View Full Version : Punks shoot Luttrell's dog

04-06-09, 21:28
Anyone seen this? If I was in his shoes I wouldn't have been able to stop, I'm pretty sure of that.


04-06-09, 21:32

Cold Zero
04-06-09, 21:34
That's disgusting. I hope the judge throws the book and them and then they are foolish enough to go back to that ranch like they said they would.

04-06-09, 21:41
I'm a dog lover, so I may be biased. But I REALLY wish he had dipped into his skillset and ****ed their whole world up.

If I saw someone trying to kill my dog, the neighbors would have thought WWIII was starting in my backyard.

04-06-09, 21:42
I hope they get a long jail sentence and get nitely visits from bubba and friends.
Then they can rot in hell.

04-06-09, 21:46
He did the right thing not killing them in the protection of his property, but I'm not sure I could have restrained myself.

04-06-09, 21:48
Fwding the Beck link to a DFW area rescue group I work with. They might be able to do something...

04-06-09, 21:49
:( I love my dogs more than the vast majority of people I have met.

Sigh. As if Petty Officer Lutrell has not had enough pain in his life. What an absolutely shitty thing to do.

Prayers sent for Marcus, Morgan and the rest of the Lutrell family.

04-06-09, 21:50
I hope the judge throws the book and them and then they are foolish enough to go back to that ranch like they said they would.

Those pricks going back to the ranch would be poetic justice. I'd find it hard to believe Luttrell will be so restrained a second time.

04-06-09, 21:52
****ing scum!

04-06-09, 21:59
I spent a year and a half in Iraq. When I came home I was withdrawn and isolated from everyone I had once loved. Love is an alien emotion to me now. Except when it comes to my dog, Charlie. She came to me like an angel, and rescued my soul from the damnation that I lived with on a daily basis. Without my dog I would have nothing to live for. If someone did that to my dog they would be shot. Not in the head, but in the guts. Then i would spend my last moments of freedom torturing their dying bodies. Some folks say stuff like "it's just a dog" but they don't understand what it is that that creature represents to its owner. That creature might just be the only friend that a human has. :(

04-06-09, 22:00
I saw that this afternoon. Scum like that just need to be put down.

04-06-09, 22:02
That's exactly how I feel about it. When I saw Glenn interview him today on the show, I almost cried. I love my dog almost as much as I love my son. I know I wouldn't be able to stop myself, all I could hope for afterwards would be a good lawyer.

04-06-09, 22:07
I saw the interview too, he should have shot all of them.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-06-09, 22:24
What a bunch of fools. I hope someboy pees in their chow.

04-06-09, 22:27
:( I love my dogs more than the vast majority of people I have met.


Three to four guys armed with guns on my property who just shot my dog ... I see Ability, Opportunity, and Jeopardy.

04-06-09, 22:37
I just finished reading his amazing story and reading this latest news just makes me lose all faith in humanity. He is 100X the man I am. Good for him on being able to restrain himself, not sure I could have done the same. I'd love to see when those little bitches go up against 2 Navy SEALs. They BETTER get what's coming to them.

04-06-09, 23:04
Absolutely scum. Just by chance saw the show today and being a dog lover myself dont know how he could have restrained himself. People going down, no problem. A dog though, heck even my wife is like that...If that is how these guys have a good time, what is their next idea of "fun." I say stop that evil now and dont let these guys propigate or contaminate the air with their breathing.

04-06-09, 23:07

Three to four guys armed with guns on my property who just shot my dog ... I see Ability, Opportunity, and Jeopardy.

I grew up on a ranch here in Texas, much as Marcus did. A stranger on our place? Armed, with my four-legged family member laying dead at their feet?

I would not need a good lawyer. The county sheriff and chief deputy used to hunt mule deer on our place. My grandfather ran the re-election campaign for the county judge. The county attorney was a friend of ours.

The grand jury would never even hear the case, Mr. Green.

Geminidglocker - prayers sent, brother.

04-07-09, 01:00
These people are pests to society.

Pests serve no purpose and are a nuisance.

What do you do to pests?

Exterminate them.

Pretty simple.

04-07-09, 08:06
That's terrible.

04-07-09, 08:37
Warrant out for one suspect still at large.


04-07-09, 08:38
Better man than I.

It probably would have been backhoe and lime time had I been in his shoes.

