View Full Version : "If I Only Had a Gun" on ABC

04-08-09, 09:01
Anybody else see the commercial for the ABC special (20/20) on Friday "If I only had a gun"? By the 30sec commercial it looks like it will be the propaganda that you can't really defend yourself with a gun. Looks like they take some people off the street and run them thru a active shooter scenario. I wonder if they put them thru the minimum CCW class and them deem them the fastest gun in the West.

Sounds like payback for the gun expert they had on GMA a few days ago.

04-08-09, 10:45
A hit piece, no doubt.

04-08-09, 10:49
This is pretty much what I feared it was gonna be.

An all out "assault" on guns.


There's a video clip there.

Looks like the price of ammo ain't gonna be dropping anytime soon.

04-08-09, 11:07
Wow...a college professor who 'gets it'. :eek:


04-08-09, 11:59

Did that douchebag just compare guns to vegetables and pistachios?

04-08-09, 13:34

Did that douchebag just compare guns to vegetables and pistachios?

Pistachios will kill you, the government said so!

04-10-09, 20:03
Grab your popcorn and get ready for this winner.

It airs in an hour.

04-10-09, 21:11
More distorted crap.

04-10-09, 21:23
Judging by the first 5 minutes this is going to be a "you'll shoot your eye out kid" hit piece spin!

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-10-09, 21:34
This thing is a howler. In the first few minutes, they demonstrate that a firearms instructor with his weapon drawn will probably win against a startled opponent who has his weapon in a snap holster with his shirt down. AMAZING piece of analysis. The lesson? Apparently that a trained assassin will probably succeed.

They must have locked John Stossel in the basement.

04-10-09, 21:59
What a total waste this was a total hit piece aimed at gun owners. Biased at best..

04-10-09, 22:10
Gents, this is a link to let ABC know your impressions on this piece. I would've written myself, had I seen it.


04-10-09, 22:12
i shouldn't have watched that piece of shit...

me being this irritated at 11pm at night means i won't get to sleep until 3am at best...

which is bad for my health, my blood pressure, and could eventually lead to premature death...

maybe I should make a piece called "If only I hadn't watched ABC...."


04-10-09, 22:13
"If only I had a gun..."

... I'd pretend I was ELVIS - I'd pretend I was watching Baba Wawa - and then I'd go buy a new TV on Monday... :mad:

04-10-09, 22:15
I guess only RAMBO should carry at school beacuse there isnt any chance we can stop the terroist.

I try and keep an open mind but half the people they are talking about brought it on themselves by there actions and the life they choose to lead.

Anyone who has kids in the house and does not lock up there guns has only them selves to blame if there kid kills there self or others.

04-10-09, 22:16
Mind-numbingly horrible.

Some gems at the end (not verbatim quotes, but the jist is there):

"if you are looking for the studies about citizens who have used their guns in self defense, keep looking. we couldn't find any"

"one time a guy heard a noise in his house, got his gun out and fired at the noise. his wife is now dead"

04-10-09, 22:21
What a bunch of crap. You know, people who want to harm others will ALWAYS find a way.

Weapons are banned in prisons, yet they still assault and kill each other. The hijackers that crashed into the world trade center used fricking BOX CUTTERS to take the plane. They want to ban guns, then I guess steak knives and pointed sticks will be next? Better not have a tree in your yard or you might be sued if some idiot breaks a branch off and pokes someone.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-10-09, 22:22
What I learned....

1. One person drawing from concealment using a snap holster is unlikely to get to drop on a dedicated assassin. Although one untrained girl actually did shoot him.

2. You can buy guns from another person. OMG!

3. One person drawing from concealment using a snap holster is unlikely to get to drop on TWO dedicated assassins.

Well, I learned a lot.

04-10-09, 22:24
I especially love how they trained kids for 25min with a gun, put them in the most condusive room for a mass shooting, made the kids wear mechanix gloves with a big ass long sleeve t-shirt that went down past their ass, made them wear a helmet that limited your peripheral vision, placed them in the first row of the room, and then had a trained police officer come in and specificaly target the person with the gun, and bitched about how they got shot ,couldnt get the gun out of the holster or they almost shot someone else when they all were wearing the same goddam thing. The most unbiased work I have ever seen.

