View Full Version : FOP MESSAGE ON Mumia Abu-Jamal

12-22-06, 10:09
Thought I would pass this along for your information and choice.

Family Badge

Fraternal Order of Police Boycott
The Fraternal Order of Police National Delegation in attendance, voted unanimously to begin a boycott of persons, products and companies associated with the supporting of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

In case you don't know, he was convicted in the 1981 killing of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner under overwhelming evidence. The act was an especially brutal and sadistic murder that still haunts the family, friends and coworkers of Officer Faulkner.

The New York Shields, a police brotherhood organization, presented Officer Faulkner's family with a Medal of Valor at their 1999 Police Memorial Breakfast.

Convict Abu-Jamal has written a book, "Live from Death Row," and attempted to place himself in a celebrity status as a result of his criminal behavior.

Others have supported his pathetic attempt to gain stardom and freedom, all the while spitting in the face of Officer Faulkner, his family and every single law enforcement officer in the United States

The F. O. P. has announced the formal boycotting of the following:

1. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Products (donators to a defense fund for the killer).

2. Actor Paul Newman, and his products (an outspoken supporter of the killer).

3. Actress Susan Sarandon (supporter of this convicted killer).

4. Filmmakers Spike Lee, Oliver Stone and John Landis (supporters of the killer).

5. Writers Norman Mailer and Joyce Carol Oates (supporters of the killer).

6. Super model Naomi Campbell (supporter of the killer).

7. Musicians Sting, David Byrne and Michael Stipe of REM, (supporters of the killer).

8. The Backstreet Boys who are performing "free" benefit concerts for the killer's defense fund.

As a side note, one of their "benefit concerts" scheduled for Baltimore , MD had to be canceled when Baltimore police officers refused to work the overtime shifts for site security at the concert.

As you may not know, a tape recorded statement made by this heinous convicted killer, was played at the spring graduation commencement ceremony at Evergreen State College, in the state of Washington (June 1999.) This resulted in over 800 graduates walking out and another two dozen turning their backs
during the killer's three minute diatribe of hate. The F.O.P.'s position is getting widespread coverage in the media, as well it should. The members of the New York Shields stand with our fellow brothers across this country in strongly supporting this boycott and honoring the memory of slain Philadelphia Police
Officer Daniel Faulkner.

We urge you to participate in this boycott and request that you pass this
e-mail on to your coworkers, business partners, and family and friends.

Heavy Metal
12-22-06, 19:25
So the usual wastes of skin and oxygen support this slimebag?

I was already boycotting most of them anyway so this will be easy for me. I listen to Sting and the Talking Heads but I did not get the songs in the music store if you know what I mean so I doubt they are being helped by it.

12-22-06, 21:36
They played that recorded message at one of our local colleges - Antioch University, Yellow Springs, Ohio - in '99 or '00 for their commencement. I was one of the liasons b/t our local FOP lodge and the boys from Philly. It was an honor to raise a glass to Ofc. Faulkner with his friends and family (Ofc. Faulkner's sister is quite a lady).

It wasn't really surprising that AU had him for their commencement. AU and Yellow Springs are still living in the 60's. Charles Manson made the comment that if ever does get out of prison, he's moving to Yellow Springs.

BTW, them Philly boys/girls know how to party.;)

4sng Respawnz
02-04-07, 16:01
And let us not forget

Ed Asner.....another Abu-Jamal Kool-Aid drinker

... I don't miss Philly one bit. City has no idea how to treat a criminal like a criminal.

02-05-07, 22:05
I passed it along to all of my siblings, their children, my parents, and my firends.

02-08-07, 18:15
They should waste that A**hole already. Boycott is on.