View Full Version : Secretary Clinton addresses violence in Mexico

03-26-09, 08:23
This was on the today show this morning. They run a statistic that 90% of the weapons in Mexico come from the US and that includes the "powerful assault weapons banned by the AWB"

Clinton even says, "these assault weapons, these military type weapons dont belong on anyone streets" :rolleyes:



03-26-09, 08:49
The newsies on the Today show also make it clear that an AWB is basically impossible at this time.

Here's what the newies won't say:
A solid majority of around 60 - 65 % of Congress just will not drink gun control koolaid.
The gun-grabbers have been beaten to ground. Now it's our turn: Payback time.

Robb Jensen
03-26-09, 09:18
What I want to know is how many of this 90% were legally sold the the Mexican Gov't? The Mexican Gov't and Police will not give the BATFE the serial numbers.....I call that a clue.

03-26-09, 09:39
We can see that this is the libtards big tactic for 2010. They, and the news whores keep flinging it out there and hoping it will stick.

However, its clearly to be damn hard to justify anti-gun laws for Mexico's sake. That would cost the Dems a shit load of seats and possibly the next election

Everyone knows the majority of Americans are white hot over the border issue to begin with.

03-26-09, 09:49
Mexico has some horrible gun laws.
I don't doubt that some US legal EBR's and defensive handguns get smuggled across the border.
Thing is , the US legal guns don't go to the cartels. Most of them go to Jose & Maria Citizeno , who want & need ( illegal) guns for ethically legit self-defense.
Regular Mexican people want/need guns even more than we do.

We have a lot more dedicated , clean cops and honest judges.
Our clean cops and honest judges tend to live longer.

03-26-09, 09:59
What I want to know is how many of this 90% were legally sold the the Mexican Gov't? The Mexican Gov't and Police will not give the BATFE the serial numbers.....I call that a clue.

This is particularly interesting and needs to be heard by everybody. Is there a source of information for the legal sales? Are these gov't to gov't sales? Even if there is a hint of truth to it, we need a media outlet to run with this in order to sway popular opinion in our favor.

03-26-09, 10:03
I tell people that every chance I can when this comes up.

If they truly came from the US, they hand over the numbers, sop far they havnt save a few and it was no EBR, it was a GI 1911 type

03-26-09, 10:10

03-26-09, 10:52
Here's what the newies won't say:
A solid majority of around 60 - 65 % of Congress just will not drink gun control koolaid.

That's because they don't want to lose their seats in 2010.

03-26-09, 11:30
That's because they don't want to lose their seats in 2010.

Some do it because of conviction , some do it because of cowardice, a vote is a vote.
Besides the party in power usually loses seats during the mid-term elections. Hopefully , the Dem's will lose a lot.
Either way.

Fight smart and keep winning.

03-26-09, 11:31

An appeal to authority or argument by authority is a type of argument in logic. It bases the truth value of an assertion on the authority, knowledge, expertise, or position of the source asserting it. It is also known as argument from authority, argumentum ad verecundiam

It is one method of obtaining propositional knowledge, but a fallacy in regard to syllogistic logic, because the validity of a syllogism is independent of the qualities of the source putting it forward. The converse case is an ad hominem attack: to imply that a claim is false because the asserter lacks authority or is otherwise objectionable in some way.

On the other hand, arguments from authority are an important part of informal logic. Since we cannot have detailed knowledge of a great many topics, we must often rely on the judgments of those who do. There is no fallacy involved in simply arguing that the assertion made by an authority is true, in contrast to claiming that the authority is infallible in principle and can hence be exempted from criticism: It can be true, the truth can merely not be proven, or made probable by attributing it to the authority, and the assumption that the assertion was true might be subject to criticism and turn out to have actually been wrong. If a criticism appears that contradicts the authority's statement, then merely the fact that the statement originated from the authority is not an argument for ignoring the criticism.

