View Full Version : Range report

04-11-09, 16:39
I did get the aimpoint sighted in dead center at 25 yrds and within 1/2 to 1 inch at 50 yrds with a good tight group, does this sound normal. the iron sites i got on paper at 25 and 50 i just didnt spend alot of time on the iron sites.

04-11-09, 18:06

In reality you went about it all wrong, even after many others gave their advice. You should have zeroed the irons first and then the Aimpoint. The iron sights should always be relied upon first.

I did get the aimpoint sighted in dead center at 25 yrds and within 1/2 to 1 inch at 50 yrds with a good tight group, does this sound normal. the iron sites i got on paper at 25 and 50 i just didnt spend alot of time on the iron sites.

04-12-09, 00:21
I had a hard time sighting the irons in. It shot low/left and i couldnt figure out which way to get it up/right, i adjusted the rear to the left and didnt seem to help. i also adjusted the front sight up and down and didnt seem to make much difference all at 25 yrds, So i moved to the aimpoint and it was easy to center at 25 and 50. So if i was shooting low/left which way would i move the rear sight???

04-12-09, 00:29
So if i was shooting low/left which way would i move the rear sight???

Up and right I believe
You move the rear sights oppositeof where the bullets are impacting

04-12-09, 00:32
So if i was hitting low to the left, i mover the rear sight to the right?????

04-12-09, 00:47
So if i was hitting low to the left, i mover the rear sight to the right?????

Yes. You'd also make the front sight shorter...screw it down.

Remember though, the adjustments are relatively small at 100 yds, if you're way off at 25, it could take quite a bit.

04-12-09, 00:50
When i look at my adjustment now on the rear it is to the left of the center, so i guess i should center it and start from there right ???

04-12-09, 00:53

In reality you went about it all wrong, even after many others gave their advice. You should have zeroed the irons first and then the Aimpoint. The iron sights should always be relied upon first.

I do it the opposite. Zero the optic first then the Irons. The Irons are back ups only needed if the optic fails. The optic is the primary sight that will be used first. The irons need to be zeroed however. And you should practice with them from time to time to stay familiar in the very unlikely event your optics fail.

04-12-09, 01:01
Thats kinda what i was thinking.

04-12-09, 01:18
With the Aimpoint I sighted the irons first and then I placed the red dot above the front sight post and adjusted from there. It's easier that way with the aimpoint since it's not magnified.

I switched to an ACOG (TA31F) today so I sighted the optic first and then my new Troy flip up rear BUIS. Well, I really didn't have to sight it in. I just threw it on and tried the iron at 100m and they worked just fine :D.

Is there anyone that can help you? Or better yet, is there a class you can take around your area?

04-12-09, 01:21
I got the red dot dead center at 25 yrds and 1 inch at 50 yards.

04-12-09, 03:05
I am old school and was taught to master the iron sights first and then the optic. If your optic takes a shit guess what you will be using next? Iron sights.

I do it the opposite. Zero the optic first then the Irons. The Irons are back ups only needed if the optic fails. The optic is the primary sight that will be used first. The irons need to be zeroed however. And you should practice with them from time to time to stay familiar in the very unlikely event your optics fail.

04-12-09, 03:15
If you're moving the front sight post up and down and it isn't making a difference in where your rounds go, you do not have a consistent sight picture. You need to work on that. Today, 2 clicks of my Troy front sight gave me almost 1.25" of movement at 25 yards.

04-12-09, 03:17
I am old school and was taught to master the iron sights first and then the optic. If your optic takes a shit guess what you will be using next? Iron sights.

I started on Irons too about 12 years ago as well. But they are obsolete now compared with Optics. I agree you should know how to use them but they are a secondary sight. What you are saying makes as much sense to me as driving your car around with the donut spare because you might have to some day when you get a flat.

04-12-09, 03:21
I started on Irons too about 12 years ago as well. But they are obsolete now compared with Optics. I agree you should know how to use them but they are a secondary sight. What you are saying makes as much sense to me as driving your car around with the donut spare because you might have to some day when you get a flat.

This may be, but I damned sure want my irons to be sighted in better than "on paper" at 25 yards.

04-12-09, 03:26
Everyone has opinions, that's what makes this a great place. ;)

I started on Irons too about 12 years ago as well. But they are obsolete now compared with Optics. I agree you should know how to use them but they are a secondary sight. What you are saying makes as much sense to me as driving your car around with the donut spare because you might have to some day when you get a flat.

04-12-09, 03:30
This may be, but I damned sure want my irons to be sighted in better than "on paper" at 25 yards.

I agree and I also make my guys qualify with their Irons as well. Actually I sight my irons on at 50 yards. Same for my red dots. I sight the scopes in at 100. I guess I have a little more faith in my optics than you guys. I would never run a rifle without back up irons.

04-12-09, 03:35
With the amount of EoHells I have seen fail over here I have little faith in optics, even the good ones. Anything man made can fail. I also would never run a rifle without iron sights.

I agree and I also make my guys qualify with their Irons as well. Actually I sight my irons on at 50 yards. Same for my red dots. I sight the scopes in at 100. I guess I have a little more faith in my optics than you guys. I would never run a rifle without back up irons.

04-12-09, 03:36
At this point it seems as if there is something wrong with his BUIS or the manner with which he uses his irons that really should be resolved before he goes to a RDS as a primary. Just my opinion though.

04-12-09, 03:42
With the amount of EoHells I have seen fail over here I have little faith in optics, even the good ones. Anything man made can fail. I also would never run a rifle without iron sights.

I can understand with Eotechs although I was lucky and mine ran. I now run an AImpoint. The battery lasts 8 years and its bullet proof. I have seen Irons fail too. Once during a qualification one of my officers got snow in the aperture and could not see the target causing him to have 2 over time shots by the time he got it fixed.

04-12-09, 07:05
Some here are looking at the Aimpoint itself but not how outside influences might cause issues with it. I have had an Aimpoint trashed due to a bad landing after a HALO and some former teammates have also had theirs (along with other brand sights) damaged during missions....shit happens. I have been on the receiving end of Murphy's butt-stroke too many times in my career to not have my back-ups squared away.

04-12-09, 12:30
So if i was hitting low to the left, i mover the rear sight to the right?????

I think so

04-22-09, 13:44
OP, did you ever get your issue with your iron sights sorted out?

04-22-09, 14:30
I am old school and was taught to master the iron sights first and then the optic.

Me, too, but not for the same reasons...

It usually takes me a while to buy an optic and mount it, so I'm stuck with nothing but irons for a while.

Also, having the irons already dialed in means that I can "boresight" the optic in my backyard by simply lining it up to the same POA as the irons.
