View Full Version : Georgia Activists Slam USMC High School

05-19-09, 18:36
Putiing this out for discussion. It appears the Marine Corps might be getting into education.


05-19-09, 18:43
The Marine Corps has always been into education.

As a squad leader, I personally taught two PFC's the difference between their left foot, and their other left foot. :D

05-19-09, 21:15
I live in this county and my vote is to keep this school. Any activists ought to first thank the Marines for preserving their right to protest.

I was in the army, but I'll proudly say Semper Fi to this idea!

05-20-09, 00:04
Every school district needs as many of these schools as the market will bear. If I had kids, I'd send my kids there so that they could wipe the floor with the kids who weren't going there.

05-20-09, 00:10
Four and a half years in the Marine Corps taught me more about life than 40 years of college would have. Good for them.


05-20-09, 00:26
I live in this county and my vote is to keep this school. Any activists ought to first thank the Marines for preserving their right to protest.

I was in the army, but I'll proudly say Semper Fi to this idea!

+1. My son is still a few years away from High School, but I would be proud to enroll him if available in our area.


05-20-09, 00:34
Every school district needs as many of these schools as the market will bear. If I had kids, I'd send my kids there so that they could wipe the floor with the kids who weren't going there.


I agree. More options such as this sound good to me.

05-20-09, 03:38
Let me just say that if you watch the news around christmas time you will see the Marine's collecting toys for the under privileged children of our country. If they can help them at least make it thru school with the mindset of higher education our country would be better off. The anti second amendment groups would not like our youth learning about the M16. I say let them learn to use and respect weapons so they will hopefully not grow up and want to own and use a firearm for the wrong reasons. If Marine's can show those children they are valued by society and they end up with a good education. Then the Marine's will have done a great service for those children and the our country.

05-20-09, 06:17
“We are opposed to recruiting children into the military this way at such early ages. This is the trend: Giving out free violent video games, inviting them to come and fire weapons to get them used to the idea of shooting. Thinking that nothing bad will happen,” said Grace Hawkins, a member of Atlanta Grandmother’s for Peace and the Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition.

“This jolly idea, we will oppose it every way we can,” she told Military.com.

Thanks for posting this thread. This lady is the problem and the one who is ruining any shot these kids have at some future in life. I spent four years in JROTC and there was a zero tolerance policy with goofing off with weapons on in the range. I would like for these clowns to produce some proof that teaching kids the safe way to handle and fire weapons as apposed to the clowns on the corner will turn kids into killers. I know in our program we had zero incidents of kids getting into trouble outside of school with guns. If anything JROTC makes you work harder in school and teaches you responsibility. I know out of all of my schooling including college, I use the skills that I learned in JROTC the most and have outpaced my peers.

Since most of these kids don't have fathers they are the one's who need stable, responsible role models in their life. I only see nothing but good things coming out of this program.

05-20-09, 12:07
I don't understand what the big deal is. :confused: In my area there are at least a half-dozen Military Academies who have been in existence since the Civil War.

05-20-09, 13:04
I'd like to clone 'Gunny Highway," and put him in EVERY class in America! :D

Failing that, this is a good start...

05-20-09, 13:31
I received the finest education possible in Parris Island. I think that this is one of the best ideas going. Instituting a sense of commitment, discipline, honor and other virtues is sorely lacking in the majority of schools. I see nothing but benefits from something like this.

05-20-09, 23:32
I live in this county and my vote is to keep this school. Any activists ought to first thank the Marines for preserving their right to protest.

I was in the army, but I'll proudly say Semper Fi to this idea!

First, I didn't know anyone's right to protest was in such jeopardy that we needed the Marine's to preserve it. Second, I guess while they were so busy preserving this right to protest that they forgot to protect the right to not have your private property from being confiscated at the point of a gun to support a socialist school system.
It was probably this same government school system that indoctrinated you with the belief that the military protects your freedoms, while the only legitimate threat to your freedoms is government, which the military has done nothing to protect you from.

05-22-09, 13:15
First, I didn't know anyone's right to protest was in such jeopardy that we needed the Marine's to preserve it. Second, I guess while they were so busy preserving this right to protest that they forgot to protect the right to not have your private property from being confiscated at the point of a gun to support a socialist school system.
It was probably this same government school system that indoctrinated you with the belief that the military protects your freedoms, while the only legitimate threat to your freedoms is government, which the military has done nothing to protect you from.

