View Full Version : More questions on joining the CG

05-20-09, 14:50
A while ago i posted a thread about joining the CG. Ive gotten very serious about it and have gotten in contact with a recruiter. I want to get into the ME (maritime enforcement specialist) rating. This rating is new, and the recruiter has told me that its A school doesent open till december. I understand that. So i was also considering port security, however, my recruiter is telling me that they will not guarantee me a school out of boot camp.

Now, i havent re taken my ASVAB yet, however, last time i took it i had a very high score. I have to retake it because my scores expired.

I asked him, "well what if i score real high on my ASVAB again? if i cant get ME can i get PS?"

he just said no, they will not put an A school in my contract that if i want to join i will have to non rate. I DO NOT want to non rate into the CG as ive been told by both of my uncles (one navy [senior cheif] , one airforce [lt. col] ) and by a good navy friend of mine [lt. cmndr] , that going in a non rate is a horrible idea that is guarenteed to get me stuck chipping paint while you wait to get into an a school.

Ive spoken with every other branch of the military (navy, air force, army, marines) and they all told me they would guarantee me an A school. so why would the CG be any different?

is my recruiter just full of shit or is this really the case? im willing to wait to join if it means gettin the ME rate.

Does anybody know anyone in the CG i can contact and actually get a straight answer?

Thanks guys,


05-20-09, 17:59
PM sent

05-20-09, 19:17
replied, thx r/tdriver.

05-20-09, 20:27
You should be able to find all the regs online. With alittle research I bet you'll find what you need. Try Military.com

05-20-09, 22:18
I left USCG almost 10 years ago, but the "No guaranteed A School" policy was in full force back then unless they were short in critical rates and needed guys in the pipeline as quickly as possible. These "critical rates" were usually the ones no one really wanted t do do - the most unpopular one I recall were fire control technicians since they basically did 80% of their carer afloat on a WHEC or WMEC. Most folks were non-rates for varying times until slots opened up in their A school choice.

Aviation rates seemed like the longest wait. I had some guys who were non-rates for two years waiting to get into aviation. The needs of the service will vary from year to year and policies change to reflect it. The LE side of USCG fought for years t develop a specific career rate for LE specialists - its good to see the idea has finally taken hold, but unless the service has changed drastically, ME is going to be very, very popular, which means you may be waiting awhile for A school - just like aviation was hot in the 1990's.

Unlike the other military sister services, the USCG has rarely (if ever AFAIK) had problems filling their ranks- officer or enlisted. Most recruiters waited for folks to find them, rather than pounding the pavement and pressing the flesh in high schools looking for potential recruits.

Having worked with all of the other services in some capacity during my career, I would recommend USCG over all others - the mission never goes away, you get a lot of responsibility at an early age, the quality of the folks tended to be higher since they could be more selective in who they recruit, and the job is a lot of very hard work but very rewarding. Good luck!!


05-20-09, 23:06
Unlike the other military sister services, the USCG has rarely (if ever AFAIK) had problems filling their ranks- officer or enlisted. Most recruiters waited for folks to find them, rather than pounding the pavement and pressing the flesh in high schools looking for potential recruits.

I don't think I've ever met a Coast Guard recruiter. They certainly didn't come out to our HS or college (yet I've met a CBP recruiter), nor any job fairs.