View Full Version : ABC reports 13 killed

04-03-09, 13:04
One or more suspects took hostages at a refugee center in Binghamton NY this morning. Multiple sources, including ABC News, are reporting at least 13 killed.


edited to add: An additional 26 wounded ... almost 40 people shot altogether.

04-03-09, 13:13
Reading about it now...looks like it's still an ongoing hostage situation.

El Mac
04-03-09, 13:55
More fodder for the coming AWB storm.

04-03-09, 13:57
The suspect was described as an Asian male in his 20s, between 5-foot-8 and 6 feet tall, wearing a bright green nylon jacket and dark-rimmed glasses.

Officials said the gunman backed his car up to the rear door of the building to block any escape before he went to the front of the building and started to execute people.

It's Cho all over again.

How many times do we have to see this happen before somebody figures out that one stupid mothersucker with a 9mm will get his ass shot off if his intended victims can FIGHT BACK?

EDIT -- ...and lately it's become apparent that the target of choice for active shooters is places where they expect zero resistance...churches, nursing homes, etc. If you are involved with a place that fits that description it might behoove you to re-examine your security procedures.

04-03-09, 14:04
Gun violence in New York?! NO! Cant be

Tragic yes, but yet more proof that whack jobs dont give a shit about anti gun laws, gun free zones, blah blah

04-03-09, 14:09

You're right. You won't see this shit happening somewhere where the douchebag knows that he will more than likely get plugged quickly. The other side will say that the propogation of firearms in our country is the real problem and that TOTAL disarmament is the only solution.

We know that the truth is different but we cannot convince those who are set in their ways.

It's Cho all over again.

How many times do we have to see this happen before somebody figures out that one stupid mothersucker with a 9mm will get his ass shot off if his intended victims can FIGHT BACK?

EDIT -- ...and lately it's become apparent that the target of choice for active shooters is places where they expect zero resistance...churches, nursing homes, etc. If you are involved with a place that fits that description it might behoove you to re-examine your security procedures.

04-03-09, 14:12
Now reporting 12 victims dead plus gunman suicide.

It can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone. If you can't take care of yourself and your loved ones, there will be no one around to do it for you until too late.

04-03-09, 14:13
Murder is illegal. If he didn't take the murder laws to heart, what would keep him from making a flamethrower or a bomb??

Banning guns is the purest stupidity known to man.

30 cal slut
04-03-09, 14:16
JW - got links to the story describing the shooter?

Marcus L.
04-03-09, 14:17
A proper community outreach program could have saved this young man and made him a model citizen...........

04-03-09, 14:20
Great; another round of panic buying.

04-03-09, 14:23
JW - got links to the story describing the shooter?

That's a quote from Todd's ABC news link.

04-03-09, 14:46
Only a matter of time before someone in Congress decides something has to be done, no matter how wrong that course of action might actually be. There is enough of an anti-gun movement in this country that body counts like we've been seeing over the last several months will not go unnoticed.

04-03-09, 15:04
Prayers out to the families.

FOX is reporting he was carrying a KNIFE. Ban them.

"VP Biden: We have to figure out a way to deal with Violence"

Joe, give me a call. I've got an answer for you.

04-03-09, 15:10
Fox also keeps calling the victims "casualties." This wasn't an accident, and defenselessness kept it from being anything like a war. As entertaining as Shep can be, he's an idiot.

04-03-09, 15:15
Seems like the shooter, a 42 year old Vietnamese, planned this out. He apparently blocked the rear door with his vehicle and then went hunting :(

04-03-09, 15:19
Only a matter of time before someone in Congress decides something has to be done, no matter how wrong that course of action might actually be. There is enough of an anti-gun movement in this country that body counts like we've been seeing over the last several months will not go unnoticed.


I have a hard time getting excited about the "no bans" talk in Washington at the moment.

I do think much of the American peoples attitude has changed from "get rid of guns!" because of these incidents to "give me a gun!".

Just hope that the wind doesnt change.

04-03-09, 15:40
Great; another round of panic buying.

FYI, I'm still here and checking in. :cool:

Condolenses to the victims.

04-03-09, 16:06
Damnit, there seems to be more scumbags than ever. What the f@ck is wrong with people? :mad:

04-03-09, 16:12
I dont know whats going on in the last 2 months this is like the 4th mass shooting I can rember and they allways happen were private citizens arnt allowed to carry.

Its in my buddys patrol area and they dont have partol rifles yet they are in a wherehouse down state waiting for the govoner to sighn something.

04-03-09, 16:16
Damnit, there seems to be more scumbags than ever. What the f@ck is wrong with people?

Too many years of feel good legislation, were quickly becoming a country of me, me, me. People can't cope with any kind of hardships, so they resort to violence. A terrible tragedy. We'll have to wait and see what exactly the circumstances are. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families.