04-07-09, 08:52
I spent a year and a half in Iraq. When I came home I was withdrawn and isolated from everyone I had once loved. Love is an alien emotion to me now. Except when it comes to my dog, Charlie. She came to me like an angel, and rescued my soul from the damnation that I lived with on a daily basis. Without my dog I would have nothing to live for. If someone did that to my dog they would be shot. Not in the head, but in the guts. Then i would spend my last moments of freedom torturing their dying bodies. Some folks say stuff like "it's just a dog" but they don't understand what it is that that creature represents to its owner. That creature might just be the only friend that a human has. :(

This is a moving and meaningful statement. I personally have great respect for your circumstance based on these words alone.

While I have not done tours in Iraq, I also have very deep scars and can relate to your deep seated pain. I find extreme solace in my 5 year old son as well as our two precious little dogs Champ and Margie. They are the only good in my life, it seems. They also sustain me, and I now live for them alone.

To attempt to hurt any in my presence would be a fatal mistake, whether I had a firearm or not. Mr. Luttrell showed much more discretion that I ever would have expected him to under that immediate circumstance.

That man commands respect on numerous significant levels. I would really enjoy a beer with him.

04-07-09, 08:52

Three to four guys armed with guns on my property who just shot my dog ... I see Ability, Opportunity, and Jeopardy.

That was my thought as well. Walking up to them and asking why they did it was a very strange response. He probably just didn't want to kill that day, even though he would have been justified. An armed party discharging weapons on your property and having just eliminated the dog? Sounds more like preparation for a home invasion than simply killing a dog.

04-07-09, 10:07
What do you all say we throw a pot of $$$ together to get this man a new puppy. I don't know how much a yellow lab cost, but I'm sure it isn't that much. I don't have much but I could spare $50.00 bucks for a man who valiantly served this country. It's just a thought.

04-07-09, 10:15
Bang, bang, bang, bang. Officer I feared for my life.

04-07-09, 12:17
It takes a special kind of degenerate to shoot a man's dog.

I hope these wanna-be tough guys meet some for-real hard cases sometime.

What do you all say we throw a pot of $$$ together to get this man a new puppy. I don't know how much a yellow lab cost, but I'm sure it isn't that much. I don't have much but I could spare $50.00 bucks for a man who valiantly served this country. It's just a though.

Good idea. Here's my suggestion: keep a list of everyone who responds positively to your suggestion within the next, say, week. In the meantime search for a reputable breeder in Luttrell's area and find out if they have puppies available and if so, the cost. Then email everyone on the list to announce the cost so that everyone can chip in.

If this plan is a 'go,' at some point someone needs to contact PO Luttrell to let him know ... lest he wind up with half-a-dozen puppies from well-meaning citizens.

It is not often that one has an opportunity to help a hero like PO Luttreli. You may count me in.

04-07-09, 12:24
Good idea. Here's my suggestion: keep a list of everyone who responds positively to your suggestion within the next, say, week. In the meantime search for a reputable breeder in Luttrell's area and find out if they have puppies available and if so, the cost. Then email everyone on the list to announce the cost so that everyone can chip in.

04-07-09, 13:02
Given the broad range of experiences and professions here at M4C, one would think that someone among us had the resources to reach out to Mr. Luttrell and see if he wants another dog so soon, and/or -- as exkc135driver alluded to -- whether there are already fifty other organizations doing the same thing.

But otherwise, certainly count me in, I'd be happy to contribute.

Robb Jensen
04-07-09, 13:06
Given the broad range of experiences and professions here at M4C, one would think that someone among us had the resources to reach out to Mr. Luttrell and see if he wants another dog so soon, and/or -- as exkc135driver alluded to -- whether there are already fifty other organizations doing the same thing.

But otherwise, certainly count me in, I'd be happy to contribute.

Count me in as well.

04-07-09, 13:09
... one would think that someone among us had the resources to reach out to Mr. Luttrell and see if he wants another dog so soon ...

Good point. We are assuming that he would want a puppy this soon (and we all know about the word ass-u-me). Any ideas on how to find out? The idea here is to help the man, not bury him in well-intentioned but unwanted puppies.

04-07-09, 13:23
Filters prevent seeing the original link but the gist of it is clear.
Those guys that did that are bums.

04-07-09, 14:51
Count me in.


04-07-09, 15:36
Folks on the downrange.tv forums are also talking about contributing to a new puppy for Luttrell, but we need to find out if he's ready and or willing right now.

04-07-09, 15:39
Count me in as well.

