View Full Version : Time to boycott Michael Savage

04-10-09, 21:11
Link (http://michaelsavage.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=5193)

Such willful ignorance cannot be tolerated.

Why are the police outgunned?

In the last two or three weeks, the United States has seen an unprecedented outcropping of violent shootings, much of it directed at the police. As a result, seven police officers are dead. Over a dozen civilians have been killed. Why is this happening now? Obviously this has nothing to do with race. The shooters run the racial gamut. A black shot the police in Oakland. A white shot the police in Pittsburgh. And a Vietnamese individual shot the civilians. But in both cases where police were killed, an assault rifle was used.

So why are our police outgunned? Is it because of the politically correct rules of engagement that have been imposed on them over the last 30 years? Or is it because there are too many assault weapons in the hands of criminals? If we decided we wanted to have real borders, maybe we could stop the flood of weapons that come from Mexico, Russia, China, and Eastern Europe. But now that they’re here, how can we allow our police to by the criminal and the insane. So I put the question to the Savage Nation. Is it time to ban assault rifles? What are they really needed for?

Of course, I can already hear callers telling me, “Well, Mike, if we’re armed with these weapons, the government can’t possibly take our rights away.” That is nonsense. If the government wants to take your rights away or imprison you for whatever reason, your owning an assault rifle is not going to stop it. So we have to ask: If the police are not allowed to have these types of weapons, then why is the public allowed have them. I want you, The Savage Nation to tell me why.

04-10-09, 21:16

Gutshot John
04-10-09, 21:17
I've been boycotting him for years.

I believe the expression "gaping asshole" about covers it.

He's an idiot.

04-10-09, 21:22
Used to listen to him, wife HATED him. I would have taken him for the "a few cops are the price for liberty" school.


I guess SF and little dogs eventually get to you.

Heavy Metal
04-10-09, 21:22
He brags from time to time about having an AR-15.

I wondering if he is going to turn it in?

04-10-09, 21:24
I turned them all off. They say the same doublethink crap all of the time.

04-10-09, 21:30
While I like his saying: "Liberalism is a mental disorder", he has long been an idiot.

This is what I sent -- it is stream of consciousness and I am sure could have been improved


Your call to ban so-called "assault rifles" is ignorant. Besides the Constitutional problems, it comes down to this. I have the right to defend my family and community and the rifle and handgun are the tools to do that. Are you a citizen that enjoys all your God given rights or are you a serf beholden to the government for your rights?

My right of self-defense trumps all other concerns and "rights." I live in America, the Land of the brave and the Home of the Free. I do not live in Canada, or the UK, subjects (serfs) of a Monarch, nor in Socialist Europe or Russia or other similar country where we are beholden to an all mighty government that dispenses rights as the ruling class sees fit. I live in America. Where we have true Liberty. Get used to it.

Also, historically such bans have never worked. And won't work. You should know that. There are a million science and statistics reason why your question is dumb. But that is all irrelevant since you are talking about my God given right to self-defense.

I guess if Michael Savage is calling for government control of society and for trashing the Constitution it is time to move on to real patriots who understand true freedom and God given rights and away from those who would give up freedom in the name of safety.

04-10-09, 21:31

does not work

SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<michaelsavage@savage-productions.com>:
host inbound.homesteadmail.com []:
550 <michaelsavage@savage-productions.com>: Recipient address rejected:

04-10-09, 21:39
We'll find the right address sooner or later. His website is pretty amateurish. I hope to arouse all gun owners to this turncoat phony conservative's idiocy.

04-10-09, 21:40
Or is it because there are too many assault weapons in the hands of criminals? If we decided we wanted to have real borders, maybe we could stop the flood of weapons that come from Mexico, Russia, China, and Eastern Europe.

Wait, now "assault rifles" are coming here from Mexico? I thought we had to ban them so we'd stop selling them to Mexico. Come on media, someone tell me which one to think!

04-10-09, 22:17
Try this out to this list of his sponsors.

help@healthresources.net, savage@marlinls.com, info@thoseshirts.com, savage.legalfund@yahoo.com, jfarah@worldnetdaily.com, ideaman@myideafactory.net, crs@swissamerica.com, gpmershon@swissamerica.com, sscarnow@swissamerica.com, webmaster@swissamerica.com

Good day,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will no longer purchase your products or subscribe to any of your publications or listen to your broadcasts until you sever all ties with the columnist Michael Savage for his outright disrespect for the Second Amendment rights of American citizens.