First I get the opinion you don't really like the Marine Corps. Second I believe the point that was trying to be made was like other branches of the military the Marine Corp protects this country, the people in it & what it stands for. I grant that things in this country are some what phuked up right now. However placing the blame on the Marine Corps or the military in general seems a far cry for me.

That being said I would like to thank everyone else for the support of the school. I agree it seems like a good idea.

05-22-09, 22:53
I don't understand what the big deal is. :confused: In my area there are at least a half-dozen Military Academies who have been in existence since the Civil War.
same here

05-23-09, 00:08
First I get the opinion you don't really like the Marine Corp. Second I believe the point that was trying to be made was like other branches of the military the Marine Corp protects this country, the people in it & what it stands for. I grant that things in this country are some what phuked up right now. However placing the blame on the Marine Corp or the military in general seems a far cry for me.

That being said I would like to thank everyone else for the support of the school. I agree it seems like a good idea.

That's not at all what he's saying, and I think he raises some very good points.


05-23-09, 17:34
First, I didn't know anyone's right to protest was in such jeopardy that we needed the Marines to preserve it. Second, I guess while they were so busy preserving this right to protest that they forgot to protect the right to not have your private property from being confiscated at the point of a gun to support a socialist school system.

It was probably this same government school system that indoctrinated you with the belief that the military protects your freedoms, while the only legitimate threat to your freedoms is government, which the military has done nothing to protect you from.
Agreed. Many don't get this. I love the concept of MILITIA not standing army. YOU/WE/US are our defenders not the military which was described by Anti-Federalists as being "the bane" of liberty.

05-23-09, 17:36
First, I didn't know anyone's right to protest was in such jeopardy that we needed the Marines to preserve it. Second, I guess while they were so busy preserving this right to protest that they forgot to protect the right to not have your private property from being confiscated at the point of a gun to support a socialist school system.

It was probably this same government school system that indoctrinated you with the belief that the military protects your freedoms, while the only legitimate threat to your freedoms is government, which the military has done nothing to protect you from.
Agreed. Many don't get this. I love the concept of MILITIA not standing army. YOU/WE/US are our defenders not the military which was described by Anti-Federalists as being "the bane of liberty".

05-23-09, 17:37
What a fantastic idea...

Why would anyone have a problem with it is beyond me...

ARMY Vet, but I have friends in every service...

They get my support... Semper Fi! :D

on the flip side...

We should require all graduates to serve at least two years in the service like many other countries... It might just teach them a thing or two about responsibility and morals.

05-23-09, 17:38
I only have one thing to say about this. . . . . .


05-23-09, 17:40
First I get the opinion you don't really like the Marine Corp. Second I believe the point that was trying to be made was like other branches of the military the Marine Corp protects this country, the people in it & what it stands for. I grant that things in this country are some what phuked up right now. However placing the blame on the Marine Corp or the military in general seems a far cry for me.

That being said I would like to thank everyone else for the support of the school. I agree it seems like a good idea.

He's not picking on the USMC at all. He's describing the TRUTH of the matter. You think Jefferson, Madison, Paine, Washington, et als, would agree with you on this matter? They would not. The military answers to the PRESIDENT now that we've "broken the system and approved it." Only CONGRESS can LAWFULLY declare war per the Constitution but we've seen obfuscation on the term "war" and we've witnessed Clinton and Bush abuse their LAWFUL authority - with the full backing of Congress and the bulk of the American populace.

What will be required to awaken this nation from it's slumber? I have a sneaking suspicion that we WON'T wake up. We must first understand THE TYPE OF GOV'T WE WERE BLESSED WITH & OUR LAWS OF THE LAND or all is lost.

05-25-09, 17:08
First, I didn't know anyone's right to protest was in such jeopardy that we needed the Marine's to preserve it. I find it hard to believe that you did not understand what dl021 meant in his post. So I am guessing that you have some real bitterness toward all gov entities. While I think that some of it is justified the military is not where it should be directed, unless you are talking about the top brass as in 0-7 and above. Any failing of our military lies at the top

Second, I guess while they were so busy preserving this right to protest that they forgot to protect the right to not have your private property from being confiscated at the point of a gun to support a socialist school system. Sadly I have to agree.

It was probably this same government school system that indoctrinated you with the belief that the military protects your freedoms, while the only legitimate threat to your freedoms is government, which the military has done nothing to protect you from

At least you got it correct by calling it "government school" . Our school system does not teach good citizens but produce drones incapable of true thought. My wife is a teacher and she and I have had many talks on this and while she agrees, within the school system her hands are tied by the state. I do however think that the school that this thread is about is a step in the correct direction. Private and home are currently the 2 best schooling systems we have, and the only education systems available.

