View Full Version : Does this resonate with anyone ?

03-23-09, 15:29

03-23-09, 16:11
Yes, it did for me!

03-23-09, 18:14
He's getting increasingly more angry.

Gutshot John
03-23-09, 20:40
He's getting increasingly more angry.

He's got a lot of company.

03-23-09, 22:31
He's got a lot of company.

no doubt. ;)

03-24-09, 17:21
Wow, that was great viewing. Very nice work. That a relative of yours, Gutshot? (Inside joke)

I think he is right. The time may well have come when we will start to see demonstrations. Demonstrations we should be part of, even if we just stand there.

Gutshot John
03-24-09, 17:25
Wow, that was great viewing. Very nice work. That a relative of yours, Gutshot? (Inside joke)

I don't know what you're talking about. ;)

03-24-09, 17:40
Wow, that was great viewing. Very nice work. That a relative of yours, Gutshot? (Inside joke)

I think he is right. The time may well have come when we will start to see demonstrations. Demonstrations we should be part of, even if we just stand there.

hes got plenty of company! any one know that Three Days Grace song, Riot?

03-24-09, 17:44
maybe Im a bit radical but I hate all politicians and I think we need to light up our torches and sharpen our pitchforks.

03-24-09, 17:46
maybe Im a bit radical but I hate all politicians and I think we need to light up our torches and sharpen our pitchforks.

No, your fine.

03-24-09, 17:51
maybe Im a bit radical but I hate all politicians and I think we need to light up our torches and sharpen our pitchforks.

its all good, your chill with me bro.

03-24-09, 18:02
I liked it... Good production, well acted...

But I have a big disagreement with one of his points, that being ABOLISH the Electoral College... NO WAY! That is the only thing keeping us from pure MOBACRACY (pure democracy) That would make IRRELEVANT almost all the fly-over States and put all the power into the mega-tropolis' infected with terminal liberalism...

More so, we should go back to Senators being elected by the House of Representatives... Too much mod rule and it will only get worse...


Gutshot John
03-24-09, 18:05
But I have a big disagreement with one of his points, that being ABOLISH the Electoral College... NO WAY! That is the only thing keeping us from pure MOBACRACY (pure democracy) That would make IRRELEVANT almost all the fly-over States and put all the power into the mega-tropolis' infected with terminal liberalism...

Exactly right. This was one thing I disagreed with strongly, but no one's perfect.

More so, we should go back to Senators being elected by the House of Representatives... Too much mod rule and it will only get worse...

Senators were not elected by the House, but rather by the individual state houses, the problem there was that they were almost always state party hacks that got put in house, rather than people that served the state.

03-24-09, 18:12
I agree with 99% of what he said. I would love, just once for some reporter to ask one of our dipshits in office how they feel about getting all the benefits and perks that they do without contributing so much as a dime to earn it. I wish we could empty out D.C and start over again.

03-24-09, 18:27
I wish we could empty out D.C and start over again.

We could... but there are not enough people who understand the various forms of government, their pros and cons, to recreate our foundational tenets. There are few men as intelligent and wise as our founding fathers when it comes to government. Heck, we can't even get people to agree what a MILITIA is, let alone restore checks and balances, Federal limitations and States Rights...

Men like us are such a small minority... Even people like Glenn Beck, Hannity, Levine and Rush stay far from the START OVER theme.

I do think some form of reset is in our future, but it will be brought about by our bankruptcy and the resulting chaos that always follows financial upheaval...


03-24-09, 18:28
I'll be happy to just get rid of the bums that have been dwelling there for 20-40 years.

We could... but there are not enough people who understand the various forms of government, their pros and cons, to recreate our foundational tenets. There are few men as intelligent and wise as our founding fathers when it comes to government. Heck, we can't even get people to agree what a MILITIA is, let alone restore checks and balances, Federal limitations and States Rights...

Men like us are such a small minority... Even people like Glenn Beck, Hannity, Levine and Rush stay far from the START OVER theme.

I do think some form of reset is in our future, but it will be brought about by our bankruptcy and the resulting chaos that always follows financial upheaval...


03-24-09, 19:07
Yes, and if you youtube Tea Party, you'll find that thousands of people across the US just this month held protests in response to the outrageous spending going on in DC.

There's supposed to be a nationwide event on April 15th in every State Capital.

