are pissing all over my constitution. I'm tired of this crap. I wish a real leader would step up, and not Limbaugh. While I enjoy his radio show and listen frequently I do not believe he is a valid front runner for the Grand Old Party. He will be met with far to much resistance from the left, and quite frankly we need to start educating Americans why its not "cool" to be a commie.....wait liberal...no commie....liberal. Whats the difference again?

03-02-09, 16:59
Now the Border Patrol is being accused of racial profiling. :mad: Ridiculous.


03-03-09, 00:15
How about "Nationality Profiling" ? .......Wait that is probably illegal already too.

03-03-09, 06:14
They need to send out sniper teams...

I can see pay per view events on the horizon and vacation packages w/ a free room for the family that snipes together with a limit of say ...5 each !
This is mix and match - you'll never know who you'll get !


03-03-09, 06:17
............, but we are supporting the cartels with all our drug usage. Generations below me are increasing their drug consumption and their feelings of entitlement. The majority of family values are shot these days with many parents simply not giving a f*ck.
Amen, brother! I said basically the same thing in another thread here at M4C and somebody came back with a smart ass remark. I guess they wanted their drugs too much to care about what is happening to our country as a result. The demand side is the real problem, not the supply side!

Low Drag
03-03-09, 07:14
Here is the part that we need to be concerned about. This is the same line of crap that the AG is using as well. Make no mistake they are going to use any instance like this to infringe on the 2A.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano -- a former Arizona governor -- told a Congressional hearing last week she was focused on curbing the southbound traffic in guns that are being used to arm the violent cartels.

In a measure of that commitment, a Phoenix gun dealer goes on trial next week on charges he sold hundreds of weapons, including AK-47 assault rifles, to smugglers knowing they would send them to a powerful cartel in Sinaloa state on Mexico's Pacific coast.

I guess he was supposed to "profile"?.........

IIRC, the weapons used by the cartels are select fire/full auto. They don't come from US gun retailers.

03-03-09, 08:39
The US better start making some significant moves on the Southern Border before it's too late!

Well, if the U.S. would ban those evil black rifles the "Mexican problem" would go away.:rolleyes: