View Full Version : Panic Selling?

white spaniard
03-25-09, 15:57
I herd of panic buying of firearms and accessories but not panic selling, I went to a local gun store to buy a few items and this guy started unloading all of his rifles AR,AK, mostly semi-auto rifles. He told us all he is selling all of his rifles cause he herd through the grape vine there will be gun confiscation. I haven’t herd anything like this has anyone else?

03-25-09, 16:01

Next time you see that, offer to buy all his guns right there and then at fire-sale prices.

03-25-09, 16:12
Please have him come here and contact me. I'll give him fair prices for all of his good stuff.

white spaniard
03-25-09, 16:37
Please have him come here and contact me. I'll give him fair prices for all of his good stuff.

I tried the same he has a Viet nam era M-14 and a Fal I tried to make an offer but he blew me off.

03-25-09, 16:43
Panic selling? No

Are there a bunch of idiots that maxed out their credit cards, and blew savings on firearms, and now need to correct by selling that which they probably couldnt afford to begin with?


There will be some deals floating around on used guns

03-25-09, 16:48
Sounds like an idiot you observed, he has given into the fear-feeding media and government hype. Too bad for him. Sure they may be successful with a ban of some type(like the assault weapons ban) but I doubt an all out ban will happen. We have to stick together and fight but...

I truly believe the USA will not buckle like the UK did. It will be ugly if they ever try an all out gun ban. The UK stuff was actually very sad some turned in one of a kind guns and guns that were passed down form generation to generation. The UK buckled so hard they turned in guns that werent even banned. You know the drill...."From my cold dead hands"

03-25-09, 17:11
Since the subject of "gun control" came up:
Does anybody have hard numbers on Congress that suggest that any significant gun-grabbers laws even have a chance with the current Congress?
Just curious , I can't find any.

03-25-09, 17:54
I wonder what he will do when they want his high capacity pistols and mags , and then his high power sniper rifles , muzzle loaders and black powder,etc. Some sheeple will never learn.

03-25-09, 18:02
Sheeple, exactly.

03-25-09, 21:47
Who is he ?
Who is they?


03-25-09, 21:54
I haven’t herd anything like this has anyone else?

A friend of mine who hangs at a survival board saw a story on there from a tinfoil hat type who said his brothers friends cousins uncle said that all guns will be confiscated by Sept. 1 (or 9th) I dont recall

Thats my guess anyway!


Since the subject of "gun control" came up:
Does anybody have hard numbers on Congress that suggest that any significant gun-grabbers laws even have a chance with the current Congress?
Just curious , I can't find any.

Well 65 Dems in the house said No AWB, so as long as the Republicans follow suit it will never pass the house!

03-25-09, 22:00
I hope you are right, but never is a long time.

03-25-09, 22:04
What can you do? They have already shown they will do whatever they want regardless of opposition, their will be no revolution, All Im saying is for now the House numbers lean our way

03-26-09, 05:32
I wonder what he will do when they want his high capacity pistols and mags , and then his high power sniper rifles , muzzle loaders and black powder,etc. Some sheeple will never learn.

If "they" is the Brady Bunch and their politician fan boys & girls , I'm sure "they" still want his guns. They want our guns. They can't have them. They don't have the right stuff ( like for example , enough votes in Congress) to take our guns.

Sucks to be them.