View Full Version : Seattle Gun Ban w/video link

04-07-09, 07:46
Good discussion on the upcoming Seattle Gun Ban. This 30-minute video opens with comments by Dave Workman, senior editor of Gun Week and author of Washington Gun Rights and Responsibilities. The video is a moderated discussion between Alan Gottlieb, SAF founder, and Nickels' policy wonk in charge of promoting this illegal ban.

If you have the time, the video is well worth it.


04-07-09, 08:56
Inalienable Right.

This is another part of the ongoing problems.

04-10-09, 11:44
Another Alan Gottlieb video just popped up on Youtube where he's kicking CNN's Rick Sanchez's ass on the debate! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBIpfAl8cpI&feature=channel_page

04-10-09, 12:00
Another Alan Gottlieb video just popped up on Youtube where he's kicking CNN's Rick Sanchez's ass on the debate! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBIpfAl8cpI&feature=channel_page

Rick Sanchez is an ass. He was when he was down here in South FL, and still is today. Liberal ****.

04-10-09, 13:52
Another Alan Gottlieb video just popped up on Youtube where he's kicking CNN's Rick Sanchez's ass on the debate! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBIpfAl8cpI&feature=channel_page

I didn't think I could possibly hate CNN even more than I already do, but that was truly a great example of mindless propaganda, misdirection, and outright bull. :mad:

04-10-09, 18:40
I really can't believe how f-ing stupid these politicians are. When are they going to get it through their heads that if someone is hell bent on shooting up some public place a gun ban will have no weight on their decision. This just makes me want to boycott all things Seattle. I feel like punching Greg Nickels in the face for this.

04-10-09, 19:23
I liked that guy from the 2nd amendment whatever he was sharp. It so stupid let them pass there rule as long as you dont where your pistol around you neck like a peice of bling then no one will even know you have it and what if they did know?

They are aperently so scared of being shot by you there arent going to say anything to you.

Then you get what put under citizens arrest until the cops show up and ask you to leave ha ha ha.

04-10-09, 21:09
Thing that gets me about it is that the mayor's office says that they are just enforcing a rule in areas treated like the city's private property.
If a private individual doesn't want you to have a firearm on their property, they can tell you to leave and if you don't you can be charged with trespassing.
OK, that's cool and I agree with it.
The mayor's office claims they have a right to act the same way on city property.
Except, if you and I co-own a property and you decide you don't want me to have a firearm on the property, you can't tell me to leave and charged with not leaving if I don't, as I am also an owner.***
"City" property is actually owned by the public, so...
The people that they want to tell to leave and have charged if they don't are as much owners of that property as anyone else.

***Of course, you could always claim that we're stretch-butt lovers and accuse me of domestic violence and get me screwed over as far as owing firearms for the rest of my life.

04-10-09, 22:53
Knee jerk Seattle for you. Nickels is an idiot.

They make out the shooter from the Folk Life incident to be a normal guy with a valid permit. He must have lied his ass off to get it. Apparently Bob Scales didn't know these facts.

From the Seattle Times:
Clinton Chad Grainger, 22, has been on a methadone program for drug addiction since he was 18 and also has a "history of anxiety and mental illness," according to King County Superior Court booking documents. Federal and state law prohibits people with mental illness or drug addiction from obtaining a concealed-weapon permit.

The hippies have won this side of the state but thankfully the dry side has been able to keep things in check.

04-11-09, 02:52
Not to mention that it was already illegal for the dude to have a gun at Folklife:

RCW 70.108.150 (http://search.leg.wa.gov/pub/textsearch/ViewRoot.asp?Action=Html&Item=12&X=411003453&p=1)
Firearms -- Penalty.
It shall be unlawful for any person, except law enforcement officers, to carry, transport or convey, or to have in his possession or under his control any firearm while on the site of an outdoor music festival.

...but don't hear the media or the Mayor mention that there being a specific State law in place didn't prevent it from happening... Note to politicians: the people who will bother to obey laws are not the problem!
