View Full Version : How many hav seen this

03-03-09, 17:41
Am I a day late and a dollar short, or have many of you see this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXOLGLkUhhM

03-03-09, 18:11
I refuse to believe they are any danger to the public unless society collapses.

And at that point in time, I'd worry more about our government rather than some group of islamofacists that will be caught in the middle with America ravaging itself.

I do find find this all funny though. Nobody takes American militias seriously, calling them "billy bob", "hicks", "gun nuts", and such. Portraying them as nut jobs in the media and what not. But once there's a milita in America that resembles Osama and his crew, people start shitting bricks.

03-03-09, 18:13
It is the first time I have seen it and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I swear, I love this country so much but it drives me up the wall at the same time.

Any other country would have dropped a bomb on each of these camps and it would be over with. But not the good ole USA. For some reason enough people in this country CARE about THEIR rights and it would be wrong to get rid of them.

I guess we will have to wait for another 9/11 to realize that these are bad people and they need to be killed and then we can forget about it like we forgot about 9/11 already and repeat the process.

03-03-09, 19:03
I refuse to believe they are any danger to the public unless society collapses.
How big of a threat is debatable, I do think that there are far more things that are of greater concern. But to refuse to believe that they are a danger at all, is just sheer stupidity

And at that point in time, I'd worry more about our government rather than some group of islamofacists that will be caught in the middle with America ravaging itself. Agreed

I do find find this all funny though. Nobody takes American militias seriously, calling them "billy bob", "hicks", "gun nuts", and such. Portraying them as nut jobs in the media and what not. But once there's a milita in America that resembles Osama and his crew, people start shitting bricks.

Again I would have to disagree. I know of several news stories where many of the home grown militias have been portrayed in the same fashion. Not only that but think of all of the compounds that have been raided nation wide by the various agencies. The best armed one that I know of was in southern MO and northern AR. They had everything from full autos, to claymores and LAW rockets. So to say that no one cares about the ones that are local tells me that you have not been paying attention.

03-04-09, 03:00
Nothing like having our civil liberties taken advantage of and used against us! :mad:

03-04-09, 07:33
People, the Constitution does protect all Americans, and I mean ALL!!!

Now what should our government do..........probably already doing it. They are infiltrating and keeping an eye on these and all the other 'extremist' camps (skins, kkk, etc). I just hope that they do a much better job of getting the information out there before there are any real attacks!!!

03-04-09, 10:36
People, the Constitution does protect all Americans, and I mean ALL!!!

If there is a conspiracy to commit terror, then get after them...if there isn't then just keep an eye on them. It's quite telling that the "whistleblower" is something called Christian Action.

Any of us that has taken a training class, or owns a copy of Green Eyes and Black Rifles, could be construed in a very similar fashion.

03-04-09, 10:49
I wonder if their address is available, as I'm sure I could round up enough good ol' boys to go take them out.I don't think the world would miss them.I live in Vermont so I'll take care of the one in upstate New York. That leaves only 36 camps for the rest of you folks.

03-04-09, 11:09
I hopes somebody takes these creeps seriously.
The whole thing reminds me of Tim McVeigh and Terry Nickles.
Complete tinfoil wizards , but they did some significant damage.

03-04-09, 11:45
Pretty interesting. I just watched this last night http://obsessionthemovie.com/ and I highly recommend it. It is available on Netflix if you're interested.

03-04-09, 13:15
Guys, like I said earlier............

All I hope is that the 'Government' is keeping a very close eye on these people. The ones here that take 'training' classes with groups like Blackwater, Gunsite, ect, are taking those to protect people. These people that are taking these 'courses' from these extremist Islamic groups are taking them to know how to kill and terrorize people.........basically the polar opposite!!!

Take care and keep your ammo dry!!!

BTW, what happened to my spell check??? I can't do this without that!!!