The first form of the appeal to authority is when a source presenting a position on a subject mentions some authority who also holds that position, but who is not actually an authority in that area. For instance, the statement "Arthur C. Clarke released a report showing it is necessary to floss three times daily" should not convince many people of anything about flossing, as Clarke, a science fiction writer, was not a known expert on dental care. Much advertising relies on this logical fallacy in the form of endorsements and sponsorships. A sportsperson or actor, for example, is no more likely than average to have an specialist knowledge of watches or perfume, but their endorsement of a particular brand of watch or perfume is very valuable in advertising terms. In some cases, the advertisers use an actor's well-known role to imply that the person has authority in an area; an actor who plays a doctor on television may appear in their white coat, and endorse a drug or health product.

"They must find it difficult, those that take authority as truth, instead of truth as the authority"...

03-26-09, 11:36
I tell people that every chance I can when this comes up.

If they truly came from the US, they hand over the numbers, sop far they havnt save a few and it was no EBR, it was a GI 1911 type

I have been asking for the same information and have yet to see it. It is apparent that some of these weapons come from the U.S. (the fancy pistols and some of the junk that has been put on display), but the heavy duty stuff obviously does not.

The connections they have ensure that the cartels can acquire what they want and at better prices than they could get in the U.S. On top of that, a premium would have to be paid for those taking of the risk of transporting the weapons out of the U.S.

03-26-09, 11:53
It makes no sense

The cartels can buy an AK in Africa or elsewhere for a few hundred USD tops. Why spend all that money to get a neutered semi auto AK from the US

IMO they wont and this is more One world socialist BS to disarm us

Clinton can take a long walk off a short pier

03-26-09, 13:18
What I want to know is how many of this 90% were legally sold the the Mexican Gov't? The Mexican Gov't and Police will not give the BATFE the serial numbers.....I call that a clue.

Ding-ding-ding-ding!! We have a winner!! I was thinking of the exact same thing.

I've also seen quite a few G3s and other non-US Rifles. I wonder where they got those?

30 cal slut
03-26-09, 13:41
i frankly can't stand her.

but, she is the secretary of state.

maybe she's just mouthing off to make mexico feel better.

or something silly like that.

she's no dummy, she of all people probably understands what a hornet's nest the AWB issue is.

03-26-09, 14:49
The only gun law in mexico is the almighty $. Drop a quater in the slot, then the song plays.

BATF will get nowhere because who's gonna make the mexican govt fess up?

It's BS and an excuse for politicians to get on TV and say the "right" thing. As with many problems in this country, the solution lies in a correct penalty. You could stop anything by making the penalty harsh enough.

And, let's not forget the $$$ made with trade and labor in mexico. Why, we don't want to do anything to upset that. Lots of pockets would be empty if that happened.

I will forever be stunned when politicians get on TV and say something is "wrong." I would be more impressed if a third party reported what "they" did about it.

03-26-09, 19:09
90% that's a pretty good hold on the market. I have to say I'm impressed. Perhaps we should increase volume to fix our economy

03-26-09, 19:13
If I recall correctly the recent BATFE testimony at the Hill revelaed that the magic numbers being blurted out are not the experience of the BATFE and as a matter of fact the Mexican gov't would not cooperate by providing serial numbers and other pertinent info. So in effect Hillary is doing to us, what she won't do to Bill. She is blowing us.

Left Sig
03-26-09, 21:18
If I recall correctly the recent BATFE testimony at the Hill revelaed that the magic numbers being blurted out are not the experience of the BATFE and as a matter of fact the Mexican gov't would not cooperate by providing serial numbers and other pertinent info. So in effect Hillary is doing to us, what she won't do to Bill. She is blowing us.

Sadly the truth doesn't matter. AC360 on CNN just upped the ante to 95% - as reported by the Mexican Government.

Notice how they keep throwing that number out there, with the little disclaimer at the end. As long as the corrupt Mexican Government keeps saying it, they will keep reporting it, even if the BATFE says otherwise.

03-26-09, 21:40
What's even worse is she was just interviewed by Greta Van Susteren on FOX and Greta agreed with her, stating that this violence is being committed with "automatic weapons coming from the United States." I just about smashed my TV when I heard it. I expect that garbage from Hillary, but from FOX news? Are you ****ing kidding me?