04-10-09, 22:32

Did that douchebag just compare guns to vegetables and pistachios?

if guns actually killed 32 people a day, i'm sure there would be a problem.

when was the last time a gun got up and killed someone, though? how many people choke and die on guns a year? how many die of allergic reactions to guns?

****in retarded. if people started murdering each other with peanut butter and pistashios this guy might have a point.

04-10-09, 22:35
They must have locked John Stossel in the basement.

I wondered what happened to him.

That was the most biased, uninformed load of sh*t I've seen involving the MSM since . . . uh, this morning when I watched the news.
What's funny is that my local ABC News played after that on what kind of guns to buy for home defense. Guess which two types they recommended. :p

04-10-09, 22:39
I wondered what happened to him.

That was the most biased, uninformed load of sh*t I've seen involving the MSM since . . . uh, this morning when I watched the news.
What's funny is that my local ABC News played after that on what kind of guns to buy for home defense. Guess which two types they recommended. :p

ARs and glocks?

04-10-09, 22:40
Some gems at the end (not verbatim quotes, but the jist is there):

"if you are looking for the studies about citizens who have used their guns in self defense, keep looking. we couldn't find any"

Hey Diane! I found some in my stack of about 50 American Riflemans, every one of them containg the "Armed Citizen" section that explains how guns have saved lives, that I would love to shove up right up your fat ass.

Gutshot John
04-10-09, 22:41
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was watched by more pro-2a people than any other single group. Antis were probably the second most represented group. In short the show probably didn't change a single mind.

Like moths to the flame...:rolleyes:

04-10-09, 22:41
What a bunch of crap. You know, people who want to harm others will ALWAYS find a way.

Weapons are banned in prisons, yet they still assault and kill each other. The hijackers that crashed into the world trade center used fricking BOX CUTTERS to take the plane.

One can kill and injure far more efficiently with an automatic weapon than with a box cutter. However, this fact is irrelevant when analyzing this particular circumstance, primarily because this is biased reporting on the worst level.

As well, I would even dare to say that propaganda is an understatement when attached to this particular piece of garbage "reporting".

One can find idiots anywhere. What they missed is the likely clear and capable mindset of the individual who is carrying legally. As we know, these are often not wacko's, but rather folks like us who simply and justifiably don't want to be victimized to such a horrible extent and have often prepared themselves mentally to some degree.

Heavy Metal
04-10-09, 22:47
Well, I learned that if you are a CCW in a college classroom:

1) Don't sit in line with the door, sit off to the flank.(actually, I already knew that.)

2) Don't stand up and drawl. Take cover, drawl, move, pop-up and shoot. (Actually, I already knew that.) They had excellent cover and concealment in that circular heavy wooden table/desk.

WTF was up with that second shooter?!? That is so unlikely it is absurd.

04-10-09, 22:48
ARs and glocks?
If only. :D
No, they talked to 3 "gun experts" and they were all told to get a 12ga pump and a .38 revolver.
Apparently, pump actions' scare away criminals and have lots of "stopping power."
On the plus side, at least they DID recommend for everyone to get training with whatever weapon you choose.

04-10-09, 22:50
WTF was up with that second shooter?!? That is so unlikely it is absurd.
Maybe the 2nd shooter was meant to symbolize ABC's approval ratings being shot down in favor of Fox News. ;)

04-10-09, 22:58
Trained firearms instructor vs untrained kids...that was classic. And hey Diane..I guess FBI stats are not reliable.

And whats sad....right after this on my local new they are doing a piece called Concealed Carry Are We Safer? WTF!!!

I think my my .45 needs cleaning.

Heavy Metal
04-10-09, 23:03
Not only that, the instructor knew where the student with a gun was going to be.

That scenario was gamed all to hell.

04-10-09, 23:08
Gents, this is a link to let ABC know your impressions on this piece. I would've written myself, had I seen it.

