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View Full Version : 9mm Training Ammo Needed

04-02-09, 18:36

Marcus L.
04-02-09, 18:40
Here's a good ammo search engine for ya:


04-02-09, 18:42

Jim from Houston
04-03-09, 03:15
Wow...prices for 9mm FMJ are absolutely insane right now...I was going through the links that that ammo finder search returned with my jaw dropping open...I particularly like the folks at Ammo Bank who think someone should give them $49.20 for a 50 round box of UMC 9mm FMJ...seriously...last time I bought Winchester Ranger T, premium defensive ammo, it was $24 for a box of 50...

Price gouging is now at the level where I feel like they're trying to take out my eyeball with a spoon, yo...

04-03-09, 05:30

04-03-09, 08:46
FWIW, I got a price list from ATK recently and Blazer is actually more expensive than, say, American Eagle at the moment.

04-03-09, 11:57

Marcus L.
04-03-09, 12:56
You can also try remanufactured ammunition:


GA's "canned heat" has always been good training ammo for me.

04-03-09, 18:48
Try Dan's Sporting Goods. They had 158gr Fiocchi recently which would work for training.

04-04-09, 23:14

04-04-09, 23:43
Just curious... if you're going through that much 9mm, then why don't you start reloading?

04-04-09, 23:51

04-05-09, 12:19
I did reload many years ago, but I was never comfortable reloading for Glocks due to their partially unsupported chamber.

Is this just a problem with 9mm Glocks?

I've done thousands of training rounds of .40 S&W for my Glock 22s. I've never had a problem.

Even now, I use lead bullets and light charges of Unique, and my cost is down around $5.- per box of 50.



04-05-09, 12:54

04-05-09, 19:18
They're out as well. I think I'll swing by Dick's tomorrow and see if they actually have what they're advertising in the sales paper.

If it's anything like Denver I wouldn't even bother wasting the gas. I went to 4 walmarts, 3 small gun stores, 2 Sports Authorities, 2 Dicks, a Big R...nothing in 9mm or .45ACP except for the occasional super expensive JHP stuff.

04-05-09, 21:02

04-05-09, 22:03
I felt like such a stooge paying a 60+ dollar premium for two cases of 1000 rounds of 9mm but i need/want the ammo for an upcoming class.

I almost got into an argument with a guy that was standing in the line because he was bitching and moaning that he wouldnt be able to get the 10,000 rounds that he wanted because everyone else was taking it.

I politely asked him what he needed that much ammo for and his response was, the norm "They're going to ban this stuff and im going to have a shitload stockpiled!"

My response was, what good is 10,000 rounds of 9mm going to do for you IF they ban it? You're sure as hell not going to be able to shoot it because there is no way in hell they're going to grandfather ammunition in. IF it ever gets that bad its going to get BAD.

I told the guy IF it ever gets to that point im going to stock up on 500 rounds of self defense ammo that should last me the rest of my life and then find a new damned hobby.

His response was a puzzled look and more grumbling about the end of the world.

04-05-09, 22:50
WTF does some god damn fool need with 10,000 rounds of 9mm FMJ? *sigh* The sad thing is there's hundreds of people like this.

Heavy Metal
04-05-09, 23:04
WTF does some god damn fool need with 10,000 rounds of 9mm FMJ? *sigh* The sad thing is there's hundreds of people like this.

With my current rate of practice and class attendence, that is about two years consumption for me.

04-05-09, 23:26

04-05-09, 23:58
Tom Jones and Heavy Metal (has that ever been used together in real life), I think Magsz and Decodeddiesel, if I may be so bold, were not referring to ammo ingestors like you, I think he was referring to ammo glutons like his line buddy.

There is a fundamental difference between someone that is buying ammo which will sit in his basement till his wife leaves him and she gets half of it, and true powder burners as yourselves.

I agree, levels of ammo that would be described by newscasters as a 'stockpile' seem pretty thin in the face of a couple of classes. With the scare of the MIL brass last month, I finally pulled the trigger on some purchases for a class in June, but I'd feel better if I had 1k more each of 9 and 40 in the Bat Cave.

04-06-09, 09:14
You can also try remanufactured ammunition:


GA's "canned heat" has always been good training ammo for me.

The guy who reloads and sells 9mm to my range says primers cannot be found anywhere. His reloads look better than factory loads and are 5-6 bucks cheaper, but apparently, the reloading folks are hoarding primers as well.

04-06-09, 10:25
I guess I'll answer this since I'm one of those people. A person can easily have a legitimate use for >10,000 rounds of 9mm FMJ.

I try to make it to the range at least once a week and depending upon what I'm working on I'll shoot 100-200 rounds. Factor in few training classes a year and I'm looking at around 10-12K rounds a year. I normally make one big purchase in the Fall to cover my shooting needs for the upcoming year. This year due to availability issues, I was unable to do so and was trying to buy a case or two every 1-2 months. Even this has proven to be difficult.

