View Full Version : dias in sgn

04-02-09, 11:25
i know most of you have probably heard this brought up like a million times and most of you prob wont touch it with a 10 ft pole. Anyways i was talking with my grandfather the other day about the ad and he said he has seen it in every issue for atleast 15 years. I just wanted to see if i could get some clarity on the subject. I've heard they are supposidly pre 81 dias(which is a small loophole in the law letting you own a dias, but not an ar-15). I've also heard its an atf trap..which i highly doubt that they have been running an ad(sting opperation) for 15+ years and they're aren't any offical convictions of person arrested by buying. Just so everyone is on the same page i'm not planning on buying this or converting my guns..thats what those manuals are for at gunshows:D. dias-drop in auto sear..sgn-shotgun news
so discuss

04-02-09, 11:53
I really have no idea what you're talking about. Any chance you could capitalize, punctuate, use paragraphs, and explain acronyms?

04-02-09, 12:09

04-02-09, 12:15
IMO its an ATF trap, or some kinds of part that asking for an ATF raid in the very least

Im pretty sure you can technically posses the part, though having that and an AR is gonna get a 'constructive intent' charge from the ATF if they happen to raid you

Ive always wondered though!

30 cal slut
04-02-09, 12:18
drop-in auto sear?

04-02-09, 12:40
I feel like a blind guy at a mime show.

04-02-09, 12:48
There's no such thing as a drop in auto sear.

Most are a waste of money and illegal or borderline illegal.
Either way they are just not worth it.

If you want a full auto weapon, then get one the legal way.

Don't take a chance on going to jail or ruining a perfectly
good semi-auto rifle.

04-02-09, 12:57
There's no such thing as a drop in auto sear.

Most are a waste of money and illegal or borderline illegal.
Either way they are just not worth it.

If you want a full auto weapon, then get one the legal way.

Don't take a chance on going to jail or ruining a perfectly
good semi-auto rifle.


04-02-09, 12:57
im not looking for a how to on converting a rifle to FA. If i wanted to know i would have just gone on quarterbore.net. and yes i would do it legally if i was serious about getting one. I just wanted to get opinions from people on this forum of the ad and its legality..not how to convert a rifle.

04-02-09, 13:13
There's no such thing as a drop in auto sear.


04-02-09, 13:34
I have seen the ad that you mention here.

Several years ago I remember reading an article where the writer claimed(<----Note that I said claimed.) that this ad was placed by the BATFE in an attempt to identify and prosecute persons attempting to illegally convert AR-15's and AK-47's to full auto fire. I don't remember exactly when or even what I read this in...its just one of those useless bits of information that still float around in my head.

New Info:

(I just found the article using my Google-Fu...Its on THR...http://www.thehighroad.org/archive/index.php/t-89173.html.)
Dated June 28, 2004.
I dont know that I would personally put much value in this article but here it is all the same.

Iraq Ninja
04-02-09, 13:52
Drop in Auto Sear in Shot Gun News ...

Thread drift time.

I remember that ad from a long time ago. I also remember and ad for deactivated Mac 10 suppressor kits. This was around 1980. I was in the 2nd Ranger Bn and a buddy in my squad bought one. Next month, a BATF agent shows up at our unit and wants to speak with him. They claimed they seized the mailing list from the seller and were investigating the buyers. They let him keep the kit, and were fairly nice about it. It did scare the crap out of him...

04-02-09, 16:30
so i guess the moral of this story and thread is, dont buy DIAS and supressor kits from the ads in the back of shotgun news, as, their bad news and will only bring you more bad news from the ATF.

04-02-09, 16:51

+1 Im sure a bunch of people will dispute the existence of their drop is sears/lightning links

04-02-09, 17:13

04-02-09, 17:32
Oh yes you can. :D


04-02-09, 18:02
Free Beer Tomorrow :o

04-02-09, 18:47
My class III dealer dropped in a DIAS in a colt today infront of me. Take it for what it's worth...

04-02-09, 22:10
This has been discussed here before.