04-10-09, 22:32
Okay, I have no idea who this Savage cat is, but I assume he's a talk radio personality...in which case there is a better chance of catching me rubbing my balls on a cactus while hitting my toes with a ball-peen hammer than catching me voluntarily listening to talk radio.

This strikes a nerve with me though:

Of course, I can already hear callers telling me, “Well, Mike, if we’re armed with these weapons, the government can’t possibly take our rights away.” That is nonsense. If the government wants to take your rights away or imprison you for whatever reason, your owning an assault rifle is not going to stop it.

You know what? My owning these, and other, weapons is exactly why no one can come and imprison me or take away my rights against my will. That doesn't mean there aren't consequences for not "playing" or that they can't/won't kill me deader than a doornail if I were to raise their ire and then decide to engage in violent shenanigans with them. What it does mean is that ultimately it's me that decides how that plays out -- even if I were to just give up and do as I'm told, it's still my decision. This is why I'm a free man. Not because I'm American, or because of the Constitution, or Bill of Rights... No, I'm a free man because every morning when I get up, even just to run the rat race, I'm waking and up and choosing to do so, and I no one -- no one, individual or gov't -- can forcibly coerce me otherwise without a fight. I have no Rambo-esque delusions of singlehandedly resisting hordes of gov't storm troopers nor do I think George Washington's ghost is going to lead the "true patriots" to victory in a second revolution. But by God, I'm free and will stay that way until I die or choose not to be.

**** this Savage coward, and his ilk, may their chains be light and their master's whips strike softly.

04-11-09, 00:36
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

04-11-09, 01:43
It hard to believe people actually listen to this guy rant and cut people who disagree with him while calling them names.

04-11-09, 10:51
Here's a news flash. None of these twits (left, right, or middle of the road) give a rip about anything other than ratings and revenue. And they get their ratings and their revenue by generating controversy and getting folks all worked up about how "we" are getting screwed by "them." They'd all switch horses in a heartbeat if it kept 'em on the air for another day and put an extra dollar in their pocket.

And bad publicity and negative backlash is just as good as an adoring public because you're still talking about 'em and putting their brand out there. The deepest cut of all for these jerk offs is "Michael who?" (or "Keith who?"or "Glen who?" or "insert name who?"). Turn 'em all off! Spend a little time with the family, take the dogs for a walk, wash the car or mow the yard--anything rather than sitting around letting some self-proclaimed media pundit push your blood pressure through the roof. You'll be healthier (and happier) for it.

04-11-09, 15:49
I've been tolerating his rants thinking he's on our side, but when he purposely avoids the 2A as a discussion topic on his show, my BS meter would max out. Schmekel Savage has finally outed himself as the King of the Sheeple Nation! He has finally exposed his true fiber. WOOL! And he has the ****ing nerve to ask for the protection of his 1A? **** him! The Bill of Rights is a package deal! Period!

I'm going to the range to "outgun" some targets!

04-11-09, 16:02
Just after 9/11/01 I heard Michael Savage say " When the Towers fell Liberals were wondering what we did wrong to make Muslims hate us and Republicans were home loading their AR-15's". How soon he forgets.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-11-09, 16:17
Wow, I always detested this guy. Not only is he an obnoxious racist moonbat, he is apparently anti-gun to boot.

04-11-09, 17:42
Wow, I always detested this guy. Not only is he an obnoxious racist moonbat, he is apparently anti-gun to boot.
Not to intended to defend Savage, but racist? Can you back that up?

04-11-09, 17:47
Just after 9/11/01 I heard Michael Savage say " When the Towers fell Liberals were wondering what we did wrong to make Muslims hate us and Republicans were home loading their AR-15's". How soon he forgets.

We should have done both.;)

Savage makes Limbaugh seem eloquent and palatable...which he ain't.

04-11-09, 21:35
This Bozo's website shows him to be simply doing everything he can to cash in on his notoriety

Be careful we do not add to it

04-11-09, 22:47
he always has been a douche nozzle

04-12-09, 18:24
He brags from time to time about having an AR-15.

I wondering if he is going to turn it in?

Of course not. There are many people who believe it's A-OK for them to own this or that firearm, but you should not.

Savage is just one of them.