Only 500 characters? Nowhere near enough! Though, maybe 4 would suffice, "F.O.A.D.".:mad:

04-11-09, 00:04
I figured it was going to be like this. On a brighter note the Nat. Geo. "Explorer" piece although it was slightly anti at least they presented the oposing side of the arguement. They interviewed a young single mother who was purchasing a pistol following a home invasion. No prior firearms training, but she was taking classes and actually really enjoying shooting. They had other positive cases as well. That was a good insightful piece. This 20/20 turd was the most slanted thing I think I have ever seen.

04-11-09, 00:10
Oh and if anyone needs a pick me up after watching that garbage I suggest Penn and Teller's "Bullshit", Season 3, Gun Control episode. Good stuff! :D

04-11-09, 00:10
This clip would have been a lot better IMO:
Does make me truly wonder what they did to Stossel.

04-11-09, 01:29
Sat down with the laptop and jotted down some notes:

1. Shun Firearms instructor Glenn Dorning. Give him no business. If he is really a firearms instructor. Plus he targeted the kid with the gun. How many people have a break snap CCW holster out there?
2. Saying that Joey's endless hours of Airsoft training prepares him for real firearms training is like saying that jerking off prepares you for a career as a porn star. Shit, I'd be Ron Jeremy by now.
3. "I'm the only one professional enough to handle a Glock 40" Bang. Cracks me up everytime.
4. If I ever see a Bethlem cop or EMT underfire, sorry, no help from me, it might get me killed.
5. How much time does the average big city cop practice draws, how many practice rounds. I really don't know.
6. Notice how the "gunman" always concentrates on the student plant? He shoots the instructor, but then pumps at least 80% of his rounds into the student. It is really apparent with the kid who states he has some gun experience. The gunman lifts the barrel to let someone pass in front of him before going back to shooting the chair the kid is behind. Is a gunman really going to put three into a chair with people milling all around? The student is always in the same spot.
7. Never tell someone not to kill themselves, positive messages.
8. Jeez, kids find guns in their toys and play with them, hard to believe.
9. "A decade after Columbine and VT, we have seen 29,000 children and teenagers killed by guns." That has to be the stats where they lump in up to 25yr old 'kids' and neglect to mention that most are gangbanger and drug dealers, but they make it seem like it is all kid's NDs and campus shootings.
10. "Era of mass shootings and gun accidents", oh God.
11. Shun Latif Dickerson of New Jersey Firearms Academy.
12. To bad the guns in the Moving section didn't have "Look here and wait for flash" on the end of the barrel.
13. Never visit Pahokee, FL. Or at least at night.
14. Did the VT guy buy guns at a gun show? Cho waited his 30 days before buying his second gun.
15. At least Omar could buy a gun with out getting any crap about being Arab looking.
16. Omar bought an "M16 lookalike". Diane Sawyers with all that eyemake is a "whore lookalike".
17. NRA has to know that it is ambush, but they still should have had had someone sit down, or at least release a statement on the "Gunshow loop hole".
18. Let's replace the 2A with the right to hide and play dead.
19. 60 minutes of how helpess you are, even if you have a gun, and only 5 seconds and one sentence that you people have actually defended themselves with a gun.
20. At 53 minutes in, watch as Jason takes three to the chest (no bias by the gunman on who he is aiming at). That is a pretty unbelievable scenario with a gunman plant in the class. You are far more likely to have another CCW holder pull a gun than another badguy in a AS scenario, correct?
21. Can't find one study that says that people protect themselves with a gun, oh God. But the CDC says that 60,000 kids will die from guns. Sweet Jesus, bring back the draft and get them over to Iraq pronto.
22. One of their staff Bob Lange died of a heart attack this week, probably scared by this week's report.
23. Just out of curiosity, and I think this is the most interesting point. If a gunman comes into your room and starts shooting, do you pull a gun with paint rounds in it? The students were not expecting anything at that point, they were told that the gun would be used later in the day. Now maybe the shooter being in the protective helmet is a give away. But it would have been wonderfully Zen if the student had sat there like stone, or ignored the glorified capgun and rushed the gunman.