If it's appropriate, I'd like to contribute.

04-07-09, 15:39
That's disgusting. I hope the judge throws the book and them and then they are foolish enough to go back to that ranch like they said they would.

This is a felony now in Texas and they could do serious time.

04-07-09, 16:23

There has been a fund established to raise money for either Mr. Luttrell, or a charity of his choosing: HERE (http://www.fundable.com/groupactions/groupaction.2009-04-07.6226024595).

04-07-09, 16:33
I'd donate but how do we know this is credible?

04-07-09, 16:35
I'd donate but how do we know this is credible?

Good point. That site could have been set up by anyone.

04-07-09, 16:46
I imagine if you sent it to the Huntsville Texas Post Office it would get to him.

04-07-09, 17:03
I'd donate but how do we know this is credible?

Good point. That site could have been set up by anyone.

I can understand your hesitation. It was set up by a guy on another forum that I read rather often. http://messageboard.tuckermax.com/showthread.php?t=26133

I am in no way affiliated with that board or person other than as a casual reader, but I do think that it is legit. They are actively trying to get ahold of Glenn Beck and/or Marcus Luttrell. I know that the board (and Tucker Max) has been active in many causes before, such as Tanked for Troops...


04-07-09, 17:06
Sending a message to Glenn to see if he can either vet whatever there is out there or if he can set one up himself to get donations to Marcus.

04-07-09, 17:17
I just realized for the first time that Marcus is in many of the popular MK18 picture threads. I kept looking at him on Glenn Beck wondering where I had seen that guys face before.

Those two pieces of shit are literally lucky to be alive.



04-07-09, 17:40
In for a contribution as well.

I agree with the other folks, let's make sure it is what Marcus would want. Sometimes it can be "too soon."

Al U. 5811
04-07-09, 17:54

A friend of mine sent this email out. Please sign the petition.


Title: SEAL’s Dog Killed: Give Criminals Maximum Sentence!

Target: Texas Courts and Prosecutors

From: SPCA International

Help SPCA International (www.SPCA.com) demand that Texas courts prosecute the four animal abuse criminals to the fullest extent of the law. Sign now!

Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell’s therapy dog was brutally killed by four young men last week. According to Luttrell, the criminals were cruising his county in Texas shooting dogs for fun when he heard a shot in his front yard and found his dog, Dasy, murdered. Luttrell chased the criminals through four counties and brought them to justice with the help of the local sheriff’s department. Luttrell witnessed these criminals laughing and joking about their killing rampage, even after they had been apprehended by authorities.

Luttrell’s dog, Dasy, was no ordinary pet. Luttrell is called the “Lone Survivor” because he was the only survivor from a 2005 battle that caused the largest loss of life in SEAL history. Each letter in Dasy’s name represents his fallen SEAL team members. Luttrell was given Dasy during his recovery period after sustaining horrific wounds. Luttrell said, “I consider that dog just like a daughter to me.”

Please sign this petition and help SPCA International tell the Texas courts to prosecute these cruel criminals to the fullest extent of the law. “You need to be held accountable for what you do,” pleaded Luttrell on Glenn Beck’s Fox News show. See Luttrell’s full interview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJLO_JI9Pns


Terri Crisp

SPCA International

Operation Baghdad Pups Program

P.O. Box 1230

Washington, DC 20013

Website: www.SPCA.com

Email: Terri.Crisp@SPCA.com

Skype: terricrisp

Direct Line: 310-975-9172

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.


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04-07-09, 18:01
I'm in for $

04-07-09, 20:03
he was on Glenn Beck last night...Glenn was steamed and was showing the still at large fu*ktard's photo and info most of the show.

04-07-09, 20:04
im in for givin luttrell money for a new puppy. i have a lot of respect for marcus, and i look up to him a lot, ive wanted to become a SEAL since I was about 14 or 15, and after reading his book, its only solidified that even more.

im a college student right now, i dont make much life guarding (eight bucks an hour) but id much rather give $50 or even $100 bucks to luttrell to see him get a new dog than to spend that on gun crap.

04-07-09, 20:18
Count me in on buying that guy a dog. I have 2 labs, one is 7 months old, and my little male is 7 weeks old. My wife and I consider them our kids, and if someone came on my property and shot either one of them...................... AR-15 with 2 clips close by, a .40 cal S&W, and 2 shotguns. I am friends with the assistant police chief of our town, and I am a firefighter in our town, and work EMS in our county. Case Closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The local funeral home would be tickled to death!!!!!! I would shoot them dead and never lose a moment of sleep over it.

