View Full Version : The Essential "Stop the AW Ban" Contact List & Sample Letter Thread!

04-08-09, 14:42
Once again the politicians need to hear the crux of the issue loud & clear!!!

... And they need to hear it NOW!!!

Here is the essential list of "they":

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Senator Harry Reid
Senate Majority Leader
528 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2803
Phone: (202) 224-3542
Fax: (202) 224-7327

Senator Dick Durbin
Assistant Majority Leader
309 Hart Senate Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2152
Fax: (202) 228-0400

Senator Mitch McConnell
Senate Minority Leader
361A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1702
Phone: (202) 224-2541
Fax: (202) 224-2499

Senator Jon Kyl
Assistant Minority Leader
730 Hart Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4521
Fax: (202) 224-2207

Representative Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0508
Phone: (202) 225-4965
Fax: (202) 225-8259

Representative Steny H. Hoyer
House Majority Leader
1705 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-2005
Phone: (202) 225-4131
Fax: (202) 225-4300

Representative John A. Boehner
House Minority Leader
1011 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-3508
Phone: (202) 225-6205
Fax: (202) 225-0704

Representative Eric Cantor
House Minority Whip
329 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2815
Fax: (202) 225-0011

In case you don't know who your personal Reps. & Senators are, or how to contact them...

Locate & Contact YOUR Senators & Reps. HERE (http://www.congress.org/congressorg/dbq/officials/)


Use a Free 30 Day Trial of Efax to tell these bastards NO to gun control! (http://home.efax.com/s/r/ny_search_2?VID=33675)

This is what you tell them:

Honorable Senator/Congressman XXX

As a registered voter & concerned American, I am writing because I am appalled by the opportunistic push for more Federal gun control, and I want you to understand, in no uncertain terms, that further infringements on the right to keep & bear arms will simply not be tolerated.

Using the deplorable actions of certifiable madmen as justification to deprive law abiding citizens of their Second Amendment freedoms is not only morally repugnant, but it will carry with it the gravest of political consequences come election day... mark my words.

Americans of all political affiliations are waking up to the realization that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety & security, and they are arming themselves in record numbers. Thus, you embrace the concept of gun control at your own risk. Voters have long memories and November of 2010 is not that far away.

I, along with millions of Americans, intend to keep a close eye on how you deal with this issue in the upcoming months, so if you value your own political future, and that of your party, you will heed my advice... gun control is a losing issue!


Honorable Senator/Congressperson XXX,

As a registered voter & politically active American, I strongly urge you to oppose any & all efforts to enact new Federal gun control measures.

I could argue that most (if not all) Federal gun control legislation constitutes an unambiguous and unconstitutional infringement of our Second Amendment freedoms...but I won't at this time.

Instead I'll be more pragmatic and point out the following: The support & passage of any new gun control measures will very likely effect the balance of power in the U.S. House and Senate come the 2010 elections. In short, gun control is a losing issue!

For the sake of perspective, I will point out that the 1994 Federal "Assault Weapons" ban was originally passed in a Democrat-controlled Congress by a very slim margin and by a slightly larger margin in the Senate.

The result... In the 1994 national elections, three months after passage, the Democrats lost nine seats in the Senate and 54 seats in the House. There is no denying that gun control, specifically the "Assault Weapons" ban" was a very large part of why the Democrats lost the House for the first time in 50 years. Former President Bill Clinton once even estimated that voting for the ban cost 20+ Democrat Representatives their seats.

Senator/Congressperson XXX, I speak for many gun owning & non-gun owning Americans alike, when I say that how you & your colleagues handle this issue will deeply influence our actions in the voting booth come November of next year. You must understand that we will no longer tolerate the infringement of that which "...shall not be infringed."

Thus, I implore you to do everything within your power to ensure that any efforts to enact new Federal gun control measures will be rebuffed.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your reply.


Dear Senator/Congressman XXX,

I want to make it abundantly clear that America’s gun owners expect you to respect & defend their Second Amendment freedoms in spite of the hysteria & hyperbole surrounding this issue. Any attempts to pass new Federal gun control legislation will be remembered none too fondly on election day, 2010.

Please understand that our frustration stems from years of incremental erosion to our God given and constitutionally acknowledged personal freedoms. Any attempts to further weaken our right to keep & bear arms will be viewed as a rejection of our nation’s founding principals, and as a betrayal of the millions of American gun owners who work, raise families, pay taxes, and most importantly… vote!

Thus, I implore you to stand in opposition to any and all attempts to pass new restrictive gun control legislation. Your sworn oath to the Constitution and your obligation to this Republic’s law abiding citizens hang in the balance. And if that's not motivation enough, know this: Your support of gun control may cost you your next election.

