View Full Version : LMT=Top Notch Customer Service

03-29-09, 11:04
So I waited a long time to finally get my piston rifle. When i got it I had a few minor issues with the upper. I contacted Gene and told him my problem. He instantly gave me a RMA # and told me to send him the upper. I sent it back to them expecting to take a couple of weeks for the return of my new toy. Nope, from the time they received the upper it only took 4 days for me to receive my new upper. The new one is flawless just like the other two that I have. I guess thats why I keep buying their gear. It may take you a while to get them but, they are well worth the wait. Now I just need to go and put some rounds downrange, I just wanted to say Thank You to Gene Swansen and the whole crew at LMT!

03-29-09, 13:53
Gotta love great customer service!

03-29-09, 15:09
I hope that I never have issues with my LMT's but I am glad to hear that if I do, they will take care of it.


03-29-09, 15:44
I had a loose gas carrier key on my LMT. Sent it back and they fixed it pretty quick. Turn around was about 1 week.

03-29-09, 15:50
we should start some kind of a returned product list here somewhere.. a place where people can network for the sake of hooking each other up when something goes back for blems or minor mechanical issues. i dont have any idea why the OP returned the upper, but i do know some stuff goes back thats easily fixable/other people dont care about- and if i, for instance, could contact the rep that the upper is ATTN:'d to and tell him i'll buy the one that's going back, everybody wins... i get a blemmed upper, other guy gets his new non-blemmed upper, manufacturer keeps one customer happy and gets to unload the blem.


03-29-09, 15:52
Sounds like a smart plan to me.