04-07-09, 20:24
Thanks for the petition link. I signed on and left a message. It may sound corny, but next to the innocence of a child is the innocence of your dog/pet. I had to put my 14 yr. old cat down on Christmas Eve a few years back. I refused to just leave and let my friend die alone. I hugged him tight as he received his injection and passed away. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I couldn't let him suffer. To have someone kill my dog/pet before my eyes is just unimaginable. For Lutrell to show restraint is a great show of character and discipline.

04-07-09, 20:43
4 good reasons to use a blow torch and a set of pliers.........

04-07-09, 21:08
Count me in as well.

Me too.


Petition I just got from KL Davis, asking for Max sentences for these Oxygen Thieves.

ETA: Double Tap on petition link, sorry just saw it above.

K.L. Davis
04-07-09, 22:03
Godspeed PO Luttrell...

========== Some useful contact info ===========
County Judge
1100 University Ave. Room 204
Huntsville, TX 77340
Office: (936)436-4910
Fax: (936)436-4914

Sheriff Clint R. McRae
Walker County Sheriff's Department
717 FM 2821 West
Huntsville, Texas 77320

Criminal District Attorney
Walker County, Texas
1036 11th street
Huntsville, TX 77340
(936) 435-2441
Fax (936) 435-2449

City of New Waverly City Hall‎
200 Gibbs St
New Waverly, TX 77358
(936) 344-6621

04-07-09, 22:25
Godspeed PO Luttrell...

Amen. Fair winds and following seas.

04-08-09, 00:06
Godspeed PO Luttrell...

========== Some useful contact info ===========
County Judge
1100 University Ave. Room 204
Huntsville, TX 77340
Office: (936)436-4910
Fax: (936)436-4914

Sheriff Clint R. McRae
Walker County Sheriff's Department
717 FM 2821 West
Huntsville, Texas 77320

Criminal District Attorney
Walker County, Texas
1036 11th street
Huntsville, TX 77340
(936) 435-2441
Fax (936) 435-2449

City of New Waverly City Hall‎
200 Gibbs St
New Waverly, TX 77358
(936) 344-6621

Emails out, and will call DA tomorrow.

04-08-09, 01:27
Godspeed PO Luttrell...

KLD, thank you for providing this information.

The 4th perp, Michael Edmonds, has turned himself in … so I saw little point in writing a letter to Sheriff McRae. I don’t think writing a letter to the mayor would help, so I didn’t. It is not proper for me to write a letter to the judge until these slimebags have been convicted, so I didn’t do that either. Hopefully the judge will reserve handing down his sentence for a few weeks, which will give me an opportunity to write him a letter requesting that he incarcerate them for whatever the maximum is, and that they be required to serve the entire sentence.

But, it is entirely proper for me to write a letter to the DA asking him to vigorously prosecute these shitbirds and, if they are found guilty, to ask the judge to plant those ****ers under the jail. Because I believe (and studies show) that physical letters get more attention than email, I used my letterhead to request just that (phrased more professionally, of course).

I will fax and mail the letter later today.

I hope that all y’all will join me in writing and mailing actual, physical letters to the powers that be in Texas … the bastards that did this need to be put away.

04-08-09, 01:55
I'll be writing.

Joe Mamma
04-08-09, 07:55
This story burns me up. I wish he would have shot them.

Joe Mamma

04-08-09, 07:55
You wonder if those punks realize yet how close they came to horrible deaths. You hope that someone sits those boys down and talks the stupidity out of them. If you went to Hollywood with that story, they'd throw you out the door for such a crazy story.

What kind of Dumbass makes death threats to someone in front of the cops?

PETA and SEALS on the same team. They'll either kill you or annoy you to death.

Watch some big city-slicker liberal lawyer come defend the kids.

04-08-09, 09:09
4 good reasons to use a blow torch and a set of pliers.........


04-08-09, 09:33
My little sis is running an on-campus animal activist group -- the kind that helps shelter animals, not the kind that poses nekkid to protest meat -- and I will get this forwarded to her and make sure she's up to speed. Maybe we can get a lot of otherwise useless college students writing letters ;)

04-08-09, 10:08
Count me in as well.

04-08-09, 11:21

email out to DA asking that he make life hell for those sons of bitches.

