View Full Version : Million Gunowner March

03-19-09, 14:29
Supposed to take place in 2010 on the mall in D.C.
Would be nice if all those who complain about firearms restriction signed up and ACTUALLY went.


03-19-09, 14:30
Would be nice if all those who complain about firearms restriction signed up and ACTUALLY went.


03-19-09, 14:36
Did a search, but didn't find anything here.

Supposed to take place in 2010 on the mall in D.C.
Would be nice if all those who complain about firearms restriction signed up and ACTUALLY went.


I went to the one in 1994. Will go to this one too.

03-19-09, 14:45
If it actually gets organized, I'll be going (but I live 60 miles away)

I have pasture land for tents and anyone who wants to stay on the cheap can pitch a tent and rack out.
Hell, we can take up a collection and have a big ol' cookout the night before.

Gutshot John
03-19-09, 14:49
I'll be there. If people are coming from a ways away. I might be able to arrange some lodging through friends with enough notice.

03-19-09, 15:37
Im going to do my best to be there funds allowing.

03-19-09, 15:44
Um, is this with or without said "arms"?


03-19-09, 15:46
I will go, if I can get off work. I may need a place to camp if ya'll's kind offer still stands then!

03-19-09, 15:47
I'll be there with my Son.

Might take up the camping offer there .308holes!


03-19-09, 16:21
I'm going and are going to attempt to get some of the Fudds from gun club to go also. I will try to charter a bus and get 50 guys to come along.

03-19-09, 21:59
On the surface, a good idea.

But I am thinking publicity disaster just waiting to happen.

Stay home, make a contribution to a pro gun politician or the NRA...money better spent.

Gutshot John
03-19-09, 22:49
On the surface, a good idea.

But I am thinking publicity disaster just waiting to happen.

Stay home, make a contribution to a pro gun politician or the NRA...money better spent.


By all means give to the NRA, but a million law-abiding gunowners in Washington DC would send a far more powerful message than any lobbying group ever could.

03-19-09, 23:11
At the risk of sounding paranoid... I don't trust the main stream media to cover such an event in a even handed way.

The hard cold truth is the average gun owner doesn't understand or know how to play the public relations game.... this will be like throwing chum to sharks. I just don't see it ending well for a pro gun/pro second amendment message.

03-19-09, 23:25
Brother-n law lives in D.C.. That will be a good time to stop by on him.

03-19-09, 23:32
I've got a bad feeling about this one

Also: thought they were calling it the second ammendment march

Gutshot John
03-20-09, 14:21

Gutshot John
03-20-09, 14:23
At the risk of sounding paranoid... I don't trust the main stream media to cover such an event in a even handed way.

The hard cold truth is the average gun owner doesn't understand or know how to play the public relations game.... this will be like throwing chum to sharks. I just don't see it ending well for a pro gun/pro second amendment message.

Yes because gunowners are a bunch of neandrathals. :rolleyes:

So long as everyone obeys the law and it is a peaceful demonstration, it doesn't matter what the MSM says/does. In fact they more they try to label a million people as "fringe" the more it will play into our hand.

Having worked in Washington doing Public Affairs/Grassroots, it isn't about public relations, it's about demonstrating an ability to secure grassroots votes. It's essentially like sending a letter to your Congressman, except you're sending yourself...a far more potent message.

If a million law-abiding gun owners show up, no politician in the world (pro or anti) is going to ignore the political significance.

That said, the public relations will be handled by the sponsoring organizations and they will certainly give guidance to the marchers about what to say and what not to say.

That said, we need RESPONSIBLE gun owners and if the RESPONSIBLE ones are too scared to make their voices heard, then the IRRESPONSIBLE ones get to speak for the rest of us...meaning we HAVE already lost the debate.

Stand up for your rights, if you don't, they will be taken away as politicians will recognize your complacency for what it is...weakness.

03-20-09, 16:39
At the risk of sounding paranoid... I don't trust the main stream media to cover such an event in a even handed way.

So, we shouldn't do it because we are afraid of what the MSM will say? Since when have they covered any firearm topic even handedly? They have never been on our side and maybe we need something like this to show the liberal media what they are up against but that is not the most important reason for doing it. Worrying about what the stupid news says is not enough of a reason for me not to do it. It would be a real shame if something were to happen to our constitutional right because we were afraid of liberals.