03-24-09, 19:09
We could... but there are not enough people who understand the various forms of government, their pros and cons, to recreate our foundational tenets. There are few men as intelligent and wise as our founding fathers when it comes to government. Heck, we can't even get people to agree what a MILITIA is, let alone restore checks and balances, Federal limitations and States Rights...

Men like us are such a small minority... Even people like Glenn Beck, Hannity, Levine and Rush stay far from the START OVER theme.

I do think some form of reset is in our future, but it will be brought about by our bankruptcy and the resulting chaos that always follows financial upheaval...


The answer is pretty simple. Abolish any law or abuse of power not granted by the Constitution, give the States their exclusivity rights back and hold elections for every position.

03-26-09, 17:47
The answer is pretty simple. Abolish any law or abuse of power not granted by the Constitution, give the States their exclusivity rights back and hold elections for every position.

Oh, that's all? I'll tell my Representatives this simple solution today... Who would'a thunk? :p


03-26-09, 18:36
But I have a big disagreement with one of his points, that being ABOLISH the Electoral College... NO WAY! That is the only thing keeping us from pure MOBACRACY (pure democracy) That would make IRRELEVANT almost all the fly-over States and put all the power into the mega-tropolis' infected with terminal liberalism...

More so, we should go back to Senators being elected by the House of Representatives... Too much mod rule and it will only get worse...

RmplThank you , my thoughts exactly. So few understand the electoral college even among conservatives. I might be willing to have a revision of the college but not an abolition. If that were to happen the only states that would e cared about or campaigned in would be California, Texas, Florida, and New York

Senators were not elected by the House, but rather by the individual state houses, the problem there was that they were almost always state party hacks that got put in house, rather than people that served the state.

Lord knows that there are no party hacks in the Senate now:rolleyes:. At least if we abolish the 17th amendment there might some chance that the Senators will get called on the carpet for the crap that they pull. The Senate was to do the States business, currently they do their own because they know that it will be difficult for them to get voted out.

I did have another issue with the video, in the beginning he keeps referring to us as a democracy. When will people get that WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY, nor do we want to be. We are a Republic

He speaks of a second revolution. Glenn Beck brought up a good point a few months back that I had not thought of. Right now if revolution were to occur, we would have a revolution more akin to the French revolution and not an American one. All most people have is hate and anger and while most here might have it properly directed most just hate the rich. If you don't believe me, think about the fact that the CHILDREN of the AIG executives were getting death threats. They dont really have any good ideas, just hate ,and desire for what others have. Look at the French revolution, it was the mainly the lower class some middle that just got angry and sick of taking it. It resulted in LOTS of bloodshed and in the end those who had been in power before, came back to power(with a few exceptions).But if you look at the American revolution it was mainly the upper and middle class that carried it out with a set purpose other than anger and revenge. Just something to think about

03-26-09, 20:23
Thank you , my thoughts exactly. So few understand the electoral college even among conservatives. I might be willing to have a revision of the college but not an abolition. If that were to happen the only states that would e cared about or campaigned in would be California, Texas, Florida, and New York

Lord knows that there are no party hacks in the Senate now:rolleyes:. At least if we abolish the 17th amendment there might some chance that the Senators will get called on the carpet for the crap that they pull. The Senate was to do the States business, currently they do their own because they know that it will be difficult for them to get voted out.

I did have another issue with the video, in the beginning he keeps referring to us as a democracy. When will people get that WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY, nor do we want to be. We are a Republic

He speaks of a second revolution. Glenn Beck brought up a good point a few months back that I had not thought of. Right now if revolution were to occur, we would have a revolution more akin to the French revolution and not an American one. All most people have is hate and anger and while most here might have it properly directed most just hate the rich. If you don't believe me, think about the fact that the CHILDREN of the AIG executives were getting death threats. They dont really have any good ideas, just hate ,and desire for what others have. Look at the French revolution, it was the mainly the lower class some middle that just got angry and sick of taking it. It resulted in LOTS of bloodshed and in the end those who had been in power before, came back to power(with a few exceptions).But if you look at the American revolution it was mainly the upper and middle class that carried it out with a set purpose other than anger and revenge. Just something to think about

Well said

03-26-09, 22:07
"America, you're sucking the hind teat of a dead cow..."

Now THAT line was classic. :eek: