View Full Version : Cast Your Vote In This Survey

04-04-09, 11:45
Give the President a grade:


04-04-09, 12:10
I done do'd it

04-04-09, 12:41
I hate those types of polls/surveys. But they reflect how Americans view politics. While the media and politicians try and paint everything in black and white the reality is they never are.

I didn't vote for Obama but I'm not going to participate in those types of internet polls. Hell, the same jackasses that came up with that poll are probably the same ones that believe we should do away with the same grading scale in schools and simply go with the pass/fail system.

04-04-09, 13:46
I agree that for the most part these type of polls are useless as a real tool for gauging the beliefs/trends of the American mindset.
The problem as I see it is that if the voting were to show even the slightest trend towards the direction that the News Agencies who created it hopes it to go. The biased left media will then use the results as if they were the gospel truth coming down off the mountain with Moses himself and then plaster the results all over our television screens, newspapers and the internet.
That anyway is how I can justify my participation in these types of polls...However I admit that your point of view has made me think that its always a good idea to look at these with a more critical eye and then proceed with a bit more caution.

04-04-09, 13:50
The biased left media will then use the results as if they were the gospel truth coming down off the mountain with Moses himself and then plaster the results all over our television screens, newspapers and the internet.

I don't know, he's got 41% giving him an F, and only 34% giving him an A. ;)

04-04-09, 14:02
I don't know, he's got 41% giving him an F, and only 34% giving him an A. ;)

I didn't mean to single out this particular network. I mean the News Media in general as a whole.

If the grade were to lean more favorably to the other side....I bet we could count on hearing about it on the world news tonight.

04-05-09, 13:08
Don't worry even though so far in this poll he is trailing. Acorn will find him some more votes and the A s will be ahead.