These types of things can be very effective if everyone participates. The problem is people say to themselves "I don't have to go, there will be plenty of people there". Wrong. If everyone thought that, there would be a very poor turnout.

This is one of things that makes this country great. We the people do have a voice and we can make a difference and you have to believe that. And if you want things accomplished you have to use that voice or surely you will never be heard. Its like Wayne Gretzky once said "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

I will do my damndest to be there.

03-20-09, 19:38
Yes because gunowners are a bunch of neandrathals. :rolleyes:

Not what I say, I said they are unprepared to deal with the media. Being unprepared to deal with the media does not make one a neanderthal. BIG difference.

If you can't think of at least a half a dozen ways this can go bad, very bad, then you aren't thinking this idea through.

Look, not going to argue with you all anymore about this. I just think this is a BIG mistake.

Oh and pointing out something is a bad idea, does not make one afraid to stand up for their rights...just means you think something is a bad idea.

03-20-09, 23:02
Not what I say, I said they are unprepared to deal with the media. Being unprepared to deal with the media does not make one a neanderthal. BIG difference.

If you can't think of at least a half a dozen ways this can go bad, very bad, then you aren't thinking this idea through.

Look, not going to argue with you all anymore about this. I just think this is a BIG mistake.

Oh and pointing out something is a bad idea, does not make one afraid to stand up for their rights...just means you think something is a bad idea.

Im not trying to get into an argument with you but I would like to ask how do you think we should go about handling the situation? In all honesty, really Im not trying to call you out. I would just like to hear your opinion on the matter.

03-21-09, 08:05
So long as everyone obeys the law and it is a peaceful demonstration, it doesn't matter what the MSM says/does. In fact they more they try to label a million people as "fringe" the more it will play into our hand.

Having worked in Washington doing Public Affairs/Grassroots, it isn't about public relations, it's about demonstrating an ability to secure grassroots votes. It's essentially like sending a letter to your Congressman, except you're sending yourself...a far more potent message.

If a million law-abiding gun owners show up, no politician in the world (pro or anti) is going to ignore the political significance.

Stand up for your rights, if you don't, they will be taken away as politicians will recognize your complacency for what it is...weakness.


03-22-09, 16:25
Supposed to take place in 2010 on the mall in D.C.
Would be nice if all those who complain about firearms restriction signed up and ACTUALLY went.

This would be worth taking a vacation on the east coast for!

03-23-09, 11:50
Not what I say, I said they are unprepared to deal with the media. Being unprepared to deal with the media does not make one a neanderthal. BIG difference.

If you can't think of at least a half a dozen ways this can go bad, very bad, then you aren't thinking this idea through.

Look, not going to argue with you all anymore about this. I just think this is a BIG mistake.

Oh and pointing out something is a bad idea, does not make one afraid to stand up for their rights...just means you think something is a bad idea.Im not trying to get into an argument with you but I would like to ask how do you think we should go about handling the situation? In all honesty, really Im not trying to call you out. I would just like to hear your opinion on the matter.
You are both right. 1859 is right in that most people (not just a gun owners) dont know how to deal with the media. They just open their mouths and let what ever is on their minds flow, or worse they think they are clever and try to BS their way through an interview or even worse, try to manipulate the manipulators (AKA the media).

Then jman brings up the question of what are we supposed to when confronted by the media. I think the best answer is to refer the journalist to our public affairs office (what you don't keep some one retainer ;) )? This is where we all need a crash course in speaking to the media and even more importantly, what not to say.

Now if there was only a media primer that we could review and practice, so that if one is approached by the media, they can put their best foot forward so that it reflects well on the entire firearms community.

03-23-09, 12:21


Gutshot John
03-23-09, 22:05
I think the best answer is to refer the journalist to our public affairs office (what you don't keep some one retainer ;) )?[/b]


All that said, the point isn't to make a media event.

The point is to remind people on Capitol Hill who they work for.

03-25-09, 10:14
I'm In

03-27-09, 13:17
Um, is this with or without said "arms"?


No "arms."

Just torches, pitchforks, a large vat of tar, and a big bag of feathers.