View Full Version : Mooches and Leeches

03-13-09, 18:22
Ok am I the only one out there who is fed up with the mooches and leeches that are taking over this nation? Am I the only one sick of the 'gimmes'? What ever happened to making it on your own? What ever happened to personal responsibility? When did folks get it into their heads that they could have reward with out success? What ever happened to the ideal of the likes of Thomas Jefferson? Is there any place left on this earth where the people don't clamor to suckle on the government teat?

Whats got my goat? The current musings by the administration about forcing vets to get private medical insurance to cover their service connected injuries / disabilities. At another board (non firearms related) that I'm a mod at they are debating this and the gimmies are out in force saying that if citizens can't get their medical coverage paid for then why should service members. Yeah my jaw dropped. I've had it. I want out of this place.

Now dont get me wrong. For as libertarian as I am I realize that we will never get rid of taxes and I guess Im not a good enough of a libertarian because I have no problem with caring for the elderly or providing medical care to the disabled. But for christs sake. Where do we stop? What is going on? Do these people not have a basic understanding of economics, that you cannot have less than 50% of the people providing for the majority to sit on their asses? Do they not even now see that Atlas is shrugging? No its not in some dramatic flight to Gaults Gulch but companies are checking out by moving operations to nations like Switzerland that have lower corporate tax rates. Individuals are checking out like doctors who say its just not worth it any more. God I want to scream!!!!! Am I the only one? Sorry for the rant but I have had it and since I recognize that this is tangentially connected to firearms, I'll understand if the admin wants to close this.

03-13-09, 19:10
I know how you feel my friend.

03-13-09, 19:59
No, you are not alone. It makes me wonder just how far we can go until the system really does crumbles.

03-13-09, 22:16
there is a simple solution. Most of our elected officials receive a very generous health care package for serving at least one term in office. For our vets that serve one "term" (same length of time as politicians), they should receive the exact same medical package. If not, then we are saying that our politicians who fight from behind desks, lawyers, and polls, are doing more dangerous work then our Veterans who are fighting behind body armour and the sound of medical evac vehicles.

Or flip the coin and demand that our politicians receive the exact same medical benefits that our veterans receive, at the exact same facilities, by the exact same medical staff with the exact same equipment. You want to talk about piggies squeeling!!!!!!

03-13-09, 22:59
Most of our elected officials receive a very generous health care package for serving at least one term in office.
They do not receive those benefits for life, do they? One would figure they would get benefits while they were serving and then if they served a certain amount of time they would get some type of retirement benefit.

If you follow the news, people have been leaving states like CA, MA, and NY as they are sick of paying high taxes so the money can go to people on welfare and illegal aliens. They are moving more towards the middle of the country where taxes are much lower because the tax base isn't expected to support 60% of the state.

People are moving their companies to these locations also. With the internet and the ability to ship items overnight companies are no longer "land locked" into certain areas. Why pay high taxes and live in a place that is eroding itself in BS politics and taxes?

I think that you are going to see a huge shift as to where stuff gets done in this country and hopefully the red carpet will not be rolled out for the "something for nothing" crowd.

03-14-09, 00:03
well..., my friend, NO!! you are not the only one, it just fries my ass to see MY money going to support illegals, in education, health care, housing etc, the illegals are robbing US Americans who really must depend on the Govt. for Uncle Sam's help, my wife and i are neither, mooches or leeches BUT ! if the .gov were to take away our Govt. checks we would be homeless in a mater of months, (maybe a year or two, depending on how long i can hold off the County Tax "Czar" :D) i am retired from the U.S.Navy with 25 years service (pay check #1), being over 70 i get a S.S. Chk. (p.c. #2) my wife was a nurse, who at 42 had C.H.F. (Congestive Heart Failue) which forced her into S.S. disability, (p.c. #3) she now has a Pacemaker implant. luckily we hit the stock market at the right time, cashed in and paid off our home a few years ago.

soooo, you see, we are totally dependent on the Govt. for our income, and health care along with millions of Americans like my wife and i

03-14-09, 11:20
I just read an article about another waste of my tax money.

The head of the UN called America a "deadbeat". We give that useless pygmy organization millions every year. They go rent free in their headquarters in NY. US taxes pay 22% of their $5 billion yearly budget.

We should send them a bill for back rent and tell them to kiss our ass. Another waste of tax payer money.

03-14-09, 11:35

SS is not leeching from the gov't because you paid into it. However, there is a massive need for SS reform, but that is a whole 'nother topic.

The problem that I see with gov't handouts is that it's a very slippery slope. After a while people start expecting it, and many Americans have been for years. Therefore, they only vote for politicians that promise to keep up and/or increase handouts. I'm afraid at this point in time that we are forever stuck with welfare and things will only get worse if BHO gets his way with health insurance.

Contrary to what dems believe, every American is not entitled to health insurance, home ownership, food stamps, etc.

Unfortunately, too many American's just don't "get it".

03-15-09, 16:57
You're not the only one who's tired of people mooching off others.

Dr. Quickdraw Mcgraw
03-15-09, 22:36
They do not receive those benefits for life, do they? One would figure they would get benefits while they were serving and then if they served a certain amount of time they would get some type of retirement benefit.

IIRC They get life bennies if they serve more than 5 years, so congressmen get them if they get 2 terms and senators get them with just 1 term. The President gets them for life just for being elected. We sure are pretty damn good to our employees, too bad the bosses are getting such a screw job.

03-15-09, 23:04
Yes people move from CA NY MA etc due to high taxes. We see it in Utah (and we saw it in NH when I was there -- they were called Massholes). The problem is the people bring the attitude with them that they need all the services and they expect the new places to provide that and so are trying to turn UT, NH, ID, CO (see current leadership there) and the rest of the destination states into CA NY MA etc

03-15-09, 23:25
Wouldnt it be nice if, as part of the package of stuff you get from the DMV when you get a new drivers license due to moving to a state, that there is an insert that says something along the lines of "Here is how it is here. Here is our culture and mindset. We look forward to you adapting and embracing your new lifestyle and adding to our communities existing ideal. But if you dont like it, pack your shit and move back to the hell hole from whence you came."