View Full Version : ? for I-pod touch users

04-06-09, 13:16
So I bought an I-Pod Touch a while a ago and the pos case that I have is falling apart I know by crap get crap. So my quesetion is does anyone use the otterbox cases they look neat just wondering if there any first hand usage. I do work in a resturant and its with me working in the barn so opinins?:D

04-06-09, 13:53
Funny that you mentioned the otter box because while I dont own one I just talked to my friend this weekend who has one for his iPhone and he loves it. It seems kind of bulky to me but I probably wouldnt care if I spent that much on a device. Good luck.

04-06-09, 17:42
if the extra bulk doesn't bother you they are really nice. i have one for my iphone and really like it.

04-06-09, 17:46
I don't have the Otter Box but I do have a competitor that is similar as far as I can tell. I have the iSkin one which looks like it is similar to the Otter Box Defender in material and construction and bulk. I don't notice the extra bulk myself and I am sure it has saved my bacon a few times in terms of damage to the phone.

04-06-09, 18:45
I really like my rebel touch case. I am pretty rough on personal electronics and this thing has taken all I can throw at it and then some.

04-07-09, 10:38
I really like my rebel touch case. I am pretty rough on personal electronics and this thing has taken all I can throw at it and then some.

Do you know if there's any belt-attach solution that works with the Switcheasy cases?

04-07-09, 14:52
I use a Pelican 1040 (http://www.pelican.com/cases_detail.php?Case=1040) case to store my iTouch and accessories (earbuds, charging cable, etc) while traveling and use a DLO Hip case (http://www.dlo.com/products/hc_folio_touch_Prod.tpl?command=showpage&cart=12391332521378264) for carrying around.

04-07-09, 20:39
check out www.modmyi.com
they usually have all the latest and greatest info.

04-07-09, 20:48
I have no case on mine. Only had it for a coupple months and is already scratched to hell