I've signed myself and a friend up for a few classes this summer. The combined ammo requirements for both of us for all three classes is right at 8,000 rounds. I currently only have about a case and a half of 9mm. I'm optimistic that I'll be able to buy another 7 or 8 cases before I need them, but I'm I've stopped doing as much live fire with 9mm as I would like.

I know there are a lot of people who think a case of ammo is a lot and they consider having 1,000 rounds on hand as "stocking up". There are also a lot of people that routinely shoot more than that each month.

I understand. Honestly though I seriously doubt these people are going to shoot all 10,000 rounds in the next year. I doubt they will shoot it in the next 10 or even 100 years.

04-06-09, 10:40
Some of the same people who complain about stockpilers are the ones who are always at the front of the line to scream the sky is falling with threats of new gun control. Well, here's where that got you.

Every single person who posted or forwarded emails about the "500% ammo tax" during election season ... here's where that got you.

Every person who fueled the "ATK to stop selling to civilians" rumor ... here's where that got you.

We can't fan the flames of fear and then complain when folks behave irrationally. Yes, the situation sucks. And it will last as long as we continue to induce panic in our fellow gun owners.

As for the stockpilers, I don't understand why anyone should be angry with them. When you reach the tipping point and you think ammo supplies may dry up permanently, you will start stockpiling, too. Just because some folks have a much lower paranoia threshold doesn't make them bad people. And in a year or two, you'll see pre-owned unopened cases of ammo for sale at great prices as people realize the economy sucks but ammo is still plentiful.

And 10,000 rounds is not a lot of ammo. :cool:

04-06-09, 11:02
Some of the same people who complain about stockpilers are the ones who are always at the front of the line to scream the sky is falling with threats of new gun control. Well, here's where that got you.

Every single person who posted or forwarded emails about the "500% ammo tax" during election season ... here's where that got you.

Every person who fueled the "ATK to stop selling to civilians" rumor ... here's where that got you.

We can't fan the flames of fear and then complain when folks behave irrationally. Yes, the situation sucks. And it will last as long as we continue to induce panic in our fellow gun owners.

As for the stockpilers, I don't understand why anyone should be angry with them. When you reach the tipping point and you think ammo supplies may dry up permanently, you will start stockpiling, too. Just because some folks have a much lower paranoia threshold doesn't make them bad people. And in a year or two, you'll see pre-owned unopened cases of ammo for sale at great prices as people realize the economy sucks but ammo is still plentiful.

And 10,000 rounds is not a lot of ammo. :cool:

Well you've got a good point. I do agree with you 100%. I suppose I am just being selfish that I would like to shoot my 9mm pistols and right now that's not something I can do unless I tap into my self defense cache (500 rounds of RA9T).

I personally did nothing to perpetuate any "sky is falling" myths via e-mails, word of mouth, mailing, etc. In fact I sent e-mails to the RMGO (Rocky Mountain Gun Owners) to try to get them to cool off a bit when I felt their mass e-mails became too "chicken-little'ish" and could induce panic. However trying to "swim upstream" against the panic buying when the largest panic buy in history is going on is basically impossible.

I suppose the best thing is for me to just wait it out and hang tight until things just settle down, and perhaps I should have seen this coming and purchased my training ammo well in advance but I didn't, my fault. But hey, at least I picked up an LMT M4 for $1100 new and my Saiga .223 AK for $250 new :D and I have about 3000 rounds of 5.56 and .223 at the house so I did miss some of the panic buying.

04-06-09, 11:30
Tom Jones and Heavy Metal (has that ever been used together in real life), I think Magsz and Decodeddiesel, if I may be so bold, were not referring to ammo ingestors like you, I think he was referring to ammo glutons like his line buddy.

There is a fundamental difference between someone that is buying ammo which will sit in his basement till his wife leaves him and she gets half of it, and true powder burners as yourselves.

I agree, levels of ammo that would be described by newscasters as a 'stockpile' seem pretty thin in the face of a couple of classes. With the scare of the MIL brass last month, I finally pulled the trigger on some purchases for a class in June, but I'd feel better if I had 1k more each of 9 and 40 in the Bat Cave.

Exactly. ;)

04-06-09, 11:56
Some of the same people who complain about stockpilers are the ones who are always at the front of the line to scream the sky is falling with threats of new gun control. Well, here's where that got you.

Every single person who posted or forwarded emails about the "500% ammo tax" during election season ... here's where that got you.

Every person who fueled the "ATK to stop selling to civilians" rumor ... here's where that got you.

We can't fan the flames of fear and then complain when folks behave irrationally. Yes, the situation sucks. And it will last as long as we continue to induce panic in our fellow gun owners.

