View Full Version : Reopening AR15barrels.com thread

04-11-09, 10:42
Hi Randall i see that you reacted quickly to seeing the name of your "business" being bandied about in unflattering terms.

Let me just say that i did not send you my barrel to do at your conveniance. I too compete, have a family and many responsibilities.

Secondly i have service competitions coming up that i would like to attend.

You don't respnd to my calls, your cell is always full so no one can leave a message and your email address is bogus.
I dont care about you doing walkins or that its raining so now you can possible give attention to the 5 mail ins you have to do.

I will definetly not have you keeping me at bay for 5 months.

I must ask you to send my barrel back, you can keep my payment, i will chalk it up to exerience.


04-12-09, 09:28
How about a link to the AR15barrels.com thread Peter. I'm sorry for your troubles. I also shoot service rifle match's and I understand your anger and haste.

04-12-09, 10:39

04-12-09, 10:41
Sorry, https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=29301

04-12-09, 11:23
Call your credit card company and tell them you have been decieved and ripped off. Dispute the charges. If the dispute gets dropped, dispute it again. Each time you dispute the charge they reach into hos bank account and yank what he charged off of him and hold it in limbo until the dispute is settled. Do this while sending emails and printing them as well printing his replies..... if any. You will need this to fax in for your dispute. Dont let the shit bag keep the money without a fight!

04-12-09, 12:33
Send a certified letter via USPS mail requesting your barrel and your money back. Randall may be slow to turnover certain work, but I don't honestly believe he is a crook.

When I requested a refund, as above, he issued it within a couple weeks.

04-12-09, 12:35
Sounds like one of those guys that starts a side business that grows larger than he's willing to put the time/effort into keeping up with... and then runs it into the ground. He may very well be a nice guy and good at what he does but I wouldn't send him a barrel to work on if he's going to let it sit while he's shooting matches and traveling for weeks at a time. I'm not going to pay someone to be their 3rd or 4th priority.

04-14-09, 01:10
Call your credit card company and tell them you have been decieved and ripped off. Dispute the charges.

You must file a written dispute with your credit card company within 60 days of the date the charge first appears on your bill. Phone calls are fine to get the process started and ask your credit card company to send you the appropriate forms, but that alone is not enough.

04-14-09, 08:44
Hi Randall i see that you reacted quickly to seeing the name of your "business" being bandied about in unflattering terms.

Let me just say that i did not send you my barrel to do at your conveniance. I too compete, have a family and many responsibilities.

Secondly i have service competitions coming up that i would like to attend.

You don't respnd to my calls, your cell is always full so no one can leave a message and your email address is bogus.
I dont care about you doing walkins or that its raining so now you can possible give attention to the 5 mail ins you have to do.

I will definetly not have you keeping me at bay for 5 months.

I must ask you to send my barrel back, you can keep my payment, i will chalk it up to exerience.


Peter, thank you for your excellent post.

There are about half a dozen jobs sitting here right now, some for a month or more.
Just been really busy with big matches and walk-in work.

Looks like this weekend is rainy weather here so I should be getting a bunch of those old jobs finished before I go out of town again for a few more weeks...


That has got to be the stupidest excuse I have ever heard. "Gee, I know I've already spent your money, but these walk in customers keep pushing you to the back of the line. I'm real sorry about that." I always thought the self-employed man put business before pleasure. At least that's what my father always did. He'd work 15 hour days to get caught up so that he could take a vacation with the family. Randall is sounding like a selfish worm. I'm glad I sold my ban era Bushmaster instead of having Randall profile it down and thread the muzzle.