Agreed. Many don't get this. I love the concept of MILITIA not standing army. YOU/WE/US are our defenders not the military which was described by Anti-Federalists as being "the bane of liberty".

We most assuredly need a militia, and currently we do not have the one that we need. The main reason for that goes back to our current education system. Having said that we HAVE to have a standing military. Now more than ever we need professional war fighters. This is not the 17 or 1800's where combat skills merely consisted of some artillery, infantry and some cav(yes I know, I am over simplifying) With the advent of modern weaponry and technology in general the pace of warfare is far quicker and if you don't already have people up to speed you will loose. As a mere infantryman I can tell you that if you want to be better than the other guy, and come home, and bring your troops home, it is a full time job. There is a reason that active duty units typically do perform better than reserve units. This is not a hit to reservist just the way it USUALLY is. I am sorry, but if you feel that a standing military is a threat to our freedom, you need to research your history a little better and get up to speed on the world around you

05-26-09, 02:25
"§ 1889. The next amendment is "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

"§ 1890. The importance of this article will scarcely be doubted by any persons, who have duly reflected upon the subject. The militia is the natural defence of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time ofanding armies in time of peace, both from the enormous expenses, with which they are attended, and the facilee means, which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the government, or trample upon the rights of the people. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. [FN1] And yet, thought this truth would seem so clear, and the importance of a well regulated militia would seem so undeniable, it cannot be disguised, that among the American people there is a growing indifference to any system of militia discipline, and a strong disposition, from a sense of its burthens, to be rid of all regulations. How is it practicable to keep the people duly armed without some organization, it is difficult to see. There is certainly no small danger, that indifference may lead to disgust, and disgust to contempt; and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our national bill of rights. [FN2]

- Supreme Court Justice, Joseph Story 1812-1845

A standing military funded indefinitely became a reality when we no longer had the luxury of months to raise an army, and the ocean could no longer act as an effective barrier to destruction.

That being said, we should have gone to the swiss/israeli militia system years ago. The backbone of the country has always been our citizenry, not a reliance on the standing military. If our citizens were of poor quality in WWII, we would have ended up like Poland. I'm for anything that makes kids disciplined, dangerous, and able to piss off the sensibilities of the French. I won't waste my time hanging around people of limited mental capacity, who can't or wont defend themselves.

05-26-09, 06:24
That being said, we should have gone to the swiss/israeli militia system years ago. The backbone of the country has always been our citizenry, not a reliance on the standing military. If our citizens were of poor quality in WWII, we would have ended up like Poland. I'm for anything that makes kids disciplined, dangerous, and able to piss off the sensibilities of the French. I won't waste my time hanging around people of limited mental capacity, who can't or wont defend themselves.


05-26-09, 10:19
- Supreme Court Justice, Joseph Story 1812-1845

A standing military funded indefinitely became a reality when we no longer had the luxury of months to raise an army, and the ocean could no longer act as an effective barrier to destruction.

That being said, we should have gone to the swiss/israeli militia system years ago. The backbone of the country has always been our citizenry, not a reliance on the standing military. If our citizens were of poor quality in WWII, we would have ended up like Poland. I'm for anything that makes kids disciplined, dangerous, and able to piss off the sensibilities of the French. I won't waste my time hanging around people of limited mental capacity, who can't or wont defend themselves.
bingo! I have no need or desire to "project force across the globe." That's what ICBMs are for. However, we must be able to defend our homeland and that comes to you and I. It also involves a lot of training which I adore.

05-26-09, 18:39
After reading a few of the posts after mine to Leonidas all I can say is the following. My initial read of his post seemed to have a very negative vibe about the military & I used that when reading the whole post. Now that others have weighed in with their comments I can see how others have come to different conclusions from reading it & how some of them make sense. I have re-read the post several times & it still seems to me that his post was intended to be a bash on the military, now thats just my view from what I read. Any way thanks for the discusions & the information.

05-26-09, 23:23
It's Marine Corps, Spade.:rolleyes:

05-27-09, 17:35
It's Marine Corps, Spade.:rolleyes:

Good catch :) no disrespect intended, half the time I can't spell my own name

05-27-09, 18:23
Good catch :) no disrespect intended, half the time I can't spell my own name

Only half;)? Are you sure on your math:p?

05-27-09, 19:18
Only half;)? Are you sure on your math:p?

Ah I see how you are bud, kick a man when he's down.............but you may have a point