View Full Version : Anybody seen this???

Seth Harness
04-05-09, 21:29
I was sent this video and there are more by this guy as well...

04-05-09, 21:38
Yes sir. We had this up about a month ago here.

It is well worth a look.

04-05-09, 21:46
This is the third time that this video has popped up on this site alone.



Copy, paste:

I have already posted this on the other thread about this very video. But since some missed it and I think that it is still valid I will post it again.
So few understand the electoral college even among conservatives. I might be willing to have a revision of the college but not an abolition. If that were to happen the only states that would be cared about or campaigned in would be California, Texas, Florida, and New York. The rest would be totally ignored and run over. Canada is a great example of this.

Term limits are another big thing that I keep hearing about. Personally I think that they are a total waste of time and energy. There are many states that have term limits and they have just as many issues as they did before the limits. The problem is that if you have an electorate that is willing to elect someone like Kennedy, or the wicked witch of the west Pelosi, they will be willing to vote in another ****tard liberal. Then if you somehow do manage to get someone who is worth their salt then you are limited on being able to keep them around, therefore limiting your options and possibly eliminating the best candidate.

We need to eliminate the 17th amendment. It is what allows the Senators to be voted in to office by the general uninformed want some of what you have worked for, even though they haven't earned it, public. Originally the house was to represent the people, hence Representatives, which is also why the representatives have smaller districts than the senators, so that the PEOPLE could reach and better interact with those who represent them.The Senate was to represent the state and do its business, and in theory if the state and the people are well represented then the federal gov will not be able to get too powerful. But many of the senators that were appointed were seen as party hacks that were getting rewarded. Probably, but what has really changed, lord knows that there are no party hacks in the Senate now. At least if we abolish the 17th amendment there might some chance that the Senators will get called on the carpet for the crap that they pull. The Senate was to do the States business, currently they do their own because they know that it will be difficult for them to get voted out.

I did have another issue with the video, in the beginning he keeps referring to us as a democracy. When will people get that WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY, nor do we want to be. We are a Republic

He speaks of a second revolution. Right now if revolution were to occur, we would have a revolution more akin to the French revolution and not an American one. All most people have is hate and anger and while most here might have it properly directed most just hate the rich. If you don't believe me, think about the fact that the CHILDREN of the AIG executives were getting death threats. They dont really have any good ideas, just hate ,and desire for what others have. Look at the French revolution, it was the mainly the lower class some middle that just got angry and sick of taking it. It resulted in LOTS of bloodshed and in the end those who had been in power before, came back to power(with a few exceptions).But if you look at the American revolution it was mainly the upper and middle class that carried it out with a set purpose other than anger and revenge. Just something to think about

Seth Harness
04-05-09, 22:17
Ooops, I dont remember seeing it. I must have missed it, I was sent that video and thought some would appreciate its general message. If its already been a topic of discussion, then disregard.
I wasnt trying to spearhead a movement or anything, just sharing... :D