04-03-09, 16:17
Prayers out to the families of those lost.

Blinking Dog
04-03-09, 16:24
Last report I saw indicated the gunman had killed himself.

Any one else been reading active shooter scenario data? Pretty much every episode has ended with gunman shooting self, especially when confronted with force. Question: Did the local police sit outside and wait or did they respond immediately, per the latest and greatest thinking in how to deal with active shooter(s)? Not pre-judging, just wondering...and hoping someone went in and confronted this goon.

Heavy Metal
04-03-09, 16:28
Only a matter of time before someone in Congress decides something has to be done, no matter how wrong that course of action might actually be. There is enough of an anti-gun movement in this country that body counts like we've been seeing over the last several months will not go unnoticed.

On the other side, people are also becoming used to it. The shock has long ago wore off and after 9/11, this is just a blip.

Politicans care about something far more important to them than a body count, getting re-elected.

Mark my words, the Dems are going to get positively shellacked in 10. They know it too. The economy cannot recover fast enough to save them from the coming backlish. It is almost mathematically guarenteed at this point, they are going to lose big.

Pleosi likes her speakership and her Government provided 757 she uses to fly home each weekend. She wants to remain speaker and the outcome of a handful of seats could mean the difference between Congresswoman Pelosi and Speaker Pelosi. Don't think she is not acutely aware of this. When it comes to this, gun control is something she will throw under the bus. Remember, democrats are by and large base, hedonistic animals and you can to a degree predict their phyche from this.

In 94, they thought gun control was a winner. Wheteher they personally care for it or not, they know in 99% of the precints in the US, it wont earn them a single vote now.

04-03-09, 17:02
My only hope that a so called "Assault Rifle" wasn't involved...or it will be fodder for the AWB crowd.

Heavy Metal
04-03-09, 17:03

It was two handguns. No rifles.

04-03-09, 17:07
It could have been a Ruger 10/22 and the anti-gunners won't care. Anything is an assault weapon to to them and facts mean very little.

My only hope that a so called "Assault Rifle" wasn't involved...or it will be fodder for the AWB crowd.

04-03-09, 17:34
Prayers out to the families of those lost.

Plus one. May their familes and friends recieve peace and strength. May the wounded make a full and speedy recovery.

04-03-09, 18:47
I thought the initial reports said "High-Power Rifle"?

"Most of the people brought out couldn't speak English, the chief said."- What a nightmare for the cops. Literally a tower of Babel.

What is that with the suicide? Do they all of a sudden realize that they are a monster?

The blocking the back door reminds me of the school shooting (AR?) where the kids pulled the fire alarms and then shot the girls and teachers as they stood outside. That's not crazy, that's evil.

God help the families of the victims.

04-03-09, 19:05
You are correct. Initial reports did state a high powered rifle and two handguns were used. Nothing has been confirmed at this point, other that mass speculation.

04-03-09, 19:07
Any one else been reading active shooter scenario data? Pretty much every episode has ended with gunman shooting self, especially when confronted with force. Question: Did the local police sit outside and wait or did they respond immediately, per the latest and greatest thinking in how to deal with active shooter(s)? Not pre-judging, just wondering...and hoping someone went in and confronted this goon.

CNN calls police response time from the 911 call at two minutes. According to them, by the time the cops showed up the shooting was over.

One guy with half a plan and the will to kill. 2 minutes. 13 dead, more wounded.

FWIW, response time at VT was around a minute from the first call/alarm and cops arrived while shooting was still going on.

How many times do we have to see this happen before somebody figures out that one stupid mothersucker with a 9mm will get his ass shot off if his intended victims can FIGHT BACK?

04-03-09, 19:13
The weapons used were a .45 cal and a 9mm cal handgun. No long guns involved.

04-03-09, 19:52
and they allways happen were private citizens arnt allowed to carry.

Hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... ..............

Cold Zero
04-03-09, 19:54
AOL news is reporting 14 dead.

04-03-09, 20:17
Last report I saw indicated the gunman had killed himself.

Any one else been reading active shooter scenario data? Pretty much every episode has ended with gunman shooting self, especially when confronted with force. Question: Did the local police sit outside and wait or did they respond immediately, per the latest and greatest thinking in how to deal with active shooter(s)? Not pre-judging, just wondering...and hoping someone went in and confronted this goon.

Wondering this myself. I saw a photo on the local news showing 3 police officers standing behind a vehicle. I wonder how much time had elapsed after the shooting stooped and this photo was taken? It seems this shooting happened very fast and the police had no time to intervene.

It would be nice to see one of these horror stories end with a police officer or armed civilian taking out these troubled individuals before they have a chance to run amok. It's almost as if these crimes are copy cats. They see how easy it is and how much attention they can get.