04-12-09, 19:05
Of course, I can already hear callers telling me, “Well, Mike, if we’re armed with these weapons, the government can’t possibly take our rights away.” That is nonsense. If the government wants to take your rights away or imprison you for whatever reason, your owning an assault rifle is not going to stop it

Perhaps not, but it will sure make me feel better while it's happening. :D

04-12-09, 19:07
I've always enjoyed Dr Savage for his over the top liberal bashing antics. I don't agree with everything he says but it's refreshing to have a extremist type on our side saying things that really piss liberals off. I'm really disappointed to see that brought forward by him.

Gutshot John
04-12-09, 19:25
Dr Savage

WTF matchbook cover university gave that dumbass a Doctoral degree?

In what? Basket Weaving? :rolleyes:

04-12-09, 19:57

Gutshot John
04-12-09, 20:04
Michael Weiner, aka Michael Savage, "holds Master’s degrees in medical botany and medical anthropology and earned his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in Epidemiology and Nutritional Science." (source: http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/?pageId=10).

Nutritional Science? Berkeley? Riiight. :rolleyes:

Even less impressive since he doesn't even do that for a living nor is it relevant to what he does do. Basically he's full of himself.

What a joke.

An Undocumented Worker
04-12-09, 20:24
Can you not see that this is a blatant case of him playing the devils advocate?

While I agree the guy is a flaming duechebag, It seems to me he asked the question to get his listeners to think and to see how educated they might be about our rights.

Gutshot John
04-12-09, 20:27
Can you not see that this is a blatant case of him playing the devils advocate?

If so it was perhaps the least effective use of that rhetorical device of all time.

Invariably when people employ that technique they say so up front.

An Undocumented Worker
04-12-09, 20:34
If so it was perhaps the least effective use of that rhetorical device of all time.

Invariably when people employ that technique they say so up front.

People who employ that technique only do so when they don't want thier audience to get offended. From the very few times I've heard him, he seems like the type to really try to piss people off for the sake of pissing them off and go way over the top when doing it.

So I would not expect him to let his listeners know he was playing devils advocate.

Personally I much prefer listening to Niel Boortz. httP://www.boortz.com He even refers to Mr Wiener as the antichrist and calls Mr Wieners show Wiener nation, and to think they both broadcast from the same station here.

Gutshot John
04-12-09, 21:08
People who employ that technique only do so when they don't want thier audience to get offended.

Exactly why they say so up front.

Personally I much prefer listening to Niel Boortz. httP://www.boortz.com

Personally I would rather chew glass than listen to talk radio blowhards. Right wing, left wing or other.

04-12-09, 21:25
I only tune in once in a while but find his show amusing and over the top. I had never been to his website until today but it reminds me of the front cover of the National Enquirer.

On the subject of assault weapons he is obviously ignorant and we need to educate the man.

04-12-09, 23:49
Nutritional Science? Berkeley? Riiight. :rolleyes:

Even less impressive since he doesn't even do that for a living nor is it relevant to what he does do. Basically he's full of himself.

What a joke.


04-13-09, 01:02
I enjoy the Savage show. It reminds me of the blue collar conversations you'd hear between ethnic white Americans in certain parks of New York City.

Personally, I'd rather someone called him and explained that CA LEO do have access to the same firepower, if not more, than criminals

It seems to me Savage thinks that LEO are somehow restricted from being issued certain firearms while scumbags are running rampant with RPG's

It isnt like Savage is Diane Sawyer. C'mon people...

Gutshot John
04-13-09, 07:54

Exactly...why would you get a PhD, which entails 6 years of work and then do something else? That he calls himself "Dr." when he didn't earn his degree as "Michael Savage" nor is even relevant to his commentary should point out the guy's ego is about three sizes too big. It also means he couldn't hack it in his field. So basically he wasted a bunch of time and money.

I believe the term of art is "dilettante."

The guy's a tool.

04-13-09, 09:01
While I like his saying: "Liberalism is a mental disorder", he has long been an idiot.

I have long thought this. In fact the first time that I ever heard this guy on the radio I thought that he was an idiot

04-13-09, 11:33
I only tune in once in a while but find his show amusing and over the top.

I listen if I'm in the car at the time. I liked him better when he was more aggressive. He used to really stomp peoples' guts out. It's listening entertainment.

I can see how the mentally weak would be put off by his show though.

Gutshot John
04-13-09, 11:37
I can see how the mentally weak would be put off by his show though.

Funny I can see how the "mentally weak" find him entertaining.

His recent comments speak to his insipid nature. He's a third rate Rush Limbaugh with half the intellect and twice the hot air.

04-13-09, 12:48
I know who he is but count my self lucky that I have never heard his show.