04-08-09, 12:50

I hope that all y’all will join me in writing and mailing actual, physical letters to the powers that be in Texas … the bastards that did this need to be put away.

Drafting the letter today.

Mr. Davis, thank you again for the research.

04-08-09, 14:01
This is a bit long but well worth your time. I would encourage everyone to read Lone Survivor if you have not already.


He makes me proud to be a Texan and I suspect he'll have several puppies on the farm before too long. Another site is reporting he is out in the sticks getting his mind together if you will.

For all of you here who have served, I am in your debt and are much appreciated.

04-08-09, 17:32
The more times I watch the interview, the more pissed I get.

Jim D
04-08-09, 17:53
It's a twisted, useless perversion of a human that kills people's pets for "kicks". Something is deeply wrong with these ****ers, and they'll likely do it again (or something worse) as soon as they get out.

How stiff of a sentence can you actually hand out for killing people's pets? I guess Texas is stiffer on it, but I don't see how the book can get thrown hard enough at these psychos.

I would presume that killing a few kids over them doing something like this would likely mess with your head too, and is probably why Luttrell held back. There is no "good" solution, IMO. The only good solution would have been if they had tried to put up a fight against Luttrell and he had no choice but to shoot. Then he could sleep easy knowing he had no choice, and that these sick bastards won't drain our society any further.

I hope the inmates give them the "therapy" they need while they're in.

My thoughts are with Mr. Luttrell. He has gone through more than his share, already. My thanks for your service, sir.

04-08-09, 22:24
A couple of serial killers around here started out that way. Shooting pets and farm type animals.

04-08-09, 23:24
seeing this happen only makes me respect Luttrell even more, the guys been through hell, seen his best friends blown up and killed, then his dog which means the world to him gets shot. i mean thats just not fair, it really isnt, but he keeps on keepin on. Luttrell is a true American, and we need more like him.

04-09-09, 01:02
This could be 4 gang recruits who did this for an initiation.

04-09-09, 20:54
" What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' PETA supporters, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass. "

The above should be fact and not fiction !


04-09-09, 21:04
This could be 4 gang recruits who did this for an initiation.

very true, that one gonzales, or titsmcgee what ever his name is; looked like a genuine thug. wonder if hes even legal?

04-09-09, 22:04
Dumb PUNKS didn't realize they were giving him a 'target rich environment'.

04-10-09, 01:39
This is a bit long but well worth your time. I would encourage everyone to read Lone Survivor if you have not already.
the weird thing is that I was in the book store a few days ago and picked up his book. I started reading it and I got really bummed out thinking about everything the guy went through so I passed.

I have been out of work since October and am depressed enough about that right now so I am going to pass for now.

04-10-09, 08:08
the weird thing is that I was in the book store a few days ago and picked up his book. I started reading it and I got really bummed out thinking about everything the guy went through so I passed.

I have been out of work since October and am depressed enough about that right now so I am going to pass for now.

Sorry about your situation Kev. :( Understand you are not alone and lots of us are hand to mouth right now.

I'll go on record and say I did shed a tear when reading.....I also LOL and got so mad about our warriors being hamstriung by the rules of engaugement that I wanted to scream. It will also make you have hope for humanity and the good those villagers did in saving his life. When you are ready, you will love it. I'm about ready for my 2nd go round.

If you want another good read about a SEAL but want to keep it in the thriller novel arena, check out The First Commandment by Brad Thor. I read this one and the follow up book, The Last Patriot right after L.S. and couldn't put them down. Thor leaves you hanging and his next book should be out soon I think.

Hang tough amigo!!

04-10-09, 17:01
Just listened to the 911 call while Luttrell was chasing these sorry f**** down. Made me sick. :(

04-10-09, 19:58
Heard snippets of the 911 tapes and the first thing that came to mind was God how much can I afford to donate to a defense fund cause I thought those f-ers were dead meat. Once again PO Luttrell displays great character and self control.

I hope the DA doesn't puss out and plea bargain these asshats. They are serial killers in the making and will eventually graduate to more exciting targets.

Count me in on donating for a new dog if he wants one. I can also easily make the drive to pick up, deliver, whatever, whenever if it's necessary.

04-11-09, 13:08
I am in for donating something for a dog. I cant say what I wish he had done to them because I am LE, but if they had shot my dog........MOTIVE, OPPORTUNITY, JEAPORDY..... Body bags needed.... His book is a must read in my book..... Gutsy guy and tough as nails.