Wow, just wow. Diane Sawyer may top Rosie on the twit list. That metro-sexual dude on the program is third.

Glenn Beck has to do a show now. Get some of the trainers from here on there.

I am serious though, don't give any business to the trainers from this show.

04-11-09, 01:44
Wow, the comments on the ABC news site are brutal. Of the few I read that liked it, they were tepid at best.

The 'shooter' was "Glenn Dorning", did I get that name right? I never caught his company, and I don't find anything when I google him.

04-11-09, 01:46
I still cannot understand why they gave the kids a gun in a snap holster, the baggiest longest shirts the could find along with MECHANIX gloves!

O yea, because it was completely rigged.

Even when the girl shot the perp and came away unscathed, they focused on how she didnt have good cover and the fact that she thought she shot him in the head when she really blew his dick off. OMG! Forget the fact that she saved her life and countless other students while emasculating the shooter in the process.

Good job girl/student.

F*** you ABC/Diane Sawyer

pardon the french

04-11-09, 06:01
Anybody have a list of 20/20 commercial sponsors that we can contact and let them know we're boycotting their products?

04-11-09, 06:24

Robb Jensen
04-11-09, 06:31
If they wanted the classroom demo even appear a little realistic the badguy shouldn't have known exactly where the armed student was.

That and they should have run the demo in reverse. Let the so-called instructor be the armed student.

04-11-09, 06:35
FWIW, I just complained to ABC using the web form telling ABC I would be boycotting all 20/20 programming and 20/20 advertisers' products:


I also emailed the link to all known law-abiding gun-owning associates.

Found this on another site:

"If I only had a gun" ABC program advertiser list.
Let these companies know you vote with your dollars. Also let ABC know you are contacting their advertisers.

Here are the advertisers for the DC area at least, but the national companies are probably the same for other areas.

First break:
Dannon (DanActive)
Cialis Lilly Pharm.(might be hard for some of you to boycott this one) :-P
Universal Studios (The Soloist)
Verizon Wireless
ABC Network Commercial for Extreme Makeover Home Edition.

2nd Commercial Break:
Abilify Anti-Depressant (great commercial for an anti-gun show huh?)
Apple iPhone
NicoDerm CQ
New Line Cinema (ghosts of girlfriends past)
Bali Bras and Panties
ABC Good Morning America
ABC Castle

Third Break:
Reclast (Osteoporosis Medicine)
H&R Block
ABC The Unusuals
Local News Commercial
Ameritel (Local Business) 301-251-0222 ;-)
Smart Balance
Melwood www.melwood.org

Fourth Break (oh why don't they do something about all the assault weapons and M16 look alikes?):
Verizon Wireless (again)
Travelers Insurance
Transitions Lenses
ABC Good Morning America
ABC Dancing with the Stars
Nature's Promise (Giant Grocery Stores) www.giantfood.com
NTB National Tire and Battery (and Merchant's)
Colonial Williamsburg, VA www.visitwilliamsburg.com

Probably the last break:
Local News
Missed one
Universal Studios (State of Play)

Directly after the show:
Papa Johns

04-11-09, 07:10
Wow...a college professor who 'gets it'. :eek:


Hey - there are a lot of us college professors who "get it" :)

Gutshot John
04-11-09, 07:21
I didn't watch the show, so my impression may be off, but in general I'd argue that such self-defense scenarios as are described about the classroom assailant miss the point.

Yes an armed killer with a drawn gun always has a better chance against a surprised/armed but holstered opponent who still will probably get shot.

The point is that an UNarmed opponent has even LESS (if not zero) chance in such scenarios.

Similarly even if shot/wounded, the CCW/Good Guy, may similarly wound/incapacitate an assailant even if it's sacrificing his or herself.

In short the scenarios, at least as presented here, employ the straw-man fallacy.

04-11-09, 09:06
I want that hour of my life back...

