View Full Version : Is anyone else here a teacher?

03-01-09, 21:33
I was just curious if anyone else here is a teacher. I teach high school history in Wilkes County NC. This is my first year and I love teaching World History and Colonial History. I am also a very strong 2nd amendment advocate. I have yet to ask the administration or check with the board of ed but I have seen other schools that have shooting or sporting clubs. Is anyone a teacher at a school that has this. If you are please enlighten me to the rules and regulations of this club.

Buckshot TX
03-02-09, 22:11
I taught High School Social Studies (US History, World History, Geography & Economics) for 5 years before burning out to wrench on Harleys & now full-time Gunsmithing. Sorry, I don't have any suggestions on forming or organizing such a club - spent my teaching time in an "urban setting" where the powers to be found such things unimaginable. I know that the 4-H programs in some rural schools do both basic marksmanship & trap shooting programs. Best wishes & good luck.

03-02-09, 22:40
I'm a Chemist in Technical Sales. There are times that I feel I am teaching people that don't want to learn, and I can't even threaten them with a test.