View Full Version : Just want to say hi

03-10-09, 10:40
I'm a new member to M4carbine. I have been a member of ARFCOM for a long time, and just wanted something new. I see that Travis Haley posts here, which is pretty sweet (big fan, Travis).

So, I'm looking forward to using my precious free time on this site.

03-10-09, 11:04
As a newer member myself, welcome. Read much, learn much, post after you read and learned the repetitious stuff! I'm pretty quiet here for now.

Note: I too am an avid Zombie Hunter!

I am a retired (banned :( ) PA Sector 4 ZRT operative.

03-10-09, 14:22

Great site, lots to learn.

There's a core of knowledge here that's hard to beat for brass-tacks firearms info.

Sometimes a bit uppity, but well intentioned. The hunt for message board retards is ongoing, so what is occasionally misunderstood as a shitty attitude by some (almost always new comers) would be more accurately characterized as a site with a short fuse for idiots.

We like that here. Real world knowledge and actual experience is king...the rest is bullshit. If you have the former, feel free to share....as for the later...well, I'm sure you get the point.

Nice to have you bro.

03-10-09, 14:22
congrats on making decision to become member here; already shows you are more intelligent then many others (cough cough $#15 cough) j/k. A sense of humor is always good too. Hope you find what you are looking for and if not, don't be afraid to ask.

03-10-09, 15:15
Welcome to m4c !! Lots of good people here. Ask questions and you will get lots of informed answers plus a few un-informed ones also. lol


03-10-09, 17:56
Welcome aboard.

There is a lot of excellent knowledge in the sticky threads. They are definitely worth reading and referring to.

03-10-09, 19:18
Welcome animal Mother!!!!!glad to have you here:D