Thank you for your time, and I would greatly appreciate a reply in order to learn your position on this very important issue.


Dear Senator/Congressman XXXXX,

This letter is in reference to any legislation currently being introduced in the House/Senate that would further infringe on every American's constitutionally protected right to keep & bear arms. I demand that you OPPOSE any & all measures aimed at stripping away our freedoms in the name of "gun control."

I have decided that I am now a one-issue voter. I do this because I’m a law-abiding citizen who is sick and tired of having his rights stripped away by people that are ignorant on the subject. Those that take the time to study the issue of "gun control" know that when you restrict the right to self-defense from lawful citizens, crime actually increases in those areas. This is because by definition, criminals do not obey the law (if they did, they would not be criminals.) I do not believe that restrictive "gun control" measures have ever saved a life. In point of fact, gun control actually costs lives, as it denies people the tools necessary to defend themselves.

I want to be perfectly clear here... elected officials and political candidates who support ANY form of restrictive gun control WILL LOSE MY VOTE and the votes of my family members. Please do your part to cast the flawed concept of "gun control" on to the ash heap of failed ideas.

Best regards,

Honorable Senator/Congressman XXX,

As an avid sportsman and registered voter, I want to encourage you to work against the passage of any & all legislation that threatens to infringe upon every American’s constitutionally acknowledged right to keep & bear arms.

I fear that if left unchecked, gun control measures will continue to worsen to the point that the right to bear arms will be a hollow concept, and the individual citizen’s right to personal protection will be further negated. Rather than further limiting the types of weapons that honest, responsible, law-abiding citizens have the right to possess; I encourage you to focus your energies on increasing the consequences for those who illegally use firearms in the commission of violent crimes.

Senator/Congressman XXX, I must implore you to stand in opposition to any legislation that threatens to strangle my God given rights. I believe that you and your party will benefit by gaining the favor of gun owners such as myself and the millions of other Americans who step up to actively support their Second Amendment freedoms. I am deeply passionate about this issue, and I know several others who take gun control into serious consideration when entering the voting booth.

You only stand to benefit by supporting our inalienable right to bear arms.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply.


Honorable Senator/Congressman XXX

As a registered voter & concerned American, I am writing because I am appalled by politicians who want to use the recent rash of shootings as an opportunity to push for more federal gun control. I want you to understand, in no uncertain terms, that I will not vote for a politician that approves of further infringements on my right to keep & bear arms.

Using the actions of madmen & criminals as justification to deprive law abiding American citizens of their Second Amendment rights is morally repugnant. Rather than passing new laws that infringe on the rights of honest, responsible, and law-abiding citizens; I encourage you to focus your energies on enforcing current Federal laws and further increasing the penalties for those who illegally posses firearms or use them in the commission of a crime.

Americans are waking up to the realization that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety & security, and they are arming themselves in record numbers. Thus, I implore you to do everything within your power to ensure that any efforts to enact new Federal gun control measures will be rebuked.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply.


Feel free to mix & match and cut & paste these letters in any way you see fit. Also, please add your own unique sample letters for others to draw ideas & inspiration from.

And if you're not already a member, now would be the perfect time to Join the NRA (http://membership.nrahq.org/)

Freedom beckons yet again my friends... will you heed its call?

Μολών λαβέ

Bob Reed
04-08-09, 22:43
Dear Whoever,

Our Forefathers made the Gun Law for this Country and they made it & worded it the way they did for a very good reason!

The 2nd Amendment is in place & worded to Protect us from Tyrants like McCarthy, Kennedy, Feinstein, Scum'er, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Kerry, Giuliani, Sara Brady, Pelosi, Reid, Ect., Ect., Ect..

We Will NOT Allow Another Weapons Ban and We Will NOT Allow ANY Gun Registration or ANY Other Infringements on OUR 2nd Amendment Right to Keep & Bear Arms! This means Any & All Arms, NOT just the ones the Anti-Gunners feel we should be allowed to have.

Please Listen to Your Constituents, because We are FED-UP with Anti-Gunners and we're Prepared to Fight Any & All Future Gun Control with All Our Might.

Please let your ANTI-GUN Committee Members know just how Sick & Tired we are of Anti-Gunners Attacking OUR Bill of Rights! And Please take Heed, we're prepared to lay it all on the line the next time we're faced with a weapons ban or any form of registration! Their NOT getting by with it any longer.


04-09-09, 20:42
Fight for your freedom bump!

04-09-09, 20:53
Do not use a form letter, one of the worst things you can use.

04-09-09, 22:16
Do not use a form letter, one of the worst things you can use.

First off, they're not "form letters" per se. I wrote them... I didn't pull them off some site.

