View Full Version : What States still have use for Pre-ban lowers?

RAM Engineer
04-27-09, 11:15
I have a Preban PWA lower that I'd like to sell, but I wasn't sure what states it would be legally allowed in. I'm pretty sure CA is a no go, but what about others like NY, and CT?

This preban lower currently has an A2 stock on it. Should I put an M4 stock on it before I sell it? Does it even matter?

I don't need this lower, and I'd like to help one of my more misfortuned fellow shooters, so I'm not planning on gouging on the price. I was thinking 300-400 complete. I'm just cautious about getting facetime with the man...;)


04-27-09, 14:30
NY and CT both allow pre-ban lowers. Not sure about the rest.

PM sent on lower ;)

04-27-09, 17:30
PWA lowers are banned by name in CA unless registered as an assault weapon prior to 12/31/99

04-28-09, 01:01
MA also has use of Pre-ban lowers as well.

04-28-09, 07:45
I will take it if it is in good shape.

Cold Zero
04-28-09, 19:59
Ram Engineer

Any thoughts on my offer?

Hit me up by email thru the profile.

04-29-09, 12:12
if you want to sell it in MA, the classifieds on Northeastshooters.com would be a good bet.

04-29-09, 16:52
A friend has a Bushmaster 20" A2 that is a preban rifle. The only work he had done was some trigger smoothing. So the lower is worth separating from the upper and selling on it's own? Or would it be better to sell the complete rifle? He was considering modifying it with an adjustable stock, but I told him since it was a preban rifle it may be worth more than current ARs. I am not an expert at the subject.

Cold Zero
04-29-09, 16:59
I would say that it would sell for more if it already had the collapsible stock on it. But, if it does not it probably would not pay to spend the money to convert the A2 to a collapsible. MHO.

04-29-09, 17:51
Reason I ask is that he was thinking of selling it to buy a 16" barreled carbine model. I said that AR rifles and parts are a little scarce and more expensive, so it would be better to simply modify his lower to his liking, and purchase a 16" upper. But neither of us really know if the rifle is "worth" more since it is a pre-ban firearm.

04-30-09, 12:26
But neither of us really know if the rifle is "worth" more since it is a pre-ban firearm.

It certainly is here in MA. Pre-ban rifles sell for a premium here.

04-30-09, 18:34
It'd probably be a better idea to sell it and build something to suit. Thanks.