View Full Version : call to action: this guy needs our help

04-03-09, 15:22
This guy busts his butt helping and saving US forces in Iraq and gets denied a visa to settle in the US. His life is in danger (as are the lives of others who do his same job). If he ends up dead his blood will be on Hillary's hands as head of the State Dept.


Contact you Senators and Congressman and ask why this guy is getting the treatment he did/does. Ask them to call for investigations into the State Dept and their handling of such cases.

04-03-09, 16:20
I am just wondering if you know him personaly? I have seen this situation more than a few times and as we all know the mainstream media never gives you the full story.

The guy has a CA patch on so he must have been veted to at least a secreat clearence.

My unit had 2 terps from Afghanistan we brought back with us to the US one has now enlisted in the ARMY and a linguist.

04-03-09, 16:21
I am just wondering if you know him personaly? I have seen this situation more than a few times and as we all know the mainstream media never gives you the full story.

My unit had 2 terps from Afghanistan we brought back with us to the US one has now enlisted in the ARMY and a linguist.

No, I just read the news report and am going off of that. Based on the number of recommendation letters, including from 2 generals, I assume this is legit. That is what an investigation by Congress would bring forth (if it got that far).

04-03-09, 16:23
And I've seen terps who were very helpful in the field attempt to steal commo equipment and turn it over to JAM and AQI elements. I don't trust shit I see on the news, and I really fail to see how the OP makes this leap of blood being on SecState's hands. I'm not calling my congressman to launch any fricking investigations either. First we blast the .gov for letting too many in, now it's investigate them for not letting this particular group of folks in? This belongs on arfcom.

04-03-09, 16:32
And I've seen terps who were very helpful in the field attempt to steal commo equipment and turn it over to JAM and AQI elements. I don't trust shit I see on the news, and I really fail to see how the OP makes this leap of blood being on SecState's hands. I'm not calling my congressman to launch any fricking investigations either. First we blast the .gov for letting too many in, now it's investigate them for not letting this particular group of folks in? This belongs on arfcom.

Oh, so some Iraqi who works for the gov't as a interpreter, has accolades from everyone including generals and people whose lives he has saved, who is now in danger himself and we just drop him? What kind of thanks is that.

No, this is not a TOS type of appeal. If you don't believe in supporting those who supported us, then that is fine.

But don't make the leap that you are making. It doesn't stand. He has been vetted by everyone (letters of recommendation by general officers and a ton of other army and usmc folks, DHS approval, everything) but was denied for what appears to be political reasons. SecState is the head of that dept and "the buck stops here."

If he was stealing commo equipment etc that most likely would have been found out by now after all the vetting that has gone on. If I were to say that there have been GIs who have done things to betray their buddies/fellow soldiers and say that all GIs must be like that you would laugh at me (rightly so). So why does a few bad apples amongst the interpreter "corps" cause you to believe they are all like that? Does not make sense.

And, we all hop and holler about FoxNews and their righteous journalism about the 90% guns thing in Mexico, but in this story they cannot be believed and are part of the mainstream media? Pleasseeee

04-03-09, 16:51
I don't know the circumstances behind the OP's original post and haven't seen the news article either. I will however investigate and draw my own conclusions. I would however like to add some historical context to this discussion. We have a documented "bad" history of abondoning people who side with or help take up arms in defense of causes the U.S. is involved with. The political climate changes and these individuals or groups are often slaughtered or murdered for their aid to the U.S.. Not good. This does seem to fit this profile, but I'll reserve judgement.

04-03-09, 23:44
We have a documented "bad" history of abondoning people who side with or help take up arms in defense of causes the U.S. is involved with.

Yes we do. And that stinks. Frankly, I'm surprised at the number of foreign nationals who are willing to stick their necks out for us, considering the "thanks" they will probably receive.

04-04-09, 02:50
The Clintons brought thousands of Somalians into the states after that debacle, what's the problem with a few Iraqis that helped save American lives? Oh, maybe that's the issue! :confused:

Iraq Ninja
04-04-09, 05:29
“He’s also been a whistleblower on a few occasions, exposing potentially embarrassing information regarding the Embassy and other U.S. and Iraqi government agencies operating in the Green Zone.”

There you have it. Nobody messes with STATE and lives (in the USA) to talk about it.

I will never forget the cowards that fled the Embassy last March after the mortar and rocket attacks that lasted for a week. The Rhino was packed with State and KBR employees.

04-04-09, 05:41
And I've seen terps who were very helpful in the field attempt to steal commo equipment and turn it over to JAM and AQI elements. I don't trust shit I see on the news, and I really fail to see how the OP makes this leap of blood being on SecState's hands. I'm not calling my congressman to launch any fricking investigations either. First we blast the .gov for letting too many in, now it's investigate them for not letting this particular group of folks in? This belongs on arfcom.

So you are trying to compare this guy to Mexican Illegals? :rolleyes:

04-04-09, 05:50
Eguns is right the facts and the source look good.

04-04-09, 12:24
We have a documented "bad" history of abondoning people who side with or help take up arms in defense of causes the U.S. is involved with. The political climate changes and these individuals or groups are often slaughtered or murdered for their aid to the U.S..

Afghanistan and the Mujaheddin jump quickly to mind. Look how that betrayal turned out for us. Would we even be fighting in Afghanistan today if we had followed up our initial support of the Mujaheddin there with money to rebuild the country instead of abandoning it? I don't know but it seems less likely it would be the hotbed it is today for us.