Secondly, I told people to mix & match & use them for inspiration.

Lastly, if I have to choose between a gun owner not getting involved at all or having them use a "form letter" & actually contacting their reps. I'm going to suggest they use the letter 100% of the time.

And by the way... you're welcome. :rolleyes:

04-10-09, 15:17
Fight for your rights bump!

04-10-09, 15:23

04-10-09, 19:49
Do not use a form letter, one of the worst things you can use.

Why do you say that?

04-11-09, 11:22
What "new" AWB are you referring to? :rolleyes:

Live under a rock much?

There is a full court press against our RKBA going on in the media & in the halls of Congress.

Hell... even some REPUBLICANS are endorsing the the "need" for a new AW Ban: http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=858380

This fight is real my friend, so lead, follow, or get out of the way.

04-11-09, 13:11

04-11-09, 19:45
Keep watching the right hand as the left knocks you out. :rolleyes: There will not be a "new" AWB and talk of such is fueling some serious madness. Pelosi does not support a new AWB, but she does support firearms registration.

The post 9/11 American public is not buying the run-and-hide tactics of old and are now very Pro gun. The gun grabbers are trying to convince the public that they do not need to arm themselves. That's what the point of 20/20 was last night.

Constant talk of another AWB is bad for all of us. You're so busy worrying about your black rifles and "hi caps" that your not seeing the new tactic. No different than what happened with the post Desert Storm military. We were all busy arguing over uniform changes while our services were being restructured.

Use your peripheral vision.... And remember, we always train for the war we last fought and never predict the next one correctly. ;)

BTW, be careful about using TOS as a reference. That'll get you banned! :D

1) If you read the sample letters, you would see that they are general admonitions against new federal gun control legislation... they are not "assault weapon" specific. I am fighting "the next war."

2) If merely mentioning or linking to another forum of freedom loving, politically active gun owners is verboten on a site dedicated to the ownership of an assault rifle, then we, as a community, really are in trouble. For how can we hope to organize against the forces that would deprive us our RKBA when we can't even get our own house in order?

04-12-09, 00:25
Alright let me throw some water in here an put the fires out before this gets locked.

First off, thank you NYPatriot for compiling that information and providing some sample letters for the linguistically challenged.

NoBody, you are correct, there is no AWB proposed. However that is not the point. The time to be contacting our representatives is now. Cut off any gun related legislation before it begins.

The purpose of this thread is to provide information on how to contact our representatives in Congress to express our concerns. Not to discuss AWBs, there already is a tacked thread at top for that.

That being said, if everyone here would take 5 minutes out of their day and shoot an email or letter to the listed people herein, it would be alot more beneficial to our cause than arguing on the internet.

04-12-09, 08:30

04-12-09, 12:30
Alright let me throw some water in here an put the fires out before this gets locked.

First off, thank you NYPatriot for compiling that information and providing some sample letters for the linguistically challenged.

NoBody, you are correct, there is no AWB proposed. However that is not the point. The time to be contacting our representatives is now. Cut off any gun related legislation before it begins.

The purpose of this thread is to provide information on how to contact our representatives in Congress to express our concerns. Not to discuss AWBs, there already is a tacked thread at top for that.

That being said, if everyone here would take 5 minutes out of their day and shoot an email or letter to the listed people herein, it would be alot more beneficial to our cause than arguing on the internet.

Thank you for putting this thread back on track!

04-19-09, 13:17
Complacency is not a virtue.

04-25-09, 09:55

05-05-09, 15:35
Fight for freedom bump!

05-05-09, 15:40
i agree that an AWB is unlikely in the near future..

instead of screaming about not instating an AWB, we should be telling our elected officials that ANY FURTHER INFRINGEMENTS will be delt with at the poles.

dont be too specific- we have no idea what they're planning. all we know is that they ARE planning.

05-05-09, 15:51
i agree that an AWB is unlikely in the near future..

instead of screaming about not instating an AWB, we should be telling our elected officials that ANY FURTHER INFRINGEMENTS will be delt with at the poles.

dont be too specific- we have no idea what they're planning. all we know is that they ARE planning.

Did you read the letters?

05-05-09, 15:56
Did you read the letters?

not really, but my comment wasnt really directed at anyone specific.

05-05-09, 16:01
not really, but my comment wasnt really directed at anyone specific.

Read the letters, or better yet use them.

05-05-09, 16:13
i agree that an AWB is unlikely in the near future..

instead of screaming about not instating an AWB, we should be telling our elected officials that ANY FURTHER INFRINGEMENTS will be dealt with at the poles.

dont be too specific- we have no idea what they're planning. all we know is that they ARE planning.

I would agree with this

05-05-09, 16:17
I would agree with this

Did you read the letters?