04-11-09, 09:16
I strongly suspect that ABC may have actually helped our cause. A lot of gun owners watching that biased piece of "journalism" now might be motivated to join the NRA, a gun club/range, sign up for some training, and participate in some form of pro-2A activism.

I recently joined a local sportsmen's/gun club. There were 13 new members signing up that night, and the membership secretary said that they have more new members this year already than all of 2008. NRA and/or GOAL membership is a requirement to join.

04-11-09, 09:38
If a previous gun ban, the election, and the comments that have been made by AG Holder as well as some of the Democrats hasn't moved them, then some biased gay program on ABC won't wake them up either.

I strongly suspect that ABC may have actually helped our cause. A lot of gun owners watching that biased piece of "journalism" now might be motivated to join the NRA, a gun club/range, sign up for some training, and participate in some form of pro-2A activism.

I recently joined a local sportsmen's/gun club. There were 13 new members signing up that night, and the membership secretary said that they have more new members this year already than all of 2008. NRA and/or GOAL membership is a requirement to join.

04-11-09, 10:35
Yes an armed killer with a drawn gun always has a better chance against a surprised/armed but holstered opponent who still will probably get shot.

Similarly even if shot/wounded, the CCW/Good Guy, may similarly wound/incapacitate an assailant even if it's sacrificing his or herself.

I think it was in Lt. Col. Dave Grossman's book "On Combat" that I read the statement that nearly 80% of handgun wounds are not fatal. He was making the point that you need to fight through your wounds, using an active shooter scenario for an example. Basically saying if you fight, you might get wounded, but you have a good chance of surviving. At least better than cowering and waiting to get shot.

04-11-09, 10:38
One thing 20/20 showed is that one (essentially untrained) CCW student delayed two (trained) shooters long enough for the other (non-armed) students to escape. :p

This is what my wife said too. Sacrifice one so 30 can escape? Good odds to me.

FromMyColdDeadHand, I am going a step further from shunning ABC and those two "trainers". I made a list of every company which aired a commercial during that show, I will be boycotting their products.

04-11-09, 10:40
Sacrifice one so 30 can escape? Good odds to me.

Yeah, but how many gun owners are willing to give up their life for a bunch of liberal douchebag college students? :p

04-11-09, 10:56
I learned two things:

1. Pahokee, FL needs to be carpet bombed off the face of the earth if what I saw is indicative of the whole town.

2. I need to go to a Virginia gun show with $5000.

04-11-09, 11:01
Yeah, but how many gun owners are willing to give up their life for a bunch of liberal douchebag college students? :p

That is exactly what I was thinking. If it was legal to carry in schools, they should put all the CCWs in classses together and all the wussy unarmed liberals in another since guns dont give you any advantage whatsoever. It doesnt matter right? I can tell you what room an assailant would be sure not to walk in and if he did well.....

04-11-09, 11:04
I can tell you what room an assailant would be sure not to walk in and if he did well.....

Well.... according to ABC and their "trainers", everyone would get shot except the gunman. :p

04-11-09, 11:33
Other than raising my blood pressure level it didn't do alot for me other than make me realize how many ignorant people will believe this BS. Any rational, intelligent human being can see right through their "arguments" or points they're trying to make.
I think everyone who is anti-gun/anti-2nd Amendment needs to put a sign in front of their house and maybe wear a special colored bracelet. The biggest reason the antis are safe is that criminals assume everyone might have a gun so they benefit from our stance on what is right.

04-11-09, 11:36
Also, 60 minutes is havine Dianne Feinstein on their program on Sunday... a small excerpt from their site:

(CBS) The California senator who authored the nation's now-lapsed 1994 ban on assault weapons says she will hold off trying to renew that ban.

Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) tells 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl that the political timing isn't right and she will move to renew the ban at a future time of her own choosing. Feinstein appears in Stahl's report on the increase in gun sales taking place in America to be broadcast this Sunday, April 12, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

Asked by Stahl if trying to renew the assault weapons ban would start a culture war and pose a distraction for an already overburdened Obama Administration, Feinstein replies, "I agree with you." "So you are going to hold off?" asks Stahl. "That's correct. I'll pick the time and the place, no question about it," Feinstein tells Stahl.

blah blah blah...