As for the stockpilers, I don't understand why anyone should be angry with them. When you reach the tipping point and you think ammo supplies may dry up permanently, you will start stockpiling, too. Just because some folks have a much lower paranoia threshold doesn't make them bad people. And in a year or two, you'll see pre-owned unopened cases of ammo for sale at great prices as people realize the economy sucks but ammo is still plentiful.

And 10,000 rounds is not a lot of ammo. :cool:

Very well said, Todd. Nothing's happened yet, things are fine, we're doing this to our selves. Not all of us can be insane genius's who were smart enough to buy a 5.45 AR and stockpile 5.45 :cool:

It sure would be nice to able to get a few hundred rounds of ammo without having to devote time just to find a place that has some in stock.

04-06-09, 11:58
It sure would be nice to able to get a few hundred rounds of ammo without having to devote time just to find a place that has some in stock.

That's my biggest bitch too. It's my own fault for not keeping on top of my ammo stock.

04-06-09, 12:20
I guess it is a little bit of elitism shining through with my earlier post.

It really annoys me that there are guys out there that are buying up shit tons of ammo for no other reason than to just bury it in their back yards.

Yes it is their right but i cant help feeling frustrated and a little fearful that i may not be able to continue shooting due to mass hysteria.

Up until November i was on a pretty steady diet of 200 rounds a week. I would walk into walmart, pick up two WWB's and head down to the range to get some practice in.

The guys that was buying the 10,000 rounds of ammo told me he would go shooting every four months or so. I asked him if he had ever taken a training class and i got the typical response "i know how to shoot, ive been shooting since i was 7."

Now again, i will reiterate that in this great country we are free to do whatever the hell we want, including buying all of the ammo from cali to new jersey and burying it under a billion pounds of dirt but that doesnt change the fact that i and many others that really want to shoot, learn and better ourselves are finding it very hard to do so in the current climate.

I have nothing against stockpilers, i really dont. I would be doing the same thing iraqguns is doing although i find that i shoot more than i can stockpile. That therein lies the problem. I am unwilling to reduce my shooting schedule in order to hoard ammo against the unknown.

Sorry guys, just a little bit of bitching and venting on a Monday.

Also, my previous post was certainly not directed at anyone in particular, just random rumblings from a discontent gun owner. :)

04-06-09, 13:05
I guess it is a little bit of elitism shining through with my earlier post.

It really annoys me that there are guys out there that are buying up shit tons of ammo for no other reason than to just bury it in their back yards.

Yes it is their right but i cant help feeling frustrated and a little fearful that i may not be able to continue shooting due to mass hysteria.

Up until November i was on a pretty steady diet of 200 rounds a week. I would walk into walmart, pick up two WWB's and head down to the range to get some practice in.

The guys that was buying the 10,000 rounds of ammo told me he would go shooting every four months or so. I asked him if he had ever taken a training class and i got the typical response "i know how to shoot, ive been shooting since i was 7."

Now again, i will reiterate that in this great country we are free to do whatever the hell we want, including buying all of the ammo from cali to new jersey and burying it under a billion pounds of dirt but that doesnt change the fact that i and many others that really want to shoot, learn and better ourselves are finding it very hard to do so in the current climate.

I have nothing against stockpilers, i really dont. I would be doing the same thing iraqguns is doing although i find that i shoot more than i can stockpile. That therein lies the problem. I am unwilling to reduce my shooting schedule in order to hoard ammo against the unknown.

Sorry guys, just a little bit of bitching and venting on a Monday.

Also, my previous post was certainly not directed at anyone in particular, just random rumblings from a discontent gun owner. :)

Agreed. I too was shooting a few hundred pistol rounds a week and all I had to do was stop into a Walmart on the way to the range and snag a couple WWB value packs and be all set. I purchased 500 rounds of defense ammo and that was that. I really didn't see this coming, and I think you're right, the vast majority of people buying everything up are not doing it because they are going to the range every week, rather they are going to stick it in their basements and forget about it.

the typical response "i know how to shoot, ive been shooting since i was 7."

Priceless. I've been shooting since I was a kid too. Hell I even spent 10 years in the Army, 2 in Combat, and competed in NRA smallbore, high power, and air rifle in high school. Yet I still am in desperate need of training.

04-06-09, 13:54
I never really thought 9mm was ever going to be hard to find. I relaod and just started 9mm in Sept just do add it to the list of cals to reload. Now I go excited when I found 3 boxes of 9mm to go shoot with. 150 rounds divided between my wife and I since I did not want to go home and grab a few boxes. \

Now I can find .223 at alot of places not cheap but it is there. 9mm and .22lr I was told at a Wal-Mart that one of the gun shops in NOVA with a bad rep was taking the ammo and then marking the price double at their store to sale. Now I was told this but with that place I can see it.

I only go to 4 places to buy guns and ammo in NOVA, VA Arms, Guns and Ammo warehouse (not a warehouse anymore) Wal-Mart and Dicks. THey have always been good with me at the gun stores and work with me on trying to get that new gun or new thing for my AR.