04-03-09, 20:18
These things will continue to happen until people wise up, carry the means to defend themselves, put the perpetrator down, and leave nothing but blood, hair and maybe some teeth for the authorities to catalog when they arrive.

04-03-09, 20:51
These things will continue to happen until people wise up, carry the means to defend themselves, put the perpetrator down, and leave nothing but blood, hair and maybe some teeth for the authorities to catalog when they arrive.


04-03-09, 20:55
It's Cho all over again.

How many times do we have to see this happen before somebody figures out that one stupid mothersucker with a 9mm will get his ass shot off if his intended victims can FIGHT BACK?

EDIT -- ...and lately it's become apparent that the target of choice for active shooters is places where they expect zero resistance...churches, nursing homes, etc. If you are involved with a place that fits that description it might behoove you to re-examine your security procedures.

Agreed!! Tell your freinds an dfamily to get their CCW permits and use them. We are at war with these idiots and we need to stop them. I live very close to Carthage NC and all I can think of is the unarmed nurse that was shot 28 times last sunday. How different would that have been.


04-03-09, 21:30

double amen..... I will pray for the families involved, i hate it when i hear of this crap. And whoever posted about the gunman stats about them killin them selves hit the nail on the head, their cowards, usless pathetic excuses for human beings and it pains me to see them exert their twisted emotions against other innocents. And yeah, living in a mememe world that America has grown to be is the biggest problem. Its all so bad woes me B.S, then they get the idea stuck in their heads violence will express their emtions. They need to grow a set and get a life, people call me harsh, haha, try being 15 and having to work to help support your single parent family for the last 3 yrs. because we have to pay for lazy ass welfare scroungin fools, but do those of us with pressing problems go out and kill people and ourselves? Complain? Wine? f$@k no, we suck it up and go on. some of these people..... Words beyond this fail me........... sorry for my soapboxin..... pray to God in heaven for this country, right now HE'S the only one that will fix this crap.
Peace im out

04-03-09, 21:46
Last report I saw indicated the gunman had killed himself.

Any one else been reading active shooter scenario data? Pretty much every episode has ended with gunman shooting self...

Most of these rampage-style attacks are murder-suicides. In many cases, the shooter had done their deed and was dead before police arrived.

04-03-09, 23:26
Wondering this myself. I saw a photo on the local news showing 3 police officers standing behind a vehicle. I wonder how much time had elapsed after the shooting stooped and this photo was taken? It seems this shooting happened very fast and the police had no time to intervene.

It would be nice to see one of these horror stories end with a police officer or armed civilian taking out these troubled individuals before they have a chance to run amok. It's almost as if these crimes are copy cats. They see how easy it is and how much attention they can get.

Well, the Tolley Square shootings in Salt Lake City weren't averted, but were ended more quickly due to the action of an off duty officer. I usually don't like Wikipedia (see the link), but essentially an off duty police officer from Ogden helped take the guy out. By the way, he is or was being sued by the shooter's family. The shooter was taken out fairly quickly as Officer Hammond kept him bottled up. Without the officer's action, no doubt the shooter would have killed many more.


04-03-09, 23:35
NY has an AWB. That means this can't happen there.

Oh wait....

04-03-09, 23:45
And thats another thing that urks me to the core. The possibility for a shooters family to bring a lawsuit on a person for stopping the shooter who would have killed many many a innocent souls. Or cops who get put in prison for self defense and upholding the law rightfully when they had to use lethal force. I know cops who have been tried and sued for BS like that, luckilly they won both, but the number across the nation of Officers who lose those cases are countless.... America's twisted justice at its worst.

04-04-09, 04:25
YIKES is this now another terrorist attack ?
A Pakistani Taliban militant leader has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack on a U.S. immigration center in New York state in which 13 people were killed.

04-04-09, 07:29
Publicity stunt.

04-04-09, 07:45

04-04-09, 07:55
Publicity stunt.

Mehsud's claims might be a publicity stunt, but I've always thought a series of small attacks at soft targets would be next to impossible to thwart using the "conventional wisdom" of dialing 911 for your own personal protection. More than likely they would never be noticed prior to the start of the attack. And they certainly get the attention of media.

04-04-09, 09:24
Seems like the shooter, a 42 year old Vietnamese, planned this out. He apparently blocked the rear door with his vehicle and then went hunting :(

"hunting" is a totally inappropriate word to use here, slaughter would fit, as he had a "hunting knife", that tells me he intended to gut and skin his "game" :eek:

04-04-09, 09:34
Damnit, there seems to be more scumbags than ever. What the f@ck is wrong with people? :mad:

trust me ;) i have a very good answer to your question but it is to "controversial" for this forum....., sorry !

Heavy Metal
04-04-09, 10:06
The latest reports state the police waited an hour before entering the building after the last shot was fired.

04-04-09, 12:23