Heavy Metal
04-11-09, 11:58
After the coming election, Fienstien won't be in any position to pick the time and place and she is admitting she does not have the votes in this congress.

Blinking Dog
04-11-09, 14:05
I was in a local gun store today and saw a book titled "Thank God I Had a Gun." It was full of self defense with a gun stories. Also sold on Amazon. How hard would it have been to find that?

04-11-09, 14:57
The show reinforced a couple things.

1. the quote "just because you have a piano, that doesn't make you a piano player", therefore quality training is key.

2. another quote "evil triumphs when good men do nothing"

04-11-09, 15:10
and us responsible owners keeps our firearms either:
locked up
out of the reach of children
any combination of the above

04-11-09, 15:11
and us responsible owners keeps our firearms either:
locked up
out of the reach of children
any combination of the above

You mean in the kid's toy box is a bad place? Hmmm.

04-11-09, 15:38
You mean in the kid's toy box is a bad place? Hmmm.

That was especially a high point of the show. They could have at least left it in a kitchen or something. That's why I don't have toy guns in my house, you aclimate the kids to using a gun in unhealthy ways. It doesn't stop my 4yr old son from pcking up any slender object over six inches long and turning it into a rifle.

04-11-09, 19:57
Wow! If someone tried that kinda stuff at our local gunshow, they would be arrested. All of the tables have to hold an FFL if they wish to sell non curio-relic firearms. Perhaps it's just a Vermont thing. Sure, private sales between non-license holders in the parking lot are legal, but trust me, if this guy showed up to our Barre, Vermont annual Gunshow, we'de take real good care of him. You can't just stand idlely by and let ABC make a propaganda film at your local gunshow. We go to gunshows for a lot more than guns.

04-11-09, 20:11
Wow! If someone tried that kinda stuff at our local gunshow, they would be arrested. All of the tables have to hold an FFL if they wish to sell non curio-relic firearms. Perhaps it's just a Vermont thing. Sure, private sales between non-license holders in the parking lot are legal, but trust me, if this guy showed up to our Barre, Vermont annual Gunshow, we'de take real good care of him. You can't just stand idlely by and let ABC make a propaganda film at your local gunshow. We go to gunshows for a lot more than guns.

It's a VT thing.....in Texas, a (non ffl) local can rent a table at a gun show to sell his guns.

He just better not be on tour with the gun show or ATF will have something to say.

04-11-09, 20:26
n/m...it's back.

04-12-09, 03:51
Didnt watch it. I dont know why some of you torture yourselves. I seriously would need high blood pressure meds if I watched every libtard media hit piece...

Though...I am tempted to watch the classroom experiment even though it sounds rigged as hell.

04-12-09, 10:50
Didnt watch it. I dont know why some of you torture yourselves. I seriously would need high blood pressure meds if I watched every libtard media hit piece...

Exactly. I don't watch Obama, pelosi, frank, etc speak either. I'll just read the transcripts. No reason to watch these fools lie straight to American people's faces. Lies in print seem easier to digest for some reason........ :rolleyes:

04-12-09, 15:50
I wont give them the ratings ?

its a waste of time to fight the lefties we just have to stay our course and try to change the politicians with votes !

04-12-09, 16:58
I'm proud that the Captain was rescued by the SEAL team. God bless America! I'm also Proud that the Captain hailed from my home state of Vermont. If his hands were not tied, he undoubtably would have kept in pace with his couragous character, and used the AK-47's to swab the decks with blood, as most all of us Vermonters own an AK, AR, or at least a few SKS's, and the pre-requiset intestinal fortitude, accompanied by a big set of balls. God Bless America, God Bless Vermont! It's VJ Day! "Victory Over Jamal jabab ohamed" Day! If it's also a "Vermont Thing" That we are bred right, practice with life and death situations every Winter, go hunting with military style arms, don't let nonsense happen at gunshows. I think we are pretty squared away around these parts.